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22237146 No.22237146 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that I find only one thing, solving or deriving physics and math equations , more fulfilling and intellectually stimulating than reading philosophy?"

>> No.22237164

those 'problems' are embarrassingly elementary shit. are you a freshman? You're not doing anything really.

>> No.22237172

Learning physics and deriving "elementary" things brings great pleasure and satisfaction to the keen student of science. You're just a bitter old man

>> No.22237182

Thermodynamics is peak comfy. I graduated but every once in a while I look up Classical Mechanics problems and my notes. You seem to be a freshman, I'd suggest Taylor's Classical Mech. Really comfy book.

>> No.22237185

>doing proofs that you have already seen done previously
>elementary math
>intellectually stimulating
More likely is that this is the only thing in life where you 'excel' even though it would take one day to teach the same narrow skillset to a regular human being. Enjoy being below average autist.

>> No.22237190

Did you graduate from a top 100 university? I want to know your credibility before trusting your advice.

Arnold, klepner, Goldstein and Landau are the best imo

>> No.22237216

>sry bud I can't value your opinion if you didn't graduate from a selection university
>meanwhile, these are works that I like a lot and recommend

>> No.22237237

>I graduated
Did you get a job?

>> No.22237250

Because mathematics is a discipline with, well, discipline. Whereas philosophy (or what gets called "philosophy" these days) is mostly just playing tennis with the net down.

I too find recreational mathematics satisfying. There are lots of cute open problems that anyone can work on. I have an old laptop running in the spare room at the minute trying to find a magic square of squares. (There almost certainly isn't one, but I've found a cute way to search that no-one else seems to have thought of, so I might get lucky. If I crack it, fame and fortune will be mine!)

>> No.22237534
File: 426 KB, 1266x1600, herm-Socrates-half-original-Greek-Capitoline-Museums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math is philosophy

>> No.22237541

Because you are reading philosophy wrong, you are supposed to think it through and "work the examples", and also coming up with your own problems, considering that you aren't reading a textbook. Just get a philosophy textbook.I seriously don't understand why in the bloody hell people don't stress over that.

>> No.22237544

Reviewing basic axioms from memory is fun

>> No.22237584
File: 83 KB, 850x400, 1687282499072153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either you get philosophy or you don't. You don't.

This guy also doesnt get it but he thinks he does.

Personally I just like reading philosophy to remind myself im not alone with my conclusions and thoughts. Plato is my bro

>> No.22237589

It is not just fun. Axioms are the most fundamental and most important part of mathematics. If one does not know his axioms like the back of his hand then pursuing any further math is a pointless exercise.

>> No.22237603

>I'm not alone in my conclusions
>likes Plato
>thinks he gets it
I read it because it is fun to have my views challenged and I'm even ok with changing them, or even creating new views to look at things.

>> No.22237605

Academics should not be trusted in this day and age to offer anything close to objective analysis

>> No.22237963

Mathematics is for those who need assurance. The answers are already there for you to find, and you feel rewarded for finding them. Things are concrete and objective. You solve little puzzles. Philosophy is the unseen, the undiscoverable, the metaphysical, the subjective. It takes real thought, and you were made to be an unthinking calculator; an automaton.

>> No.22238070

math = sex
philosophy =wank
that's it

>> No.22238091

coomer = coomer

>> No.22238112

Try some analytic philosophy exercises.

>> No.22238192

>hurr durr look at me how smart I am

>> No.22238838
