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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 149 KB, 821x1000, julia_gillard_official_portrait_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2224180 No.2224180 [Reply] [Original]

> milf unrelated

I'm looking for some specific book or screenplay suggestions guys. What can you recommend that fits into this description:
> 1.
NOT written by a lolfemale (<--not kidding)
> 2.
any kind of space fiction that you considered actually good. Not interested in shitfiction. Bonus points for some kind of war.
> 3.
You found it realistic and in line with real-world human nature, sociology, and politics. I can't stand bullshit plotlines and horseshit characters.
> 4.
No magic of any kind (ie: Star Fags), and the "science" can't be "anything goes" bullshit AKA Star Trek

does this exist? Do you know any?

>> No.2224183

You might wanna try anything written by Pynchon or Tao Lin.

>> No.2224184

The Left Hand of Darkness

>> No.2224187
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Cheers mate. Googling and Wiki'ing as we speak.

> seriously though i have the hugest hots for the Prime MILF of Ausfailia

>> No.2224189


>> No.2224202

Have you read Hyperion, OP? Everything you're asking for. Plus it's well written and fairly epic. Space, war, people act like they would in real life, extensive politics, etc, etc.

Also, Dune, if you haven't read it. Dude and Dune Messiah are the best. You can read the rest if you want but I didn't care for them.

>> No.2224209

there are many "Hyperion"s


>> No.2224210


The one by Dan Simmons.

>> No.2224228
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Don't listen to the recommendation of Tao Lin, and Pynchon's in that funny post-modern thing of "sort of not really" science-fiction so I don't know about that.

Philip K Dick (maybe start with A Scanner Darkly or something. I've also heard good things about our very own Greg Egan.

Also I'll see your Gillard and raise you ex-Senator Stott Despoja who is actually a milf.

>> No.2224229
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> multiple time lines
no offense but i doubt i'd like it, just for that. I'm not saying i definitely wouldn't, just that timeline manipulation is rarely done thoughtfully

> pic unrelated by oh god i want that ass so bad

>> No.2224232

Dan Simmons' Hyperion and Endymion series are outstanding

>> No.2224256


There are no multiple timelines. What it means is that there are multiple stories. Ever read The Canterbury Tales? It's like that.

>> No.2224464
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just a bump before i go to bead. hope to see more suggestions by morning.

>> No.2225048 [DELETED] 

>mfw Gillard is not a MILF

>> No.2225060

stop bumping shit bitch

>> No.2225065

I was going to say Old Man's War, but it's got some horseshit characters and a good plot that's a little bit bullshit, so nevermind. I hear Larry Niven has some good stuff, though.

>> No.2225980

that wasn't op that was me

>> No.2225983

get a life and read the handmaid's tale

>> No.2225985

Larry Niven is very good. Also William Gibson, except his stuff usually isn't in space too much.

>> No.2226022
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Iain M Banks' Culture novels

>> No.2226042

the vorkosigan saga, by LM Bujold. the alliance-union books, by CJ Cherryh. the stop being a misogynist ass series by seriously fuck you

>> No.2226057

wait, what's your mad problem?

>> No.2226060

refusing to read books written by women is childish, immature, and idiotic

>> No.2226069

oh for god's sake, women have a distinctly different writing style

>> No.2226077

>The pseudonym was successfully maintained until the late 1970s. This is partly due to the fact that though it was widely known that "Tiptree" was a pseudonym, it was generally understood that its use was intended to protect the professional reputation of an intelligence community official. Readers, editors and correspondents were permitted to assume gender, and generally, but not invariably, they assumed "male."
>Robert Silverberg had written an introduction to Warm Worlds and Otherwise, arguing on the basis of selections from stories in the collection, that Tiptree could not possibly be a woman. And in an introduction to Tiptree's story in his Again, Dangerous Visions anthology, Harlan Ellison opined that "[Kate] Wilhelm is the woman to beat this year, but Tiptree is the man." Silverberg's article in particular, by taking one side, makes it clear that the gender of Tiptree was a topic of some debate.

your statement is both idiotic and objectively untrue

>> No.2226086
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holy shit you're a mad feminazi, and therefore not worth arguing with.

I wasn't even being critical

>> No.2226088

feminazi is an incredibly stupid term

your argument was objectively wrong and, whether you meant it to be critical or not, is a pretty-fucked up notion to hold, sorry for disagreeing with you on the internet i guess

>> No.2226090


any individual writer of merit has "a distinctively different writing style"

trying to generalize based on gender is pretty thoroughly dumb

>> No.2226091


Women cannot, as a general rule, write as well as men. They're too preoccupied with the secular and petite-bourgeois; they don't care for the higher things. There will never be a female Tolstoy or Hugo. Sorry.

>> No.2226093

you fucking idiot, females simply have a different place in society than men, as well as different emotional makups etc, as well as the fact that they obviously act differently among their social circles etc. Therefore, there is naturally going to be a difference with the language and perspective that they bring forth, to that of a male.

How can even you be so stupid as to disagreeing with these basic facts?

>> No.2226096

itt unapologetic misogyny, i guess

whatever, i should be doing work

>> No.2226099

so acknowledging that there are emotional and social differences between males and females is "misogyny"?

> you fucking idiot

>> No.2226105

thinking that those differences are biologically grounded and true for literally all males and all females is, yeah. and if you don't think that, then it's idiotic to think that all female writers are necessarily different from all male writers.

which as we've seen is objectively not the case anyway, so i don't even see why you're arguing this. how can you argue that female writers write in a way that's distinct from male writers when there is an example of a female writer using a pseudonym and widely considered by readers to be male? doesn't that pretty much murder your entire argument? how did robert silverberg, harlan ellison, and others think that James Tiptree was a dude if all women writers are inherently different from all male writers?

your whole argument is insulting as fuck to all human beings, basically

>> No.2226112 [DELETED] 

so you're saying that because some women have used male pseudonyms so as not to be prejudged, and that some people have wrongly assumed that male author names "must" have been legitimately written by men, that that proves that women don't generally write differently to men?

>> No.2226116

you're an idiot and worse, a total cunt. I just wrote out a long reply but realized i don't care to sit here wasting my time arguing with an angry and overly defensive cunt, so yeah whatever

>> No.2227174
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yay my thread is still alive

just a bump in case there is more of /lit/ that has any more suggestions, i'll be down town later tomorrow to have a look for some of these

>> No.2227181
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>> No.2227220

> u mad for no good reason

>> No.2227223

OP seems a bit confrontational given he's posting on a board that frequently scorns genre fiction

>> No.2227227

I liked this post, it's very clever.

>> No.2227235

how have i been confrontational? I told one guy i wasn't interested in time travel stories and then i realized that's not what it was about.

>> No.2227305

Wooow, Easy there tiger, ur getting a little over excited. Why don't u take a deep breath, count to ten, and try and calm down a bit before you end up posting another angry post.

>> No.2227642
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>> No.2227645

update: still fuck OP for being a dumb babby who refuses to read stories by women

>> No.2227658
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>> No.2227656
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itt: angry bitches confuse preference for evil misogyny which should be punishable by forced state reeducation.

>> No.2227662

jesus christ will you ranting bitches just shut the fuck up

>> No.2227667

first, it's an idiotic preference founded on the idea that male writing is inherently different and distinguishable from female writing, which is literally objectively untrue. second, where did i say anything about state reeducation? i called the OP an idiot on a message board, get some perspective mate

its pretty much just been me objecting to your and the op's stupidity. and i'm a dude, not that it should matter

>> No.2227696
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>> No.2228505
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hurf durf all human beings have exactly the same mental makeup

go cry somewhere else. this is a thread for (superior) men.

>> No.2228519

This. Grow the fuck up and try it. Ursula K. LeGuin is one of the more interesting sci-fi authors out there, and one of the few who can truly write.

>> No.2228524

trolling aside, i'm just not interested in a sci-fi book that came from a woman. It has nothing to do with 'writing style', it has to do with everything and everything.

I read and enjoy books by women. Getting mad at my one-time preferential request just shows you to be an angry moron who dislikes the idea that human beings are different for different reasons and that there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.2228549

Speaker for the Dead by Scott Card

Foundation (book 1) by Isaac Asimov. In fact, most Asimov books seem to be set in space.

>> No.2228602

Enders Game, no joke

>> No.2228612
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> implying i am not seriously interested in reading this

>> No.2228615

my opinion is that Xenocide was the best of the series, but it is very worth reading them all, same with foundation series, which sounds like exactly what the OP is looking for.

id like to throw in my recommendation of Margret Atwood as a top tier science fiction writer, though probably second to ursula leguin. i heard her speak once and she is by far the most pessimistic person ive ever heard. she stated that all authors suck after winning any major award, including herself. i was amused.

>> No.2228622

Starship Troopers anyone?

it gets a little preachy, but its still awesome.

>> No.2228628
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In all Brady Bunch seriousness, I've been sitting here for like five minutes trying to think of ANY fiction book by a female author that I've read and enjoyed. I even went through my whole bookshelf.

The only female authored book I could even find, much less enjoyed, was Atlas Shrugged. I did enjoy it, I guess, but I would never say it was well written and parts of it were pure torture to read.

I've not done this deliberately. I've never looked at a book and not read it because it was a woman. But apparently I don't enjoy reading the kind of books that women typically write because I don't own any.

>> No.2228629


nah your just not very well read, its cool

>> No.2228637

Hehehe, I hear you. The only two authors I have are Harper Lee and Elizabeth Speare.

>> No.2228635
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Your asspain is amusing, but I read primarily sci-fi. If there was any amount of good female science fiction out there, some of it would've ended up on my shelves by now.

>> No.2228651

holy fuck I hope that one person isn't REALLY that retarded. OP never mentioned hating women at all, all he did was say he didn't want to read works by women.

>wahh he doesnt want to read my stuff

>> No.2228656

The Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. Its gonna blow your socks off kid.

>> No.2228665
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Robots and empire especially is amazing.
>Focus on morals, ethics of robots and what it means to live and hold responsibility for other living beings
>Epic economy, lore, history etc
>Realistically limited technology
>Much sociology and politics

Read it. Now.

>> No.2228672

Asimov is a fucking genius. He wrote this shit in the '50s and its more complex than stuff that comes out today.

>> No.2228680

I read I, Robot after watching the film and really enjoyed it.

Then I read some of his other stuff, HP Lovecraft, Philip Dick etc.

Are there any modern authors of this caliber in the science fiction/horror fantasy genre?

>> No.2228688

Try the Bolo stories by Kieth Laumer.

>> No.2228691

>Isaac Asimov
Awww shit, I was reading an article on him a while ago. I really wanted to get into his books because I assumed that seeing as he's an actual scientist that he would be somehow better at writing science fiction.

Alright alright, The Foundation.
What else? Come on and hit me.

>> No.2228693

>Shitty writer uses pseudonym
OH this guy is male, still sucks
>Shitty writer turns out to be female
Well no shit, it's a female
>Good writer uses pseudonym
Heh this is pretty good, it's not the best though
>Good writer turns out to be female
Heh this is pretty good, it's not the best though
>Best writer uses pseudonym
>Best writer turns out to be female
This doesn't happen. Ever.

I think this is the point OP is trying to make.

>> No.2228696

inb4 liberal buttranch

>> No.2228736

oh snap /r9k/ is talking about us


>> No.2228747
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Anna Arendt is a TERRIBLE writer. You can't judge a whole gender on a specific case, and you know it. How about... Wait.... What the fuck. Just looked through my library...

>mfw when all males.

>> No.2228756


No I mean Ayn Rand.... Brainfart...

Subconsciously mentionned Arendt because I was probably thinking about a "good female writer" but I'm guess she doesn't count...

>> No.2228769
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>> No.2229216

Yo /lit/, I'm real happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but /r9k/ is the most misogynist board of all time.

>> No.2229223

OP is still a stupid dumb baby for refusing to read an entire gender, fuck you OP. For real.

>> No.2229228

Hannah Arendt is great, shut your face

>> No.2229394

implying that thread has even one ounce of misogyny

which is surprising for /r9k/...

>> No.2229397

you're a goddamned idiot

>> No.2229398

>read thread, only one mention of foundation series

I dont want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.2229404

Halo Combat Evolved

>> No.2229405

FUCK YOU MISOGYNIST FAGGOT. PLENTY OF MY FAVORITE AUTHORS ARE FEMALE, LIKE... Hmmm... Well there is... hmm... shit. Wimminz really cant write. at all.

>> No.2229413
File: 1.13 MB, 3596x2102, Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a gender difference in strength of sex drive?

Sexual Economics: Sex as a Female Resource for Social Exchange in Heterosexual Interactions

Cultural Suppression of Female Sexuality

In the history of mankind as a species, some hundreds of thousands of years, 40% of men have successfully passed their genes to future generations, whereas 80%+ of women did. This is statistical, scientific, genetic proof that women fuck an elite crop of alphas while the rest of men pine for their affections. The study was conducted by Michael F. Hammer. A lecture on the implications:

Esther Vilar's seminal work on the concept that women enjoy a parasitic relationship with men. Obviously somewhat dated, but if you are on the fence about gender relations and the truth of many "misogynist" claims, it might give you some things to think about:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_Vilar#The_Manipulated_Man_.281971.29 Nice synopsis. It's been edited out, sadly, but it's still in the page edit history.
http://www.naturalthinker.net/trl/texts/Vilar,Esther/ManipulatedMan.html The text itself.
http://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/vilar.html A preview.

>> No.2229415
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i love how op never actually said this, nor anyone who defended the concept of preferring authors categorically

and even if people actually believe that, honestly that's their right. I don't see what's so bad about not wanting to consume a product of a producer whose produce you are not favorable towards for your own reasons.

Seriously grow up you one or two liberal thought-police in this thread.

>> No.2229419

this thread got me to install a 4chan extension so I could minimize threads again

gotta the perspective of small men on feminism

>> No.2229421
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"Without the higher powers of the imagination and reason, no eminent success can be gained in many subjects. These latter faculties, as well as the former, will have been developed in man, partly through sexual selection,- that is, through the contest of rival males, and partly through natural selection,- from success in the general struggle for life; and as in both cases the struggle will have been during maturity, the characters gained will have been transmitted more fully to the male than to the female offspring. It accords in a striking manner with this view of the modification and re-inforcement of many of our mental faculties by sexual selection, that, firstly, they notoriously undergo a considerable change at puberty, and, secondly, that eunuchs remain throughout life inferior in these same qualities. Thus man has ultimately become superior to woman. It is, indeed, fortunate that the law of the equal transmission of characters to both sexes prevails with mammals; otherwise it is probable that man would have become as superior in mental endowment to woman, as the peacock is in ornamental plumage to the peahen."
- Charles Darwin

>> No.2229423
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> he genuinely believes something i don't want him to based on his honest convictions!
> make him THTAAAAAAWP IT!

>> No.2229425
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>gotta the perspective of small men on feminism
>gotta the perspective

Would any link be missing from the whole chain of science and art, if woman, if woman's work, were excluded from it? Let us acknowledge the exception - it proves the rule - that woman is capable of perfection in everything which does not constitute a work: in letters, in memoirs, in the most intricate handiwork - in short, everything which is not a craft; and precisely because in the things mentioned woman perfects herself, because in them she obeys the only artistic impulse in her nature, which is to captivate.

>> No.2229440

This entire argument also applies to female songwriters, poets and playwrights.

You mad, cuntbleeders?

>> No.2229526



>> No.2229565
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>> No.2229567

is the same guy just coming back to update this thread every time he completes the postorgasmic refractory period following his last comment? Whoops I mean what a smart, incisive, borderline-dangerous post

>> No.2229580

Let's face it, women are boring at best and irritating at worst. If it wasn't for those handy cock-sockets in between their legs we'd pay them no heed at all. As things are, however, we have to placate them with "feminism" and pretend like they're equal or they withhold their sex from us. The men who first set feminism into motion did it for the pussy, and the men who continue to allow feminism to prosper also do it for the pussy. That's a fact. Once we invent non-creepy looking Real Dolls and a way of artificially simulating wombs and ovaries and all that junk, women will finally be wiped extinct, and what a joyous day that will be.

>> No.2229593

True - most Serious Thinkers give it about seven years before the natural master race of male college dropout 4chan posters with enormous pubic bushes develop the first wave of moe body pillows with functioning artificial wombs, and from there we just play the waiting game until the final pig-disgusting 3D woman shuffles off this mortal coil

>> No.2229603

at least 2 separate mentions of foundation series you idiot.

also: anyone into science fiction in general i can suggest Azimov's autobiography. it is fucking brilliant.

i also keep on trying to recall the title of a book he wrote about a dying man who implants his consciousness into his young female secretary and proceeds to coexist with her in one body. i swear it was by azimov but i cant seem to find it.

>> No.2229608

I'm not saying women can't write, but there are at least 1,000 better male authors than the greatest female author.

>> No.2229625

>i'm not racist but lol fuck niggers amirite

>> No.2229650

you are the closed minded idiot here mate

>> No.2229661

i never said you were. but that statement is pretty stupid unless you back it up, and produce the greatest female author and the better thousand male authors, otherwise you just sound like you're saying what I wrote.

>> No.2229669

this comment (>>2229526) is a fair summary of all the criticism of OP in this thread. You critics are in the moral wrong, period.

>> No.2229675

also, i am (>>2229650) and (>>2229669), but NOT (>>2229608).

just saying.

>> No.2229676

there have been more successful male writers than female writers. these things happen, women have always perused different things than men on average. there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.2229687

I'm replying specifically to that guy, I don't give a shit if you prefer women or men, but the way he put it was retarded.

>> No.2229723


You've been white knighting for hours now. Give it a rest.

>> No.2229728

>for hours
>mfw my first post was 9625

Yeah you guys can go back to trolling in each other now, won't step back in.

>> No.2229757

I can't believe /lit/ is foolish enough to fall for this typical troll bait. It is times like these true /lit/izens must go elsewhere. Perhaps I will make humorous greentext stories on /rk9/. 9.9/10 OP for actually provoking emotional debate on the slowest board in al the interwebs and deepwebs now everyone go an hero.

>> No.2229821
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back. btw serious thanks to everyone for all your suggestions, i'm saving this list and going to read just about all of these.

i haven't trolled even once in this whole thread...
in fact i - probably naively - didn't even realize something as simple as "male authors only plz" would cause a shitstorm. pic related.

>> No.2229829

honestly at this point i'm kind of just surprised people keep bumping this thread

>> No.2229836

that last one was me. Obviously i've browser bookmarked it because i made it, and i keep leaving and coming back hours later and there are new suggestions to see and new posts to reply to, and replying just = bumping unless i'll sage my own thread.

if others have been bumping it i don't know or care, this was just a thread about certain sci-fi and we've all had a talk about it..

what's wrong with bumping a thread with an active discussion about a relevant issue that also has suggestions and reviews of books?