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22272599 No.22272599 [Reply] [Original]

Books with protagonists who break programming?

>> No.22272607

RFK Jr. was an anti-vaccine nut since long before Covid. His programming hasn't wavered.

>> No.22272616

Books for this feel?

>> No.22272634

How hard is it to come to the conclusion that China unleashed COVID on the world completely deliberately? They lie about literally everything, so why not this?

>> No.22272643

RFK Jr's book

>> No.22272648

He isn't even anti vaxx. He just believes that vaccines should be tested to the same standard of other drugs and not forced down people's throats as the only option. I don't think that's unreasonable.

>> No.22272654

>How hard is it to come to the conclusion that China unleashed COVID on the world completely deliberately?
Common sense should tell you this is dumb. China was hit extremely hard by Covid why the fuck would they do that to themselves? There is the a possibility that it accidentally got out of one of their epidemiology research labs like they had in Wuhan. But even then it would have just been something they got out of a bat in the wild, nothing engineered

>> No.22272664

"A possibility"
It's almost certainly what happened. It was just negligence and they paid the price for it.

>> No.22272666

“I will end all gain-of-function research [as president],” Kennedy said. “It’s just a disaster, it’s given us no benefits. It’s given us everything from Lyme disease to Covid, and many many other diseases. RSV, which is now one of the biggest killers of children, came out of a vaccine lab.”

“We can go down the whole list of diseases,” he added. “There’s even good evidence that even Spanish flu came from vaccine research.”

He is an anti-vax crank and has been for years.

>> No.22272670

>It's almost certainly what happened
Far from certain and the point is the conspiracy nuts claiming it's a deliberately introduced Chinese engineered bioweapon are retarded

>> No.22272685

Please leave the board. You’re a fucking retard.

>> No.22272696

>millions of deaths and a crippled economy after having been the initial location of the pandemic
>they must have done it intentionally
What do you mean by this? If it was intentional why the hell would you release it in your own country?

>> No.22272708

Gullible fool

>> No.22272713

you leave first you stupid nigger

>> No.22272714

Big fella the Chinese doing something intentionally and that thing killing a shitload of their own people are not mutually exclusive phenomena.

>> No.22272715

I'm with you my fellow Joe Rogan listener

>> No.22272722

It always reeks of people wanting it to be true, rather than it being probable. If there's a halfway point, it's that governments don't let crises go to waste, which can always resemble intention. They're clever, but they're not God.

>> No.22272723

If you think the genetically modified disease COVID-19 was not produced in the Wuhan Coronavirus Laboratory, but actually came from the wet-market across the street (by the way, all of Southeast Asia has wet markets, yet China is the only one which routinely releases pandemics from them) you shouldn’t have an political rights. You’re just a full blown idiot. By the way, the official report is now that it was released from the lab, either intentionally or unintentionally. You have everyone in the world against you.
>why why would they do this
Control, population control, PTSD, immense wealth from pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Did you know a leading researcher on the Coronavirus vaccine during the first months of the pandemic was murdered in his own home by a Chinese international student of Pitt?

>> No.22272736

Fucking idiots. By the way to the last post, it’s “wreaks” you fucking moron. I know you’re fucking imbecile LARPing on a literature board but try to learn the language you fucking moronic trash

>> No.22272757

>If you think the genetically modified disease
It's not genetically modified. They have the full genome of Covid-19 and it's been poured over by experts world wide.
>Control, population control, PTSD, immense wealth from pharmaceuticals and vaccines
Crazy conspiracy bullshit. The Chinese are worried about a shrinking population now. The one child policy was repealed in 2016. PTSD as a reason? Bizarre schizo thinking. And Covid tanked the Chinese economy. They lost huge amounts of wealth.
>Did you know a leading researcher on the Coronavirus vaccine during the first months of the pandemic was murdered in his own home by a Chinese international student of Pitt?
The actual verifiable conspiracy was China covering up Covid for the first few months and pretending it would just go away. But it wasn't just them doing wishful thinking.

>> No.22272761

>why the fuck would they do that to themselves?
see: the Great Leap Forward, where they fucking did that to themselves

>> No.22272762

>been poured over
Wasn't sure when I wrote this but it's actually pored over. I thought the analogy was you pour out your attention on something but it's not

>> No.22272765

>it's "wreaks"
no it isn't you stupid cunt
>you fucking moronic trash
kek nevermind, the ESL outs himself as is tradition. nice try though you bumbling retard.

>> No.22272766

>Great Leap Forward
Had a whole ideology behind it. What is the possible rationale for releasing a bioweapon aimed at someone else among your own people? What reasons do you have to think it was intentional besides paranoia?

>> No.22272790
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Technocratic Malthusianism. The Club of Rome report.


>> No.22272803

You understand Prince Philip isn't part of the Chinese government? You've pivoted from the claims of a Chinese plot to some type of Illuminati gibberish. Conspiracy theorist are some of the dumbest people I've ever met.

>> No.22272809


>> No.22272821

Look, everyone I don't like is in on it.

>> No.22272823

I’m inclined to agree except I do think they literally engineered the virus as part of general experiments. Rhinoviruses are the most commonly used ones for experiments in germ warfare as they’re the easiest to use in tests and have obvious distribution methods.

I think the Chinese have a biological warfare unit that fucked up and leaked it. And of course the Chinese government would rather kill its own people than admit this.

If they’d even just acnowledged the virus existed earlier, even by blaming wet markets or a random bat. It could’ve been acted on so much quicker. Slowed down. Vaccines would’ve had so much more time to develop. The rest of the world wouldn’t need to lock down. Maybe not even all of China.

But the Chinese government literally cannot take a blow to its authority by admitting error. People really underestimate western governments strength of instructions and overestimate ones like China and Russia. They’re much closer to being coup de ta’d or having revolutions than we realise because western governments need them to be scary boogeymen who are big threats to us to make us vote the right way

Then we see what happens when reality collides with these almighty nations. Russia bleeding to death in a pointless failed war with Ukraine. China welding citizens into their homes and locking down entire cities and farms to the point of mass starvation because it’s leader decided on an insane. Zero COVID policy that’s impossible

>> No.22272829
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You’re right, the US authorizing funding for coronavirus research at the Wuhan Laboratory years back is DUMB and and irrelevant footnote. They’s no conspiracy theories and shieettttt my nigga …. fug, these crazy ass honkas be crazy as shit for thinking that shit, dawg. Ya know what I’m saying?

>> No.22272830

>People really underestimate western governments strength of instructions

*institutions I mean

By this I mean that even in America where people act like democracy is constantly under threat of being destroyed. People have more faith in shit working and things being fair than your average Russian or Chinese.

Likewise in most Western Europe states

>> No.22272837
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>> No.22272847

>You’re right, the US authorizing funding for coronavirus research at the Wuhan Laboratory years back is DUMB and and irrelevant footnote
Coronavirus is endemic in bats around Wuhan. Everyone has known something like Covid was going to happen inevitably and the research was being done to help identify, prevent, or treat a future pandemic. Which is where Covid possibly came from, an accidental release of a natural occurring virus.

>> No.22272861
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Imagine waking up with bruises on your arms and legs, and blisters that bleed inside her mouth a day after taking the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19, getting some puff piece on NYTimes about it, and being casually admitted as one of the “rare” few casualties/victims of the “necessary and benevolent” vaccination drive but people being regarded as “schizo” “far-right” “conspiracy theorist” “MEDS” if they claim this is anything concerning, suggests some deeper plot, there could be malicious actors and coordinated political and financial power behind it, etc. Because conspiracies NEVER happen, besides MK-Ultra, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the Tuskegee Syphilis experiments, the Sackler-backed opioid crisis in America, the after-effects of use of depleted uranium weaponry in the Gulf War and subsequent Middle Eastern wars, DDT, Agent Orange, thalidomide, etc.

>> No.22272872

>Because conspiracies NEVER happen
Just like historically there has never been a conspiracy theory about a reviled ethnicity causing plagues. Oh wait.

>> No.22272881
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It’s a thawidomide baby!!!

Don’t you just want to adopt him, then eventually agree to cut off his cock and feed “him” puberty blockers and estrogen if the teachers at school and school counselor say “he” (now she, in this hypothetical thought experiment) really identifies as a girl?

>> No.22272886
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>it’s “wreaks”

>> No.22273180

least deranged phoneposter

>> No.22274363


"An ignorant pedant is the most insufferable thing under the sun."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

in other words, you are wreaktarded

>> No.22275328
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An Orthodox priest named Fr. Savvas Ageioritis did an exorcism on someone who became possessed by a demon after getting the covid "vaccine". The demon confessed that the "vaccine" was made in a Masonic ritual and it has demons inside it.

>> No.22275337
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The priest deduced that demons were able to enter the vaccinated people because the vaccine uses the cells of aborted babies, which is a satanic ritual that acts as a doorway for the demons to enter.

>> No.22275346
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Saint Paisios prophecied the covid "vaccine" many decades ago. He said that it will be a forerunner to the mark of the beast.

>> No.22275365

>it’s “wreaks”
uhhhhm no it's not bro

>> No.22275367
File: 876 KB, 1440x1449, on covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22275376
File: 663 KB, 1440x1460, also on covid .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22275383
File: 505 KB, 2272x1440, byzantine prophecy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]