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2222549 No.2222549 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I get free ebooks for kindle?

>> No.2222556


>> No.2222562

- Internet
- Google
- /rs/
- the web
- freeebooksfordownload.com
- /lit/ sticky

>> No.2222567

>converting pdfs

I'll give you a chance to delete this thread right now and save yourself from looking like a fool.

>> No.2222574

Does anybody know of a good IRC client for macs, without having to use wine or anything to run .exe?

>> No.2222581

>can't find a client for a service as basic as http is

you don't deserve help

>> No.2222617

There's project Gutenberg. Bill of rights is a must. Obviously in public domain.

>> No.2222641

You mean html. and well, I thought irc died out about a decade ago. The ones I've just had a look at all are all .exe's and require a conversion software, while this is fairly easy to do, it's still not as good as a .dmg program.

If you didn't have a mac compatible program to recommend you could have just said so without being a cock about it.

>> No.2222643

>using a mac

>> No.2222646

Tons of free public domain classics.

>> No.2222647

>not using a mac, the best computer in the world

>> No.2222654

Take that shit to /g/

>> No.2222658


>overpaying for a shitty OS that doesn't give you any freedom whatsoever and is not upgradeable.



>> No.2222664

I'm not poor. Why would I fuck around with something I have to upgrade when I can just but the latest model?

>> No.2222667

*buy the latest model.

>> No.2222670
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>> No.2222671

>"not upgradeable."
>"OS that doesn't give you any freedom whatsoever"

Holy shit, people actually believe this? I mean, there are genuine gripes people can have with OS X, but why's it necessary to make shit up?

>> No.2222678

Well, I'm going to leave you macfags to wank over your shitty, overpriced paperweight and go have sex with my windows-using girlfriend.

>> No.2222679

I just added two gigs of ram to my iMac and i'm writing a program using python. How is it any less "open" or upgradable than Windows?

>> No.2222680

get off my /lit/, macfags.

>> No.2222683

>does everything a windows computer does, including the ability to run windows

>> No.2222691

>have sex with my windows-using girlfriend.
have fun rebooting her halfway through

>> No.2222694
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>too bad you still can't go on IRC

>> No.2222700

hey, I thought you went to have sex. what's wrong did she get a virus?

>> No.2222699


>> No.2222705
File: 81 KB, 776x602, waynesworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be from /g/
>mfw /lit/ tries to computer

oh lawd

alright fags, here's the tl;dr: macs are shit because

>a $2,000 macintosh computer on average consists of $500 worth of parts
>you can buy parts online and build your own pc that is better than a mac for like $300, even your dad who thinks video games cause viruses could do this with some google effort
>you have absolutely zero excuse to want a mac because you pretty much have to be the laziest piece of shit in the world to pay thousands of dollars for something so easy to make yourself for a fraction of the price
>apple is seriously a troll company that plays on its trendiness to troll people into paying out the ass for a logo
>even if you wanted a mac for mac-specific software, 99% of that shit is for professional photographers/web developers and you're just a hipster with no actual skills

I could go on all day about this shit, if you think there is even a real "debate" about whether pc is better than mac, you are retarded

>> No.2222706

which do you use/ would you recommend?

>> No.2222711


>> No.2222712

All of that seems to revolve around money, and being cheaper to have to build yourself.

I don't want to build anything myself.
I have plenty of money and don't find the price of macs a problem.
I like the fact that elitist fucks like you despise them.
It works perfectly well for every function i have ever wanted it for, and has never crashed.

>> No.2222721

>I prefer a computer with a shit graphics card, processor etc. that costs way more than some neckbeard's $400 jerry rig that actually works better because I don't know anything about computers and HA HA I'm a stupid american with enough money to pay for my stupidity so joke's on you, u mad?


>> No.2222722

I've been running windows 7 for years now and it never crashed or had a virus.
I had to replace the mobo recently(different brand with AMD processor......) but i just popped the hdd back in and everything was ok.
Also not that guy you responded to

>> No.2222723

Bull-fucking-shit. People like you go onto newegg and compare modular desktop CPUs to proprietary soldered-on Laptop CPUs without taking into consideration the miniaturization and labor required to get the same amount power.

The Samsung Series 9 and Levono Ultrabook thinkpad, both of which compete with the Macbook Air, are more expensive for weaker specs.

>> No.2222735

I am outraged that you think i'm american, yes.

You seem to like bringing money up, are you projecting you feelings of financial inadequacy?

>> No.2222737


"In the end, we found each Apple machine to cost more than a similarly equipped PC counterpart, with the baseline Mac Pro being the exception. Usually the delta is around $50 to $150, and even that can be mitigated by using an educational discount or otherwise finding a deal from one of the many Mac e-tailers out there. Furthermore, each new Mac comes with $99 off of a printer, and there actually is a $99 printer you can select; so, if you need a new printer, that's an imputed $99 total system savings.

In conclusion, yes, most Apple machines cost a bit more than similar PC counterparts. But if you put a great deal of value on longer battery life, generally improved resistance to viruses, eye-catching designs that use high-quality materials, and will make use of the robust iLife '11 software suite, then the tax--if you can even call it that--is worth paying. The real take-away here is that there's no reason to argue whether or not the Apple Tax is worthwhile; it will always be a case-by-case value-based decision for each consumer. Depending on your needs, one product or the other will or won't make sense."

The price difference isn't as large as PCfags think.

>> No.2222741
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>Samsung Series 9
>Levono Ultrabook

>> No.2222748

ITT: mactrolls imply that mac is better than pc, ignoring the fact that macintosh computers are to customization what PS3 is to games. buying a computer from apple is like selecting a premade class in morrowind

>> No.2222754



The Macbook is more powerful and has a larger SSD at $50 less.

>> No.2222756

it's not just about money, it's the fact that you are using a comparatively shit computer, the fact that you actually paid more for it just adds insult to injury.

>> No.2222761

Mac Pros are actually among the most customizable consumer computers around. I don't even need a screwdriver to upgrade it.

>> No.2222773
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>he thinks buying an "upgrade" is customization!

>> No.2222774

>comparatively shit computer
But that's not true. Macbook Pros are the absolute best laptops in the world. I'm perfectly happy boot-camping mine and using it as a Windows PC.

>> No.2222777
File: 276 KB, 1600x1069, dead_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Macbook Pros are the absolute best laptops in the world

alright seriously fuck this thread

and even if that was the case look at deskt...

no, fuck this thread

>> No.2222778

Switching out the CPU and adding a video card seems like customization to me. It uses the same architecture as a "regular" PC, all you need to do is install Windows...

>> No.2222783

I think the thinkpad W-series is better, but he's not too far off from the truth. They're great laptops. There's a reason they're incredible popular for creative professionals, and increasingly so for business and technical professionals.

>> No.2222793

no need for anyone to post after me.


>> No.2222795

After me.

>> No.2223164



>he really thinks this is true