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File: 20 KB, 220x261, 220px-Origen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22226726 No.22226726 [Reply] [Original]

Are Moses and Solomon really the source of all the ideas in Greek mathematics and philosophy?

Not going to lie, the arguments about the dimensions of the Tent of Meeting and First Temple demonstrating a mastery of the quadratic equation and knowledge of irrational numbers/the Golden Ratio, or of parts fitting the Fibonacci Sequence and shit.

I also recall some astronomy shit being dug up from Babylon where they were essentially using calculus, or at least proto calculus for predicting star movement, but I don't recall if it dated to the time the Jews lived there.

And the stuff about Nous and Logos being in the OT do sorta make sense.

>> No.22226735
File: 33 KB, 220x343, Origen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, did he really cut his dick off because women were distracting him from Christ? That seems pretty hardcore.

>> No.22226739


>> No.22226741

You seem to believe that this sort of knowledge could only be held by a single human group at a time. The truth is, each community has received occult sciences and pratices on their own. They simply may have reidscovered it in another community. For example, Maïmonide's son believed that sufi pratices were the original pratices of Israelites and thus attempted at replacing them in Judaism. This shows that even if Judaism was the source for some Greek ideas, they weren't Jewish ideas.