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/lit/ - Literature

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22239350 No.22239350 [Reply] [Original]

*doesn't work*
*wastes your time*

>> No.22239371

cooming is reduced only once you are good at meditation. in the mean time the only solution is pragmatism. you fap between 15min/day and 15min/week and move on with your day not being infatuated with girls

>> No.22239372

Thought and action are mutually exclusive. A book CANNOT help you to perform or cease any action.

>> No.22239392

>the easy peasy way to quit porn
Yeah it's called having a girlfriend. Never understood guys with girlfriends who still watch porn. I can only assume it means their girlfriend never interacts with them in a sexual manner. At which point you're a cuck.

>> No.22239404

>without willpower or any way of deprivation or sacrifice
this desire is even more porn-brained than just watching porn

>> No.22239415
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>Never understood guys with girlfriends who still watch porn.

>> No.22239420

not literature

>> No.22239435

Philosophy is for fags, trannies, and queers, especially 20th century post-modern French """thinkers"""

>> No.22239445

You will never be a janny tranny. Free bump btw

>> No.22239464

Maybe. But he also has an interesting take on the phenomenon you couldn't understand. And it seems to be only weird little French guys who have taken the topic seriously.

>> No.22239465

>is seething he will get a 3 day ban when the Janny sees the report notification tomorrow

>> No.22239669

the methods posed in here actually do work, i go on my longest streaks when employing them. It will never not be hard though, that's the nature of addiction and he says so in the text.

>> No.22239811

shut up and go read a fucking book for once

>> No.22239815
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>read a book

>> No.22239817

I just have to reset my ip you dumb tranny. 5 seconds to circumvent your ban and call you an ugly troon.

>> No.22239823

Is easy when you realise it's low brow shit.

>> No.22239977
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*works for 4-5 days*

>> No.22240015

That doesn't work.

>> No.22240020

This. Jerking off is efficient

>> No.22240262

>*doesn't work*

Here's the way to do it.
Disconnect the internet.

>> No.22240620
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>you don't want to jerk off, bro!
yes i do.

>> No.22240622

People need to learn to jerk off with their imagination

>> No.22241521

Based French people hater, their true nature is scum

>> No.22241536

I do this but I still think I have a problem

>> No.22241544

You don't retard, otherwise you wouldn't have read the book to begin with

>> No.22241554
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But what if I don't want to quit porn?

>> No.22241559

Being addicted to 4chan is easily just as bad as being addicted to porn. I never got the crusade of incels complaining about porn

>> No.22241560

>Being addicted to 4chan is easily just as bad as being addicted to porn.
As someone who's addicted to both I can say being addicted to 4chan is much, much worse.

>> No.22241656

depends which board. but you only surf for porn when your horny, while 4chan takes over your whole life.

>> No.22241671

Quitting porn makes 4chan seem pretty lame and unstimulating and I naturally look for more engaging and productive things to do but somehow if I'm cooming a lot then 4chan becomes a really comfy cespit to wallow in.

>> No.22241682

Lol, lmao

>> No.22241684
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>buying a book to learn how to stop doing something
Just stop? It's not hard, anons.

>> No.22241841

found the frog

>> No.22241850

meant for >>22241684

>> No.22241852

>hey /lit/ I failed to quit porn
I truly don't know what possessed you to make this post

>> No.22241867

>have gf
>Her drive is way lower
>she fucks up the mood at times, so can't do shit
>Has given me masochistic tendencies which I did not have, so I like being rough
I still jack off, but I watch other stuff, just fantasy shit or anything else, I dont even think its hindering me in any way, I have quit it before and no difference to life, what I need to do is to work and have a proper routine.

>> No.22242093

I didn't

>> No.22242096

Classic example of the XY problem.

>> No.22242107

Maybe you should stop being such a fucking bitch and learn to either control or accept your desires

>> No.22242130

porn addiction is not real addiction. it's just a lack of alternative activity.

>> No.22242171

I can have sex anytime I want but sometimes I want to be lazy.
I'm set the standards for sex too high, always foreplay, she always cums multiple times and it always ends up taking at least an hour.

Sometimes I just want 5 min with myself alone.

>> No.22242288

Fuck this reddit shit. Read The Coiled Serpent.

>> No.22242920

I’ve had many addictions (none at the level of hard drug use), but when it comes down to it, you do it because you allow yourself to do it. There’s conditions which set us up for addiction, but once we realize the harm it’s doing and want to quit, any continuation with it is of our own choosing. It’s insensitive to say, and maybe rash, but I can’t see any other view that doesn’t dehumanize us, and always when you try to stop there’s that little voice “ohh just do it, fuck it we’ll stop some other time long from now. let me live in you a little longer”

>> No.22242927

Speaking from the correct way of whacking it by edging for 10 hours a day and then releasing before sleep I ask what the fuck can you even accomplish in 15 minutes? That's like a video.

>> No.22243066

you're a coombrain, get help

>> No.22243232
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It feels as though only in the past few years has porn turned into this monolithic bogeyman that even within the deepest recesses of the Internet makes people feel some profound sense of shame. It was never like this up until normalfags seeped into social media from every crevice and corner, using deconstructed moral relativism and a malformed post-luddite imperative to try and instill the idea that jerking off to pornography is bad.

>> No.22244381

Can someone explain to me what the method actually is?

>> No.22244423

I’ve already read it twice and don’t want to read it again. Is there alternatives or is this really it?

>> No.22245097

It does, depends if you ip is dynamic or not. if it is, turn your router on and off and clean your cookies. it's not that hard.

>> No.22245112

Adderall or dexedrine prescription cures cooming and increases self control. Start it when you begin semen retention and you'll be able to stay free from porn and masturbation for months if you want. It can make or break a habit. Most people abuse these and just watch porn on them. If they didn't, they would have been an excellent tool for quitting. If you've never watched porn in them it's the best possible tool for quitting it forever. I just read books all day and listen to music on them.
It's possible and desirable to neither masturbate or copulate. It's better actually because your brain is filled with better thoughts and life has much more to offer.

>> No.22245122

I understand physical addiction, like drugs or alcohol, but how watch a video or gambling can be addictive?
If it is complicate you, stop doing it!

>> No.22245146
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Jesus Christ can take a masturbation porn-addict and give him self-control. Details in the Bible (KJV).

>> No.22245233

>using videos to aid in masturbation
It's probably already too late for you.

>> No.22245282

well you accomplish exactly what you do currently, but in 15 minutes until ti occurs 24hrs later.
Reduce the amount of videos either brutally or gradually and you wont need them after a few months

>> No.22245518

Because it is just as physical as drinking?

>> No.22245554
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>> No.22245678

The only “method” that works is realizing that absolutely every action you make is within your control and you can consciously just not jerk off. There saved you like 2 hours and 152~ pages

>> No.22245736

>absolutely every action you make is within your control and you can consciously just not jerk off
Holy fucking genius... how come that I never thought of it?? Wait does that mean that you can just tell cocaine addict the same thing and they'll be cured?!? Get this man a fucking Nobel prize asap

>> No.22245757

There is no method that will save you aside from this anon. There is no special technique that will somehow miraculously make you stop. Just don’t do it. It’s either that or chemical castration.

>> No.22245762

It's called, "Stop spending all of your free time on the internet."
Seriously, pick up a hobby and get away from a screen.

>> No.22245776

>Yeah it's called having a girlfriend.
This, I basically stopped watching porn entirely the one time I was in a relationship with a girl, I didn't even feel the urge to she would keep me more than satisfied. It was a LDR too so it was all through a computer screen, can't imagine how much more effective it would be if she was there next to me.

>> No.22245877

Pornography does not cause of biochemical dependency and abstinence, though - the habit is purely psychosomatic. So yeah, you have no excuses.

>> No.22245878

kek, masterful

>> No.22245894

>having a girlfriend
>easy peasy

>> No.22245963


If you're not going to stop using 4chan, which is vital for stopping PMO, you can help yourself by pressing SHIFT + W, provided you have 4chan x installed, it de-renders all images. Normal browsing of fourchan will give you a new lustful image every few minutes, so you might want to reconsider your browsing habits or find alt boards that are pure. Not even /lit/ is truly blue, you'll have people talking about dirty things and something like the porn spam from yesterday doesn't help either.

>> No.22245973


No user, if given the chance of going back to the time before they became hooked with the knowledge they have now, would opt to start. Tens of thousands who successfully kick the habit for many years lead perfectly happy lives, only to get trapped once again. I trust this book will help you to find it relatively easy to stop. But be warned, users who find it easy to stop find it just as easy to start again, do not fall for this trap.

No matter how long you’ve stopped for or how confident you are never going to become hooked again, make it rule for life not to watch porn for any reason. Resist the allusions and innuendos in the media, and remember how they’re pushing their image of ‘openness’ by bringing porn into the mainstream; unaware that porn, internet porn and compulsive masturbation are killers of relationships and of the personal sense of well-being for a huge number of men and some women.

Remember, that the first peek or visit will do nothing for you. You’ll have no withdrawal pangs to relieve and it will make you feel awful. What it will do is put the pleasure of the dopamine rush into your mind and brain, and a little voice at the back of your mind will be telling you that you want other one. Then you’ve got the choice of being miserable for a while, or starting the whole filthy chain again.

>> No.22245980

If sex and love were easily attainable by all men, porn addiction would be nonexistent

>> No.22245983

You can get an old version for firefox from 2021, the devs are focusing on updating the Chrome version only.

>> No.22245985

You don’t know how to read

>> No.22245990

t. Hustler's University graduate https://youtu.be/9hLy8sGYhf0

>> No.22246006

Based on what?

>> No.22246019

you ever been addicted to something?

>> No.22246060

unironically just stop watching it

>> No.22246085

And what happens when you are again wanting to jerk off and you uninstall it easily?

>> No.22246092

see >>22245983 >>22245963

>> No.22246219

It’s funny because the problem isn’t porn as much as it’s the age. People are just desperate to find answers. No fap is complete nonsense larp shit.

>> No.22246222

>well you accomplish exactly what you do currently

You don't though, most of the satisfaction is in working your way through the fantasy of having someone there there for your physical and mental enjoyment and the various delights of this, the actual act of cooming is just what you do to finish that once you've had enough of it, and is generally only rarely more pleasurable than the experience beforehand.

>> No.22246589
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>phoneposter is dumb

>> No.22246954

Where did this psyop against jerking come from?
I have a very low sex drive and rarely do it, maybe at most once a week. Sometimes I go weeks without feeling any need, but it's really just a basic need.
Eventually if you don't release, you're just going to get wet dreams anyway, and be extremely horny and irritated, so I don't really see what's so bad about it.
I think there's value in taking breaks, and abstaining as a test of willpower and discipline, but you really can't escape from the biological urge entirely.

>> No.22247040

>Why do people want to stop gooning 7 hours per day to sissy hypno?
>bro...if you stop you'll just cum in your pants once every two months! What's the point?

>> No.22247055

You're should read about porn instead of assuming stuff.
Porn is poison for your brain and your soul, and stopping has nothing to do with nofap.
Masturbating to your imagination is basically harmless.

>> No.22247056

Just have sex, nerds

>> No.22247080
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Cut back some. Like masturbate with your imagination more. “Vanilla” more than obscure perversity.

>> No.22247081

>>Why do people want to stop gooning 7 hours per day to sissy hypno?
Then don't goon for 7 hours a day you freak.
The problem with you degenerate freaks is you assume everyome else is like you.
I jerk off maybe once a week always to some very softcore stuff.
And ueah if you don't like I said you're just gonna cream yourself anyway.

>> No.22247098

Why are you in a rehab center if you're not a junkie?
What was the point of posting?

>> No.22247106

>to sissy hypno
Only fags and bisexuals play that shit. Nobody get hypnoed

>> No.22247115

Tell that to my sissy boyslave

>> No.22247117

>It's possible and desirable to neither masturbate or copulate
Can we purge retards who think it's somehow normal or healthy to never cum?
Go live in a monastery or something, weirdo.
You are not enlightened for not getting laid.

>> No.22247118

You're supposed to replace lust with love, dummy.

>> No.22247124
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wrong pic

>> No.22247125

>b..but le animals do it!
Give me one good reason you should cum if you're not trying to have children.

>> No.22247143

For anyone actually trying to stop:
1) leave this crab mentality hellhole full of coomers in denial
2) read The Freedom Model
3) read The Coiled Serpent
Porn use is not normal. Trust no one that says it is

>> No.22247167

It's fun and builds a more tight bond with your wife.
Now explain why you spend your time shitposting on /lit/?
Is that really necessary or should you go meditate and eat grass like a queer instead?

>> No.22247176

Staying here is a waste of time. You won't ever see me defending it.
Enjoy cooming in your wife, I guess

>> No.22247194

I will. Not cumming won't bring you any enlightenment. Being addicted to porn is one thing but if your life goes off track from you jacking your dick once a week or having sex with your gf/wife you're odd

>> No.22247208

I don't believe that you are enlightened about anything.

>> No.22247213

Why does it make you so pressed that I do not want to cum?
It won't bring me enlightenment, but I can assure you that those who did reach it practiced abstinence.

>> No.22247221

Bunch a prudish schoolmarms here. Just don’t jerk off too much, like 1-2 times a week is fine. Don’t watch weird or hardcore porn. Use your imagination, or if you must, a picture. Moderation is a key to life

>> No.22247256

Every thread about porn is filled to the brim with AI generated pro-porn posts.
Why is that?

>> No.22247294

This demon of lust is speaking.
Throwing sex out to seek love is his weakness. Tossing the clothes out and being contempt with your flesh, in your graceful modest soul, is his weakness.
They created underpants, one-pieces, swimming trunks, bras, and bikinis for the soul purpose of obscuring our natural creation and sexualizing it.

>> No.22247303

Just stop retard. It's that simple. Wanna know how I quit smoking? I stopped smoking. Use will power

>> No.22247316

*mic drop*
Do tell me hat insight it brought you.
And I'm pressed because /lit/ is filled with these people as of late. All of 4chan actually.
>Seed oils is why you're balding!
>Stop cumming and you'll be at peace!
>Playing a video game is what makes you unhappy with your life
All nonsense. If only life was that easy.
I saw some 29 year old virgin ask whether he should have sex with his gf yes or no. Wild.

>> No.22247342

Satan hates losing.
This is one of Michael Jackson's last tracks and it's a Jesus song:
This is about the Devil failing to lure a woman to his darkness and seething about God:
During the production of the album, Michael was turning to Christain faith:

>> No.22247345

Are you mentally ill?

>> No.22247384

Michael Jackson was a literal occultist beforehand.
Elvis, Prince, Beyonce, and etc. all had participated in it for their gains in the material realm.

>> No.22247392

Yeah sure. But how is MJ relevant to everything here? Are you a bot?

>> No.22247467

I don't really care what you do with your dick lol
Abstinence is impressive. I admire someone who can do it, but there's nothing really wrong with occassionally jerking off. It's whatever

>> No.22247471

>Adderall or dexedrine prescription cures cooming and increases self control
Never read a more blatantly incorrect sentence in my life, speaking from experience.

>> No.22247665

doesn't work.
have sex 2-3 times a week with gf.
still a coomer.
it's an addiction, the book actually helps, but the only reason it did for me is cuz after I read it I felt like embarrassed that I need to read a book about not cooming and quit for a few months, came back to cooming again... meh :(

going on a dopamine detox tomorrow and if i break it i will cut my throat, guess that is the only option i have left

>> No.22247699

As soon he dropped off from the Satanic path, they murdered him.
They don't want anyone to free themselves from their corruptions. Their bots and their celebrities are their tools.

>> No.22249020

>>have sex 2-3 times a week with gf.
then double that and see if you are still a coomer

>> No.22249140

Appreciate it but I want to quit this website too

>> No.22249250

It's a method originally developed for nicotine addiction. Instead of conceptualizing quitting smoking as forever refraining from something you enjoy doing through sheer willpower, you are supposed to realize that you don't actually enjoy smoking in the first place, you're just addicted to nicotine. It's true as smoking doesn't actually have any positive effects, not even short-term, except for keeping your withdrawal symptoms at bay, which would dissipate anyway after a few weeks if you just stoped smoking altogether. People tried to apply this method to alcohol, eating and pornography, but the problem is that unlike smoking these things are actually enjoyable, at least in the short-term, so it doesn't really work.

>> No.22249357

tfw one year and a half of nocooming

>> No.22249390

cooming /= masturbation /= porn btw

>> No.22249416

How do you do it??

>> No.22249444

At a certain point when you kick a habit doing it again will seem inconceivable

>> No.22249675

Where do I find the Firefox extension?