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File: 201 KB, 1200x1789, heart-of-darkness-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22274859 No.22274859 [Reply] [Original]

Is it good?
Is it racist?

>> No.22274874

It's not racist ENOUGH, unfortunately.

>> No.22274882
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are you ashamed white man?

>> No.22275196

IDK if it was the traduction, but the style was terrible. The story was interesting

>> No.22275280

I read the entire thing today, and I concur.

The writing was absolutely abhorrent, and there was very little racism at all.

>> No.22275366

Conrad was clearly critiquing European colonialism and sympathized with the victims of imperialism, as a Pole himself. Libtards aren't smart enough to see that.

>> No.22275427

How is this book considered a critique of colonialism when it literally perpetuates racism and portrays the horrors of imperialism and the atrocities committed by white people in a “it is what it is” kinda way

>> No.22275511

One of my favourite books. He does make Africans sound primitive and stupid but he is also clearly sympathetic with their experience of colonialism
The schizophrenic narration is on purpose because the character is describing an insane and probably traumatic period of his life. It's as hard to navigate as the alien landscape he tried to traverse himself

>> No.22275923


Thankfully anon the book is both racist and good.

A lot of people here are shitting on the prose, but I think it's one of the few works of genius in English lit. The sustained tone of Marlowe is a fucking masterpiece on par with the narrative style of the turn of the screw. The plot is a wonderful allegory for going down to hell, for crossing into the afterlife, the "land of the dead," and returning with wisdom. The wisdom is that the heart of humanity is one "of darkness," but to the uninitiated, to Kurt's wife, she's unable to understand this and so Kurtz lies and says that, in his final moments, Kurtz talked "of love." But the book isn't the heart of love its the heart of darkness.

Anyway, wonderful story. Work of single genius. Conrad mogs almost everyone.

>> No.22276069

Abhorrent ? If you read it in one sitting you probably got filtered
What are you reading next ?
What did you read before ?

>> No.22276083

The Nigger of the Narcissus is better.
I didn't care for Victory much.
Nostromo was great.
Onto Lord Jim and Under Western Eyes

>> No.22276093
File: 148 KB, 784x1390, 916064C8-66E4-4126-A3F2-E9E6890B8618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it crump?

>> No.22276921

The group responsible for the brutal, cruel, and savage treatment of the natives is given the tongue in cheek name of "International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs"
The two old women knitting in the office in Belgium, representing the Fates of Greek religion, subtly pointing to the absurdity of a few people in Belgium being responsible for the fate of millions of people a continent away.
The most successful and legendary colonial official we're presented with in the entire story being a bed ridden husk of a man by the time the narrator actually meets him.
The narrator is a former official from the Belgian Congo, I'm sorry that he's not very progressive when it comes to the language used in reference to the natives.

It's pretty clear that the book is not promoting colonialism, you just got to think a little bit. Try it next time you pick up a book.

>> No.22276951

Not even close to his best work. Everything I've read by him has been better.

>> No.22277155

Absolute midwits. The prose is difficult but sublime, as with most of Conrad's pre-war work.
Beautifully ironic and cynical, though as another anon here implies it's better reread than read.
This anon gets the style

>> No.22277453

Yes, it is good. Ithought the prose and atmosphere were all very dreamlike.
It's not racist in the conventional sense.

>> No.22277477

You two got filtered, I advise a reread