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22260398 No.22260398 [Reply] [Original]

>Smokes pipe
>"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."

>> No.22260410

You can’t follow Ted and be a Christian. Christians actually want the world to end. Jesus even says that Christians will be saved and resurrected when the Earth dies. Christians want history to keep “progressing” so that their daddy will come back. In fact, the myth of progress was created by the Jesuits and other christtards like Hegel.

>> No.22260417

But you can acknowledge that the world will only get worse and worse before Christ returns as a Christian.

>> No.22260475

Anyone who thinks this is an egocentric, resentful lackwit who feels he has the right to define what's best for humanity.

>> No.22260537
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>"Touching your cap to the squire may be damn bad for the squire but it’s damn good for you"

>> No.22260548

Completely true, Abrahamism are responsible for the obsession with, progress, humanism, and sterile bugman rationalism. You should take up Buddhism instead of being a Ted tranny though.

>> No.22260551

*Abrahamists are responsible for the obsession with progress

>> No.22260593

That's evangelical shit, faggot.

>> No.22260702

But the world has progressed. Reductions of infant mortality and infectious disease alone are reason enough to be proud. The degeneration we're experiencing today is just another hill to climb, like the fall of Rome or the Bronze Age collapse. Ultimately, the ups and downs amount to an incline.

>> No.22260712

>Reductions of infant mortality and infectious disease alone are reason enough to be proud.
Kys you deluded Christcuck piece of shit. There is nothing to be praised about the complete loss of biodiversity and overpopulation.

>> No.22260725

>Reductions of infant mortality and infectious disease alone are reason enough to be proud.
Why? Disruption of natural processes are closer to being inherently evil than a reason for pride

>> No.22260728

Pretty good, but not quite. A little too on the nose with Hegel, otherwise you might have gotten another half a dozen (You)s

>> No.22260741

So do Christians want everyone to die or want everyone to live, which one is it flipflopping cunt?