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22228818 No.22228818 [Reply] [Original]

Rainer Maria Rilke

Name a more sensitive soul

>> No.22228965
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denton welch

>> No.22229034

John Keats, I win

>> No.22229047

Definitely me.

>> No.22229069

There is a german girl on YouTube who reads his poems and it's very nice.

>> No.22229132

Honestly I feel like this guy is a fake. He writes something obscure and spiritualist and people think it's so profound. I'm sure he has his brilliance but a minor poet in the end.

>> No.22229133


>> No.22229189

He’s no Pessoa, that’s for sure.

>> No.22229242

Leopardi, both more sensitive and smarter.
(This is not to condemn Rilke, I'm just answering your question.)

>> No.22229246

He is pushed as hard as he is because he was a commie. The history of german literature from the 18th century on is completely dominated by this idea that only people who approximate the current liberal status quo the best deserve recognition, and the rest should be banished to oblivion for their sin of not foreseeing the political landscape of the future.

>> No.22229275

>In January and February 1926, Rilke wrote three letters to the Mussolini-adversary Aurelia Gallarati Scotti in which he praised Benito Mussolini and described fascism as a healing agent.
Clueless /pol/tard

>> No.22229281

my wife

>> No.22229284

Heidegger already showed how he’s a phony

>> No.22229289

for me its the titan:

>> No.22229292

Did you just fucking paste the only sentence from that entire paragraph revealing him as a commie on wikipedia that supported you?

>> No.22229306

That one sentence completely disproves your drivel about him being one of the "people who approximate the current liberal status".

>> No.22229313

what is the cage Anon?

>> No.22229396

Heidegger stole the Open from him (Rilke in turn having taken it from Schuler)

>> No.22229666

are there any french qt's who do the same?

>> No.22229683


its not the 20th century anymore, knucklehead. all french women are black.

>> No.22229739

I mean Rilke is a phony, like most great artists are (Heidegger the wannabe hermit LARPer with his fucking quaint black forest hut should know all about being a phony), but he's also one of the greatest poets to ever exist, just like Heidegger is also one of the greatest philosophers to exist.

>> No.22229744

You can say that again. He is known for plagiarizing lesser-known poets

>> No.22229792

>hasnt read rilkey

>> No.22229794

That would be nice. I'd even consider paypigging.

>> No.22229941

not as sensitive as my dick tho

>> No.22230456

Rilke was a trust fund nigger. Fuck his disingenuous poverty fetish.

>> No.22230460

Tee based
Pessimist mogs again

>> No.22230463

that calloused nub? puhleaze

>> No.22230750


Heideggers critique is the most atrocious, pseud and unessarily hostile thing he has ever written, and shows how this guy had a massive inferiority complex. Dude was always a critic never a real poetic creator. Also where is the real second part Sein und Zeit, Martin? Fuck you. I have never been more angry at someone criticizing a dead person than that one Heidegger text on Rilke.

>> No.22230763

Albert Ehrenstein

>> No.22231424

I could legititmately be this guy's twin, spooky

>> No.22231724 [SPOILER] 
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Spinoza mogs him btw

>> No.22231742


>> No.22231993

I follow this french qt but she's about critical theory and stuff. She has a banging body and seems well off - well fed - well dressed, a representation of health and vigour

>> No.22231997


>> No.22231998

Reading from SEP does not constitute being knowledgeable

>> No.22232025
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Paine, J. M. (1986). Rainer Maria Rilke: The Evolution of a Poet. The Wilson Quarterly (1976-), 10(2), 148–162. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40257012

>> No.22232329

This is clearly just talking about juvenilia though, and seems to treat his mature work with reverence.

>> No.22233436

kek, Kahn moggs her completely with his rendition.

>> No.22233532

I can't. I had to put down Duino Elegies after the second poem because it was such an overwhelming experience for me that I felt physically unwell and manic. That sort of highly charged metaphysical free verse dripping in religious symbolism makes me feel schizophrenic. Still need to read the rest of him.

>> No.22233811

None. I'm only here because I find him wonderful too.

>> No.22233837

Check out John of the Cross

>> No.22233928

Not a competition

>> No.22234760

t. mad roastie

>> No.22234780


>> No.22235200

whats your favorite piece that Rilke wrote?