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22257558 No.22257558 [Reply] [Original]

Author of children's book pens an article on why adults should read children's books.

Her arguments boils down to adults "forgetting" how to think like a child. And that this is disastrous.

Your thoughts?


>> No.22257559

She is right, some people are fucked up just because they can't have fun. Just have fun and play around a little if you are feeling that bad.

>> No.22257563

how many kids are CEOs or doctors? Kids are morons and thinking like a kid is not helpful to anyone other than women who are just big children so of course she has this dumb opinion.

>> No.22257571

>authoress of children's books
>"here's why you should read books for children"

>> No.22257582

Hey, furbabies are just as valid as real crotchgoblins you funkin' breeder. No need to be so rude.

>> No.22257587

What? All we see are morons infantilizing themselves. This culture is built on puerility and imbecility, flashy colors and quick gratification, like keys jingling in front of our eyes. To think that this is somehow not childish enough astounds me.
Nothing good has come as a result of "fun". Fun (and by extent, folly) is the worst, most base vice imaginable.

>> No.22257595

Children books are rarely just children books if they teach about fundamental values.

>> No.22257599
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>Nothing good has come as a result of "fun"

>> No.22257601
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She is half right, but children's book are not the way.

>> No.22257603

Charade you are, the picture you have attached beside your post is meant to be a mockery of people who have become addicted to video games acting as the conduit for a sense of fulfillment.

>> No.22257606

Ray wrote a good kid.

>> No.22257613

t. homo insectus
There is that too, they often get back to fundamental stuff, and all things considered, they might even help uncover traumas, but I would argue that this is a thing with any kind of book, maybe children's book would help with childhood related trauma.

>> No.22257623

>homo insectus
>after i've criticized consumerism and instant gratification
Arent China, Japan, and South Korea the flashiest and correspondingly most sterile countries in the world?

>> No.22257624
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Yes sure, so unimportant that google makes sure that their employees are having some. This is why you are browsing 4chan and they are creating the internet.

>> No.22257625
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>Charade you are, the picture you have attached beside your post is meant to be a mockery of people who have become addicted to video games acting as the conduit for a sense of fulfillment.

>> No.22257630

Ah yes, Google, known for being the exemplars of virtue and benevolence. What a joke.

>> No.22257634

Well, you either learn how to use it, or let other people learn and exploit it as they see fit.

>> No.22257639

I recently re-read the witches and read Henry Sugar by Roald Dahl
I like Roald a lot

>> No.22257644

Giving up my integrity is not worth any material good. Besides, Google dosing their employees with a sedative, so to speak, is not only an appeal to authority, but also completely misguided and perfectly illustrates my point about how "fun" is used to manipulate and destroy people. Co-opting fun and constructing a "fun" environment is evil.

>> No.22257647

>Nothing good has come as a result of "fun". Fun (and by extent, folly) is the worst, most base vice imaginable.
Ok. And the only allowed sedative would be the scriptures, amirite?

>> No.22257651

There shouldn't be a sedative. Not that I advocate for anarchism, not at all. But striving for excellence and beauty (or at least the recognition and championing of beauty) is imperative and paramount. Religion is only the quickest and easiest way of justifying such a viewpoint.

>> No.22257653

Go ride a bike or something

>> No.22257656

>hormones le bad

>> No.22257661

>Any biological urge is... LE GOOD!
>Any biological development is... LE GOOD!
And I suppose we should repose while cancer spreads all over our bodies?

>> No.22257666

>he says while getting his dosage of hormones due to arguing with someone on the internet
Oh anon, I have another kind of cancer spreading all over my body.

>> No.22257669

I'm convinced you're having "fun" right now, though it's only a crippled shade of the real thing

>> No.22257673

KEK check 'em

>> No.22257688

Perverting discourse into some masturbatory biologism is perfectly indicative of the philistine lows sensualists like you commonly dwell in.

>> No.22257692

>took 10 minutes to come up an with a flowery answer
You are having a blast, aren't you? KEK

>> No.22257698

Took you two minutes to spew the same moronic bile you spent your entire life revolving around. Sad case. Also not an argument.

>> No.22257699

>oh you can't have fun with language
Yes, an argument in a thread about children's books.

>> No.22257700

This thread is about children's books the same way Moby Dick is about hunting a whale.

>> No.22257705

For me, it is about having fun, but you are no fun. Consider changing your diet, I bet you are constipated or some other crap. Maybe do some yoga and move that body of yours.
I'll get going because I can't play with you the whole day, got things to do.

>> No.22257713
File: 1.58 MB, 320x240, jodie smirk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, but yoga's no fun, anon. Think about the FUN I could be having! After all, half-assing shitposts on /lit/ is the highest prospect of fun I can imagine while I busy myself with a miserable life filled with "things to do" (consume).

>> No.22257720

>yoga is no fun
It probably isn't if it is with you or those snooze fest instructors. I have fun doing it. Thanks. Now, I really have to go.

>> No.22257726

Sounds like a contrived generic midwit opinion that retards think is deep/insightful.

>> No.22257765

what is an ad hominem

>> No.22257769

How about we let a Frenchman teach the finer nuances of Mandarin?

>> No.22257773

No I don't want fun excuses to hang out at the office, fuck off

>> No.22257774
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I can't believe I used to do this

>> No.22257777

Now look at what a pitiful parody of yourself you are.

>> No.22257780

i read a lot when i was a kid. lots of classic children's stuff. winnie the pooh, alice, wind in the willows, just so stories, that kind of thing. also asterix, tintin etc, adventure stories, lots of nonsense stuff like edward lear, etc etc etc
it all kind of shaped the way i think, my sense of humour, stuff like that
now as an adult it is possible to spot the people who didn't read a lot as kids. they tend to be humourless, miserable people that have no self awareness or curiosity and are stuck in one way of thinking forever. they tend to spend a lot of time with vapid pursuits such as posting on anonymous message boards
so yeah she is kind of right. if you missed out on all that stuff as a kid then you can try to catch up now even though it won't really be the same

>> No.22257782
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>> No.22257852
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She isn't wrong, but there should be a limit to the types of things you read just due to length and story structure and the age range the books should attract. Reading a Redwall book is not the same as reading the Hungry Hungry Catepillar. That being said, a lot of "adults" here seem to be against this idea since they really seem to lack any sense of adventure and want to pretend adulthood should be mindless drudgery instead of having fun once in awhile.

>> No.22257909

>Her arguments boils down to adults "forgetting" how to think like a child.
I don’t think current kids or YA books are going to give you any reminders on what it’s like to think like a child. (The fuck would a childless cat lady remember about a kid’s inner life that you wouldn’t?) Revisiting the stuff you once read as a child, or reading books to children probably will.

>> No.22257954

Yes, the reason we don't play on see-saws is because we lack a sense of adventure. Wise up.

>> No.22258205

>Woman (child in an adult body) says we should be children too

>> No.22258299
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Sufi chads understand this experientially and metaphysically.

> "Do you not see how the child acts on the older person in a special way, so that the older person comes down from his position of superiority, plays and chatters with him, and opens his mind to him. Thus, he is under the child's influence without realizing it. Furthermore, the child preoccupies him with its rearing and protection, the supervision of his interests and the ensuring that nothing might cause it anxiety. All this demonstrates the action of the younger on the older by virtue of the power of his station, since the child's contact with his Lord is fairly recent, being a new creature. The older person, on the other hand, is more distant from that contact. One who is closer to God experts power over one who is further from Him." - Ibn Arabi

>> No.22258303

adults do read children's books. It's a huge problem. No one reads above a fifth grade reading level for fun anymore.

>> No.22258313

redpill me on that strawchair

>> No.22258369

It's a pic of artistic mastery. There is no difference between an artisan who mastered the craft of for example pottery and a skillful gamer. Both act in skillful ways within the given limits a certain craft grants

>> No.22258392

why are soillennials like this?

>> No.22258417

depends what they mean by children's books
a love a good picture book with great illustrations, like chris van allsburg or david weisner stuff, but I most children's chapter books are crap unless they're really old (and not really children's books exclusively. the hobbit, for instance)

>> No.22258435
File: 102 KB, 819x1024, gettyimages-1280918198-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will touch ze grass
>you will eat ze cookies and drink ze milk
>you will color with ze crayons
>you will have ze fun and you will be happy

>> No.22258559

Hungry Hungry Caterpillar takes like 5 minutes to read, it's well worth the time imo

>> No.22258698


>> No.22258954
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If you can enjoy a children's book as an adult then you're either a retard or a pedophile. Have you ever read a children's book? They're extremely boring, predictable, empty, etc. I've tried reading children's books to learn foreign languages, and it's just mind numbing. If you read these things as an adult then what you're doing isn't "learning how to think like a child", you're turning your brain off. There are other, more effective ways to "think like a child', i.e. joyously and with immediacy, than literally acting like a child. That's what art is for, e.g. reading/writing/fashion/painting/dancing/music/etc. It's also what nature is for, or coffee/tea, or exercise, or travel, etc. All of these things can be done with the same immediacy of interest that a child experiences when reading a children's book. If you feel like you're having to force yourself to enjoy these things, then its because you haven't found one of the ones you actually enjoy yet, or you're depressed and reading children's books won't help you.

>> No.22258981

miserable roastie cat lady identified

>> No.22259402

>If you can enjoy a children's book as an adult then you're either a retard or a pedophile.
>cumbrain image
aggressively retarded faggot

>> No.22259449

That's obviously a parody, dumbass

>> No.22259503

Consumerist moron. Why would you ever strive towards infantilizing yourself through art? It is just so stupid.

>> No.22259845

Most adults with children already read children’s books. People re-experience elements from their own childhood and adolescence with their kids, including great children’s books. Declining birth rates throughout the developed world mean that a lot of millennials and zoomers are deprived of this experience, so they compensate by regressing and intentionally seeking out children’s content to consume on their own. These types of articles didn’t exist thirty or forty years ago when birth rates were high because they wouldn’t have made any sense in that context. They’re written for a burgeoning generational cohort with no posterity.

>> No.22260015

>Her arguments boils down to adults "forgetting" how to think like a child
LSD unironically fixes that

>> No.22260086

Suggesting that she has an unusually biased point of view on the matter is not ad hominem.

>> No.22260269

GK Chesterton wrote some essays on a similar subject, about the benefits of boys adventures, penny dreadfuls, cheap detective stories. Something about the philosophical purity of them. How they are about a normal person in an insane world, whereas adult literature is usually an insane person in the normal world I would find the essays/books myself but I am watching 24 so you will have to do it yourself.

>> No.22261734

my thoughts are that adults have forgotten to think like adults. The world is full of kids 20+ years old. Films, music, news, politics - now all this is designed for overage children. Therefore, in order to remember how to be children, first learn how to be adults.

>> No.22262017

Oh great, we now need even more infantilization in our current mode of life(in the countries of the golden billion)