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File: 364 KB, 1396x1600, John-Wayne-Gacy-1978 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22267325 No.22267325 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any investigative pieces/books/essays that explore the true nature of picrel's deeds? No Hollywood-ized true crime, pulp fiction type hogwash. I watched the Gacy Tapes and some shit just doesn't add up. Gacy himself can't be guilty of all the murders: he couldn't even fit in the crawlspace, I think Rossi and Cram (who was able to sketch the location of all the bodies) probably did a lot of the murders and burials themselves and knew that they could use Gacy as an easy fall guy given his sodomy conviction. The Tapes intimate this idea but don't develop it any further. But the trail goes even further


>> No.22267329
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the center of the Gacy conspiracy is The Delta Project/Odyssey Foundation. John Norman ran the largest boy trafficking network in the US throughout the 70s. They ran several newsletters, like Hermes, and had a client list in the tens of thousands which included many high profile clients. Once the ring was busted the FBI "destroyed" the client list which was a truckload of notecards. Delta Project was connected to Gacy and Dean Coryll. Gacy and Coryll were basically one in the same. You can read about both of them and see they are basically 1:1 except Coryll's accomplices were charged. Gacy is connected to this network by Phillip Paske who was the second in command to Delta. Gacy had implicated Paske, Michael Rossi, and David Cram. A man who had escaped Gacy during a hitchhiking encounter described who could only be Paske and said Paske was clearly in charge. He was authoritative with Gacy and Gacy kept mostly quiet the whole day. The friend's of one of Gacy's victims (the marine) had described a man fitting Paske as staying at the victims house while he was missing. They described him as scary and asked them if they are glad their friend is gone. Gacy had said he was afraid of Paske and that he was a pimp and drug dealer who trafficked boys and girls. Paske was known to be violent and dressed like a woman at times. He was also convicted in multiple murders but always got off. Despite spending this entire operation on probation, he was able to travel to multiple states for long periods of time. He was also employed with PDM as a laborer and lived with Gacy. Delta was eventually disintegrated by the feds and Norman was imprisoned. Paske got off and lived the rest of his life a mystery, until he died of unknown circumstances. He has also been implicated in the Johnny Gosch disappearance as Paul Bonacci's supposed accomplice "Tony". Witnesses described Tony exactly how Paske was always described (bad skin, same height, same hair, dressed like a woman).

>> No.22267332
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Then we have Michael Rossi. Michael Rossi was another employee of PDM and lived with Gacy. Rossi was described by one of the victims who was let go. Drifting in and out of consciousness, he said another person was in the house while he was being tortured by Gacy. He described lights being turned on in other rooms and vaguely remembers seeing a boy fitting Rossi's description standing over him. Rossi, along with Cram, was also heard by detectives as speaking with Gacy about burying bodies ("what buried like the other five?"). The thing about Rossi is that he had no business working as a laborer for Gacy. Rossi was the grandson of Vito Marzullo (legendary Democratic Chicago politican with mob connections) according to one of the private investigators who had talked with the arresting officers. At one point Gacy, Rossi, and Cram were all arrested. Rossi's mother came in and told them Rossi will be let go immediately and that he was the grandson of Vito. During the search of the Gacy home Rossi was seen smiling while walking detectives around (on video). Rossi spent the rest of his life as a mobster and union enforcer. Cram committed suicide. Another connection is that Robin Echt (leader of Chicago Ripper serial killer gang) also worked for Gacy as a teen. There is a theory all of these interconnected people were involved in a major snuff film ring for extremely wealthy clients with distrubing taste and lots of money. This was also THE era of snuff films as well as child trafficking that was directly facilitated by the runaway epidemic of the 60s and 70s.

>> No.22267347

>the Gacy schizo is back clogging the board with his shitty off topic threads

Take it to /x/

>> No.22267359

I have found no literature that discusses this theory in depth. I might have to write it myself at this point.

>> No.22267367

Programmed to Kill by David McGowan touches on it but doesn't go into massive detail as to figure out who actually did the killings. The whole book is about serial killers likely being groups rather than individuals. I would 100% recommend if you haven't already read it.

>> No.22267380

Thanks for the rec.
>The whole book is about serial killers likely being groups rather than individuals.
Anyone who killed more than 20 people is either
>the feds are involved
There is no other way, especially in the case of someone as well-connected as Gacy.

>> No.22267439

I'll read this if you split it up into neat paragraphs. It's way too much information for big blocks.

>> No.22267447
File: 70 KB, 671x1024, 2cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll read this if you split it up into neat paragraphs. It's way too much information for big blocks.

>> No.22267818

really weird thread. bump

>> No.22267941

Interesting thread OP and you definitely onto something, the question is do we really want to find out what?

I second the recommendation of "programmed to kill", that book keeps me up at night.


>> No.22268019
File: 1.13 MB, 1047x735, gacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A Question of Doubt: The John Wayne Gacy Story", Gacy wrote this in prison


>> No.22268397

He'd fit well with Hollywood elites kek

>> No.22268647

NOOO!! That would be Reddit or something noooo!!!

>> No.22268666

Serial killers aren't real. They're a manifestation of societal guilt twisted by media to justify policymaking and fearmongering. No human has ever killed another and not fallen into deep disarray which would rival even the psyche of Raskolnikov.

>> No.22268727
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So Bundy and Ramirez don't exist? Also checked.

>> No.22268740

>twuu crime
Are you a woman or something?

>> No.22268747

it's not a schizo theory go read all you can about the murders it is clear he had help in (at least) some of them.

Now go read about about other schizokillers and you realize just how many of these so called deranged schizokillers DIDN'T act alone. I'm not saying all serial killers are like this but it is clear to me that whats going on in a lot of cases is a group phenomenon that when prosecuted can only really pin it on one person, or the cops get blinded, etc

I'll give some examples:
>randy kraft
basically confirmed to have had a partner for many of the murders
>robert pikton
had a girl helping him find victims, did she participate more?
>richard ramirez
confirmed his first murder was comitted with someone else
>aus family murders
grouo of homosexual killers
>snowtown murders
group of killers
>candy man killings
group of killers

it seems to me that serial killing is primarily a group phenomenon and it could well turn out that these solo type killers like bundy and green river killer are outliers.

>> No.22268791

>the boy who lived

>> No.22268900

Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
But here's my basement
I'm John Wayne Gacy

>> No.22269113

damn, had no idea this existed, gonna check this out

>> No.22269133
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nobody touches the real story because too many important and powerful people would become implicated in evils beyond the common person's comprehension.


>> No.22270244

i was thinking the same thing

>> No.22270261

>yeah bro there was this boy trafficking network and they had tens of thousands of clients bro
>unfortunately the list was destroyed though but just take my word for it
Holocaust tier

>> No.22270421

Essential reading to understand the world we live in.

>> No.22271280

It's been some time i suspected the feds to be behind the serial killers.

>> No.22271420

See my post >>22267380
Even someone as shadowy and meticulous as Dahmer got sloppy at 17. 33 dead and buried by a single, obese and out of shape man is inconceivable.