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File: 570 KB, 1080x800, fantasy-books-with-kick-ass-female-leads-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22256787 No.22256787 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good book with a female protagonist?

>> No.22256789

The Golden Compass

>> No.22256815 [DELETED] 

mira gonzalez's disembodied feet are up there in the rankings.
astral travel to her tootsies and see for yourself. they remain fruitful for such endeavors.
almost always poking out from her lifestyle blankets, often while she snores beneath the steady hiss-n-click of her cpap machine. once you spy mira's fabled size 9s, though, resolving them through the warbly leys and the swampy static. You'll sniff. You will snort. You will taste incredibly vivid musts, stenches and fumes of exotic generation.
but after awhile mira will withdraw her cooling feather-wigglers into the dark coziness undercover. from there it's tough to permeate.
im still a novice astral goer-abouter. soon, ill be able to psychically generate illumination and so then I'll be able to spring after those ten-toed mud minnows

>> No.22256832
File: 48 KB, 303x500, 51oI6ASjT4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like Patricia Briggs and Laurell K. Hamilton from that pic. The Stardoc series is cool if you want sci-fi. Dr. Cherijo is a pretty good character.

>> No.22256843

The Crying of Lot 49
The Body Artist
Anna Karenina

>> No.22257365

Ann Veronica

>> No.22257382

Tess of the d'Ubervilles

>> No.22257415

Most of the Chronicles of Narnia as well as That Hideous Strength.
Lewis actually writes female characters really well.

>> No.22258226

he literally sent pne to hell for wearing make up

>> No.22258231

The Woman Who Was Poor
Dark Spring

>> No.22258367


>> No.22258472

A Woman in Berlin


>> No.22258522

Vaginal Meridian by Cormacca Missarthy. Or Maby's clit by His woman Melvilla.

>> No.22258866

Ah yes, the rapebait and the pedo. Fuck off you degenerate coomer.

>> No.22258879

You have to go back.

>> No.22258893
File: 540 KB, 614x827, 1688696489398851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22259033

Gillian Flynn’s stuff, she likes writing dysfunctional asshole FeMCs which is rare as fuck.

>> No.22259046

the book I'm writing but she's not a woman because she's not human. still female though.

>> No.22259146

Play it as it lays

>> No.22259328

>a court of thorns and roses
i bought it 3 years ago and still havent started it, is it even any good?

>> No.22259353

Heian diaries, although I concede that might be cheating.

>> No.22260059

Adio, Cowboy.

>> No.22260141

Uncle Silas.

>> No.22260923


>> No.22260930

I liked the Memory Police.

>> No.22261007

>mfw the tattoo on top right

>> No.22261026

>The X of Y and Z
No it's probably not.

>> No.22261083

I read a few chapters and it was pretty terrible.

>> No.22261221

Are you okay with Light Novels? I'd recommend Ascendance of a Bookworm and The Apothecary Diaries if so.

>> No.22261276

Alice in Wonderland. Happens to one of the best books too.

>> No.22261401


>> No.22261435
File: 60 KB, 306x432, Alice + Duchess + Flamingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this. There are several good books with female protagonists, but Alice in Wonderland is the best.

>> No.22261447

>Alice is Wonderland

Seconded, protag is pedobait