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22230034 No.22230034 [Reply] [Original]

How depraved are women that they eat up this shit?

>> No.22230046

You'd be glad your mother died too if she'd sold you out to fat greasy pedophiles.

>> No.22230048

I don’t see the problem. Her mother was abusive - why shouldn’t she be glad that she’s dead?

>> No.22230054

Show business moms are the definition of evil, OP.

>> No.22230086

Fucked up how all these happy shows in perfect worlds are miserable behind the scene.
I hate to think Selena had fat jews hitting on her during Wizards of Waverly Place

>> No.22230090

All women know or care about is sex, social status, and "emotional wellness." Women are less likely to say something useful or interesting than a full-blown retard is.

>> No.22230095

>All women know or care about is sex, social status, and "emotional wellness."
They're just like men, then.

>> No.22230238

People read memoirs about the trauma of famous/semi-famous people all the time, what's so different about this one? Or do you just hate that idea in general?

>> No.22230413

>Women are less likely to say something useful or interesting than a full-blown retard is
kek it's true

>> No.22230710

Still gave birth to her

>> No.22230717

Average confucianism retard

>> No.22230748

Say his name.

>> No.22230781

Confucius was a great sage. Yes, it is self-evidently true that you should revere your parents simply for the fact of creating you. If you hate your father you may feel like you are something separate but that is not true at all, on a physical and psychological level you are made of the same stuff and hating him is the same as hating a part of yourself; which is quite pathetic. Don't be bitter at the world and the order that sustains it, embrace it.

>> No.22230908

not very would guess

>> No.22231027

I tried to kill my father when I was 16, my best friend (also male) went to jail for beating up his mother. Women being catty about their moms is mild if anything

>> No.22231033
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We need to stop putting mothers on a pedestal. Most women are fucking retarded and shitty people that shouldn't be having kids in the 1st place but society wants to act like they can do no wrong and forgive them for every sin they commit just because they want to uphold some kind of virtue of humbleness by always respecting your mother without question but in all honesty mothers are just people at the end of the day and people are fucking stupid and shit no matter where you go.

>> No.22231051

>man writes something dark and edgy
>holy based and redpilled xD guise pls rec some more schizo ramblings
>woman writes something dark and edgy

>> No.22231053

The parent is endowed with responsibility before authority. Having forfeited it, the child's own forfeiture of filial piety is, while regrettable, permissible.

>> No.22231233

Idk. I think there's a certain amount of love and respect you should have for your parents unconditionally by nature of your parents, but only so far as they have not intentionally fucked you over more than once.

Like I love my mother even though she's the most neurotic woman who has ever lived and she did a terrible job raising me, just because I know she's trying her best.

>> No.22231245

This chick did nothing wrong.

>> No.22231290


>> No.22231315

thank you mom for acting in accordance with nature

>> No.22231489
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That seriously is like my main gripe and negative of the story. I liked how it wasn't too much unnecessary filler throughout the plot. I liked how she basically laid a lot of uncomfortable truth out about both her and the people around... except for Dan "tasty feet" Schneider. Like, half the reason I was interested in that book was to see if she gave literally any opinion at all about the dude. She played it safe for him, and I would have respected that choice, but in the book, she gloats about how she turned down $300,000 to keep quiet about Nickelodeon in general, but there's a distinct emptiness in the part of the story centered around the iCarly time period. You could argue that she didn't want to slander people who are still alive, but she completely reveals her first boyfriend as a drunken waste of life man child, so it isn't that either. She talks about having awkward dinners with the dude, but it is very fucking obvious the dinners aren't the only thing going on. She only discusses the dinners because it advanced the main story. Guaranteed only reason. She doesn't even say his fucking name. She calls him the director, not once actually notes who the fuck it is. There's a point where you think she may talk about him as a plot point includes when he can't be on set at the same time as female actors but nope. Danced around the point.

Completely disappointed me. Everything else was good.

>> No.22231524

>I don't like this because women
Actual incel

>> No.22231542

I read some, I didn't know mormons have this thing called "the holy ghost", lmao. murrican christians are weirder than any other third world chirstian worldshper.

>> No.22231789

Yes, okay and?

>> No.22232346

She's most likely an elite-groomed person (if that's the girl who grew up on the Disney channel). She was likely heavily molested as a child, and either way, gets paid when she assists in their agendas which always involve the corruption of the masses. If not, well, her sentiments and their popularity are merely symptomatic.

>> No.22232353

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22232356
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today i will remind them

>> No.22232357

Mormons are not Christians. They are cultists. Even so, the Holy Ghost is the same as the Holy Spirit. He is ubiquitously Christian. We consider him the Ruach Elohim. He is God's Spirit and yet His own distinct person at the same time as being one with the Father.

>> No.22232363

Nonsense. This is just as vile as the anti-men propaganda the feminists peddle.

>> No.22232371

Oh damn I just now realized this is the bitch from iCarly holy shit.

>> No.22232386

Her mother whored her out to a pedophile for money. I think she would be justified in outright murdering her frankly. Your parents deserve a chance but not unconditional devotion. Especially if they have shown themselves to outright not care about you.

>> No.22232409

Nothing lol. I'm transgender by the way (mtf) if that matters haha

>> No.22232416

Plenty of things are “permissible” that aren’t laudable or things that should be encouraged or even not called out occasionally for being below the standard of what we want. You can resent anybody you want man. I don’t think doing so is a virtue or should be put on display, though. I especially don’t care about your rationalizations. Hold onto it as long as you want though.

>> No.22232425

yeah, you keep telling yourself that

>> No.22232431

I don't give one fuck about emotional wellness

>> No.22232433

yeah we're like so freaking deep!!! all those "boys with a time machine" memes are so true....... freaking women am i right!!!

>> No.22232434

Is this true????

>> No.22232445

nevermind, you're right. Boys are famous for putting their emotional wellness on the center stage. Dipshit

>> No.22232540

glad you can admit it babe

>> No.22232661 [DELETED] 
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admit yourself to the morgue

>> No.22232664
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what ever are you talking about?

>> No.22232798

I can't shit on her because her mother sold her out to...
Dan "Hold her tighter. She's a Fighter" Schneider

And retards like >>22230781 think bringing a child automatically gives the parent the right to do terrible things to them and be revered for it. Anyone can become a parent by nature. It takes a virtuous man and woman to raise a child properly to be a healthy individual of the polis. Reverence as a parent is earned not given for free.

>> No.22232810

Extremely well written

>> No.22232821
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Cant believe we made it this far into a McCurdy thread and nobody has posted it yet

>> No.22232827

Imagine her getting mounted by that 7 foot negro nba player she dated

>> No.22232848

Sadly yes

>> No.22232852

>Parent treats you like shit but you kiss their ass anyway.
That's cucked and pathetic not laudable and any culture that says otherwise is also cucked and pathetic. >>22230781 Case in point of a cucked and pathetic culture. Confucious was a fat faggot of no worth hence why his country is a soulless shithole that commits forced abortions. It must be humiliating to be you.

>> No.22232860

You cannot understand if your mother is the only woman you've known, and she still financially supports you

>> No.22232954

made for obese tv producers

>> No.22233358

t. femcel

>> No.22233387

it's funny how chuds keep the propaganda alive that women were pure back then.

Women really have an easy life thanks to those crappy men desperate to pass women as saints and only perverted due to ''the society''....

We all the know the truth is that women are inherently sexual perverts. Men don't like sex, men like the competition before and during sex and to see a girl orgasming due to their dicks, and for the atheists due to their tongues. Ie men love the competition and having a direct influence on the world. men dont love sex at all . It's only women who are hedonistic and sex cravings machines coasting thru life thanks to their orbiters

>> No.22233489

the entirety of 4chan

>> No.22233509

In most cases, unfortunately, no, but I was part of a fetish community revolving around women who base their sex life around this and who specifically aimed to orgasm during birth or fantasied about it after the fact. The Tumblr shutdown really fucked that over though.

>> No.22233513

If we say a bit of you is a bit of your parent, going all the way back to the first couple, that basically proves original sin by means of having a part of Adam.

>> No.22233522

Only person I've seen reading this in public was a fat neckbeard who was walking at the same time. I hate people who read while walking in public.

>> No.22233573

I've never seen anyone do that. It sounds pretty based IMO.

>> No.22234036

Where was the father??

>> No.22234169
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>> No.22234439

in the bedroom sharing his daughter with dan schneider

>> No.22234588

I'm guessing she has a binding NDA linked to a pay off from Dan, not from Nickelodeon.
IIRC she was the retired child actress that advertised herself as available to work on Instagram, with naked pics of her baby son.

>> No.22234623

I liked this book :)

>> No.22235267

What did you like about it sister?

>> No.22235753

Nothing edgier than Nickelodeon

>> No.22235989

No wonder her mother forced her to shower with her.

>> No.22236014

You are describing men, especially the type on this website, this is such a ironic cope.

>> No.22236166

Can booktok femoids like yourself refrain from posting? Go get pregnant and make bread, thanks

>> No.22236341

So did 8 billion other people on this planet, you think they all deserve a medal?

>> No.22236348

You can tell they're American for their vast generalizations and projection. It's evident by all the coomer posting on every board.

>> No.22236370

You sure you weren't walking past a mirror?

>> No.22236407
File: 62 KB, 534x443, 1674242321024658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In childhood, mostly everyone loves their parents no matter what.
And I believe everyone gets to a point in life where you realize your parents did or behaved in some fucking stupid manner one way or another. But you come to the realization that you may not be able to do any better, you will fuck things up as well, yet you will try to do your best regardless. And that's when you get to respect and understand your parents in a whole new level.

Still, it is 100% fact that there are thousands if not millions of absolute sub-humans out there who are able to breed not because of choice, but because of momentum and sheer animal instinct, and their children are forced to be under their whim until they are old enough to escape.

When you have parents who were overall decent and sensible people, it is easy to say that all of them deserve respect on a fundamental level. But there are also people who are pure human thrash with the ability to breed who are obligated to raise their children due to laws and society.