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22275247 No.22275247 [Reply] [Original]

You guys read it yet? Is he the Nietzschean he claims to be?

>> No.22275252

I read a few pages of the book, it's bad

>> No.22275253

just shitty diluted stoic philosophy
Read anything by Epictetus, Aurelius, etc instead it would be much more insightful

>> No.22275278

>stoic philosophy
Really? Not what I got out of it at all.
How do you read stoicism in it?

>> No.22275342

I have already hitlerized bapian thought. He has been transcended.

>> No.22275361
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go back to >>>/amarna/ trannie

>> No.22275362

You've already got one shill thread up, champ. Cool it.

>> No.22275390

The real redpill is that the true Nitzscheans and stoics of history have always occupied the places of the aristocracy. The concentration of such characters in the modern era is so low that there is virtually no real aristocracy left. The impotent and degenerate "arostocracy" of bankers and politicians need not to apply. I mean real aristocrats who exclude plebs from participating in the government and who take at least 90% of the profit for themselves and who fight with other enterprises and governments to death. Because taking Greek or Early Modern philosophy to it's full practice means exactly that. It was already too late when I noticed what I had become.

>> No.22275401

we have ascended the need for aristocrats, nigger. the homo democratus is present here. kneel. kneel. KNEEL. NIGGER

>> No.22275417

Not an argument.

>> No.22275455

? This is my only thread, boy. I checked the catalog before posting like a responsible anon.

>> No.22275465

What is his response to replacement level immigration in the west? Seems like he'd say whites should strike out and reconquer Mexico instead of sitting here like ducks in an ever shrinking pond.

>> No.22275470

>stoic philosophy

>> No.22275482

Forget about the migration
The problem started with the downfall of the aristocracies beginning from the 18th Century onward
THEY were the only ones truly concerned with racial purity after all
To be noble you had to show proof that all your 16 Great-Great-Grand parents had been noble people too
The "white" plebs can fuck off they're literally part of the problem

>> No.22275548

>you had to show proof that all your 16 Great-Great-Grand parents had been noble people too
How did XVII century aristocrats got "proof" that their moms, grans and gran-grans did not ride the butler, and that their dads did not fuck the maid and 9 months later came to their moms punched them in the faces and handed them the babe like it's theirs?

Seeing as we know for a fact that aristocracy of any period was fantastically, overwhelmingly disloyal.

And that's before we remember that most aristocratic marriages pursued political or financial goals and not good breeding (Hapsburg jaw, Victorian inbreeding of royal families, Elizabeth II being a direct descendant of Mohammed, etc)...

I mean it seems like pointing out racial impurity was a convenient way of undermining your opponents at court, but hot damn most aristocrats in any time period managed to be simultaneously cosmopolitan mutts of questionable legitimacy and inbred downies at the same time.

>> No.22275558

Um, my understanding is that whites still control Mexico. The principal Mexican fortunes are all linked to Spain, save Slim's.

>> No.22275568

Of course such things happened
There's a reason they weren't recognized as being legitimately in their place as the aristocracy at some point you know
It could be said that after more than 900 years of rule they had become too similar to the plebs

>> No.22275571

There were always two founts for nobility: antiquity and military glory.

>> No.22275577

It's a fun short book, but he misses the nuance of Nietzsche. BAP is all for master morality, but the masters are shallow and naive. The slave may be resentful and self hating, but he's also creative, which is something that is lacking in BAP's advice. The ubermensch must have the vitality of the master but without his shallowness, and the creativity of the slave but without his resentment.

>> No.22275591

Well that and money, like usury. ESPECIALLY illegal usury. And land property. And document forgery. And literal unambiguous nepotism. And butt-licking favoritism. And cultural brainwashing.

Come to think of it, aristocrats were the jews of Europe since before Jews. Might explain why they were never on good terms - same ecological niche and all that.

>> No.22275593

Lol, sounds like your ancestors loved plowing other people's fields for free

>> No.22275607

Sounds like you ancestors kept telling everyone that theirs is a very special tribe chosen by God, until someone booty-blaster them and nicked all their shit.

>> No.22275615

No they owned their own land
They knew how to build storage houses and wagons
They were their own men, independent from everyone else

>> No.22275654

These are some crude ideas you got there mate.

>> No.22275709

Cobnfirmed jew with ties to glowie agencies.
I read a few pages years ago and couldnt stand his style and he wasnt making any interesring points.

Controlled Opposition fake and gay.

>> No.22275713

"Alamariu was born in Romania in 1980 and immigrated to the U.S. with his family. He attended Newton South High School near Boston, majored in mathematics at MIT, and in philosophy at Columbia University. He graduated with a Ph.D. in political science at Yale, with a 2015 dissertation titled "The Problem of Tyranny and Philosophy in the Thought of Plato and Nietzsche."

I'm not sure Alamariu is missing anything, the book is meant to be a mercenary meme book designed to make money for him and serve as fizzy pop entertainment for bougie Rightists, who metaphorically like the pluck the wings or otherwise torment Lefties. I wouldn't pay any money to detect whatever code might be in the book, as any coded message is bound to just be the equivalent of a Decoder Ring in a Captain Crunch cereal itself: just more of the same mercenariness designed to sell the book to the wider more literalist and credulous audience, if such exists.

>> No.22275720

Ancien France encouraged racemixing in Haiti as a means to cement their claim to the island‘s resources dude

>> No.22275723

The correct take.

>> No.22275737

You can say whatever you want but as long as you can't find a reasonable explanation for why the nobilities of the Middle Ages asked for 16 noble grand-grand parents for someone to be recognized as noble if not for the mantainment of the purity of the blood the main point stands

>> No.22275775

Have you read A New Nobility of Blood and Soil by Darre?

>> No.22275778

Good post, thank you
Any other book recommendations?

>> No.22275789 [DELETED] 

This is not correct, beginning in the 13th century, the fons honorum was the sovereign: to whom the king had accorded such an honor, such an honor could not be doubted by any other subject. Of course your principle is also self contradictory in its absurdity: are you to tell us that the nobility recognized no new nobilities, even though they too had once been new, or that their ancestors had not been nobles because they could not demonstrate 16 noble grabs parents in turn? If their ancestors could not demonstrate such exacting nobility (if only 14 noble grandparents their own grandparents were not noble?), how could they be nobles themselves?

>> No.22275797

This is not correct, beginning in the 13th century, the fons honorum was the sovereign: to whom the king had accorded such an honor, such an honor could not be doubted by any other subject. Of course your principle is also self contradictory in its absurdity: are you to tell us that the nobility recognized no new nobilities, even though they too had once been new, or that their ancestors had not been nobles because they could not demonstrate 16 noble grandparents in turn? If their ancestors could not demonstrate such exacting nobility (if only 14 noble grandparents their own grandparents were not noble?), how could they be nobles themselves?

>> No.22275866

There was different types of nobilities but most of them was copyists
The original nobilities worked by the principle explained above
Usually to become a knight you had to have 16 noble great great grandparents I just looked it up
All the noble families that predate the 15th Century were in touch with this principle

>> No.22275868

Glorification of thuggishness.

>> No.22275895
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The biggest problem with BAPfags is that most of them end up "apolitical" gymcel zoomer faggots. You have to supplement BAP with "self-improvement literature" of a different sort (pic related) and avoid being depoliticized at all costs. There are a lot of thinktanks out there that want you to read things like this, Peter Thiel, and that dumb NRx shit, and think you're superior to flyover plebs. Instead, learn how to speak to the flyover plebs and survive the "great politics" (the part of Nietzsche completely missed by these witting or unwitting depoliticizers) to come. Individualism is a disease, and all mere individuals will be absorbed or crushed by the great political organisms that are coming. Those organisms can be headless Chinese or techno-finance mercenary armies or they can be ethnostates grounded in wisdom traditions. Which one of these outcomes comes to fruition will depend on the demographic presently being attracted to BAP type literature. That's why it is so important not to read it one-sidedly and not to become a mere faggot gymcel living in a dying world.

>> No.22275977

BAP is like Nietzsche in that he is obviously a nerdy academic with delusional fantasies or being a warrior. ‘Power fantasies of an invalid.’

Unlike Nietzsche, BAP has the internet so he can masquerade as a strong and manly warrior online and use funny 4chan and groyper lingo to seem cool and edgy.

I have listened to his Carribean Rhythms podcast and his episode with Curtis Yarvin. They both seem reasonably well read but I cannot get past the fact that they are both dorky nerds trying to be edgy, strong, cool, and dark.

They did not get laid a lot as teens. You can tell.

>> No.22275996
File: 148 KB, 784x1390, 63A90E52-6188-45F5-99EC-0E2E830438A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche wanted to be like Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

>> No.22276020

Another excellent post.
Any book recommendations?

>> No.22276260

Don't compare Nietzsche with this meme pop philosophy guy. It takes a lot of work to go through Nietzsche's work and understand it, he presents magnitudes more than this twitter personality ever could.

>> No.22276294

Nietzsche is certainly an interesting read… however Russell was spot on about his analysis of Nietzsche in his book The History of Western Philosophy.

I will do such things –
What they are yet I know not – but they shall be
The terror of the earth.'

This is Nietzsche’s philosophy in a nutshell.

I read The Genealogy of Morals. It makes for exciting reading but the weird logic of it is flawed. Nietzsche looks at the history of how words like ‘good’ and ‘bad’ change in different ancient language and he wildly speculates that a slave-priest caste must have risen up to convince and soothe people with the idea that being weak and oppressed was good and that there must be a nice heavenly platonic world where all the oppressed people get to go. ‘Christianity is Platonism for the people.’ Is what he says in Beyond Good and Evil.

He writes amazingly and it is all interesting stuff but it is based on such madly flimsy linguistic evidence and lot of just speculation.

You can kinda see how Nietzsche, an sickly and weak boy send briefly to a rough school for commoners and raised in a house of overbearing women, decided that strength was everything, the common folk were useless compared to nobility, and that women were property.

He was clearly a linguistic genius and his command of language is incredibly but clearly mentally unwell and project his deep neuroses and issues into his philosophy.

>> No.22276316
File: 338 KB, 828x1170, 677D163E-1EB4-40F9-8E55-37454D35D5FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russell was spot on about his analysis of Nietzsche
I refuted it in my Russel the Cuck Crump by Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

>> No.22276442

BAP: Brown Shirt American Patriot

>> No.22276590

>people still shilling this garbage

>> No.22276802

Is this some kind of new (perhaps not so new) far left strategy to veil their shit ideology in tough, back to nature, seemingly attractive to the right, drivel? I'm 30 pages in and I'm pretty sure this guy is just an old school Marxist.

>> No.22276923

I complains on twitter about it, blames Catholics and some guy called vermule

>> No.22276927

too bad about all that. the rothschilds and other types are now a “noble” family too

>> No.22276955

I absolutely cannot take extremely online middle aged white guys seriously.

Every single time is a larp,lie or grift.

>> No.22277169
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>> No.22277502

It seems like BAP is starting to appeal to an increasingly stupid public.
Sad to see. I wonder if it is just the influx of undereducated zoomers.

>> No.22277697

Self-improovment is liberal cancer,

>> No.22277730


>> No.22278110

it's literally just a 138 page shitpost. a funny one, a clever one, but a shitpost nonetheless

>> No.22278143

I just finished it after seeing it shilled so much on here (piracy of course, I don't give nitwits money).
...it's bad... really bad. So bad that it has to be intentional.
It's Nietzsche but for 75 IQs.
It's paganist and primordialist, yet somehow boring. How do you make that boring?
It's racist, yet the author is Romanian (lmaoooo)

Honestly - it's a fun read, as long as you read it through the lens of imagining the person who reads it and takes it seriously.
It's a sort of a self-exclusion. If you read this and liked it, you are obviously a 22 year old upper middle class white kid. You are the bottom of the tribalist totem pole. 90% of the rest of the male population are more capable. Cute LARP though.

(To be clear, I don't think the author is stupid or doesn't know what he's doing. BAP obviously knows who his target audience is, and is all too aware of how to fleece them for some shekels.)

>> No.22278147

I also found glaringly obvious Marxist references. He all but calls it class warfare.
I've thought about doing something in that light. I honestly believe you could sell the entire fringe right on Marxism if you veiled it in racism and traditionalism.

>> No.22278173

Do people actually buy this shit?
You sound like a massive dweeb
The average "muh modern riiiiiight" is a 21 year old upper middle class fraternity guy or a 43 year old middle management divorcee.
Ya'll make fun of the pink haired lefties, but I'm pretty sure the average crust punk commie woman would BODY Brantford Swanson III from George Mason University.
It's a LARP - it's always been a LARP.

>> No.22278196

You're brown

>> No.22278227

If you post wrist, I will post wrist - let's see whomst is whitest
Get off 4chan, Bradley. You have Econ 102 exam tomorrow!

>> No.22278423

if you post cock, i will post cock. let's see whomst's cock is the widest

>> No.22278608

>"Lord, make my enemies cringe," and God granted it

>> No.22278639

You're illiterate, "fren". Many noble families lost status over time and descended on the social hierarchy, practically replaced original pleb populations historically. Most European commoners have some trace of Noble descent. I killed a nigger in 2009.

>> No.22278646

Nigga terminally online chuds are definitely not upper-middle class frat bros. Those people are all center-right or apolitical. Real chuds who would have heard of anyone from BAP to Yockey to Yarvin to Bowden to Evola are all freaky incels, “that weird quiet kid” in class. Frat bros get about as radical as Peterson and Tate plus maybe some random anti-vaxx crap

>> No.22278652

The book has no real thought but is pretty funny

>> No.22278735

I thought his writings on reincarnation were interesting. They are not necessarily original but I think they were my first exposure to that particular notion
Likewise the section on the subject of homosexuality, its causes & nature was insightful

>> No.22278932

It's badly written, I have never understood why it gets so much praise. Just read Harassment Architecture instead.

>> No.22278959

Michelle pls...

>> No.22279524

I know that. I just pretend they are who they pretend to be as a way to steelman them.

>> No.22279790

His response is that declining birthrates is a much less of an issue than people say and is only brought up as a backdoor for normalizing the influx of brown people into first world countries.

>> No.22279884

Easily one of the most important works of our age. It actively captures the religious delusion of the Bronze Age world through its exhortation, and sees sexual decadence as an inevitable characteristic of people through their interaction with the modern world. Unlike typical social conservative faggot pessimists, BAP considers the exaltation of masculinity as performative decadence as the only real solution to the Longhouse, which is THE pre-eminent issue of abject Judeo-Feminism’s rule over the mediocre brown horde immigrants of the First World. What follows is the “age of piracy,” a pseudo-future where masculinity arrives in its most idealistic format; the utter destruction of civilization and the ascent of the mercenary-privateer as the true successor to Christian Chivalry, the knighted cavalry-equites of yore, and ultimately the ancient Aryan Pastoralists of the Eastern Steppe. It is an ideal where the gods of old return en masse to plunge the dysfunctional, dysgenic societies of today in order to give rise to a new platoon of aristocracies who can rebirth Western Civilization in the collective death of billions as a mercy act towards its degenerated effeminate state of today.

>> No.22279938

>posted from mom's basement

>> No.22280049

Seneca was a slave

>> No.22280222

Nope and don't plan to.

>> No.22280407


>> No.22280555
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Well put.

>> No.22280740

>just shitty diluted stoic philosophy
Pardon? Would you happen to be retarded maybe?

>> No.22281315

>What is his response to replacement level immigration in the west?
Aside from his "response" he is the only guy on the right with a large following who truly understands the consequences of limitless immigration and how the 21st century will be make it or break it for Europe as "climate refugees" will seek to enter Europe by the billions. The current waves of immigration are just the warm-up. Europe's response to this influx will determine the course of Western civilization forever. He posts about TND a lot but as far as practical solutions go I think he's pretty pessimistic. For what it's worth I plan to just fucking leave and let Europe die, these people don't want to be saved as evidenced by the fact that France rejected Le Pen TWICE, and the first time was right after muslims killed 80 people in cold blood. If that didn't wake people up, nothing will.

>> No.22281333

>the Nietzsche was weak meme
Despite his ill health he still hiked 8 hours per day in either the Swiss Alps or the hilly Italian coastline, every day.

>> No.22281482

Where do you live in Europe that anti-immigrant sentiment isn't mainstream?
Listen to the French talk about the riots.
The Dutch gov't just collapsed over immigration control (rather, lack thereof).
Britain hates immigrants so much they don't even want European ones.
Anti-immigrant sentiment is vastly greater in Europe than in places like the US or Canada.

>Nietzsche could walk
That does not refute him as weak.

>> No.22281483

That sentiment isn't translating to fucking anything.

>> No.22281484

Not saying that immigration isn't a problem but there's realer problems than that. The West is considered degenerate in Asia and anyone who even went there for just a few months is made fun of for "having visited gender-mixed saunas".

>> No.22281500

What >>22281483 said, plus how is Europe realistically going to halt the avalanche of "climate refugees" that is surely going to come? I mentioned Le Pen, but even if she had won, there is nothing she could've done do halt immigration, let alone begin the Herculean labor of *repatriation.* Even if Europe stopped all immigration tomorrow, there is the birth rate issue that will see us become a minority in a few decades, with or without immigration. And again, even with a right-wing extremist at the helm, the EU would stop your little repatriation project faster than you could say "please go".
>That does not refute him as weak.
You try hiking in the Swiss mountains for 8 hours every single day for a whole summer then come back and say this again.
Fix the demographics, and all the rest will fall into place eventually. But replace Europeans with 80 IQ Somalis and luck trying to fix literally any other problem we currently face.

>> No.22281565

The Somalis aren't a real problem. They don't mix, they're faithful to their religion. And as long as they don't acquire any real amounts of private property, wich us only getting more and more expensive, returning to their home country will always look like an attractive option. I think you're seeing a problem where there isn't. I can even see the day in a not so distant future when most of Europe became native again. Where I see a problem is in the white lefties who push for more degeneracy and decadence in the parliament.

>> No.22281631

I don't disagree - it doesn't materialize, because it isn't necessarily MAJORITY popular, despite being mainstream.
What would you advocate for?

>> No.22281638

Even if it were majority popular - then what? Forces beyond democratic consensus are at work here. The very first step towards anything resembling a solution would be an exit out of the EU. But in most countries this isn't even a conversation. All the while, the clock is ticking. Frankly I'm just too pessimistic and I think Europe is already dead.

>> No.22281648

Are there any countries doing it right? What is your model. If Europe is dead, where will you go?

>> No.22281655

France is lost. Germany is lost. Russia is lost. What is left? Spain and England. But in fact only England and Spain besides another few tiny and unimportant ones. Literally the only European countries that still have soul - the only ones that didn't have their violent revolutions, their programs, their guillotine massacres and their large scale degeneracy and progressivism. A detailed analysis of the facts shows that real Europe has seen itself reduced to two countries in a matter of three Centuries.

>> No.22281662

Among Western nations probably Switzerland will hold out the longest, but they're just kicking the can down the road ultimately, they'll suffer the same fate eventually. In Iceland probably you can have a good life in the next 50 years. Personally I'm moving to Latin America to work on my online business in a low tax, low cost of living environment, until such time as I can move to Iceland, and maybe Eastern Europe is still around by then. But as Western Europe falls surely the East will follow. Many are going to Asia. Japan, South Korea, Thailand. For me personally I just don't like those countries, they're not to my taste.
England is perhaps the most lost country of all. They're out of the EU, sure, but have you been to London? Not to speak of Birmingham and all the rest.

The way I see it, there are no "good" countries anymore, only "less bad" countries. It is what it is.

>> No.22281689

Switzerland is Brahminic in how it is dealing with the degeneracy of the West. But Switzerland is a country of 8 millions while England is a country of 55 millions. I have read that they have a lot of immigration and such wich might be due to the Commonwealth and such but they're a huge people wich Switzerland is not. They still have their royal family, their nobilities and the government is very conservative - facts wich other countries of the mainland can not uphold. They recently accepted foreigners into their government but is that going to last? I think they will proof useless for the government of the English people and soon resort back to English people. But England definitely isn't as fucked up as are countries like France, Germany or Russia and with some good government they still have the potential to rise back to their further glory.

>> No.22281690

I get the pessimism but at the end of the day the migrants aren't in Europe exactly because they like so much the weather or anything, especially north Europe. Their locust-like nature can work also in favor of moving out of Europe as soon as they have utterly looted it of any residual wealth there still is from the colonial era, especially as long as the dollar-euro has a value and they can go back home living like kings for a while exploiting the currency value.
The ultimate consequence certainly would seem to be the complete twilight of Europe as a relevant region of the world.

>> No.22282205

This book changed my life and made me abandon politics to transcend into a realm of Heroic Excellence.
It’s also not supposed to convince you. You either get it or you don’t. Either this awakens the Aryan spark in you or not. If you dismiss this book with NPC morality terms like pseudo, faux or LARP you have terminal NPC brainrot and lack of soul. You might sneer at being superior by dissing it, but it‘s like saying you are superior for not getting scared when watching horror movies. There is simply something missing in you that others have and you make that lack into a point of pride. Like deaf people getting mad at people trying to cure deafness and people like mr Beast especially.

>> No.22282430

In what way?

>> No.22282439


>> No.22282466

BAP is Jewish and I don't trust the fact that he hid his Jewish ancestry.

>> No.22282473

>the weird logic of it is flawed
Why? We are seeing it happening right now. Minorities are the new slaves, convincing the masters, now completely lacking in vitality, to feel guilty of their privileges and give them away. Of course, western civilization was poisoned by slave morality from the start, but its will to power was still strong enough to endure it for a while, but that's over. People are unironically kneeling to blacks kek.

>> No.22282479

You guys will really read this retarded babytalk, downstream gutter high school philosophy, to avoid reading any serious book.

>> No.22282482

>to avoid reading any serious book
True, /lit/ is full of rightoids who refuse to read any theory.

>> No.22282529
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Costin is Jewish, a plot point he fails to mention in the book nor on twitter. Relevant only because his sanitized Nietzschean brand is constructed as a gatekeeping operation against the American populist right to keep them squarely and pathologically philosemitic.

>> No.22283712

I'm not a fan of the fucking Jews but for the love of God can we discuss ideas instead of always discussing people???

>> No.22283725

I think anyone who Googles this guy will quickly be informed that he's Jewish, it's no state secret.

>> No.22284164

This. It's bizarre to me when people denigrate BAP with the tired 'jew' line, while ignoring this. Instead they might go and shill Nick Fuentes or some other 'based' online 'trad-cath' larpers, who are perfectly happy to ignore migration the moment it serves their religious ideations. Such people, and many conservatives at that truthfully believe that the masses of Hondurans and Haitians can be reformed so long as they adopt whatever blend of sexual or religious puritanism is in vogue. In contrast, BAP has been extremely consistent for a long time. Europeans and North Americans need to end mass migration, period. No other concerns, whether they be religious or moral or whatever have you are more important that this.

>> No.22284222

>the true Nitzscheans and stoics of history have always occupied the places of the aristocracy
What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you saying Nietzschean and stoics are comparable?
When you say Nietzschean do you mean Ubermensch?
Do you know that Nietzsche wasn't an aristocrat?
Do you know that Epictetus was a slave?
Please explain.
I'm curious, are you someone who says academic philosophy isn't real philosophy, yet can't make one claim without being riddled with ambiguity?

>> No.22284868


It's interesting that the TRS crowd argues the exact same thing, despite hating BAP with a passion.

>> No.22284884

BAPcord trannies in da thread tonite

>> No.22284916

You're wild for saying Harrassment Architecture is better, although I did get some chuckles out of it. Mike just seems like he's pretending to be cooler than he is.

>> No.22285125

I'm not saying that the founders of these philosophies were necessarily aristocrats that's not the point. The point is that taking any of these philosophies to full practice will turn you into an aristocrat or at least turn your character to that of someone who could fulfill the role of a real aristocrat. And of course academic philosophy is real philosophy.