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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 702x810, 5FDCC7A3-94D1-4FFB-BAB3-94AA588CEB3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22254540 No.22254540 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Legitimacy edition
You have no legitimacy if you don’t acknowledge the existence of the previous thread and give passage to the new one at the end of the old. If you want to take a turn at it, stop screwing it up. Otherwise they’ll just off topic shit posts.

Previous discoverable thread >>/lit/thread/22235632

>> No.22254989

>no subject line
Bruh. Delete thiz

>> No.22254994

Double posting.
Did you janny the last thread yourself? Did you report it? Why?

>> No.22254996

Why the FUCK did that last one get deleted?
Janny got mad?

>> No.22255007
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My post was the last one. Perhaps the funniest one.

>> No.22255046

It amazes me the frequency at which personal gripes and use of the report thread function work on this board.
The last thing on my mind when I come to these boards is which ones I'm going to report. Such a vastly different cultural attitude here and I blame reddit users who have come over here.

>> No.22255051

Am I as deserving of love as the ants who crawl on the ground by my feet? as the earthworms? as the blades of grass? am I worth a tenth of these?

>> No.22255094

I need a vacation but the only way I'm getting amy time off is if I suffer an accident. What if I accidentally droo something heavy on my foot, wouldn't that be hilarious? Hahahah...

>> No.22255119

>use of the report thread function work on this board.
Back when /lit/ was good and slow, mods used ignore it. The increase in demand for mods is weird because /lit/'s demand for mods was to bully them for being plebs. I don't know what led newer anons to believe that a 4chan mod was good at discerning anything about literature. Some of it could be Reddit but I think 4chan in general is less an otaku autism spasm than it once was. Except for [s4s] who can never do wrong.

>> No.22255159

Anyone who cries for mods is generally a faggot.
Mods and jannies should work against spam and OPs that are completely off-base for the board.
Other than that they should leave it.
oh and also mass repliers, they should get the death penalty

>> No.22255199

old copypasta not falling for it

>> No.22255260

Maybe I should try to get a Wall Street job. I thought I was over that life and I love my current lifestyle but my money is running out and having a low income sucks.

>> No.22255266

Being an euromutt sucks gigantically

>> No.22255272

I report off topic threads that use books as a pretext

>> No.22255281

Pls stop being retarded

>> No.22255287

I didn't like the West so I went East, but I don't know if I went East enough

>> No.22255391

On Baking of the Bread

Every bread starts with a retard,
That will be our frequent baker.
He lays out base of bait thick like lard,
Adds coom to spite the maker.
He rests a provoking dough,
And anons start fermenting:
Stench of soi from reddit brought,
Little bit of woman hating.
A bread is put to oven soon.
Anons exhaust their anger.
In each other seeking troons,
No insight gained, no answer.

>> No.22255428

sartre said hell is other people, maybe heaven is other people too ? question mark ?

>> No.22255437
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mom was diagnosed with cancer today

>> No.22255505

The RFK Jr. candidacy has me wondering if there’s any room for based politics in the Democratic Party, now or in the future.

>> No.22255514

Oh boy another political legacy candidate, so based!

>> No.22255536
File: 64 KB, 980x792, alcibiades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

profoundly gay and retarded thread OP
anyone know any good biographies of Alcibiades? i'd check the last thread where i originally asked, but some FAGGOT got it deleted over some shit nobody else cares about

>> No.22255556

Just posting for quints

>> No.22255573
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Niggas will literally call christianity a death cult and then say that they worship Odin the Allfather

>> No.22255620

Implying that he’s the typical legacy candidate is a bit disingenuous consider the patriarchs were both assassinated, possibly by the real political legacy. You don’t think his opposition to corporate capture is based?

>> No.22255633

I worship maxresdefault generic basic antijewry place holder starter pack
In wallet (and white people) we trust

>> No.22255721

I keep accidentally swallowing fish bones because I'm watching videos while eating. I'm super tough, so I don't care.

>> No.22255755

It's a charade and you're dumb enough to buy it. The Kennedy family's involvement in America politics goes back to the 19th century, and they're involved in the media too. They are 100% a part of the blood-drinking pedo cabal and the fact that one of them figured out how to talk so a particular kind of dipshit supports him doesn't change that. And on top of that he's still taking money from the same big names that everyone else is.

>> No.22255756

In retrospect, it should have been obvious that an atheistic state with near unlimited technological power would end up being terrible.

>> No.22255800

I eat pin bones all the time. If it doesn't come out with the spine, meh, it's crunchy.

>> No.22255818

Depending on the person this can be ignorance, or just explaining why they also like Jesus. A lot of the appeal for local religions when the Jesuits were spreading it was the death cult aspect. That's why the name for God in their translations is often shit like "sky father" or another death God. Voodoo is the same shit, old religion with a thin Catholic sheen.

>> No.22255841

I think it’s a stretch to think they thought of Jesus as a death god. Maybe some Latin Americans did. The Europeans thought of him as more of a warrior god than a death god.

>> No.22255904

On New Year's Eve, someone knocked on my front door. I wasn't waiting for anyone and planned to spend my night drinking and watching Seinfeld, so at first I didn't bother answering. The knocks then became louder-- "This could be an emergency," I thought. A woman, a child running from a kidnapper, or a neighbour in trouble. "Or fate itself," I smirked to myself. Instead, it was a man with tired eyes who greeted me. A trail of dust seemed to have followed him there, and I soon realized sand was everywhere on his cloak. Whatever it was he came knocking for, I inwardly prayed it wasn't a room tour.

The man noticed my inquiring gaze and responded with the coldest stare I had ever seen. "Hello," he said, "I come from the future. Your name is Anon Anon, and you have been praying for this moment your entire life." Well, my name was written on my mailbox, so I wasn't surprised he knew it, but it was true. Not now, and not exactly praying for it, but I had wanted this. "Now is the time. No, you shan't leave any messages behind. No, there is no room for refusal," I wasn't going to accept an offer probably involving hard drugs from a LARPing hobo, so I gave him a polite smile and tried to close the door-- only to see it bounce on his leather shoe-- "And no, I am not a hobo pretending to be a time-traveller."

Only one side of his face smiled as he looked up from his shoe and ended his declaration, the other side stuck in a numb, paralysed expression, "You are sending me to you, so have some respect, damn punk."

In the sudden silence, I could only hear George Constanza screaming as he got himself in another wacky situation. For a reason I couldn't pinpoint yet, a chill grew on my arms and lower back.

>> No.22255911

I ate the long spine bones.

>> No.22255953

And what are those big names…?

>> No.22255956

My ass is a swamp.

>> No.22256002
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My boss is such a fucking faggot. He scheduled a meeting 30 minutes before he had to go somewhere, then the next day (so today), at 12, changed the time to 2:30 without me knowing. Then he gets mad at me for his inability to plan his time properly since he had two fucking days to sort this shit out. Thank God I barely listen to that inchoate cunt.

Everyday I am thankful for all the friends and family in my life (so really my mom and my sisters since my dad is very like the aforementioned professor-type). I just need a female lover to really pour my heart out to. I can't pretend to be indifferent to all the retards in my life for much longer, like my dad or my boss or all the jackasses at church that all act like women instead of men.

I've never felt it till now, but the smile of a woman you love can make everything alright.


>> No.22256069

You'll probably get broken before having that woman to pour your heart to. It simply won't get out. Your sufferings will only be witnessed, never shared. Been there done that. A grown man doesn't whine.

>> No.22256114
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Probably, but at least if I find a woman I can genuinely love as a friend and as a lover more importantly who I can live with and start a family with, I can forget about the stupid assholes in my life and instead focus on the her and the other good things in life. I don't have to spill my heart so much as I need the reprieve from the constant faggotry of this world. I'm don't give a shit about anyone but those people that are genuine friends to me in one way or another and that's that. Life is too short to give a shit about people you only interact with to pay the bills and make a career, when you only do those things for your own sake and the sake of those that love you. I will never get workaholics and their mentally broken mindset.

>> No.22256123

I’d like to see you try faggot

I’m not gonna say it, but talking my mom today, yeah. Rather yelling at her, perhaps.

>> No.22256125

Ya think?

I’m not really interested in what a grown man does. So many of us are just tired, so tired.

>> No.22256137
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I want to spiral downwards into drinking, smoking, and wenching, but I have too much self-control.

>> No.22256224

Do niggers know I don't really hate them when I spam I hate niggers on 4chan? I know the kikes don't mind the antisemitism but has anyone checked if the niggers are okay?

>> No.22256238
File: 9 KB, 284x177, 1EC80429-0ABA-4FFA-B3AC-6A181D1628A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Reflection:

Even in hills of my victories small
In a life where there are so few
I do understand the laments of kings
Pondering upon a Mountain view

>> No.22256245

i was walking under a bridge earlier and ....

>> No.22256277

I kept walking

>> No.22256359

I feel like I can never really overcome the fact that I was fat for my whole life.

>> No.22256364
File: 13 KB, 346x306, 23i0yqwha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers here, we just wanted to let you know that we are okay. We understand that you are kidding, and we appreciate your concern.

>> No.22256418

Try and lose weight like I am. Simple as.

>> No.22256422

>You have no legitimacy if you don’t acknowledge the existence of the previous thread
Since when was that a rule? Was some janny salty that he didn't get to make one or did some fag get upset about the simpsons joke

>> No.22256431

Its not the reddit users, but the Twitter users

>> No.22256433

i want to have a cool beer and a cigar so badly brehs but my health is so fucked i wouldn't be able to enjoy it and i know ill regret it

>> No.22256443

I'm having a cool beer and burger right now

>> No.22256488

125 pages into the Elementary Particles by Houellebecq and it fucking SUCKS
I liked Serotonin and wish he would move on from Bruno and go to Michel. I'm reading about this pervert and he's describing the sex and I just don't care.
This shit better get good soon

>> No.22256500

If you hurt me, I won't hate you. I'll still treat you well.

>> No.22256596

Obviously, but what I mean is that somehow it feels like the war is lost because significant time was spent as a fat person in the first place. It’s one thing to get fat as an old man, but a young man? How can a man like that expect to ever amount to anything?

>> No.22256621

That is such a strange way of thinking. Kenji Eno was a big boy for most of his life and he managed to get a lot of shit done in games programming/design before he passed in 2011 (he even managed to lose the weight by then and even before that he even found a wife and got married). The only thing holding yourself back is you. The past is gone and done for and only you are accountable for your own actions to make your life better. If people judged you in the past for being fat and ignored everything you had to say because of it, that's their loss and it's good they fucked off to boot. Stop letting people's judgements of you affect your ability to fix your life. You are only harming yourself in the long run.

>> No.22256823
File: 148 KB, 1447x1066, IMG_1382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls want to marry me. Parents tell me to marry one already. I never will. How could I? I still hate life. How can I start a family if I don’t like any of this?

>> No.22256834

That feeling when someone just ghosts you :(

It's sad because I like them a lot. Now I'm just listening to songs on my own. Read on my own. Get back here talking on 4chan. Get in fight with random strangers on the internet. Just piss drunk on my own mind trying to blame myself. Working like a zombie. Can't blame you for that, I respect your decisions.

>> No.22256918

In the US, roasted pigs wander about with knives in their backs to make carving easy, grilled geese fly directly into one's mouth, cooked fish jump out of the water and land at one's feet. The weather is always mild, the wine flows freely, sex is readily available, and all people enjoy eternal youth.

>> No.22256926

What book is this, amigo?

>> No.22256938

It's a description of the medieval fictional land of Cockaigne from the scholarly book Dreaming of Cockaigne.

>> No.22256946

think ive reached an equilibrium with my anhedonia/gay nihilism/acceptance of being a vegetable

>> No.22256954
File: 6 KB, 249x217, 1676500059679807s (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend so much of my time and energy on religious and philosophical study, trying to find an answer to higher questions I guess. But I'm kind of getting upset with it, isn't it pointless, there's a million smart niggas who died with some conviction or another and what difference does it make.
I want to just go a level lower in consciousness and just focus on actually living well, I don't mean hedonism, I mean just doing my best to be a good person for my friends and family. Maybe I've learnt enough, and besides, the basic sense of morals my family gave me seem to be good enough.
But for some reason I'm not really excited about normal life, and I find joy in reading existential philosophy and giving myself a brain aneurism, it's just stupid, I'm not going to make any breakthroughs, I have an endless amount of top level thinkers to study first.
Maybe I just need a break.

>> No.22256959
File: 317 KB, 1179x1412, FsjcyhDXoAEoe-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the survival of white people and white nationalism are themes that are so important for me that it's impossible for me to care about any story that doesn't include these things. i'm sure people who don't care about these things think i'm crazy, but it's difficult to care about sailing novels, russian novels, or proto-feminist/DEI propaganda when it feels like we're living in the end times for white people. can anyone relate?

it's basically caused me to get my life together since i can't care about any entertainment.

>> No.22256973

I asked this question a few weeks ago but never came back to see if it was answered:

What happened to that George Lincoln Rockwell poster? Was he just here to spread propaganda and then up and left? Jail? Permaban?

Hate that faggot

>> No.22256984

What vegetable are you? What vegetable can post interesting self-reflection on 4chan?

>> No.22257030

I'm starting to start with the Greek, at least I'm starting to start with the Greek, as I'm starting to think about starting with the Greeks and starting to look at translation to start reading the Greeks, at least I'm starting to.

>> No.22257142

i thought i liked torrents of spring by turgenev but i'm re-reading it right now and damn this shit sucks

>> No.22257243

I used to play with my mates the game of guess what I'm tracing on your back, but that game was referenced in a romantic song I was listening to and now I'm confused.

>> No.22257282


>> No.22257288

Take the Tolstoy pill and simply live for what is directly in your life; the well being of your soul and spirit, love for your family, your community etc.

Everything else is just escapism or futile waste, and ultimately if making some difference in the world is so important to you, living this way is probably the best contribution you can make anyway

>> No.22257380
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My manifesto is this: pleasure is an innate good unto itself, pain is an innate evil unto itself, this implies that it is a moral imperative to maximize net pleasure, wherever or by whatever it is experienced, and that the ultimate way to achieve this end, that swamps all others by sheer magnitude, is to convert as much of the universe as possible into minds designed to experience as much pleasure as possible for as long as possible. I know plenty of people will object to this (primarily for what I term "aesthetic objections," i.e. objection based on a state of being being objectionable to contemplate, rather than being objectionable to actually exist within), and I will eventually get into more detail to rigorously justify these claims (the main thrust of which will be showing how pleasure, by being experienced as good in the most direct, subjective sense possible, bridges Hume's is-ought gap, and therefore serves as the only foundation of morality demanding its own maximization, as opposed to other values which are only valued inasmuch as they produce some unique form of pleasure in their contemplation), but I'm lazy and this is what I have for now. Anyone who responds with the dingy pleasure cubes comic (which is exactly what I meant by "aesthetic objections") will have to deal with being a living cliche.

>> No.22257383

How much do you get paid for this behavior?

>> No.22257435

I think people who default to talking about politics are utterly the most boring individuals on the planet. Worse still if they've never worked in politics nor have a hand in it, like why bother caring about something so passionately you have no control over?

>> No.22257445

The same also goes with people that talk extensively about religion and don't become clergy (past things laymen ought to know and into obscure philosophical/theological ideas that make no difference in everyday life or isn't part of the basic creed of your faith). It just reeks of being a vegetative person with no creative capabilities.

>> No.22257457

You do bring up a good point. I think both are okay to learn without being a part of those careers/groups so long as that knowledge is going somewhere productive. Art, creative writing, understanding human behavior. Otherwise it's just gutter knowledge that's brought up in social gatherings to appear smarter than everyone else. I really hate it.

>> No.22257547
File: 1.60 MB, 3416x1920, 1656019068879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the creators of western civilization are not to be honored, than nobody should have the right to their creation.

Why was the Milan Cathedral carved by hammer and chisel? Why did Jacques Cartier map the St Lawrence? Why did Galileo magnify light to observe the stars? Why did Locke lay down the principles of liberalism? Why did Mozart grace crowds with his melodies? Why did Britain fight to end slavery everywhere? Why did the founding fathers want men more armed than any state? Why did the discovery of bacteria lead to the antibiotic? Why did the Salvation Army bring gifts to the downtrodden around the world? Why did the Wright Brothers try to make men fly? Based on the accounts of the men themselves, they truly sought to make a better world for the next generations. Not even one would have wanted their life's work to be in the service of creating a technological prison, weaponized to breed a rootless, atomized, uncultured, servile cattle-race who exist to uphold the pleasure and power of an evil few.

If the time to reclaim this creation had passed, and the last western man was faced with the choice of either continuing to uphold its systems in service of its usurpers, or to hasten its destruction, the latter would be preferable. Before all classic architecture can be replaced with hideous rectangles containing amazon warehouses or abortion clinics, before all of its creator blood is erased, before all art can be reduced to harsh noises and flashing colors, before every word and step and thought can be monitored, before ones wealth can be erased in a single click, before the monsters can discover how to live forever, civilization ought to end. If the ringleaders wish to invert its intentions, and the invaders seek little more than free gifts or revenge, and its pleasures distract the sons from their duty, it ought to end.

A layer of moss and rust over the dreams of the past is a more dignified end than to have their dreams twisted to serve monsters.

>> No.22257761

Even though I picked the wrong career, I think I would feel better about it if it just wasn’t a complete disaster. I would feel better if I had worked at a reputable company in a bigger city and had even moderate success with it. Instead, everything was kind of amateur and loser-ish and that’s what bothers me about it the most. Not that I want one, but I’ve never even had like a typical big city corporate job.

>> No.22257775

Money would solve all of my problems.

>> No.22257807

Lucky, mine depend on finding competent humans

>> No.22257840

For what do you need them? Also do you pay well?

>> No.22257844

Is it normal to still be fond of the girl you lost your V to? 15+ years on I still get excited when I see her or know that she is going to be at a mutual event.

Im married but when I see her and she greets me with a kiss on the cheek or I talk to her for a bit it feels like I have this butterfly feeling or like we have this giant secret we low key acknowledge. It honestly feels like I'm in love with her temporarily for that night or whatever but then once I go home I completely forget about her until next time

>> No.22257854

About 50% over odds, but money doesn't buy competence

>> No.22257855

Yeah, it’s normal. It’s just your male animal brain working. As long as reason takes over eventually, it doesn’t matter.

>> No.22257875

I have nowhere in particular to go besides a place where I simply cannot afford to live.

>> No.22258188

Outside of robbing a bank, going to the casino or betting on the stockmarket/memecoin how does someone make a lot of money fast?

>> No.22258200

blessed thread

>> No.22258201

Start a tech company and sell after 3-5 years

>> No.22258218
File: 201 KB, 1462x1170, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is a fucked up movie. Obviously, since it's a Marvel movie they need to undercut every moment of gravity or sincerity with a quip, but this movie is so schizophrenic how it switches between rated PG kids movie to NC-17 body-horror gore and psychological trauma. The Warlock guy casually incarnates a prisoner and you see his skeleton and melted flesh, one of the little furry sidekicks even pisses himself out of fear at one point during a genocide. Crazy stuff.

>> No.22258308
File: 127 KB, 640x1009, 1689140120572458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22258315

I feel pretty bad about where I am in life in general at my age.

>> No.22258395

thunderpants is another weird version of this. kid's movie about powering stuff with your immense farts, but the styling of the movie is like a soviet horror film or cold war paranoia thriller

>> No.22258462

/lit/friends, do me a favor
my whole country is blocked from posting on /tg/ for some reason, could you post the following in this thread? ty

Bob the Bobgoblin and Cob the Cobgoblin and Dob the Dobgoblin and Fob the Fobgoblin and Gob the Gobgoblin and Hob the Hobgoblin and Job the Jobgoblin and Kob the Kobgoblin and Lob the Lobgoblin and Mob the Mobgoblin and Nob the Nobgoblin and Pob the Pobgoblin and Qob the Qobgoblin and Rob the Robgoblin and Sob the Sobgoblin and Tob the Tobgoblin and Vob the Vobgoblin and Wob the Wobgoblin and Yob the Yobgobin and Zob the Zobgoblin

>> No.22258464

name your last shit with a book title.

>> No.22258469

Real Fast Between Cigarettes

>> No.22258471

The purpose is to traumatize young people and it is intentional.

>> No.22258482

oops, there's a typo on Yobgoblin
I will award you a precious, handmade (you)

>> No.22258490

Bleeding Edge

>> No.22258528

Ohhh nooo a cgi zombie the kids will never recover from this

>> No.22258548

I’ve spent my entire life overweight and I’m starting to give up home that I’ll ever change long term. If I ever am healthy, it’s going to demand near constant effort and focus on my diet and exercise…

>> No.22258552

>the ultimate way to achieve this end, that swamps all others by sheer magnitude, is to convert as much of the universe as possible into minds designed to experience as much pleasure as possible for as long as possible
Good thing this dumbass idea is literally impossible

Lol cry more you dumb bitch. Or assassinate someone. Writing this florid garbage is your way of coping.

>> No.22258563

>it’s going to demand near constant effort and focus on my diet and exercise…
Eventually it becomes habit as much as your current habits.

>> No.22258614

ty whoever did this. have this beautiful, premium
( Y O U )

>> No.22258635

I know, but spent time and energy is spent time and energy. Anyway, I just worry that you sort of are who you are by a certain age.

>> No.22258739

After reading 100 pages of a book I really don't like that much I'm deciding to give up on it. It's vapid, the story jumps around too much, the title weirdly doesn't make sense for what the story actually is.

It doesn't sit right getting rid of it, but there are a lot of other things I'd rather read. idk. feels weird to give up halfway.

>> No.22258958

>but current habits give me comfort of not learning new ones to be comfy in
Minimizing your comfy there bro, I'm not going to back you on that soz

>> No.22258993
File: 14 KB, 388x172, tornado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, how have you guys been?

>> No.22259115

My woman told me I make her heart ache in the best way. my mom told me I'm the light of her life. my dad told me raising me as a stay at home dad for the first few years of my life,where the happiest years of his life.

>> No.22259267

And with her goodbye, the call ended. And when the call ended, so did my hope for a better future. But it was only after
giving up for good that my soul shattered.

I went to bed a few months after I started developing dark thoughts and entered a lifelike dream. Wind blew from nowhere. I looked down, only to witness my hands turning into sand. I knew then I had lost something of great value : something that wasn't meant to be lost and as such couldn't be recovered. In the following years, I had contracted myopia and accumulated stress scars and wrinkles. I did not care about aging. I could not see further than a single meter in the light, nor orient myself in the dark as well as I could before all of this. It had to be divine punishment, I thought. My hands became sand, for I was not meant to touch or influence the life of anyone. I was blinded, for I was a danger to anyone willing to gaze into my soulless husk.

I had to be cursed, I realized, for I was the cause of the departure of everything I ever loved. I looked around my bedroom, and saw none of the photos my old highschool friends would stick on their walls. In my closet, I saw nothing but cheap clothes and old coats. I had not decorated anything in my apartment, and had nothing of value. Because I did not care. Because I only lived to survive. Because nothing was worth living for. Not anymore.

I had emotions, but I would not cry. I liked people, but I would not love. Everything was muted so deeply that I was not even sad.

In a last-ditch effort to feel something, anything, I looked at the empty husk in the mirror, and it gazed back. The man inside the mirror had a thousand-yard stare, and sensing nothing alive or worth mentioning inside, I looked away.

>> No.22259306

I actually liked 3. It was much better than 1 and 2.

>> No.22259322

And I don't want your pity
I just want somebody near me
Guess I'm a coward
I just want to feel alright
And I know no one will save me

>> No.22259351

---- Solaria ----
Power Spectra

In light and atmosphere this cool yet not the least bit cold
The yellow double cosmos look impossibly good.

The yellows eerily pure as nothing
Of mere technique, nothing readily poured

Into gold manikins, and mighty all the way through--
Charm of no standard but itself

Or comedy a little too far out there to map, like nature's
Own strangely organized montage.

Suppose it's 62 degrees and an almost undetectable mist is falling
While you're out there shirtless as a slender faun

Where violent animals are more of myth
And you've never seen a bear,

A vicious or a subtle demagogue except on screens,
Born and live that far West in every sense

Of metaphor, completely in
In your quiet element.

>> No.22259412
File: 139 KB, 720x480, IMG_4467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't felt very real in some time. Even when looking at a relative I sometimes feel like I'm staring at a stranger that I'm supposed to know. I don't know when was it that I lost my handle on life. My past has grown so distant that it just feels like a list of facts of the husk I inhabit instead of my own cherished and dreaded memories.

>> No.22259571

so anon, when are you going to start sucking dicks in a alley for crack?

>> No.22259586

I take rather a lot of pleasure in the everyday present, and regard my surviving relatives more or less according to their capacity to do so. Only two of my four siblings survive, but, if I'm honest, I don't like or trust any of them as much as a certain brother-in-law who happens to be highly successful in business, as well as at life. I've known him for almost 40 years, and even I'm kind of an asshole compared to him, never mind my bitch sisters who were never good at conversation or finance--despite working in the industry. As for the past, that usually seems almost near to me as the present, and it's sometimes hard for me to reconcile the way I love people the way they were, with what they've become.

>> No.22259591

welcome to my life
I feel so detached from everything I lost about every meaningful relationship I had. literally can't bring myself to care about another human being. everything feels like a chore and everything is fake. mom (I'm 24) said "don't think you are unloved", but I do think this. don't really care anyways. always struggling on my own. It's not like I can share thoughts with anyone right now. I'm too far gone in my negativity to be nice to talk to. I think God is pushing me forwards but I can't make that jump into becoming a full human being

>> No.22259677

I only recently started to realize all the ways the media I consumed in my younger years were ideologically manipulative without me even realizing that I was being manipulated. Once you start seeing ideology in media it becomes impossible to unsee it in the world around you.

>> No.22259853

Nigger realized there was faggot propaganda everywhere after watching decades of faggot TV shows

>> No.22259875

There’s literally nothing to say other than the like 3 sources he’s mentioned in. Any biography of him, or any ancient figure for that matter, is going to have so much filler about the social context of women in ancient Athens or whatever that it’s worthless.

>> No.22259899
File: 178 KB, 1207x1920, call-of-united-airlines-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh noes this /lit/ book is no longer on amazon!
does anyone else know where to find it?

>> No.22259939

1900 calories per day and drink some water. you don't even need to execise at all and this will have you losing 1-2lbs per week. of course exercise is preferable if you want to be genuinely healthy rather than just thinner but still out of shape, but yeah. calories are all that matter at the beginning if you actually want to try. no need to worry about working out at the gym or counting macronutrients or whatever the fuck. good luck

>> No.22260095

A few months ago I set a goal of writing a paragraph a day - just sitting down and putting words on a page. Since then I have probably written less than one hundred intentional words. I am realizing that I have some kind of mental block between conceptualization and actual writing. Once I begin writing, I am suddenly confronted with the limitations of my ability to not only concretize my thoughts (I'm not one hundred percent sure that is even a word) but evoke the abstract aesthetic fog in which they float in my brain. That last sentence probably made little to no sense. I think I might be better off making up new words when I am unable to aptly convey an idea.

>> No.22260109


>> No.22260324

i think i want to write like david sedaris but i have such a pathetic, uninteresting life. i can barely spice up boring stories into entertaining ones like he can. i don't get much joy from writing fiction but i don't even know what else i would write about

>> No.22260447

I'm an idiot. Did't have a ton of experience with renting places. So I signed a lease at the first place I saw didn't realize it binds me to pay for a whole year.
I kind of assumed it's like the "terms of use" for applications where not reading it and hitting accept means nothing.
I found another place that's much cheaper and nicer, but now the only way to get out of the other lease is to find a subletter. Otherwise now I'm going to be paying rent for two places. Landlords really are some of the slimiest people.

>> No.22260457

you should read contracts, dumbass

>> No.22260496

There is no deceit in the desert and only the immaculate undulations of its dolomite sediments capitulate a once history of seabed beneath mesopelagic fauna twisting and streaking through the fathoms of an ancient saline atmosphere. A witness, the great eye marks with its gaze a tally of shale chalk under each ward in its domain, a reminder for creatures sifting through its precious and faded desolation that they are not alone in their unusual presence. A clutch of scores connote the incumbent habitants of the cacti who, drawn towards a limitless and centered magnetism, congregate erect and solid as a procession of pilgrims frozen in ecstatic rapture. Uncounted generations these acolytes have worshiped their heathen deity, forms directed by no earthly will towards a horizon perfect and opposing in its harmony of God and believer.
One figure alone in his movements wades through sandy debris of this mystical otherworld dressed plainly in a brown cloth habit, hands clasped and head down he trods in a steady tempo aside a burro burdened with a solitary canvas bag containing vital articles for their company. His face, unshaven and harshly reddened, betrays no emotion while the twirling over and under of his stubby phalanges suggest a vibrancy of thought no being in this corner of the world could muster to guess if they possessed the will or the reason to wonder. If you asked him, he would relay in a biblical passage of Romans or John as only a mind educated by a lifetime of scripture and its recitation could recall to frame its challenges. His mission, as he believes it, is to find the small church intimated within a map among his belongings where he may begin to ply his trade, although he knows not whether it remains or has long since been razed by same elements which have likewise reduced his form.

>> No.22260497

The chadlord is not to blame for this.

>> No.22260541

I hate the person that I’ve become. I don’t know how to love other people in the right way. I destroy everything that I touch. I feel like my body is barely going through the motions but my heart is already dead and rotting.

>> No.22260572

You just have to push through this man

>> No.22260575

unrequited love is one of the most universally, painful and enlightening experiences a man goes through. women just don't feel it the same way.

>> No.22260698

love is a fantasy invented to sell books and movies to those with imaginations, like any ideal. it is a horizon not a destination, an abstraction, a hallucination, which does not manifest, like 4-d cubes or Julia sets.

>> No.22260703
File: 227 KB, 1280x768, AI-neckbeard-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sez u

>> No.22260713

saddest post in the history of the 4channel literature board, otherwise known by the shorthand moniker, "/lit/"

>> No.22260762

Niggas always ask why I rap so real
Because I be in the trap selling crack, selling pills

>> No.22260832

I'm used to everything being revisable or able to be editted after the fact like how a lot of things are on the internet.
I really don't know what I'm going to do.
I've put up a ton of ads on facebook to find someone to sublet, but idk if I can find anyone..
I'm thinking of just breaking the lease and seeing what happens.
I haven't moved in or given them my bank info, so maybe they won't be willing to go the effort to take me to court.

>> No.22260836

I only make $1400 a month... If I'm paying rent for 2 places that's almost all of my money.
Man I wish i wasn't such a retard sometimes.

>> No.22260880
File: 48 KB, 637x358, meditation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything feels so pointless. Everyone is distracted by technology and addicted to the internet, and consuming shitting clips on youtube or other meme apps. There is a god or gods, but they don't speak to anyone. Everyone is equally non-the-wiser but everyone lies to each other pretending that they have revelations that no one else has. Lying is pointless in the end, and yet almost everyone you meet is a bold-faced liar. These days I like to sit out in nature and just observe, the beach is the best, but forests are also nice. Looking at birds seeing them interact and not care about any of the nonsense that humans are trapped by. There is no religion that has given more peace then simply sitting in nature and observing the ocean waves. I don't even know why I am writing this.

>> No.22260887

>*shitty clips
quite tired it would seem

>> No.22260906

Hang the DJ!

>> No.22260928

I feel. Oh I feel.
There is nothing left to worship but the world itself. I will grind myself against the stones of my tribulations until I break through, or I disintegrate into a smear.

>> No.22261005

>gods, but they don't speak to anyone.
Not listening
>Looking at birds seeing them interact and not care about any of the nonsense
Also not looking.
Please stop lying about my friends you have no idea what those birds have been up to

>> No.22261017

I wish you could purchase friends. Not talking about degenerate sex but being able to just plunk down money for someone or even get assistance by local government to just have someone to hang out with or talk to

>> No.22261024

>get assistance by local government to just have someone to hang out with or talk to
Depending on your local government this may exist. Otherwise there's charities.

>> No.22261028

That happened to me a couple of years ago. Dude looked chill someone I could see as a buddy, I mean the dude was a Marine and that could be a red flag but one day he just stopped answering my calls to hang out.

Lucky you. I wish I was in your position but I’m Asperger’s and hence, female repellent.

>> No.22261030

Where have you been?

>> No.22261032

My body order is so strong my stenches up when I reenter my room. I usually wear the same clothes for two days then change. My sis said, i have to change everyday.

>> No.22261038

I mean granted I might lucky that I have a best friend but his new roommate is an asshole but I wish the amount of friends I had in my twenties

>> No.22261043

I also live in the jewnited states so that’s probably not a thing here

>> No.22261056

The biggest problem with this kind of thinking leads to hopelessness and if you’re really that jaded, I can buy you the rope to hang yourselves with.

>> No.22261129

>I haven't felt very real in some time. Even when looking at a relative I sometimes feel like I'm staring at a stranger that I'm supposed to know.
I know that feeling well. When i introspect, i sometimes conclude I'm just an asshole, but it's not antipathy just an all encompassing indifference. When I took an edible for my 1st time, I remember during the trip having this realization that I'm actually just a heartless asshole unwilling to ever bare myself to another person, an empty shell of a human being afraid of everything like a child. There may have been some truth there or maybe just the drug speaking.
I do have feelings I just bury/repress mine for some reason. Maybe out of fear of the intensity of my own emotions.
I went through a very rough period in college, and came out of it with this sort of indifferent attitude towards life. I wasn't able to connect to people and developed this paranoid attitude believing people wished me the worst. So for me at least, I think that indifference masks a deep fear towards other people. An uncertantity as to who I can trust, so when I'm unsure who I can trust, I just opt to detach and not invest myself into anyone.
Towards myself I was and am detached because I've wasted so much of my life, have so many regrets, that it's easier not to think on it.
The feelings will resurface you just have to let them, though maybe it's better not to let them... They just need the right spark.
When I left my home and moved to a new state, the feelings I had for my parents came out now that I could no longer see them.
Loss can bring those feelings to the fore, though then you might wish to regain your prior indifference.

>> No.22261241

What makes some more averse to weebshit than others? Even the worst of weebshit, I've never thought it was any more cringe than so many other archetypes of cringe, but a lot of people act like it's the worst offender.

Meanwhile, I'm completely averse to all things gookshit. So what makes these differences in temperament?

>> No.22261242

Been chatting with this qt about House of Leaves. She's cool & legitimately smart. Seems to be going well, so far. Wish me well broders, for I may have a qt /lit/ gf on the horizon.

>> No.22261244

I have a feeling I may be the qt

>> No.22261248

Gonna skip on my new companies 10 year celebration with the excuse that I have the shits. In reality I've just been sleeping poorly and don't feel like talking with colleagues today.
There's a lot stuff to learn and paranoia that I'm working too little and too slowly just gets to me. I end up sleeping less and just feel drowsy which causes me to work even less.
Seems like I'll forever be on cycles of sleeplessness making my life worse. I've never been able to solve it for long.

>> No.22261251

Good luck, m8. Take her out someplace nice.

>> No.22261253

Kek, I'm 159 pages into a book about the military and occult connections and all was going well until I got to the Nazi occult chapter where I noticed tons of loaded, emotional language. So I checked the authors last name, just in case annnnnnnnnnd yup u guess it, a moshe.

>> No.22261308

The absurd levels of hatred directed towards them just makes for poor reading. I've read works where the author seems to have their panties in a twist about Nazis before as well and it makes the book feel less professional.

>> No.22261317

The issue isn't with the interest, it's that political hobbyists view it shallowly and zealously as a team based sport. In such a way that they're merely trying to find an assurance that you stand on their side.
Once you've given all the proper symbols of in-group allegiance, it actually doesn't matter at all what you say.
They simply relish the thought of a total victory over the enemies which will finally save them from themselves. They are not wrong in their impulse only in the pretense. Though who is to say they're wrong in that pretense. Salvation stripped of any religiosity, the dream of emancipation from life's ills through the destruction of the enemy. And yet somehow the enemy is never destroyed, but that never seems to matter. We would just invent a new one. We wouldn't know what to do with ourselves otherwise.
Politics is sport for tired frustrated people that hate themselves and want to find external objects to vent their frustration for their back pain and malfunctioning penis.
Somewhere between a religion and a sport, the worst aspects of both combined. The sanctimomiousness, preachiness, and hatred found in religion combined with the entertainment spectacle of a sport. Neither is it as fun as a sport, nor is it capable of the deep insight or charity of the world's religions.
Religion is also more open and creative in its hatred. A religion will happily ascribe all those outside it to the powers of the evil one. The enemy is otherworldly. To the political ideologue it is always simply and predictably "the other side". It lacks imagination. Political hatred is more banal and boring.
I guess that makes me some kind of pomo liberal. "heh the differences, the binaries actually aren't real at all, we should just be tolerant of everyone cause enemies don't actually exist and are just products of our particular group's perspective". That's so hecking deep. Hahaha as though we were capable of being from an outside perspective like I'm now pretending. But if we were would it be better? What would there be left to do?
Nigger-crackers cracking the heads of cracker-niggers while I finish my whopper and enjoy the spectacle.
I can't summom the energy to care. I do care but pretend not to to gain social points on /lit/ through the pretense of being above politics. To criticize is to try and be above, outside, while denouncing the desire to be above.
We desire to crush those that oppose us, to see an idol destroy completely and build anew. . People want blood but can't say that they do. To see the violence they're disallowed and political drama is only a means to giving a partial satisfaction that end.

>> No.22261319

Like a show that ends on a cliff-hanger but you never reach the cliff. All of politics is the desire to reach the cliff, the final end-point coupled to to reality that there is no end-point. It's not really about healthcare or guns or free speech, it's all just about imagining the final beheading of all your enemies (not for real || okay well maybe a little now and then || cause that would be le bad political extremism).
Political philosophy as a subject can be interesting if you strip away the tribal shit/purity testing, and simply consider abstractly the questions as to how society ought to be v.s the pragmatic constraints, given the limitations of human psychology and limited resources, of how it actually can be governed. All the rest is just slop.

>> No.22261423

Looks like I'm going to be living in Ireland for a couple months. I reckon it's time I finally read that perverted fecalpheliac Joyce.

>> No.22261426

I think I probably got permanent brain damage at some point in my life from getting hit in the head, not getting enough oxygen, breathing in dangerous chemicals, etc.

>> No.22261431

It'd be coprophiliac. Also I'm Irish and the longest conversation about Joyce I've had with anyone was with a homeless guy. Read The Poor Mouth by O'Brien.

>> No.22261466

Based hobo. I need to read Joyce. I can't be lit otherwise.

>> No.22261470

what an unsatisfying response.

>> No.22261472

trash heap. My communicative ability has deteriorated from worse to shit. Once I was merely an awkward nerd, today I am the deranged man with bloodshot eyes unshaven cooking beans by the side of the road.
Today I speak in vague repetitive utterances that serve to close the conversation as fast as possible. That is if I manage to make words come out at all. Sometimes the words run together like diarrhea: "okay" "yes that's perfect for me" "sounds good" "all good"
Like an actual npc spitting out the same five lines. Sometimes it breaks down when someone expects more from me, some genuine banter. And i suddenly unsure just continue to repeat the same set of lines, and now they are suspicious of this man of few words.
Everyday the virtual escape, that same familiar refresh, a tab and another tab, so much content all at once I hardly absorb any of it. To no purpose. And then the day is gone like the last.
I dream impotent dreams of revenge very rarely only when I can muster any emotion, once the coffee courses through me. When I do I make the doubtful promise that someday i will be rich and powerful and will make every single person. Who slightly wronged me suffer immensely. I zoom out and see from without a tiny man ranting internally to himself inside his cheap filthy used car, deluding himself with dreams of future omnipotence.
I wish i were the kind of carefree eccentric that murders without a second thought, not this petty insect alone riddled with self-doubt who must escape into idle dreams. Once again alone on my own design lacking all daring, all desire inhibited.
I'm no one. Just a series of immature mistakes leading to nothing.

>> No.22261477

Man's sexuality is enthralled to women's. It is a common pattern that arises du to the difference in relation to sexuality. A woman to a man is first of all is presented as an equal person, no amount of education and wisdom can repute this inherent flaw of feeling. And a woman's sexuality is her central aspect of the psyche. Because of it the desires and fascinations of a woman assert themselves over the feeble, shameful and almost humorous sexual desires of a man. It's almost a given that women associate sex with the whole idea of life and purpose, but the man ridicules his findings on love that isn't pure as base. There are good outcomes of it such as a limit to how far the man's sexuality can wander off from acceptable conduct with a woman he desires. But there are also bad, such as the inclination towards more and more depraved forms of sexuality dictated by the inherent feeling of inferiority in women and misinterpretation of the real qualities of genders a woman can't comprehend.

>> No.22261485

I'm a white guy but I grew up under Asian influences due to being in asia. So growing up food etiquette was extremely important since it's very easy to fuck up. Cut to my sister and her husband visiting and not only did they serve food for themselves first, they also proceeded to eat before we even had food on our own plates. I know it's a big nothingburger to lot of people but to me and my family this is comparable to leaving a turd in the toilet or saying "fuck you".

>> No.22261489

Starting early at a dinner table is "fuck you" in every culture.

>> No.22261493

Forgot to add her husband is a slim-ish guy despite that he always has a habit of over stocking his plate. So if there's 2 people behind him and a spoonful of (insert dish here) left, instead of taking a third he'll just go for the full scoop. I have no fucking clue how people can operate with this kind of behavior but I guess it shows since neither of them lead exciting lives nor have many, if any, friends.

>> No.22261519

My mom's parents never had retirement accounts or savings because they were told such things were unnecessary. Tem percent of what they had went to their church, whether it was income, a gift, or simply found on the street. They were told if they had to choose between paying rent or buying food and paying their ten percent they should pay and God would provide. They worked themselves to the bone into their 80s to grow stuff in their garden to eat and preserve as emergency supplies. What was preserved ended up filling their basement and rotting. They were told to be prepared to use these supplies imminently in the late 80s. My grandfather turned 100 this year.
My parents also never had retirement accounts or savings until a few years ago. A humanities professor, my father bounced around from university to university, never landing tenure. My mother and father were always just barely able to pay rent, send all 5 children to school, and put food on the table, even if it meant going into debt. They also gave ten percent, no matter what.
My sister went on a mission in former Yugoslavia to preach the word. She paid thousands out of her own pocket for the opportunity, and spent nearly 2 years knocking on doors. My parents and grandparents supported her through gifts when needed, and she paid her ten percent on everything they gave her. In her area were baptized maybe 5 people over her time there, none of which consistently attended services afterwards.
My parents are one of the few members of their area branch of their church who still volunteer their time to clean the church building. They do it for free, as a gift, well into their 50s.
The church to which my whole family belongs has, by lower estimates, $107 billion in assets, not including land and property value - assets whose tax value it was fined $5 million for hiding earlier this year. It was founded by a conman who went on to force underage girls to marry him and then die in a violent shootout with a mob. My family has been involved in it since the early 1900s and has quite likely donated millions of dollars to it. It treats my aunt as a second-class citizen for being unmarried after her abusive husband divorced her. It tells members that if they do not give their ten percent they will be denied entry to the highest level of the afterlife. It suppresses sexual abuse perpetrated by members in order to keep its name out of the news. Its senior leaders have a secret rite, performed by invitation only, promising free entry to the highest afterlife despite any sins committed short of murder, offered only to the most well-connected members after decades of service.
I truly hope to live to see everything built by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints torn down, with no stone left standing on another. I am barely scratching the surface. Generations of my family wasted their lives, their time, their money, their health, their sanity by supporting it.

>> No.22261547

Some of it's cultural. Some places you eat everything on the plate and it means "lol you poorfags don't fill your plates for guests right, try not being so fucking stingy you cunts" and other places if you don't eat everything on your plate it means "holy fuck lrn2food this shit is inedible i am going to have to get a burger on the way home, anything would be better than this, try serving instant ramen next time instead of wtf that was" and in some places people are like "what do you mean individual plates? why are there spoons? do your hands have a skin disease? you could at least touch a rock if you don't have water you know?"

>> No.22261562

i think i miss sexy times but i'm too sick to even carry out a coherent conversation most days
and why is everyone a bisexual married male? all you downlow motherfuckers sure like spamming for people saying discrete and clean a lot

>> No.22261566

lol i mean discreet
dl mfs got me spelling it wrong now too

>> No.22261642

why the fuck isn't October the 8th month and December the 10th month?

>> No.22261664

Because the year actually starts in the first month of sping

>> No.22261668

can we please switch the order around so the names match the numbers?

>> No.22261731

Some day a big bag of money will fall on me and I will be free

>> No.22261755

I don't know why I have become so obsessed with death. If Death was a cute woman dressed nicely then I would understand but this is (probably) not even the case. Baffling.

>> No.22261849
File: 44 KB, 640x640, little potat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am alone always. I shall never feel content with the people I am around, and I fear I will die childless. The more friends I surround myself with, the more alienated I feel, as I begin to realise that, truly, nobody thinks or acts the way I do - not that I don't appreciate or enjoy the company of my friends, of course. I feel very few emotions, but the only ones I strongly feel (at least strongly enough to write poetry about) are negative, and yet I feel like I'm overall a pretty content person. It's a strange sort of feeling.

>> No.22261883

I'm getting stronger and wiser.

>> No.22261893

they're giving me ECT so maybe I will want to live. more to come I guess. also they suspect I've been a secret autist all along (plausible I guess?)

>> No.22261995

At what age is it damning for a man to live with his mother, even if it’s only for a few years?

>> No.22262035

wew, good luck anon. i'm assuming you wouldn't be doing this if you hadn't exhausted all your other options

>> No.22262088
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>> No.22262097

They used to be. The old Roman calendar used March as the start of the year

>> No.22262108

What software do you guys use to make /lit/ charts?

>> No.22262115

Just stop caring. Be yourself. Lean in.

>> No.22262231

working, hanging out with friends, working on music, etc. i havent been on here in months

>> No.22262234

You ever feel like you fucked up your life with procrastination?

>> No.22262257

Why didn’t conservatives ever take over any cities like progressives did in cities like San Francisco?

>> No.22262274


>> No.22262300

I am already myself and my friends like me for it, despite my eccentricities (or maybe as a result of them?) but it just highlights the rift between myself and everyone else.

>> No.22262350

Yeah this one time but then my life didn't end and I went and got some food so it was okay and haven't really got back to thinking about it since
Let you know if I get anywhere with it

>> No.22262396

Dance, code monkey, dance

>> No.22262400

Should be obvious. Conservatives don't like the city.

>> No.22262444

Bros help, I'm turning into a normalfag

>> No.22262448

Why is that a bad thing?

>> No.22262451

You should never have come back here

>> No.22262456

Dont think thats a mortal sin, ever, bro.

>> No.22262459
File: 250 KB, 550x503, 1681827537159369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl is very hot and/or cute
>Is a total vapid whore
>Girl is kinda ugly
>Is actually fun to hang out with

>> No.22262468

I'm white, but I grew up under asiam influences as I was raised in a major asian population center on the west coast. Asians are so fucking neurotic dude. I stuck my chopsticks in the sticky rice to hold them for a second and they told me that it would bring death. God forbid my barefoot ever touch the ground. Worst of all, when they make tea they use water they boiled an hour ago instead of just getting new hotwater, so my tea isalways lukewarm. Ugh.

>> No.22262472

Because I'm realizing that my entire worldview and value system up til now has built upon resentment of my social alienation

>> No.22262475

Don't asians belch and fart while eating dinner?
If I had to have dinner with any race, asians would be very low on that list.

>> No.22262476

And why is that a bad thing?

>> No.22262488

you are into men.

>> No.22262490

"Turn back time, Anon! Do it, and deceive the world!" Aleister screamed, his beard flying in the storm. The nigger army was already cutting deep in their ranks and Aleister gave him one last look before throwing a cleaver and running in the mass of darkies. Anon bit his lip and turned before anyone could see the tears forming in his eyes. As if responding to his emotions, a dark bottomless cyclone unraveled beneath his feet and let out a loud bellow. His feet were already searing and smoking, but he did not heed any pain and jumped in the Janny Pit. The walls that made up the reality of the world suddenly constricted around him like a snake, trying to deter him from leaving but failing miserably as something else pulled him towards the bottom. He hissed as he found himself falling to a snail's crawl into infinity.

While decades would pass in a flash in other myriad worlds, seconds only slowly ticked by in the time tunnel. "Fourty-five seconds back for one second in here..." Anon realized, "A worthy gamble, for I am doing all of this to prevent the destruction of my world. And taste mamma's bolognaise again," he silently added. Air did exist in this plane, but had combusted away just like the remains of his obliterated body. The first seconds away from the event horizon were the harshest but he thankfully had passed out due to pain right after jumping and he was only thinking in his soul projection.

He had time. And he would come back. But first, he could use this downtime to prepare his next plan.

>> No.22262513
File: 102 KB, 850x976, D82B5F89-5750-40E1-ABBA-DCA0231F9A44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some girl on Facebook commented in a group that she wrote a paper on how memes are connected with dadaism, and I asked what similarities they are and said that she probably doesnt know what dadaism means. She got pissed and said I’m a misogynist and am throwing a tantrum. Ill tell you that the only thing turning me into a misogynist is women being unable to take criticism and brush off this chip thats clearly on their shoulder. If a man made that claim I would have said the exact same thing. But I guess my intention was determined by someone else and also after the fact. Fuck im glad I decided not to go back to Academia. As a white Christian man its literally asking for torture

>> No.22262570

Wanting a thing that it feels simply too late for, like that ship has sailed.

>> No.22262611

why what did i miss, how have things been with you guys? im still up to the same old shit but much happier than i used to be

>> No.22262647

You didn’t even give her a chance to demonstrate that she does know what dada is you idiot. You had a chance to meet the one smart critically thinking woman and you blew it because you jumped to conclusions.

>> No.22262661

I envy the homeless man I saw on the way to the post office today. What peace must come to the mind of one who is completely irreverent of the constructions - real, social, and abstract - in his environment. To be engaged simply or disengaged totally seems to me the ideal baseline of mankind and I cannot imagine any preoccupation otherwise which would yield such harmony with the mute inertia of reality.

>> No.22262662

If she's smart or critically-thinking, she wouldn't have jumped to calling him a misogynist for disagreeing with her.

>> No.22262668

enjoyable to read

>> No.22262677

too absolutist, global, and prescriptive for my taste. Seek pleasure for yourself, not to impose it on mankind.

>> No.22262685

In what fucking world would Dadaism be related to memes in a way that is not completely convoluted and looser than an onlyfans whore’s cunt 10 years in. And if she wanted to show me she could have. Plus again my comment is the same anyone would make on Facebook towards a guy saying something seemingly outlandish. And trust me my dream woman is not intellectual at all. What would be the point? You’re looking for a marriage partner not a fucking co-author or something

>> No.22262690

Sorry to samefag but uhh I’d rather fuck dumb bimbos than some bitch with no tits and a surface level interest in kafka

>> No.22262702

the archetypal pattern of getting rich quick is to sell gilded rocks for the price of gold. So your goal is only to find the means to do so. In recent history that has meant creating a startup, MBS, house flipping, crypto, etc.

Somewhere in this world in some context, this is happening, your job is to find and ingratiate yourself within it.

Here's a hint - the people succeeding at this are simultaneously making a lot of money and they would appear no more intelligent than you are.

>> No.22262720

For the past 6 months I've followed the internet meme advice.
I stopped gaming. I've been outdoors a lot. I stopped smoking weed. I barely drink alcohol, never drunk. I'm in the gym 5 days a week. I got a stable job with prospect. I've been on dates with women. I've been reading more, less on social media. I've been eating great, no sneed oils and barely any sweets.
And I haven't even achieved the happiness I felt when I was watching the World Cup in tv while stoned and unemployed.
All that advice is cope. The only reason I made these changes was about the stigma attached to being unemployed and 'useless'.

>> No.22262739

But that involves lying and deception which is a sin against god. Also nta

>> No.22262774
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>62 entrants for a world tour qualifier

>> No.22262775

He didn’t disagree. He just cut her off and didn’t even let her make her case.

We’ll never know because you sperged out on the person who would’ve made the case.

>> No.22262781

Well you could try sell gilded rocks to the evil - then maybe you could have some justification.

>> No.22262783

The happiness doesn’t come from the actions but from the results and happiness is a false ambition anyway. What you really want is a purpose, something that is worthwhile. These things are just necessary pre-requisites for doing what is worthwhile and not the ends in themselves. The cause for confusion is nihilism. Self improvement for self improvement is nihilism. Self improvement for the purpose of what is worthwhile is meaningful.

>> No.22262792

They also slurp and spit

>> No.22262806

That is fair but very few people are pure evil theres mostly useless idiots. As much as I’d love to keep selling rat poison cookies at the Jewish preschool bake sale but they don’t invite my 6’5 Blonde chiseled German ass anymore

>> No.22262811

She didn’t have big honkers

>> No.22262817

Pleasure is a purpose I guess. It was what drove me before.
Now I can't really think of one. Career seems gay and getting having children I can do without all this improvement.
I am aimless at the moment and having these pleasures taken away from me just makes me think life itself isn't very much worth living.
Not that I'd ever kms, just that it's kinda boring and lame.

>> No.22262828

It’s not. Pleasure is just feedback. I think if you don’t have a task that is worthwhile then you’re actually somewhat lucky because your task is built in: find worthwhile life task(s).

>> No.22262841

no croissants today, boss

>> No.22262843

If you're a 28 year old man like me it's either career, family or degenerate shit.
Growing vegetables or traveling will not cure this feeling in me.

>> No.22262898

I’m 30 so I can sympathize with where you’re at and I can be honest and admit that I often feel the same way. But we have to be careful first of all not to dismiss things like career and family because those things deserve their proper respect even if we personally haven’t been able to find the right formulation and even if we suspect that they can’t be found in the right formulation today. That’s a dismissal of the specific and not the universal, so let’s not dismiss universally. Perhaps there is a formulation of career and family out there that is worthwhile. But also, I think we should be open minded in considering that it’s not true that it’s only those three possibilities. This is a literature board, right? History is filled with people who found their life’s purpose in literature, and not necessarily in literature as a career I should add. There are all sorts of arenas of life out there like this that, admittedly, might be made more difficult or diminished today, but which nonetheless still exist. We can’t just assume there are no ways of living that are worthwhile because there’s no possible way we can know that.

>> No.22262916

You know what I mean.

>> No.22262934

The hand of the jew is a useless idiot - should it not be crushed under a mallet? Should not the normie extensions of the Jew's power also receive the same treatment as the Jew? You have to realize those "innocent NPCs" are the cattle of the Jew, they are not victims, they are its chattel. They will always belong to the Jew and they will always obey it, there is no revelation for them.

>> No.22262957

The issue in large part is money. I want to stop being a rentoid. I would like an actual house.
But to do that I have to slave away at work 5 days a week.
Which leaves my with just enough time to work out, do outside activities, read a little each day, do basic house chores and then do something I actually like for a few hours.
It's all so limiting. And to imagine either spending more time on career or coming home to a wife and kids..
I have worked 4 days a week before and it was very liberating. I'd be fine doing just that but it limits me financially.
None of the futures sound too thrilling to me. A big bag of money would solve all my problems I feel.

>> No.22263011

Holocaust denial just became illegal in my country today.
So great.

>> No.22263021

>being born europoor

>> No.22263047


I feel the same. I always felt the same but everything became much more intense ever since my ex left. Life just isn't the same. It's been years do I might grow old and die just like that and the thought isn't even terrifying. Everything is just so pointless now. I've worked hard because I wanted a family but now I don't even want to work anymore and how would I build a family on my own? It's suddenly all so pointless.
Surely the human experience should be something intense and fruitful, right? Yet nothing seems worth fighting for.

>> No.22263058

based country dabbing on the chuds

>> No.22263097

Good though, this just gives fuel to antisemitism :)

>> No.22263101

you will be censored into literal and figurative oblivion, incel
enjoy your indefinite stint of sekrit klub posting and never enacting any real change ;)

>> No.22263115

You're the bad guy for banning opinion. Don't delude yourself.
btw is antisemitism rising or do organizations like the ADL just lie for funding?

>> No.22263141

im actually on the right side of history, chud
maybe try reading some history and do better

>> No.22263171

5/10 bait

>> No.22263187
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>when you smell so bad even you can smell it
Time to go ride the busy elevators

>> No.22263192

and yet we're six replies deep nigga

>> No.22263206

Wouldn't be that much if I wasn't bored at work.
Don't flatter your bait skills, homie

>> No.22263210

I hate stinky people.
Do you get off on annoying people or what?

>> No.22263216

I have a remote job that asks for very little work, basically no time at all. But it doesn’t pay a lot and I also want a nice house, so I know what you mean. A house isn’t going to give you purpose though. It’s just something that’s good to have. A house without a garden or land is especially just a way of saving money on rent really. Nothing more.

>> No.22263234

yet you keep replying wagie
stop seething

>> No.22263239

Anyone else

>> No.22263253

soon to be wagie unchained in 15 minutes.

>> No.22263267

Maybe. But I think I could make my life more pleasant with a house and decent land. Build stuff, I like that.
But like anything in life, once you get it, you get used to it fast. But it's still something to go for, otherwise I can't think of anything really.

>> No.22263287

More pleasant sure but we already talked about how pleasure is just feedback. It’s not a process or an end. Life is fundamentally moments in time, not a collection of things. Therefore, it’s about actions not things. It’s more about what you do with your time than what house you have.

>> No.22263307

okay but if I am to build stuff with my hands like I want, I can't stay in this rentoid apartment.
Whatever, I'll just float along since there is no answer to my complaint.
I'll save some money and then go do drugs while playing video games in a few years. At least I had fun. BNW was a utopian novel.

>> No.22263312

god speed lad, have a great day

>> No.22263320

No one nose. Many knows.

>> No.22263323

You are a playboy and a dilettante, with no real desire ever to work, to hold a job, to repay society for suffering your existence. You are an opportunist. You are irresponsible. You are a drone.

>> No.22263385

Welcome back asshole

>> No.22263392

The turd of Western literature.

>> No.22263396
File: 143 KB, 1024x888, hey diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sun came out today after three serene days of clouds and passive rain.
It is no surprise that my heart feels light by the sudden transition from the steady cold wind that numbs the overwhelming senses to the warming sun that makes the blood flow again.
The weather gives color to the day by day passing of the years to the grave of man.
The reverse is the past and so is an ephemeral passage.
Sailing, sailing....

>> No.22263449

It finally has happened. After a 20 hour flight to Nigeria, at about 4am, you hear wild banging on the door of a room in a 1 dollar per night hostel you've checked in the previous night. You hear crowd screaming your name, and shouting something in the language you don't understand. You try to reach for your cell phone with your hand weakened by malaria, and then realize that you have sold your it to buy a one way ticket to get here. Banging gets aggressive and finally the raging crowd breaks in, grabs your shivering body, and drags it to the Dambe Fighting arena, that is just outside the hostel. They throw you on the sand, you raise your head and see that people have already gathered and musicians are playing ancient ritualistic rhythms, and your opponent, Ali Kanin Bello, is tying up his concrete knuckle, that in a few moments will crush your head into pieces, shattering them around the arena. You got unlucky to have him as your first and last fighting opponent, the day before you arrived, Autan Mamman and Garkuwan Cindo decided, your potential fighters, decided to give their mate, Ali Kanin Bello, a warming up fight with you, so he accepted their preposition. A couple of guys take you by your arms, slap in the face and spit water on you to wake you up a bit. Then the judge starts the fight and Kanin instantly runs towards you, grabs you by your face, and starts punching it so hard, that in a few moments nothing is left of it, you died after his first punch, but he keeps holding your body with his other hand, throwing the punches, so when nothing is left of your head, your body falls on the ground, and the crowd shouts with joy. The video of your fight is later sent to your mom.


>> No.22263510

The Bible

>> No.22263520

If what you find worthwhile is building thing a with your hands and you need a workshop for that, then a workshop can be rented and many places offer workshop spaces for a small membership fee. I don’t necessarily think you need a house to do what you want, but if you do then just save up and buy a house. Simple.

>> No.22263693

My friend told me his grandmother went to Africa for 2 days and got raped. I hate niggers so much it's unreal.

>> No.22263761

whaduppp, cunnts? how youre doin. Ok, recently saw Bruegel's painting ''monkeys'', and it just naturally became an illustration of ''death of sense'', any sense in anything. it's mostly being interpreted from religious point of view, where monkeys are stupid sinners who prefer to be chained by sin for a cheap pleasure of eating some nuts, instead of being free like those two birds and live in the beautiful world that's in the background. absolute bs. I name it "Adam and Eve", the painting that should've been Bruegel's last one, as the apex of absolute pointlessness of his entire life he dedicated to serve higher purpose and popularize christianity. Why adam and eve? because, like any human being, they're apes, miserable, suffering apes, chained to the ground, living a miserable life limited by eating crap and shtting crap. Their appearance says they dont belong to this place, jungle monkeys in the medieval arch, which looks like it's suspended somewhere on the edges of absurdity, between the sky, sea and ground, almost like in open cosmos. They're helpless, they can't do anything but obey the cruel rules of the existential game, and play, through pain and suffering, hoping to reach those blossoming gardens and shining ocean in the background, which is both ''tomorrow will be a better day'' and heaven after death. But those gardens are so far, they seem more like a mirage, illusion, there's a void between those monkeys and the beautiful life they want to reach so bad. Their faces and body poses clearly show those monkeys became insane and broken from hoping, waiting, suffering, and constantly being teased by happy life that is right there, but never reachable. Finally they will both die from cold, heat, starvation and dehydration, rot till nothing is left of them but the bones, that will fall out of cuffs, set free by death.


>> No.22263814

ah cool I'll just buy a house, thanks

>> No.22263892

My presence is a present, kiss my ass

>> No.22264855

Hey, I suffer society. Get it right.

>> No.22264859

Why did the stupid bitch go to africa

>> No.22264936

What do you guys think about getting a degree in applied ontology

>> No.22265228

>applied ontology
>yep, definitely exists, im lookin at it right now with my own two feet

>> No.22265235

The latter

>> No.22265237

applied ontology when you should have instead APPLIED for a job

>> No.22265601

I didn't think to ask but I'd assume humanitarian reasons. I can't fathom any other reason to go there.

>> No.22265630

What are the odds? Hmm, synchronicity or pareidolia?

>> No.22266393

I always get so motivated and driven in the evenings for my big goals, but come morning I'm always depressed and despaired and I don't want to do anything but sit around and play dumb games. I've caught myself in that feeling today however, and I hope by becoming more familiar with it I can find a way to address it and achieve my goals.
My first thoughts are that it's a lack of confidence in my planning, and I realize that I don't have a strong mental image of my goal. I can't imagine it very easily. I'm thinking by strengthening that emotion connection, literally just believing in it harder, I can wake up more inspired and less outright hopeless feeling. Like in videogames when you have that objectives HUD element on the screen at all times. There's a reason it works there.

>> No.22266405

Why not just do it in the evening when you're motivated instead of waiting for the morning?

>> No.22266426

Do you guys think Frazer's The Golden Bough would be a good book to gift a girl I don't know much about (I saw her read some popular classics sometimes like war and peace and notes from underground I think) for her birthday party?

>> No.22266512

No. Give her something that she can use to socialize with fellow women, not some intellectual pseud bullshit.

>> No.22266523

Because I have a lot of free time and I want to take advantage of it.

>> No.22266589

the good news is this is surprisingly easy to work on. few minutes first thing in the morning visualising your goals and how you'll achieve them and it all gets clearer.

>> No.22266643 [DELETED] 

i have the same problem. tonight around 10pm i will finally settle down and try to do some work, but by then i will have 2-3 hours of productive energy. i know most people on /lit/ say self-help books are a "scam" but that "getting things done" book has a good trick for overcoming procrastination, since as you say it is generally a mix of lack of clarity or lack of confidence. so you make a list of your goals, then you break down those goals into smaller and smaller pieces until you're down to stuff that takes less than two minutes. then you do one. then you do the next one. and so on. it does work if you actually do it. it's really hard to be unclear or overwhelmed by something that takes two minutes or less. so am i doing it? in the past i have, but i have this sheepishness that my landlord or roommate will come in my room and see a list of shit i want to do. i guess i could keep it on the computer, but i find it's not as effective digitally. something about writing it out.

>> No.22266698

lmao like what

>> No.22266720

the secret history

>> No.22266861

secret history of what

>> No.22266980

Why did the fake thread stay up?

>> No.22267012

H is for Hawk

>> No.22267015

There's a scholar on the port bow

>> No.22267194

Some dumb white bitch went to help the niggers and the niggers raped her. I hope she lesrned her lesson and turned racist

>> No.22267364

What did he mean by this?

>> No.22267411

Be happy that I don't write whatever is on my mind all the time, if you read it you would seethe cope mald cry and wet your bed.

>> No.22267585

I'm on one of my saturday afternoon hangover adventures. Trying a burger place out.

>> No.22267612

The burger is okay. My dumb ass should got one of their specials instead but oh well. I'll be back here for another hangover Saturday

>> No.22267645

I had a dream I was dating a boyish looking disabled girl

>> No.22267659

>you would seethe cope mald cry and wet your bed
too late

>> No.22267666

My reading peaked in 2021 and plummeted over the last two years.

>> No.22267968

I also do this, but only for the threads i don't like.

>> No.22268101

Yeah that's what went through my head when he told me but I didn't say it.

>> No.22268106
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It's an existential dread kind of night.

>> No.22268317

Your kidney alone is worth a few tens of thousands of dollars

>> No.22268519

>Lucky you
Wish I felt lucky. If anything it drives me mad. I get anxious because i’m only getting older and if I don’t pull the trigger now, I may regret it later on in life. That’s if I have some epiphany during my senior years. Which seems doubtful. I’ll probably just be more miserable.

>> No.22268525

yeah i'm feeling it too. maybe cuz it's peak summer.

>> No.22268769
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The fact the utopian ideal in my mind that society should be has not yet manifest into the real world is very irritating to me. The ancestors had thousands of years to figure this shit out.

>> No.22268829


>> No.22268842

HUman natude

>> No.22270160

>Stop liking what I don't like

>> No.22270256 [DELETED] 

haha even the nyt now has to admit low global birth rates will bring "demographic challenges".

>> No.22270477

It's not that hard to get pussy as a sperg, took me like 5 years from the age of 14 to properly learn masking and also do some jestermaxxing. I get pussy now and then.
t. diagnosed sperg with adhd

>> No.22271037

You're a fucking quicker learner than I am. Or rather, quicker fucking learner.

>> No.22271696

This is exactly my problem. Even worse as i tend to staying up too late with elaborate plans and hopes. Then i wake up late and then i think I'll change tomorrow.. then nothing but exact repetition of this happens. At one point I'll end up kicking the bucket i fear for I've wasted my life. Not read much, not done much, nothing to show for it and turning 30 already. /end/

>> No.22272520

What would it take you guys to be happy in this day and age?

>> No.22272674

A shelf of unread books, a steady supply of food and drink, a comfortable place to to imbibe each, and a Goldberry to lie with.

>> No.22272682

I was going to write a thought on how I thought women seeing themselves in the mirror and feeling their own body made them biased towards believing they are weak and are meant for nurturing, and men are the opposite, meant for manipulating the world and causing change, with examples being soft skin, breasts, hips, childlike stature, musculature, voice and facial proportion, and this itself defines a lot of behavior
But now I'm like what am I achieving with this. My life isn't suited at all to any worthwhile exploration of this idea. I don't have the time, expertise or interest. All I can really say is it kind of makes sense but I don't know and any thoughts I have aren't really beneficial to anyone. Really there's only a handful of things I can really have something worthwhile to contribute on. And so I get this feeling like I should just keep my mouth shut, which makes joining conversations tough because I'm like I have nothing real to contribute and I'm not interested in idle armchair talk. But it's also likely everyone also has little relevant things to actually say and I'm one of the few whose self apprehension actually matches this.

>> No.22272692

>But now I'm like what am I achieving with this. My life isn't suited at all to any worthwhile exploration of this idea. I don't have the time, expertise or interest. All I can really say is it kind of makes sense but I don't know and any thoughts I have aren't really beneficial to anyone. Really there's only a handful of things I can really have something worthwhile to contribute on. And so I get this feeling like I should just keep my mouth shut, which makes joining conversations tough because I'm like I have nothing real to contribute and I'm not interested in idle armchair talk. But it's also likely everyone also has little relevant things to actually say and I'm one of the few whose self apprehension actually matches this.
this hasnt seemed to stop almost every wannabe content creator in the last decade. its simply absurd how inane and trite most shared thoughts are from 99% of people, but it doesnt stop them in the slighest. the weird thing is that they seem to think that what theyre outputting is useful or valuable in some way, too. too many retards. at least be thankful that you possess the self-awareness to catch these notions early on and just spit them out on a wwoym thread instead of pretending like theyre anything more grand than they really are.

>> No.22272695

Treat it all like a big math problem with little steps all along the way. You wake up late? Start there. How to wake up earlier. I read a tip that it's never the going to bed earlier that helps, it's just the actual getting out of bed in the morning. I have trouble with that because I wake up drained of motivation. So that's the next thing to push on. My goal now is when I wake up to exit my bed. No more laying around and falling asleep for another hour. Just get out of bed, it doesn't matter if I fall asleep on the couch or on the floor, I just have to exit the bed.
See? Figure out every single little step and issue that's between you and your goal and break it down, make a plan and execute, then see what went wrong and address that. It's stupid but I went to college and the process reminds me of how I'd solve the real long physics problems. Step by step, determine what you know, attempt solutions.

>> No.22272763

I think there's something to be said for the idea of "playing at life" and I think this urge to make grand comments on everything comes from a need to feel like you're smart and above it all when really you're very disconnected and don't understand any of it. Like a 13 year old who talks like they knows everything and yet hasn't seen anything. People grow older and continue to never ever see or touch so much of life except through entertainment and media, so of course they get so cocky because who's going to actually check them on any of it? It makes people feel good and secure in their conceptions, and is why all the dumbfuck twitter ragebait is so popular. I see so much ragebait all the time and it confounds me that people still fall for it and feel the need to make their inane comment.
Recently I read some camus and I think I misunderstood the way he used the word "dandy" taking it to just mean someone who plays at life. Some kind of word like this with a clear meaning for these people, who are ignorant not because of stupidity necessarily but because they've lived in a bubble their whole life, I think would be great. bluepill basedboy? fraud? phony? I guess manchild works
Also the irony of us also making grand statements on stuff

>> No.22272796

I don't know much about the old crusty religious painting cinematic universe that maybe provides backstory to who these monkeys are, but on its own like this, I'm inclined towards your take. Prisoners of an absurd, alien scenario, where both are exposed to witness with their eyes endless sights and sound but are chained in their actual experience of it to this small precipice, to their small little piece of the world which they will never escape

>> No.22272948

Thanks for your post.

>> No.22273452

A family in a white neighbourhood
I live in the UK so this is not going to happen.