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22245953 No.22245953 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books exposing the satanic book?

>> No.22245955

>total Goyim death
This sounds based, how do I join this Jewish thing?

>> No.22245984

If you aren't a Jew you don't, you just die.

>> No.22246020

Well, it seems that I am, I dislike the goyim.

>> No.22246029

Ok now post the love for heathens in Bible. All religiontards can only spread hate and ignorance.

>> No.22246044

Stay on topic please

>> No.22246150

loving someone means supporting something they do? i guess it's over for any family of a drug addict then

>> No.22246194
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This is a thread about the Talmud, feel free to create your own thread about whatever you'd like, hope this helps! :)

>> No.22246276

I dislike religion in general but Jews are at least an order of magnitude worse than Christians and you'd have to have spent the last decade under a rock not to have noticed.

>> No.22246285

Christianity is a Jewish plot to control the goyim. Same for Islam

>> No.22246679
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>never communicate The Talmud with Gentiles
I presume you're referring to Sanhedrin 59a3, which states "[...] the punishment of a gentile who studies Torah is like that of one who engages in intercourse with a betrothed young woman, which is execution by stoning.", in which indeed seems to state exactly this. However you have to understand that the Talmud isn't some Torah update like the New Testament, but a commentary by prominent rabbis on the Torah, and takes the form of a discussion, meaning that opposite extreme views will clash to form a middle ground consensus.
To drive the point home, Sanhedrin 59a4 opposes the previous verse and compares a Gentile studying the Talmud to a high priest. In full:
>The Gemara raises an objection to Rabbi Yoḥanan’s statement from a baraita: Rabbi Meir would say: From where is it derived that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest? It is derived from that which is stated: “You shall therefore keep My statutes and My ordinances, which if a man does he shall live by them” (Leviticus 18:5). The phrase: Which if priests, Levites, and Israelites do they shall live by them, is not stated, but rather: “A man,” which indicates mankind in general. You have therefore learned that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest.
source: https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.59a.4?lang=bi
The "never communicating the Talmud" idea is obviously challenged by the Talmud being available for everyone, for free, on the internet and in physical stores. And if you'd want to argue that this is an abridged or entirely made up version of of the real thing, then in turn you've made your arguments impossible to verify.

>> No.22246709

oh yeah, and if you want a genuine criticism and exposé of anti-gentile sentiments from orthodox jews, I'd recommend Israel Shahak's "Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years"

>> No.22246869

You’re simply not understanding the virulently idiotic mind of the modern anti-Semite. Understanding is not his main, or even secondary, priority. He has a religious worldview in which “the Jew” literally plays the role of Satan. That’s why he ascribes to “the Jew” a supernatural power to control world events to the extent that massively complex historical movements such as Islam and Christianity are reduced to a “Jewish plot” to control the Gentile. (Even though both of these religions have been ardent opponents of Judaism throughout their history).

I’m not even trying to defend the Jews here. It is possible to make a reasoned critique of their culture and disproportionate power. But the anti-Semite of today is not even referring to anything real when he excoriates “the Jew”. For him, the Jew just means the cartoonish caricature of an ugly, deformed villain rubbing his hands together and trying to destroy culture simply because he hates the white man. It’s built 10% on truth and 90% on racial jealousy and resentment.

>> No.22246926

How to avoid? I started being careful (reading Kevin MacDonald) but I ended up an insane Christian (for like 2mo) who literally thought the Jews worked for Satan

>> No.22246930

Satan is an Abraham's mythological character and all of those quotes are either outright fabricated or distorted and taken out of context

>> No.22246970
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You do understand the inherent lunacy of trying to reduce anti-semitism down to a specific caricature when it is demonstrable fact that literally every group of people who have to actually deal with Jews regularly hate them? Who is the "modern anti-semite," is it some Christian radical like Steve Anderson? Andrew Anglin? Some Iranian Imam? Random uncontacted tribes in the Amazon rainforest? Sentinalese tribesmen? The Chinese government which openly runs PolSci research institutions expressly committed to studying Jewish power in the West? The Japanese who literally just say "yeah Jews run America lol" in public because it's so fucking obvious to everyone outside of the West that this is the case?

Who are we even talking about? The list of anti-semites is so long that it's easier to list people who AREN'T antisemites because the list is so fucking short. I get that maybe you have some grievance against schizo anti-christian/islamic posters on /pol/ or something but it's a bit ridiculous to be complaining about antisemites in defense of two hardcore antisemitic religions.

>> No.22246988

What absurd computational power or divine intellect do you bestow on the mind of man to take his limited knowledge, visceral biases, and temporal conditioning such that an outsider would know the soul and ledger of every Jew?
Judaism is the great opponent in the marketplace. Christianity is a profound false hood of excellent shepherding franchisement simply because virginity is sterility and so would the financial consequences apply to the sterility of capital under Jewry. We either have an inner gut wolf instinct or a financial acumen to guide us in clown world no antenna to phone a friend in heaven or get cheat codes from Buddhas.

>> No.22247002

what is this Hegelian-esque prose, put your point across more clearly if you want to be understood

>> No.22247030

Well I did not exactly think of one single point more like I am reacting to a cloud miasma of
"Le anti semides are bad goy! Bad! Bad because bad!"
So that leaves me with a handful of Jew fart not a definite point to address

>> No.22247047

Jews are just one part of a much bigger evil.
>Christianity is a profound false hood of excellent shepherding franchisement simply because virginity is sterility and so would the financial consequences apply to the sterility of capital under Jewry.
Nazi Germany clearly makes this completely untrue. Adultery and corruption leads to sterility. Jews themselves will always have the absolute worst rates of reproduction and unhappiness because they are rotting along with their demonic masters.

>> No.22247068

Do you what KIND of numbers they are?
These numbers reveal angels.
Fallen angels with corruptive powers.

>> No.22247086

But I think that he made some definite points, like for example modern antisemitism not being based on a genuine critique or a desire to understand but on religious-like dogmatic aggression.
And even if I'm wrong and that's not the case, you should have contrasted his lack of clarity with a precise takedown.

>> No.22247156


>> No.22247466

The modern antisemite is one who ascribes a supernatural power to the Jewish race and views the Jew as a quasi-religious Satan figure. The sort who believes in an explicit (or telekinetic) conspiracy among the Jews stretching back to ancient times through which the Jews have collectively invented everything including Christianity, Islam, Freemasonry, monotheism, atheism, capitalism, socialism, communism, liberalism, democracy, totalitarianism, nihilism, hedonism, homosexuality, homophobia, philo-Semitism, anti-Semitism, mass migration, and so on, as a massive plot to rob the white race of its virility in order to rule over it. We are supposed to believe (as some do in this very thread) that the Jew invented and spread the Christian doctrine as a form of calculated mind-poison, knowing it would gain prominence 300 years later and then through a very slow process lead to the weakening of the white race to the point it is soft enough to kneel to Jewish dominance. Never mind that the Christian Church and Islamic Caliphate were persecutors of the Jews; this was all calculated by the Jews as a sacrifice in order to attain their final end. And now that the Jews finally have their boots on our necks, now that America — the world’s greatest superpower — is subject to Israel, and the European states remain the only ones even to acknowledge its legitimacy — precisely now has the Jew put into action his monomaniacal plan. Disregarding even his own self-interest, he has sent the Muslim hordes — who hate him — into Europe to Islamify it, destroying thereby his only allies and handing their nations over to his enemies. In America, where the dinghy boats cannot go, the Jew has sown other seeds of destruction, so that even his most fierce attack dog will die. So strong is the Jew’s hatred of the white race that he will hand the world over to his worst enemies and face certain destruction so long as the whites go down with him.

This whole outlook is just racial Manichaeism.

My own opinion is that the Jews have been a pest in Europe because of their financial and political dealings. They and their allies supported the French Revolution and all of the modern philosophies that predated and came out of it. But they were not the sole architects. The Enlightenment intellectuals, and the Freemasons, are just as guilty. So it is right for a Reactionary and a Christian to be an anti-Semite. But the funny thing is modern anti-Semites, for whom this opinion is a religion, are not even reactionaries but support modern philosophies such as nationalism and generally hate Christianity.

>> No.22247494

how do the pro jew people explain away the fact that quite literally, everyone who ever interacted with the jew expelled the jew?
babylonians had to kick the jew out
so did egyptians
classical greeks did too, as did the romans
jesus had to kick the 'coin changers' out of temples because jews were gathering at temples to exchange fake/counterfeit coins there all day
spanish inquisition was basically invented to kick the jews out
shakespear wrote the merchant of venice, jews were so popular at jewing people there is a popular romantic comedy type thing out there about jews jewing people
germans quite famously had to kick the jew out, something like a half of weimar bankers, lawyers and politicians were jews during hyperinflation and wars
and today in palestine, palestinians are not enjoying at all their life together with the jews
neither did the russians, as solzhenytsin wrote about it
you know those 'italian mafia' movies made by jewish hollywood? half of those 'italians' escaped prosecution to israel, dont look up organized crime history of 'russian' and 'italian' mafia, that would be highly anti semitic

and the funniest example to me are the cossacks
even cossacks had to kick the jews out
now, how would the jews jew a nomadic horde like culture? a culture that doesnt even trade or produce anything?
they watered down their fucking vodka, cant make this shit up, jews were selling watered down vodka to the cossacks to the point of pogrom, an east euro term for jew fatigue and mass expelling of the jew

>> No.22247654

It's not about who you hate, it's about who you don't.

>> No.22247664

Sounds like a manufactured delusion of what you assume other people think but ok

>> No.22247671

>how do the pro jew people explain away the fact that quite literally, everyone who ever interacted with the jew expelled the jew?
They typically enter the more gnostic "god is testing us" kind of gnosticism. They'll even adopt safe-Antisemitism if you bring up the obvious "well that means that Jews are so awful that they are a meaningful test", but the point there is that they believe that you're supposed to pass the test by forgiving them.

>> No.22247672


>> No.22247677

How many White House staff positions need to be held by Jews before it can be said that "Jews run the White House"?

>> No.22247744

I'm reading Sanhedrin 59a and I'm struggling to find an example of a quote like this
The Talmud is more interesting than I thought it'd be in a kind of autistic quibbling way
Does it ever stoop to the 'how many angels fit onto the top of a pin' level?
I'm not pro-Jew but according to the Jews, God ordained it to be so

>> No.22248991


>> No.22249000

Hey, this is the part where we hate Jews for retarded reasons, not use actual reason and research to disprove retarded lies about them.

>> No.22249007

One of the more reasonable posts ITT.

>> No.22249019


the point of freemasonry is really
-to hate absolute monarchy
-to hate the popery
-to love mercantilism
-to love judaism

the little rambling they do is to pass as free thinkers between 2 orgies and 2 closings on megadeals

>> No.22249095

>Decide to Google Gad Shas 2:2 at random to see if some of the quotes are real
>The book doesn't even exist
>Google Abodah Zarah 36b
>The book is real but I can't find the quote with ctrl+f, instead I find a prohibition on marrying gentile women
imagine not being able to make an ancient jew fairytaly book that was written thousands of years ago looking bad without making shit up, a new low even for ant*semites

>> No.22249392
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Bros I want a jew gf so bad
Tips on attracting kosher pussy?

>> No.22249410


>> No.22249424

>And now that the Jews finally have their boots on our necks, now that America — the world’s greatest superpower — is subject to Israel, and the European states remain the only ones even to acknowledge its legitimacy — precisely now has the Jew put into action his monomaniacal plan. Disregarding even his own self-interest, he has sent the Muslim hordes — who hate him — into Europe to Islamify it, destroying thereby his only allies and handing their nations over to his enemies. In America, where the dinghy boats cannot go, the Jew has sown other seeds of destruction, so that even his most fierce attack dog will die. So strong is the Jew’s hatred of the white race that he will hand the world over to his worst enemies and face certain destruction so long as the whites go down with him.
This is all undisputably correct

>> No.22249453

Shut up, it is a /pol/ thread. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.22249850


>> No.22249877

When you see a goyim running down a cliftside road, quickly paint a fake tunnel into the side of the clift for the goyim to run into, then snicker.

If a goyim is coming towards you, hit them in the head with a comically large hammer until their head is flattened. However, you must flee quickly before the goyim's head pops back to normal proportions.

For the record, Libbre David is not a real book of the Talmud and "libbre" is not even a word in Hebrew.

>> No.22249878

Because antisemites are liars and that includes lying about the Talmud.