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22271269 No.22271269 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so I'm 10 pages in and it's not grabbing me. This Stepan Trofimovich just seems like a cunt, and while I adore Dosto, damn, his prose really does suck.
Is it worth continuing?

>> No.22271281

>his prose sucks
you're reading a translation, NEWFAG
these redditors are getting dumber by the day, god damn

>> No.22271282

You’re not much of a reader, are you? 10 pages? Kek

>> No.22271300
File: 2 KB, 215x250, 1562217147729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got ADHD okay?
>just learn Russian bro
This year, I swear.
Next year it's Greek.
I've been planning on doing this for 10 years now.

>> No.22271972

Stop using the internet for a week and your ADHD is gone.

>> No.22271977

>just devoured 10 pages

>> No.22271992

Gets better at 30 pages in. Talk about a slow start.

>> No.22272006

literally his second greatest book (behind TBK)
actual action takes 100 page intervals. improve or get filtered.

>> No.22272007

What's good prose to you?

>> No.22272104

you've just got to stick it out for a while. if i remember correctly, it takes like a hundred or more pages to get interesting. it's worth it, though

>> No.22272135

Very excellent book, some parts even more so, the chapters resolving Stepan, Kirilov, and Stavrogin, with the Tihkon chapter that follows the latter only enhancing the ending. You must persevere for these things.

>> No.22272191

It just so happens that the introduction is very long. Almost half the book. It is still enjoyable, although you will find yourself 150 pages in and still not knowing what the book is about.

In the end it does pay off. It's one of my favourite books by Dostoievski

>> No.22272192

I stuck with it for 200 pages but it never got interesting

>> No.22272204

It gets interesting on page 201.

>> No.22272215

Are you seriously going to argue with OP that Dostoevsky in translation (and Russian too apparently) writes with boring prose?

>> No.22272223

No I was just asking an innocuous question out of curiosity.

>> No.22272252

Watch your attitude.

>> No.22272311

lol wasn't being sarcastic or facetious there.

>> No.22272320

>10 pages
lmao careful to not tire yourself. the novel kicks off 200 pages in. the main characters don't appear in it until like page 150.

>> No.22272482

Sorry there wasn’t an action scene in the first sentence anon…

>> No.22272710

Stop getting smart with me.

>> No.22272740

Arguably russian prose just doesn't reach the hights of english prose. I believe it's the reason russian works of Nabokov aren't praised a lot. A good enough translation, not shitty robot translation but a literary one, can be sufficient for people who don't know russian. It's completely opposite for poetry though.

>> No.22272793

Oh wow, I got ADHD as well. 10 pages into a book that is about 700 pages isn't even a drop in a puddle, it is a drop in a lake. Get a better translation, and get through at least 100 pages before you decide anything about the book. 10 pages and this retard is already about to give in, jesus christ.

>> No.22272814

Why are people responding to this bait?

>> No.22272860

this is the truth, I think part of the pay off of the book is that once everything is established it starts picking up momentum and it's just a crazy book. If it didn't have 200 pages of slow introduction the last 2/3rds wouldn't work they way they do.

>> No.22273883

how would that even work? I am distracted by my own thoughts.

>> No.22273914

Read a summary and see if you'd want to stick with it through the plot points and to the end. You're not spoilering the story, that's only what bugbrained readers looking for "the experience" think.
I feel the same way with TBK.

>> No.22274030

it's fuckin epic, give it another 100 pages

>> No.22274055
File: 337 KB, 712x979, Nechayev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not know what happens? It's based on the life of anarchist revolutionary Sergey Nechayev.

>> No.22274100

Dopamine overdose. The internet gives you so much entertainment that your brain can't stop getting distracted.
Search "Dopamine fasting"

>> No.22274124

Taк y Дocтoeвcкoгo peaльнo cлaбaя пpoзa. Ecли тeбe, кoнeчнo, нe зaхoдит eгo лихopaдoчный тoн

>> No.22274391
File: 36 KB, 610x284, 1613200263150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im litereally Nikolai Stavrogin

>> No.22274411

why is he doing the "it's over" pose

>> No.22274432

that's why it's 700 pages.
and it is interesting from the get-go, you're just too damaged by instant gratification.

>> No.22274471

>I’ve got ADHD
That shit’s been so overblown by the medical industrial complex, just keep trying everyday. Discipline is key, everything’s practice, and you’ve just been conditioned to rapid fire quick entertainment, lay down the memes and tiktok.
I’ve got diagnosed ADHD as well, shit’s not any different from being a functional human being.

>> No.22274480

yes but it'll take another 100 pages and then you'll want to re-read it to enjoy the first 100 pages, now knowing the characters

>> No.22274742

I disliked the first half of this. Stepan is indeed an annoying character and he doesnt get better. Gets better when his son arrives.

>> No.22275747

stavrogin necks himself and everyone dies

>> No.22275804

My nigga Pyotr Stepanovich makes it out and gets away with everything.

>> No.22275821

It's not boring at all. If it was boring, it wouldn't be universally considered great literature.

>> No.22275836
File: 809 KB, 1067x748, im 45 years old and dont take shit from such an illiterate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.22275844

Demons is one of my favourite books, it's central character is purposely hid from the reader and you get to see all the chaos he causes while also being a parody of some Russian revolutionaries.

You gotta think a little bit bigger than the small drama at times

>> No.22275861

OP should learn how to read