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22273955 No.22273955 [Reply] [Original]

Should we award the nobel prize in literature to Eiichiro Oda next?

>> No.22273960

Neither music nor manga should be considered literature

>> No.22274001

When musicians are awarded things like Nobels and Pulitzers it is because of the quality of their writing, something supposedly excellent even removed from the context of other arts.
So, your manga must have writing of the same quality as whatever book we’d otherwise give the prize to. Which isn’t does not. Yours is a visual medium.

>> No.22274025
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if any manga deserves the nobel prize it would be punpun or the other by the same author with the butterflies.

>> No.22274078

Low quality and high quantity don't warrant a nobel.

>> No.22274086

Music shouldn't be awarded literature prize in the first place. What next? Give a literature nobel to Tupac Shakur as well

>> No.22274113

Pun Pun is so sappy I couldn’t get through one volume without dropping it and reading Yotsuba

>> No.22274119

Bob Dylan can eat my shorts.

>> No.22274128

Shonen manga is for children and features simplistic character's and plots.

>> No.22274144
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It cannot.
Someone bought Dylan that prize. Shut up already.

t. George Lucas

>> No.22274168
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>keep recycling the same exact plot in every arc
Oda is a dogshit writer but I admire the hustle of little kids for nearly 30 years with low effort garbage

>> No.22274175

Peak pretentiousness.
Out of every manga, One Piece deserves the nobel prize. Oda has managed to reduce the world's history and its intricacies to sizeable chunks for people in every age group to enjoy. He truly deserves being in the top geniuses of japan land.

>> No.22274297
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Pun Pun is the most self-indulgent dogshit I had the displeasure of laying my eyes on. If you find that somehow worthy of any prize, you should reward yourself with a bullet to the head

>> No.22274517

Billy bat was interesting, and naoki urasawa's books helped me to see visually what those losers in psychology are talking about when it comes to "growth" and "reactions to trauma".

I didn't get it. T'was a comfy emotional read but, it's not necessarily "deep" to me.

>the world is like, 30%-60% pirates

>> No.22274552

>couldn't wrap up the story in 10 years or less
>instead, he does this

>> No.22274604

Name one manga who has the same literature value of moby dick, TBK, war and peace, Ulysses or even just IJ.
You obviously can't and that's why manga can't be considered literature. I admit it can have his merits as a visual art(big fan of Inoue and yoshitoshi abe), but as a storytelling medium it's really low

>> No.22274643
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So you lost track of the plot in one piece...

>> No.22274663


>> No.22274774

Clearly Baki

>> No.22274789

punpun is overrated

>> No.22275443

>celestial dragons and oligarchs
>healthcare monopilzation by the ruling class
>foreign provocation and intervention instigating coups
>mayan and conquistadors parallels
>manufactured history to force an extreme ideologies
i'd like to get into more detail but your passive aggressiveness irks me, gaylord

>> No.22275645

One Piece is the greatest story ever told.

>> No.22275668
File: 79 KB, 620x423, Sweden Loses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the Nobel Committee gave Obama a Nobel he'd only be an acting President for a matter of days, isn't that true?

they seem to have become extraordinarliy cringe, but they're mainly or wholly Swedish, aren't they...

>> No.22275712

I like the scene here he's a blob and start to singing and all the women laugh.

>> No.22275717
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>One Piece is the greatest story ever told.

Fuck off back to /a/ retard, and never come back

>> No.22275749

References aren't parallels. You could be calling Historical fiction revisionism and it would be just daisies because, only your consciousness is keeping track of points.

>> No.22275809

Anime bros on Twitter act like references is the height of writing. I can’t blame them though, that’s where the culture has led us. Despite that I do think anime is capable of delivering interesting themes, stuff like the land of waves arc in Naruto I genuinely think is great. It conveys themes to the youth in ways that keeps them interested, though that seems to go over most of their heads in favor of the fan service of the shows. Discussion is usually centered around power levels, battling, etc. And It’s not like literature where you have to study it and understand deeply to get that same level of enjoyment. Then there’s all kinds of other issues like how they’ll often drag out too long or be packed with filler or the markets just kind of have their way with them. Which is why I think shorter anime and the films are better in general too. Feels like anime has gotten weaker over time as well, something like AoT which I think is kinda cool, also feels like I’ve watched the same episode multiple times and it’s just not that good. One piece colorized manga is cool and fun but it’s not literature.

>> No.22276274

Not manga, but Maus is the only grapic novel that I think can pretend to be literature.

Well, that or Garfield.

>> No.22276385

One Piece is libtard fag shit with ugly art.

>> No.22276390

I can't believe I watched Attack on Titan because twitter RW bros shilled it. I wish I could get those hours of my life back.

>> No.22276404

Brown and low IQ

>> No.22276405

I read it. The part where the father remember his experience during the holocaust was interesting. All the meta-narrative shit where the son interview him was boring and unnecessary. If it was just a normal buigraphy of his father it could have been a masterpiece. Too bad.

>> No.22276408

You don't need to pretend Maus is good because you read it in middle school because someone told you it was "deep", kid.

>> No.22276421

The anime community issue you spoke of is a pretty similar issue to what plagues western comic book culture, cinema, music, and culture as a whole: Subculture appears to get overwhelmed at every turn, by the greater mass of culture, blending into the subculture itself. The subculture is eternally overwhelmed and enseiged. People with nothing to do with "X" latch onto it, and the early adapters disdain them for not being there sooner.

Although I haven't read ayn rand for clout, I do have a pretty tricket of a quote from her from my online travels: "The smallest minority on earth is the individual". Even those stupid "WiLl SuPerMaN DeFeAt GoKu" videos can be assumed to contain depth but, that depth is unappealing to anyone who does not get it, and hidden to anyone who refuses it. Understanding that, is how to not be consistantly emotionally besieged; just stop besieging yourself.

Twitter particularly is...as superficial and apparently mindless as I know I feel to be...indicative of a discourse, and of argument. I prepare for the worst in defending twitter idiots but, I hope for the best.

Youtube Poop used to be the height of my media, and was brain-food to me. Reflecting on it as that form of "remix culture" has stepped into the background, simply reveals that I've been replaced by a simpler and more efficient format of mockery. I can disdain it very easily, if I'm ignoring reason and my own sense of understanding.

So yes, Anime & manga is built upon books, but it is yet not simply a "book". Literature has been remixed into manga form many times but, the remix is not the original. I've read a remixed adaptation of Crime and punishment under another name with possibly different characters, romeo & juliet is riffed off of like mad almost pretentiously as I've heard, and Onepiece itself has been described as a deviation of the format of Gullivers Travels.

Really though, I won't push the bound of trying to blend the cultures of anime and literature too hard here, because there needs to be some cohesivity too. It takes guile to gain; wether it's said long, or short. I hope I didn't say it too long though.

>> No.22276424
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You should award it to Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

>> No.22276457

Yeah I think you hit it quite well here. Hyperreality. In a way it makes sense and that probably has contributed to why anime has grown so large in the last decade or so.

>> No.22276485

There's a comic that was pre-maus; from the time when artists were paid badly....well, it is still somewhat like that, but those artists were paid badly. Infact, scratch the somewhat; here's a video:

I'm fresh off of a non-forced self-imposed hermetage away from even 4chan just to study whatever random crap flows into my psyche, and found a new appreciation for media on both eastern and western sides. Future media is going to be a major pain to follow and catagorize at this rate as internet access muddles an artists sources of inspiration, to a face-value learner.