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File: 467 KB, 1920x1080, tyler-switzer-nomouth-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22247094 No.22247094 [Reply] [Original]

>the only survivors are 4 men and 1 woman
>the 1 woman is black
>therefore, 5 men
harlan ellison was so ahead of his time, jesus

>> No.22247199
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>> No.22248167

I've heard I Have No Mouth is an allegory for the Holocaust, but I don't see it.

>> No.22248253

Listened to an audio reading on YouTube and sounded like a fat sweaty man. I expected him to scream SNEEEED at any moment. Harlan was a weird pervert to write this

>> No.22248274
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>I Have No Mouth is an allegory for the Holocaust
Get over it already

>> No.22248295

The one where the dude became the hero to rescue the damsel was the best story. Great collection.

>> No.22248640
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The most overrated author in sci-fi?
Got my vote. Who else?

>> No.22248657

What's the best way to buy a physical copy of this story? I know it's in some sci-fi shorts collection, is there an actual Ellison anthology I can buy instead?

>> No.22248661

nvm I used google

>> No.22248668


>> No.22248674

oh this is very useful, thank you

>> No.22248682

The story was written in the 1960s, man, the Holocaust was a recent memory at that time.

>> No.22248750

Twisted, disgusting book written by a disturbed man. Not worth even skimming.

>> No.22248796

>Twisted, disgusting book written by a disturbed man.

if you want to sell me on a book this is all youve gotta say

>> No.22248828

Idc, he hates women, he's based.

>> No.22248838

I Have No Mouth and I Must Sneed

>> No.22248840

Imagine getting cucked so hard you root for the kikes out of spite for pussy

>> No.22248857

Not the kind of twisted or disgusting you’re thinking. Not the cool leh edgelord but more socially subversive nihilistic degeneracy twisted.

>> No.22248858

Women are the Jews of sex.

>> No.22248870

I'm gonna read A Boy and His Dog next.

>> No.22248984

Jesus was a kike and lots of people on this board root for him.

But Jesus loved everyone so he's not based like Harlan Ellison.

>> No.22249014

no-one talked about the Holocaust in the 1950s. it only became a topic of conversation after Elie Wiesel's Night was translated into English in 1960