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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 756 KB, 750x1157, 23ACFA4A-5D71-4265-BD39-B77BCB9B4AAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22231983 No.22231983 [Reply] [Original]

I used in freedom of speech.
I suppose that something of an ask for anyone but myself to accept but it’s true none the less. I believed in free speech as much as any other libertarian leaning rightwing American. This book (and the reaction it illicit in the populace of academia) changed all that.
I used to believe good ideas rose to the top.
I used to believe human beings were all basically capable of seeing reason and as such had equal claim to the processes of state power.
No more.
If this book and it’s sympathizers taught me one thing it is that man is mindless insane beast of violence and perversion, lower then an animal in all important regards, and that if we are to seek his preservation (as we OUGHT in at least attempting to rise to the level of animals) he must neatened and trained and molded in a way far and above that seen in animal husbandry.
He must broken of his evil and all potential negative influence kept from him until such time in pure opposition he can view it with fresh eyes of horror and disgust.
In any functional world the writer and “fans” of this book would be dragged screaming from their homes with actors of the state and willing family members and friend alike cheering their adulation to the town square for summary execution, burn and salting of the the corpses.
And every day I wake up I work and fight for that to made reality

>> No.22231985

*I used to believe in freedom of speech

>> No.22232000

Lol retard

>> No.22232002

I am a fascist and I think lolita was a sexy little tart

>> No.22232009

If you think the goal of the book is to elicit sympathy from you for HH then you're retarded. Nabokov does nothing but tell you HH is a monster

>> No.22232013
File: 118 KB, 667x1000, url(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pasta? For a pedo novel it's quite garbage, the shitty English translated to Russian and then translated back to English abomination of a prose is even worse than the lack of any descriptive loli sex.
Read pic related

>> No.22232029

Not an argument
You are a Kike faggot

>> No.22232036

Every elite in history has messed around with kids. Have you considered that you're just a pearl-clutching prole?

>> No.22232043
File: 263 KB, 750x925, 9E6A5CF5-177A-4FD3-87EE-612868830B2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you think the goal of the book is to elicit sympathy from you for HH then you're retarded.
“The authors intent doesn’t matter” cuts both fucking ways bitch
It created degenerate people so it is a degenerate book
It should be banned
>Nabokov does nothing but tell you HH is a monster
Same shit could be said or half the fuckin vampire and werewolf movies
Turns out showing pedophilia from a first person perspective unto itself causes the average cattle to sympathies with a fuckin pedophile
That’s not acceptable
Ergo the book is not acceptable

>> No.22232046

Fuck off pedophile
The worms will eat you to

>> No.22232047

Brother, you flew too close to the sun by claiming to be American. You gotta wait until you have like a 4th grade (American school system reference, it means 9 yr old) level of reading and writing in English before you can pull off false flag American posts, sorry. Stay strong anon, you're no true master baiter yet but you've got talent.

>> No.22232056

The problem is the audience who aren't smart enough to understand what is right in front of them

>> No.22232059
File: 126 KB, 1600x1097, 52B95480-11FA-49E2-866D-B74B40B5055C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Every elite in history has messed around with kids.
If that were the case we wouldn’t be here as a species anon
Every eliete messes with kids toward the end of that elites hold on power
It’s the same happening over and over again.
>the laws nature dictate certain behavior
>adherence to said laws breed abundance
>abundance breeds decadence, abstraction from the laws of nature and with it the loss of meaning
>failure to adhere to the laws of nature leads to the collapse of the state and as such a need to adhere to the laws of nature again
Over and over
Time and again it repeats itself
“God” always wins

>> No.22232063

Am American anon
American as my parents and three before them

>> No.22232065
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masterful bait

>> No.22232068

Like saying the problem is the digestive system not the hydrochloric acid lol

>> No.22232071

Ending the Nhs is pretty fucking rightwing dude

>> No.22232074
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>> No.22232079

Chill bro, I love little girls and I would never hurt them

>> No.22232081

My dude one day you will get shot
And some state actor who agrees with me will piss on the corpse

>> No.22232084

You will speak Chinese and you will like it, little ant

>> No.22232085

What's your obsession with kids?

>> No.22232086

you write english like you might be russian desu

>> No.22232092

Your posting in a thread in favor of pedophile books faggot
What’s your fucking obsession with kids??
This is like an Aztec priest asking why someone protesting his human sacrifice is
>”so obsessed”
With babies

>> No.22232100

Mass education is the problem. If education was limited to the top 10% we would have this thread.
Any argument made here wouldn't be a problem.
Most countries in the map have a age if consent of 12-16

>> No.22232104

assuming your a male, were you abused as child by an older male?
That's pederasty, I am totally against it, pederasts should be shot. Only natural relationship is young girl and older male, this is the way nature intended for a man and women to be together.

>> No.22232107

yup naturally there should be an 8 year age gap between husband and wife, meaning 14 year old girls should be married off to 22 year old men

>> No.22232110

> assuming your a male, were you abused as child by an older male?
No and go fuck yourself you disgusting fucking pedophile
We will gass you all in the end
And you will fucking deserve it

>> No.22232111

I want to fuck this anon's daughter

>> No.22232114

It’s just ink on paper.

>> No.22232120

Keep denying science, nature and reality as god intended redditor. Science says if she bleeds, she breeds.

>> No.22232124

Well, I guess this is what our founding fathers have wrought by their naive belief that everyone could be taught to read and write. Either that or you are just like on the edge of having a heart attack over this and you need to pop a few Xanax.

For what it's worth, I don't care much for Nabokov overall but he was simply trying to work through his own molestation at the hands of his uncle, and I highly doubt the book ever actually "made" someone a pedo, it just gave some titillation to those who already were, you might as well say Lazytown should be banned because pedophiles lust after the girl.

These analogies are uhh... hmm...

How about this, people have to pass an IQ threshold to be allowed access to certain media. That way the general populace wouldn't have any chance of being corrupted by it, and you yourself would most certainly never have to worry about it! Not even trying to be mean, all levels of intelligence make up necessary parts of society, our modern system of forced levelling is the reason for many people's confusion and anguish, you are just another case among many.

>> No.22232142

The noticer

>> No.22232146

There’s a reason you don’t have one of your own anon
So is a declaration of war
Science days if you do you die
Wonder who’s gona win out
The people willing to ensure the next generation survives and grows strong?
Or the ones who prey on their young and leave them broken incapable of survival

>> No.22232154

Weird how it was not a problem till 1950s huh

>> No.22232165
File: 2.20 MB, 500x209, B95DC338-4344-447D-8C6A-9F7633B7C609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> For what it's worth, I don't care much for Nabokov overall but he was simply trying to work through his own molestation
He made something which makes people sympathies with pedophiles
I don’t care about his personal bullshit anymore then I care about a pedophiles personal bullshit
He should have been shot and his books need to be burned
>Lazytown should be banned because pedophiles lust after the girl.
It should
> How about this, people have to pass an IQ threshold to be allowed access to certain media. That way the general populace wouldn't have any chance of being corrupted by it, and you yourself would most certainly never have to worry about it!
Oh yeah dude and then we have this giant pedo sympathetic elite making all our laws and dictating our culture
That won’t cause any fuckin issues!
Christ knows getting the nobility into social liberalism fucking didn’t!!!
Look anon
I don’t give a shit how “”””intelligent”””” you think i am
I dont care how “””””intelligent”””” I or anyone else is period
What I care about are the facts of material reality, the fucking mechanistic drives that create material outcomes outside of whatever abstracted fucking froidien boondoggles are keeping you and the wrest of the fucking slop drinking liberal regards up at night.
What is IS
What isn’t ISNT
Nothing beyond that
From art
To culture
To fucking FEELINGS
just yes or no
Good or bad
Stop or go
That is the sum total of all reality
(And it even can be demonstrated by mathematics due to representation of string theory in binary)

>> No.22232177
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>> No.22232178
File: 1.86 MB, 750x1334, 7EA6026B-085E-4240-BCE8-48AF53C15F73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon
Almost like all the eliete hadn’t grown up simping Kubrick and as such worshipping his pedo loving ass till he groomed them into being pedophile propagandists themselves driving an entire generation into filth and self destruction to the horror show we live under today

>> No.22232199

>yup naturally there should be an 8 year age gap
Not really, age does not matter when it comes to love and affection. It could 8 year gap or it could be 18 year gap.

>> No.22232216

>free speech
pick one.

>> No.22232220

agreed it's just the natural average, 12 and 28 could be healthy too

>> No.22232316

The point was that the elite would consist of those who are smart enough not to fall for the rhetoric of the narrator (the fictional character, that is - you are upset over the opinions of a fictional character who is intended to serve as a cautionary example, and does so for any competent reader). This hypothetical elite would become *more* wary of pedophiles by reading the book, rather than less so, because they would be equipped to understand it.

Banning children's television on penalty of death does sound like a great idea though, we should definitely add that one to the to-do list for our little utopia. I worry about how you will get access to methamphetamine once the borders are closed though, anon, I would miss your unique posting style.

>> No.22232376

Kys politicbrain loser

>> No.22232385
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Nabokov is clearly BTFOing cunnysseurs

>> No.22232492

If a human being has started puberty, its morally AWWRIGHT to have sex with them. The fact that you can't see this only outs you as a subhuman.

>> No.22232771

pedos prefer girls much younger than lolita

>> No.22232817

In my time here, I've found /lit/ to be sympathetic to...
>Holocaust revisionism
>Christian fundamentalism
Never change, you silly bastards.

>> No.22232850

You write like an animal. Worst prose I've ever read.

>> No.22232864

Cool sound like your name is aimee. There is amdirrere between fash and natsoc

>> No.22232865

You and the fans of this book have one common denominator: Mental illness. Seek some therapy and learn how to analyze the world critically instead of being such a fucking crybaby.

>> No.22232873

That coummicates narrative ideass and could bevtranslated info reality. Complete ignorance of platonworld of form.

>> No.22233572
File: 31 KB, 385x469, 1688631636602693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Current cabinet is not far-right or even right wing. Earlies we'll se a right-wing cabinet is next election. Prime minister Orpo is a spineless, useless, retard who has failed as a leader and hopefully decides to let someone else take the reins.

>> No.22233591

Lol at the Dutch or Brits having a right wing party in power. Or Denmark

>> No.22233788

You missed the whole point of the book

>> No.22233973

>That Made Me a Fascist
you were always a faggot, don't kid yourself

>> No.22234205
File: 4 KB, 204x248, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had this thread at least twice before. Same pebble-brained schizo. Guess Big Daddy Nab really did a number on this guy, huh.

>> No.22234242

Well the problem in that case is the retard ingesting hydrochloric acid, yes

>> No.22234327
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I have not read Lolita but probably will do so once I finish the last 50 pages of Blood Meridian and finish Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro.

>> No.22234814

Weak. It took the 120 Days of Sodom to push me to that point.

>> No.22234829

>unexpectedly touching

>> No.22234877

Just get rid of media in its entirety if you can't potray any ugliness in humanity whatsoever. People on your side sympathize with the Joker, a mass murderer, because he said something about le society. But potraying humanity with rose-colored glasses doesn't do anything as the underlying attitudes which caused the original problem will still exist, so making everything Care Bears won't even fix the problem

>> No.22235991
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>> No.22236065

The liberators, ah yes. The same people who support liberty like George Washington also support assassination. George Washington declined the presidency three times because he is a little Caesar.

>> No.22236216

He was traumatized. It isn't just the story of a pedophile.

>> No.22236309

It’s about how Nabakov got molested by his dentist uncle. A confession of sorts. See all of the references to teeth, pay attention to the hints, and you’ll see the true story lurking underneath

>> No.22236476

You never even read that book you scummy son of a bitch.

>> No.22237847

What degenerate people did Lolita create?
Pedophiles existed before 1955.

>> No.22237869

The entire point of the book is that the narrator is not only lying but deliberately misleading you. If you think its an endorsement of molesting kids you either didn't read it or you're so daft you could barely parse the message of a Magic Treehouse book.

>> No.22237887

>"far right"



>> No.22237890

Kill yourself you literal faggot

>> No.22237907

Vasily wasn't a dentist, he was a NEET aristocrat.

>> No.22237935

Why do you talk like a twitter black woman? You bought into the woke AOC ideas

>> No.22237960

yeah, touching myself

>> No.22237972

>Oh yeah dude and then we have this giant pedo sympathetic elite making all our laws and dictating our culture
>we have this giant pedo elite making all our laws and dictating our culture
Fixed that for you.

>> No.22237976

U got filtered, literally failed to read the subtext about the horrors of pedophilia and how evil uses charisma to paint itself as beautiful.
And once again fascists are glorified retards

>> No.22238149

>evil uses charisma to paint itself as beautiful
Lolita wasn't evil she was just manipulative

>> No.22238538

You *are* aware that fascists wanted little girls to marry grown men and start pumping out tons of good little fascist babies the instant they became fertile at about 12-13, right?

>> No.22238573

This has been debunked.

>> No.22238608

>*writes angerily on a japanese sudoku forum*

>> No.22238611 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 1650x2475, 9781250153968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you give "All the Ugly and Wonderful Things" from Bryn Greenwood a try next?
I'll bet you will love it.

>> No.22238615
File: 65 KB, 580x563, frog37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm *well* aware

>> No.22238676

Not really. Especially the Nazis did indeed encourage underage girls (BDM) to become pregnant early and boys (HJ) to be promiscuous, since they needed indoctrinated cannon fodder for the future. At least in terms of highly promiscuous (straight) couples especially the Nazis were quite "liberal". In contrast the often meme'd Weimar Republic that came before was quite restrictive compared to even the German Empire that it replaced. In terms of policing, state regulated and restricted sexuality the Weimar Republic was much more oppressive and maybe even prude than what came before but especially what came after.

>> No.22238724

ZOGGED cultures are always highly restrictive of fruitful heterosexual relationships. They're only libertine when it comes to gays and other sexual degenerates.