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/lit/ - Literature

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22242745 No.22242745 [Reply] [Original]

The King of /lit/ makes a very valid point here

>> No.22242759

Who is this and why should I care?

>> No.22242765

If there is no Eternity, then his point is interesting, if still unpersuasive. But there would still need to be a transmission of information, and books + teachers is the best possible approach, assuming each of these is optimal.

>> No.22242768

>most accomplished Anglo intellectual

>> No.22242769
File: 951 KB, 270x480, Reading.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder
>Most Googled man on earth
>4x World Kickboxing Champion
>Multimillionaire businessman (net worth:100,000,000 USD)
>Real life Gigachad
>Face of Playboy
>Top G
>Chess Prodigy
>Based Muslim
>One of the smartest philosopher in the Modern Age
What's the color of your Bugatti?

>> No.22242777

>your entire life should revolve around money, women, and luxuries
Depressing way to live, tbqh. Let's see if he says the same shit in a couple decades.

>> No.22242780

He has a point. If you treat books like video games you might as well end yourself.

>> No.22242784

hes romanıan

>> No.22242785

Train mind
Train body
/fitlit/ is the way to go
Simple as

>> No.22242786

Anglo American

>> No.22242790

If you aren't at least reading the books that you wrote yourself you are a brainlet. It is that simple.
This dude is nothing compared to that Marcus Aurelius and that dudes was a Roman Emperor, besides being a brainlet, he was less of a brainlet than he is. Because he used to do what I just said.

>> No.22242794

his favorite thing about being rich is just being able to eat whatever he wants at a restaurant without worrying about being able to pay. He doesn’t do drugs and he has kids, so presumably he mostly interacts with women that he’s dating/married to. He has nice things but why wouldn’t he? Most people buy luxuries, even poor people, but they just buy at their level so they can’t afford a Bugatti.

>> No.22242796

“World kickboxing champ” sure bud, he won some b-league tournies, that’s not called world champs. What is his record with k1 kickboxing or glory? So stfu with that crap.

>> No.22242799

He probably won’t because he’s getting ass fucked by the The Establishment. He talks about being the strongest, guess he’s not the strongest when he’s in jail 24/7 lmao. This is what happens when you act too cocky

>> No.22242800

Dont reply to tateposters. Also retrograde ejaculations to all tateposters

>> No.22242804
File: 1.76 MB, 608x1080, Strength vs intelligence.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Top G will literally pummel you to a pulp, who will be the one that's correct here?

>> No.22242807

I think this poster should die. His post is bait, off-topic, low-quality and even nonsensical for good measure.
Also, Andrew Tate, the motherless bastard, grew a beard because people were making fun of his chin on the Internet.

>> No.22242825

all the fit users are either aggressive apes or incels who think lifting heavy things will fill up the void in their soul. reading is probably done for the latter purpose too, but at least some books tell you how to do it, fitness youtubers just scam you

>> No.22242829

It's mental to see a bloke from Luton's storm gym that my dad used to kickbox in turn into this mega meme.

>> No.22242844

>Most Googled man on earth
Because nobody knows him lmao

>> No.22242847


This is true, like I said above my old man watched him fight. He was brilliant, but it was a small time gym in Luton. The "world championship titles" were won in a small town in England. Kickboxing doesn't have official world championships so anyone can claim it, he basically won local town tournaments and calls himself the king. He is funny though, I'll give him that

>> No.22242861
File: 473 KB, 4808x2148, 1685422449671894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mindlessly strawmanning people I don't like is an EXCELLENT idea!
nice try, but no (You)s for you

>> No.22242866

it isn't really the case but i wouldn't believe anything cus it's written in a BOKH either

>> No.22242882

>Ignorance is degrading only when it is found in company with riches. Want and penury restrain the poor man; his employment takes the place of knowledge and occupies his thoughts: while rich men who are ignorant live for their pleasure only, and resemble a beast; as may be seen daily. They are to be reproached also for not having used wealth and leisure for that which lends them their greatest value.
Refuted by Schopenhauer. He just living like an animal and learning shit.

>> No.22242894

That's a weird thing about like being rich, it's not something that I found rich people care about. I've meet people who were in the low millions, the best thing they told me was the time they saved by having money.
They argued they can get money, they can't buy back time.
Car breaks down and needs to get repairs? Who the fuck cares, buy a car to drive around while the other one is getting fixed.
Need a meal prepared? Pay someone else to slave over a fucking stove.
You and your wife wants a break from the kids of a little while? Get the nanny to care for the kids for 2 days as you go and relax at your other house.

The other thing, is doing things or accomplishing something they've always wanted to do.
One guy wanted to build a fucking castle using only techniques and technology from the 15th century.
Another wanted to go look for sunken ships, not caring if he found gold or not.
Another guy wanted to build better fireworks.

>> No.22242955

>The Establishment
Here we call them jews, tater tot

>> No.22243064

>Both to and too used incorrectly
I'm getting trolled too times in this meme

>> No.22243074

Books are his kryptonite. They are to him what women are to incels

>> No.22243098
File: 233 KB, 592x471, jt4sfugajqix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has post irony gone too far

>> No.22243103

So this is the power level the angloid male mind.

>> No.22243114

I do not know who this Tate character is or why I see his picture on 4chan quite a bit, but if what he posted is real, then the only thought I have is this old saw: "If ignorance is bliss, then Tate is one blissful bastard."

>> No.22243118

Lol if you watch any OOC interview it's obvious that he reads and is very articulate

>> No.22243134

He isn’t, I have seen them since I am a Muslim. The difference between him in character and out of character is the difference between a halfwit and a midwit

>> No.22243148

>I dodge your obviously telegraphed left hook
>try not to swing so wide next time champ
>I step back
>draw my CC
>and end your life in a milisecond
>the cops arrive
>haul your body away
>and agree there was nothing else I could've done
>I was perfectly within my rights to take your life
>as a consequence, I become an internet hero for being "The guy who legally killed Andrew Tate"
>I make millions in Gofundme's
>as a last fuck you to Andrew Tate, I subscribe to Hustler's University

>> No.22243158

The best part of this video is he is pitting strenght and smarts against each other like you can't have both. What will he do when the smarter guy is also stronger than him?

>> No.22243171

4channers in general are retarded, but this anon is right about taking care of both your body and mind. Dismissing either one of these makes you a weak fag pseud like Guppy or ignorant ape retard like Tate
The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools

>> No.22243177

It’s what happens when you make millions by trafficking cam girls into Eastern Europe and don’t grease enough palms

>> No.22243182

Winners have a jaw line.

Losers grow a beard to hide it.

>> No.22243185

/fit/ is unironically the most helpful and supportive board on this site, maybe other than /wsr/

>> No.22243188

hes articulate because he talks a lot, not necessarily because he reads

>> No.22243197

/diy/ is. /fit/ is filled with resentful flabbier who insist steroids are all that separates them from bodybuilders

>> No.22243198

/fit/ is tranny tier shit but instead of hearing "you look bootiful hon" they just spam "we are all going to make it brah"

>> No.22243203

lmao he cannot even come up with anything else than drinking, driving, fucking and fighting, his brain is really so advanced

>> No.22243209

>He has nice things

>> No.22243210

I have no idea what to say to your guys experiences, as long as you ask meaningful questions I've only seen them be helpful, although you ofc have to back up everything they tell you through google because theres a lot of bro science that gets thrown around
/diy/ is very helpful too yeah, those 3 would be my top
My worst experiences have probably been on /adv/ and /fa/

>> No.22243215

/ck/ can be quite insane too

>> No.22243218
File: 63 KB, 1038x620, 5C2C6FEA-55E3-437F-A89B-68CD1F4A182D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22243219

No shit you dumbfuck. /adv/ is just incels asking other dudes for relationship advice and /fa/ is just asian homos that got bullied off superfuture for being lame. Which one are you?

>> No.22243223

>cope hardest

>> No.22243225

um neither since I just said those boards are bad
/adv/ is much worse though. its filled with people that only there to tell vulnerable depressed people to that their problems are unfixable and to kill themselves, and then give a guide how to do it. It's probably the most demonic place on the internet I've ever been in, its pretty bad. the threads asking for girl advice are probably the most constructive, as far as being filled with genuine advice, even if it isn't effective
I've had ok experiences on /ck/ but /ic/ can be pretty harsh

>> No.22243226

He is the perfect embodiment of soulless materialist capitalism

>> No.22243228

>watches RRR but only the muslim scenes

>> No.22243234

then you probably haven't discussed coffee or tea on /ck/

>> No.22243248

>most googled because no one knows who he is and people keep forgetting who he is because he's so fucking irrelevant.
>4x division 48 kickboxing "champion".
>broke and heavily in debt.
>the bottom bitch of some real gigachad in jail.
>the face of "prisoner of the month".
>pays for sex because negative charisma.
>bottom G
>His dad was a middle of the road Chess player and he has never played rated Chess.
>"Based Muslim" to the extant that he's not Muslim at all.
>Modern philosophy.

>> No.22243254

why does this have to be posted every day or two?

>> No.22243267

because it's viral marketing. first day on the internet?

>> No.22243304

Shouldn't this guy be trafficking kids or some shit?