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22275086 No.22275086 [Reply] [Original]

Perhaps the worst piece of shit we had to read in high school, Things Fall Apart was meant to show how bad colonialism was (even in high school, I had a more nuanced position on colonialism in general, but I knew better than it to share it openly, free speech only existing nominally in this country), but all it ended up doing was make an emphatic case in favor of it. Okonkwo’s tribe (don’t remember the name) are horrific and brutal savages, they leave newborn babies to die from exposure if they’re twins out of some backward superstition, they solve most of their problems through violence all but one week out of the year, and they practice polygamy despite not being mohammedans.
It is no surprise then that when the white man comes and brings real civilization, there are some in the village who take to it instantly. We are, as the audience, supposed to lament, but why should we? There is nothing worth salvaging in this tribal culture, for it is rotten and evil to the core—a blot which be scrubbed out! I took great joy in Okonkwo’s death, knowing that him and his ways shall never have their presence haunt the earth again.

>> No.22275117 [DELETED] 
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I am proud to belong to a race of explorers, conquerors, inventors, artists, who bequeathed the world over the products of their innate beauty, sublimity and genius and, swing they yet to this very day high upon the fiery wings of glory - nowise did they demand recompense; so overcome were they by the selfless trance of their genius.

I am proud to be a coloniser: forsooth, I was thrust from the very bosom of this Earth to oppress and subjugate all weaker stock for the benefit of myself and my race. Verily, our imperium knows no end. Parcere subiectis - the perpetual servitude of lower races to my will: this is my clemency - et debellare superbos - setting fast the yoke of my religion, order and culture upon barbarians - this is my severity.

I am proud to be an oppressor, a subjugator, a coloniser; a bringer of order, beauty and the sublime where hitherto there had only reigned chaos, ugliness and an inborn ignorance of the transcendent. Witness our beneficience with regards to the the Dark Continent, lifted out of the swamp of unfathomable ignorance by the spirit of our religion, liberated from primal indolence by the designs our commerce; witness our ingenuity in the land of the Hindoos, decorated with the feats of our harmonious architecture, ennobled by the jewel of our civil code. And I concede that the Dark Continent might be, despite our steadfast efforts, beyond salvation at present - it will be the burden of the Hyberborean race to bring our modest beginnings to fruition; but, gentlemen, the Crown Jewel of the Empire? With what skill and pluck we have perfected the Law of Manu! Ne'er again shall a Brahman be cursed with the wretched countenance of the Untouchable. Verily, I say unto you: without us, they would be nothing - nothing! The measure of debt they owe us for our undying fire, for our Promethean gift, is truly unpayable - either by currency, by men, or by the very blood that bounds us to life. Hail our people! Hail victory!

>> No.22275150

And this is why the other races hate us. I’m pro collective-white consciousness but you are only hindering the path there with this arrogant boasting. Fuck you. We need strategy and tact not heated emotion

>> No.22275174

European colonization in Africa (besides the handful of European trading ports that existed from the 1500s) lasted barely two Centuries from the beginning of the 19th Century to the late 20th Century and this is counting from the first real European colony (again, that wasn't a port) to the last colony to be liberated. Anyone who read their history knows all the colonies in Africa were highly unprofitable and failed enterpises most of wich had to be closed because of bankruptcy. Now you know the truth about the European colonies in Africa.

>> No.22275185
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>Why Colonialism Isn’t so Bad After All
That's what you got out of it? It's about how both systems mostly suck, but each has at least a couple redeeming qualities

>> No.22275219
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only thing i remember about this book is yam farming. not even any particulars about yam farming. just the bare fact that yams were grown, then harvested, and then eaten.

>> No.22275225

And wrastlin! And a guy from a nearby tribe who says "buttocks" all the time.

>> No.22275234

i only remember the dude hanged himself at the end.

>> No.22275357

I didn't even remember that part.

>> No.22275375 [DELETED] 

holy BASED

>> No.22275404

The face on the cover looking like an upside-down chudjak is the perfect unintended symbol for how "anti-colonialism" is just ethnonationalism that has been inverted, yet remains identical in its reactionary nature. Take any appeal the "anti-colonial scholar" makes to "indigenous traditions" or "indigenous ways of knowing" or "indigenous social structures," replace "indigenous" with "Aryan," and bask in how sublimely chuddish it becomes. Any movement that cares for progress in any meaningful sense of the term must jettison fully and unapologetically the politics of the indigi-Nazis.

>> No.22275413

>they practice polygamy despite not being mohammedans.
Most African Christians are in favor of polygamy.

>> No.22275633

lol i remember that commercial

>> No.22275686

I came to a similar conclusion after reading this novel. Colonialism was a force for good in the world.

>> No.22275817

Literally, what is the appeal of colonization, for the civilization getting oppressed, and dont say some bullshit like making "order" or making things "civilized". Oh wait, you can't because anyone who says colonization is good needs a brain scan or needs to be shot like dogs

>> No.22275825

Reads like a gay substack post. Kys

>> No.22275881

To stop people from killing babies and fostering an environment where people can make high art. Ironically, this novel never would have been written had it not been for colonialism.
I’m not the second poster.

>> No.22275897

>retarded abstract art on the cover
you should have known it was shit from the first glance

>> No.22275922
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>(even in high school, I had a more nuanced position on colonialism in general, but I knew better than it to share it openly, free speech only existing nominally in this country

>> No.22275925

It's African Magical Realism and it works, because it's a work both of great artistic and psychological subtlety. It's quite likely the world it describes has very much disappeared. Also I suspect there was much less self loathing in his world than in the modern white world.

>> No.22275927

>retard with retarded superficial take

>> No.22275936

Imagine being this smug about something you clearly missed the point about. Then again, anyone with even a little bit of self awareness would have known their highschool self was a stupid pretentious loser, but this loser actually continued thinking he had good ideas and critical skills back then and basically peaked then and there without any development or self reflection.

>> No.22276134

Understood the point, just overstepped it because it was a retarded point. Nice projection btw.

>> No.22276869

Killing fully born babies is bad. I'll give you that. But "high art" is so subjective, and it devalues many great cultural pieces of art if you try to narrow what is and isn't "high art." Even than being okay with colonization is such a retarded way of thinking, theirs pretty much zero justification, unless a group of people genoicde or something of that caliber

>> No.22276884

None of you will ever be great men and even if you do achieve what the supposedly did you won't feel anything

>> No.22277300
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I know people aren't read for this take but I'll say it anyway
If you are pro-colonialism you are a leftist
Because colonialism is alive and well in modern leftist rhetoric
The most anti-colonialist people are in fact the radical right

>> No.22277512

thanks for the epic tip, fellow gamer

>> No.22277696

to spread the Holy Word and also to get rich off of really cheap rubber

>> No.22277699

colonialism and mass immigration are not the same thing

>> No.22278294

This. It’s a great story for the fact it does precisely what the presumptuous reader does not expect.

>> No.22278910

Mass immigration is the logical endpoint of colonialism
You can't convince people hey my country is great way better than yours and expect them not to try and go there

>> No.22278915

no but you should still gun them down when they try to invade

>> No.22279821

>unless a group of people genoicde
Every genocided. The reason France is a coherent nation is because of a large string of ethnic cleansing in the 1800s. Literally every African country was shit before the Europeans came. They sold their own men as slaves lmao.
Also check out how shitty SA has gotten since apartheid ended. They can't even keep the lights on and the dominant party's bragging about Mandela and blaming white peepo is wearing off.

>> No.22279844

Yeah, third-worldism is just national socialism but for brown people

>> No.22279854

Shame about this current state we are in though. The colonialists intentions werent pure enough. It should have been an entirely militarist affair with the ideological goal of domination for self preservation. Develop them not to simply import raw materials but to take tributes from variously autonomous colonies run by natives if feasible but controlled by colonists.
Yeah, I'm fantasizing like a child.

>> No.22279902

Kind of reminds me of Night. Sure it sucked, but he survived through an "extermination" camp. The worst person was a dentist who was going to do "surgery" on his gold tooth (he doesn't, and ends up being hanged anyway), and he all but admitted to embellishing most of it.

>> No.22279931

It is pretty funny being in Canada and watching people tie themselves into knots supporting indigineous blood and soil nationalism and hereditary leadership positions.

>> No.22280415
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>muh colonialism
If you knew fuck all about this book or any of the political/social shit people assign to it, is that actually what you'd take away from it? Stop listening to what academics say about literature. It's about book about a man getting left behind by the times. People who excelled in one world being made useless and miserable in the next. I don't even like niggers and I found it to be exceptionally heartbreaking.

>> No.22280458
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>It's about how both systems mostly suck, but each has at least a couple redeeming qualities

>> No.22280493

To spread capitalism everywhere so we can move on to communism.

>> No.22280660

Progress is an inexorable process.

>> No.22280701
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>even in high school, I had a more nuanced position on colonialism in general, but I knew better than it to share it openly, free speech only existing nominally in this country
Remember, there were men who died for their ideas, and right wing "men" are too afraid of liberal arthoes calling their views problematic.

>> No.22280954

>right wing "men" are too afraid of liberal arthoes calling their views problematic

They aren't afraid of some arthoe, they are afraid of the state. You dont want some swat gorilla breaking into your house and either arresting you so you spent the next few years in jail and afterwards become permanently unemployable, or you just get killed. That arthoe tattles you to the state and the state eliminates you.

>> No.22280976

Afraid of the state that literally bows and sucks conservative cock everyday? Man you guys are such bitches, you literally won and still make up bullshit excuses for being annoying snowflakes

>> No.22280997

Colonialism turns brown people into Jewish property and you can't gun down golems that Jews import into your country to work on dreidel factories because you would be damaging Jewish property and that violates the NAP.

>> No.22281011

this is literally the gayest faggot chudpost ive ever read

>> No.22281034
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>The SWAT will break into your house if you say colonialism wasn't entirely bad to your lib arthoe sociology teacher
Do Republikeks actually believe this? I thought only black people are allowed to pretend the police is discriminating against them.

>> No.22281036

I think they need a chauvinistic father figure to defy and aspire to. The best thing the white can do is make it known that western civilization and its values is superior by all metrics, and dare the rest to prove they can do better.

>> No.22281039

The police, american police specifically, exist to enforce the rules of those in charge. Theyre not there to defend your liberties. Why you think they wouldnt do immoral, illegal shit when they have time and time again is beyond me. Youre a delusional retard. Kys troon.

>> No.22281115

I guess I can attest to colonization to a small extent, I lived in a country where there were no roads so the facilitation of inter settlement trade was basically whoever had more horses and was extremely biased. Infrastructure development and roads allowed more free enterprise and village growth in my region so I can't help but find it beneficial. Not having to go 4 hours out of the way to a hospital or petrol area around people's grazing land saves lives as well

>> No.22281387

If you tell that to your arthoe sociology teacher you will receive some consequences, but mostly depending on where you are. You will most likely get expelled from school or severely reprimanded, or if the arthoe is in HR you will get fired. In more tyrannical countries like in Britain, France or Germany you will go to prison for hate speech.

>> No.22281621

the NAP is libertarianism's biggest flaw

>> No.22282204

We get it you love rape and abuse and wish the big bad white men left that poor noble tribe alone to wallow in their degeneracy. Is that your take? Boohoo a tribe that participated in the most despicable crimes was wiped out…

>> No.22282363


>> No.22282376

>They aren't afraid of some arthoe, they are afraid of the state. You dont want some swat gorilla breaking into your house and either arresting you so you spent the next few years in jail and afterwards become permanently unemployable, or you just get killed. That arthoe tattles you to the state and the state eliminates you.

That just makes you sound like a coward.

>> No.22282972

I can see how you feel, but Im guessing the reason why your country of origin is like that is by colonization in the past or explotation of some kind

>> No.22282989 [DELETED] 

ITT: chudcel pissbabies

>> No.22283005

cringe dude

>> No.22283007

nice larp but this real life not the digital world

>> No.22283010

>Depicts a utopia

>> No.22283013

I say this as a foreigner that browses an US website
>American education

>> No.22283016

Almost as if all kingdoms sell their own citizens as slaves under their territory.

>> No.22283559
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>> No.22283566
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>> No.22283572

There is no civility under the colony itself only lawlessness and corruption that spread like filth.
Order only exists under the controllers themselves and the order itself is force down to the natives.

>> No.22283582

Colonialism brought education and the gospel to much of the world, as well as getting rid of barbaric practices like human sacrifice and widow burning to name two. You're just a libtard who doesn't know any history.

>> No.22283661

Not the same, anon. But holy fuck you dont know history if you think ritual sacrficing is the worst thing a group of people can do. If you think ritual deaths are a good reason to colonize and exploit, then you clearly dont give a shit about evil practices in general. You're just a biased white freak, so dont take some bullshit moral angle. The shit Belgiums did to people who live in the congo, for example, makes every terrible human ritual look like sunshine and rainbows

>> No.22283678
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You're just a racist hypocrite liar.

I bet you sacrifice your own kids all the time, don't you? Baby killer.

>> No.22283705

>all the colonies in Africa were highly unprofitable and failed enterpises

Ah yes, of course, they were all there for hundreds of years just out of the goodness of their hearts, trying to bring civilization to the savages.

>> No.22283772

Shit way to change subject. Liar and hypocrite about what, chud? If you want to condemn killing of any sort especially kids/babies than you would know to shut your fat fucking mouth about colonization being good if you knew any history. Likes its insanely idiotic to call a guy a dumbass libtard who doesnt know history, when you clearly dont know any, you probably only read or hear history from dumbass republicans trying to sell you faulty dick pills 24/7. Either that or you clearly have cognitive dissonance so bad its making you even more retarded than you were before

>> No.22283795

Colonization ended barbaric practices, you won't even admit that because you've been indoctrinated to think it was all evil 100% of the time because you are demoralized and brainwashed. Just look at all the nonsense you spout, even going off to rant about "le republicans".

You can't even keep from vulgarity because profanity is the strongest language of a weak mind.

>> No.22283798

Human sacrifice were replace by the death penalty what is the total difference if death is the end?

>> No.22283809

So unprofitable to the point that their artifacts that are quote unquote borrow have the economic value of pricelessness.
There were colonies that were strippen of its resources and land that are forcibly use to farm a single crop.

>> No.22283814

The brits manage to take half of the world with aggressive tactics and greedy practices so tell me what is the definition of barbaric?

>> No.22283865

>The shit Belgiums did to people who live in the congo
not our fault those stupid niggers wouldn't listen to reason. When the Belgians left, they went right back to machete-ing infants to cure syphilis and whatever other dumb shit they were up to.

>> No.22283966

>Why you think the police wouldn't just kill you for no reason when we are ruled by evil billionaire child eating satanist Elites is beyond me
beyond your IQ level indeed

>> No.22283972

>In Britain, France or Germany you will go to jail if you say colonialism had some positive aspects
You are mentally ill

>> No.22283973

Murdering infants

>> No.22283978

>The shit Belgiums did to people who live in the congo,

You mean the shit the congolese did to each other

>> No.22284390

Kazakhstan is a weird place with a far more diverse history than is given credit for. On one hand yes it's a place that has and is clearly exploited for its natural resources, and on the other was the region that housed some of the greatest exploiters in history.
My point was addressing that there are, to me some benefits to colonization that aren't just all about Africa and the perspective I lived

>> No.22284542

This. It’s about conquest by an outside force that inverts what it means to be virtuous in your own society and makes those you always held to be degenerate or effeminate into paragons of virtue. Things Fall Apart has strong Nietzschean undercurrents desu

>> No.22284673

A 19 year old in Britain got sentenced under hate crime laws for posting rap lyrics on her instead. You can shitpost on Twitter, type colonialism is good actually, and get arrested for hate speach and inciting violence, as the law there states posting anything that's "grossly offensive " is illegal. You might only get a fine of a few hundred pounds, or you might get sentenced to community service, house arrest or actual jail time.

>> No.22284674

*on her Instagram

>> No.22284699

Yeah, it's hilarious how marxists swallow their own koolaid and think of thirdie chuds as brothers simply because their interests happen to be aligned right now.

The islamists western marxists are so keen on defending will kill them all when they seize power. The BLM negroes have more in common with SA brownshirts than they do with college liberals.

>> No.22284714

>*freezes your bank account for attending a protest*
No refunds

>> No.22284715

>posting anything that's "grossly offensive " is illegal.
Offensive to who though? I'm sure certain groups find it grossly offensive to have their crimes exposed

>> No.22284778

You are a delusional leftist who gets it's idea of the world from TV conglomerates.

>> No.22284805

how can anyone with a working brain try to justify colonization? are people that ashamed of their history that they'd rather pretend like colonization was some charity case than admit that it was horrendous?

>> No.22284825

It did work, but it can't work because of racial problems

>> No.22284827

Why to the state of course. The benevolent and flawless state will decide what is "grossly offensive " and what isn't based on their interpretation of the legal code. Don't even consider that this vague language can be abused by the state to punish dissent and enforce their dogma on people, that will never happen.

>> No.22284835

I'm sorry but the human sacrifices will have to stop. It's stupid to lambast westerners for colonization when every nation on the planet conquered other people's land and settled it displacing the original inhabitants, or assimilating them by force. Pathological self flagellation is not good for the nation, and realistically I'd rather live in a nation that promotes a noble lie to its populace to keep moral up, then a place that constantly teaches its populace how evil they are. And I say that as a non westerner.

>> No.22284863

Well clearly not because barbaric and infanticide are not commonly used synonymously. Although one does incorporate the other.

>> No.22284893

Sounds like a blasphemy law.

>> No.22284897

A nation are a people and their culture, you're describing a state.

>> No.22285452

>re people that ashamed of their history that they'd rather pretend like colonization was some charity case than admit that it was horrendous?
there many several former colonies who are very proud of the colonial era, specifically how they managed to learn and improve upon what they were taught/given by colonizers (and they're quite explicit about this). The one I have in mind is Signapore. They make fun of Africa for letting all the railroad infrastructure go to shit.

>> No.22285531

Eh the bible doesn't explicitly forbid polygyny even though Paul strongly recommends monogamy

>> No.22285865

The Brits mostly used money, perfidy and cunning. They were like Jews who used armies as a backup plan.

>> No.22286225

You should know by now that 99% of this board is either retarded or so deep in delusion they perceive 100% evil actions and thoughts as an unquestionable good

>> No.22286422


>> No.22286439

The chuds in this thread and any thread that gets into /pol/

>> No.22286443

no i need a peer-reviewed source

>> No.22286477
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you can't beat nignogs

>> No.22286912

Well, Im part of the /lit/ community, and so is everyone else here, which makes us peers. So when I say most people are retarded assholes from my own personal source. You can try and find out if you think my claim is justfied

>> No.22287011

no, sweatie, that's cute, but Ima need one from an accredited institution

>> No.22287172
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>Almost as if all
pic rel
Irrelevant anyway. Colonialists put a stop to that. Remember the "crimes" of the Belgian Congo were revisionist propaganda and a repackaging of the crimes committed by local authorities.

>> No.22287541


The idea is to elevate the lesser peoples to the same heights as whites, but in their own nations. Of course that's impossible for incompetent browns so they all just want to run to white people countries to act as human locusts.

>> No.22287764

This is actually true. The colonialism supporters were fundamentally no different than NAFO neolibs spreading lgbtq and Our Democracy (TM) to Afghanistan