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/lit/ - Literature

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22243220 No.22243220 [Reply] [Original]

>99% discussion on books covering philosophy, politics, religion, mysticism, and whatnot
>1% actual discussion of literary works

>> No.22243327

>OP then proceeds to add to the problem and not discuss literary works
post your favorite literary works, dummy

>> No.22243339
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picrel but /lit/ is not ready for this discussion.

>> No.22243352

I’ve always noted recently how creative literature, in an artistic sense, has disappeared from /lit/. The novel, the short story, and the poem are neglected. Perhaps it is because the anons who cared about that left, perhaps it is because the English major who could cultivate discussion is fading from academia. Right now lit is all about using books as a means to convey topics or ideas to discuss. Reading a book is completely optional

>> No.22243522

In the world of arguement's dominon
There is those who read a mischavious tale
Backfiring spells and corn pone opinions
Through borrowed paper and digital mail

But alas, liteature became a means
And not a joyus end onto itself,
Arguements that come from second hand memes
While our texts wither on forgotten shelves

In truth, I know no solution for this
For today's time, we all have a printing press.
A quick TCP, and the mind is kissed
Imagation has made manifested

All I can say is, whatcha been reading?
I finished Stickeen, and I was feeling