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22225204 No.22225204 [Reply] [Original]

>god creates Adam and Eve
>gets mad when they do the thing he knows they were going to do (since he is an all knowing god)
Who writes this shit?

>> No.22225210
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>Who writes this shit?

>> No.22225727

he wasn't mad. he dealt with their transgression of the law.

>> No.22225767

>if I were God I could do better
The hubristic pride fedora tippers have in their own (painfully lacking) intelligence never stops being funny.

>> No.22225807

It is hubristic and vain to behave as though one knows anything about God. True believers and true disbelievers.

>> No.22225809

>no you
>tips fedora
Every time.

>> No.22225811

If christcucks believed and practiced whatever they wanted by themselves, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. But they simply cannot do that. They NEED to impose themselves on others, out of a false sense of concern.

>> No.22225822

I am defending the highness of that which is highest, whatever it may be, and I am emphasizing the vanity of human certainty. I have nothing against the highest, only the people who believe that they know everything about it, and that includes atheists.

>> No.22225824 [DELETED] 
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2022-11: Warosu is now out of maintenance.
/lit/ - Literature
Search: Believe in santa
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Believe in santa
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>> Anonymous Fri Jun 30 15:02:29 2023 No.22208416 [View]
Yes you can believe in Santa as well. There's no validity to it.

>> Anonymous Tue Jun 27 18:11:06 2023 No.22196993 [View]
File: 125 KB, 843x685, 1685258831241313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
Atheism is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

>> No.22225826
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>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
Atheism is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

>> No.22225829

Your 'insights' aren't as interesting to others as they are to you yourself.

>> No.22225841

Why does it have to be assumed that one only says things to look cool? I’m just talking, there’s nothing remarkable about me. Why does everything have do be centered around validation?

>> No.22225864

>atheists are prideful and unjustifiably vain when it comes to their intelligence
No shit.

>> No.22225875

listen, I just believe God is doing things in the best way possible, and there's nothing anyone can do to persuade me otherwise.

>> No.22225886

There you go. Who said I'm an atheist? I don't believe in the israeli god, your god. That's it. Why get so mad? Oh that's right, you're a christcuck. You literally cannot be by yourself. You absolutely need to impose yourself on other. That's your disease.

>> No.22225933

Didn't ask/don't care, pseud.

>> No.22225961

I guess it seems obvious to you. But I wish it were obvious for more people.

>> No.22225985

The point also converts discussion into a simplistic whataboutism instead of addressing the character of mainstream atheism.

>> No.22225987

>tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Why wouldn't a command given by a serpent take priority over God's command not to eat the fruit? To Adam and Eve (basically NPCs) disobeying God is just a neutral act, they can not understand that their act is "bad".

>> No.22226026

It's not that God got mad it's that the two options are
1. we are one with God and evil is impossible
2. we have free will and therefore the capacity for evil exists
Life is the 2, 1 is where you were before you were born and hopefully where you'll go when you die

>> No.22227209


>> No.22227223

>"WHO WRITES THIS SHIT!?" Moses asked calmly.

>> No.22227815
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There's a reason why we start with the Greeks. They save us from a lot of bullshit later on.

>> No.22227818
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>there's nothing anyone can do to persuade me otherwise
Yes, we noticed.

>> No.22228870

The word Virgin does not appear in Isaiah in Hebrew

The Virgin Mary is THE lie that Revelation warns you about in anyone adding or subtracting a message from the bible (Canon connotation from Constantine) from Revelation (from the Greek text itself)

>> No.22228881

Yahweh is not a creator god but a morality god. Abrahamic creation myth is a later addition to justify this god. It's a retcon.

>> No.22228887

>strawman atheism with their non-theistic branch of degenerate christisnity
Do christcucks have any other arguments?

>> No.22228895

Can’t believe people keep falling for this copypasta lmfao

>> No.22228919

Such a pretentious ignoramus to believe that God would have created this particular universe just for us to experience a perfectly comfortable existence; that is not God's purpose for this world, and our purpose certainly isn't to automatically be safe & happy, perpetually. Far be it for anyone to tell the Parent not to spoil their Children, for reasons that should be obvious to any functional adult. Far be it for anyone to tell the Master how to treat his Slaves, Beasts or Tools, for they are his property to do with as he chooses. Far be it for anyone to tell (You) how to reply to this post, or else your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

>> No.22230203

Henotheism heebs

>> No.22230209

Biggest redpill for me was seeing how atheists are beta boipussies for Islam but diehard crusaders against Christianity

>> No.22230226

Didn't he turn into the snake and made them do it

>> No.22230335

>good is when feel good, like when tasty food
>evil is when feel bad, like when pain
lol. lamo even. One would think christcucks would care enough to do as much as google "The Problem of Evil", but no, they can't be bothered to do even the bare minimum. Keep spicing up your text with those semicolons and ampersands btw, I'm sure sure your 10th grade English teacher will appreciate that.

>> No.22230361

Why would a latin word appear in the original hebrew? I'm sure they used a word or term equivalent to virgin and you're just an idiot.

>> No.22230488

They are interesting to me, and I'm not him.
Not an argument, fuckhead.

>> No.22230497

Anon I think we read a different Bible.

>> No.22230764

The truth hurts. Go ahead and sperg about how smart you are for figuring out Santa doesn't exist if it will make you feel better.

>> No.22230782
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>go after low-hanging fruit for decades
>cry about fallacies when one of your most prominent talking-heads gets called out on being a degen retard
It's your legacy. Cope.

>> No.22230800

based fedora tipper triggering midwits

>> No.22230838
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>religious people are the titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed by their DnD manual]
>religious people stand for dogmatic thinking
>[adhere to dogamitism]
>religious people are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things which they're uneducated]
>religious people are dogmatic
>[insist you interpret scripture according to their ideas of it]
Religion is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being religous is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. A reminder that the legacy of religion is priests molesting children and insecure kids larping on a Cambodian butterfly collecting forum

>> No.22231250
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If you're as smart as you imply, then your reply must be some sort of attempt at sarcastic humor (or, in the intentionally wrong parlance of our memocracitc society: "irony").

Epicurus (or the depiction of him handed down to us through (((history)))) was clearly a mid-level pseudointellectual, because his philosophy on "God" can be boiled down to this paraphrase:

"God cannot be real because I cannot always happy."

What an insufferable, self-centered faggot. Did it ever occur to him (or you) that WE DESERVE TO SUFFER? For all we know, this could all be like that bad scifi story which has been retreaded in that dumb film starring Pam from the office, or that Black Mirror episode wherein:

>"innocent girl" is raped & murdered OVER & OVER AGAIN, no matter what she tries to do
>she goes on "the hero(in)e's journey"
>through trials & tribulations, she finally confronts her rapist/murder
>her killer reveals that this is all a simulation designed to punish the girl
>the girl had her memory wiped and replaced by the memories of... the girl herself...
>...because the "girl" trapped in this hell is actually...

So, they took an irredeemably evil being (the rapacious murderer), made him forget who he was, loaded his mind up with the girl's memories, and then made the rapacious murderer experience & suffer the fate of his victim from his victim's perspectives over & over again practically forever.

Have you ever considered that we are being punished for having been the rebels in the war against Heaven? That we were cast down to Earth with Satan in order to suffer & struggle, and perhaps eventually find salvation through Jesus Christ?

Have you ever considered that we are instantiated AIs or other conscious beings who've had our memories wiped before entering this simulation, all so that we could be tested for SOME reason?

Have you ever considered that this is all some deranged "video game" we volunteered (and even paid "money") to play (which involves mind-wiping at the beginning)? Yeah, like that Rick & Morty episode.

Look, I've made enough pseudocultural references for your onions-addled brain to make the connections. Just understand that comedy is when a tree falls on someone else, but tragedy is when (You) get stuck with a splinter.

I, for one, believe that the God who created this world is pretty based, and did a fantastic job; we can't complain too much that the Architect of the Cosmos didn't use enough of our favorite color paint when doodling in our tiny little corner of this infinite canvas.

God is a true Artist; let the ignorant gnash their teeth & wail in anguish, for their paeons are as contralto backing vocals in this gorgeous symphony.

>Verification not required.


>> No.22231275
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>tries to respond to pasta
>literally just "no you" and has to use "dogmatic" 3 times
Kek, the fedora tippers are truly sending their best.

>> No.22231276

Read the Luciferian interpretation of the creation and be illumined.

>> No.22231304
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Better yet, go through the Bible and replace every instance of "Angel," "El," "Elohim," "God," "GOD," "Lord," "LORD," "YHWH," etc... with "Reptoid" or "Alien" or "Sysop/Admin" or [REDACTED], and then read through it.

This jibes with what Whitley Strieber claimed THEY told him in "Communion."
>protip: watch the chris walken film

...this does, in no way, negate the validity of the Ultimate True God or our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, who came here to provide us with salvation & escape from this wicked world.

>> No.22231354
File: 296 KB, 557x728, Paul v Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're at it, can we chat about the *CORRECT* Version & Edition of the Holy Bible? There are infinitely many counterfeits which change things, subtly or vulgarly, so that the neurolinguistic programming doesn't work as God intended, but only *one* TRUE version in the English Language: the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Authorized Version of the most Holy Bible; this was published from approximately 1911-1985, is becoming increasingly difficult to find, and is simply not printed now (my 2011 KJV "PCE" w/Apocrypha fails several of the tests -- it has Inquire instead of Enquire in GENESIS 24:57, and Spirit instead of spirit in 1st JOHN 5:8, along with "twoedged" being hyphenated in two of it's four appearances in the scripture in order to line-wrap around to the next line).

I get so fucking mad about this.

Here's the Bible I picked up (and I'm kicking myself for having lost my father's accurate Bibles from before 1985).

>publisher's link:

>seller's link:

>For those who need the *real* KJV/PCE:

>> No.22231368
File: 219 KB, 720x864, 1661187431043316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this image is actually wrong:

Jesus Christ taught that salvation comes only through faith in Him.

Paul taught that salvation *also* requires that you maintain a sinless lifestyle (or at least pay the price of practicing the heresy of confessing to a human "priest").

So, disregard that image I posted. :/

>> No.22231386

>nooooooo not the heckin fruit
>why is this happening to me

>> No.22231389

>it has Inquire instead of Enquire in GENESIS 24:57
I know this is a troll or a schizo post, but "enquire" is the Oxford spelling. Cambridge editions of the KJV, including the so-called PCE, use "inquire." In the link you gave you should be able to see this. The Cambridge editions also use "grey," "rasor," and "axe" instead of "gray," "razor" and "ax," which is what the Oxford editions use. I don't think any of this really makes a difference though, but it is interesting.

>> No.22231396

>So triggered makes a separate thread on /lit/ cause /his/ btfo'd him

>> No.22231408
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Based Spinoza refuted the silly apple etiology 350 years ago

>Nor do theologians remove this difficulty by maintaining that the cause of this weakness in human nature is the vice or sin whose origin was the fall of our first parent. For if the first man, too, had as much power to stand as to fall, and if he was in his right mind and with his nature unimpaired, how could it have come about that knowingly and deliberately he fell? Their answer is that he was deceived by the Devil. But who was it who deceived the Devil? Who, I ask, caused the one who was the most outstanding of all intelligent creatures to become so insane that he willed to be greater than God? Did not he, who had a sound mind, endeavour to preserve himself and his own being, as far as in him lay? Again, how could it have come about that the first man himself, being of sound mind and master of his own will, allowed himself to be led astray and beguiled? If he had the power to use reason aright, he could not have been deceived, for, as far as in him lay he must have endeavoured to preserve his own being and his sound mind. But, by hypothesis, this was in fact within his power; therefore he must have preserved his sound mind and could not have been deceived. His history, however, shows this to be false; and so it must be admitted that it was not in the power of the first man to use reason aright, and that, like us, he was subject to passions.

>> No.22231432

>Did it ever occur to him (or you) that WE DESERVE TO SUFFER?
Christians really are deranged masochists and power worshippers.

>> No.22231444

You won't be able to tell me what is wrong with worshipping God, anon. Because there actually is nothing wrong with it.

>> No.22231447

Not a troll, but perhaps a schizo; I'm glad they you are aware of these differences.

"Enquire" is informal.
"Inquire" is formal.

The argument is that the elders INFORMALLY asked Rebekha if she'd like to become betrothed to Isaac; it was *not* a FORMAL inquiry.

The reason that this is all important -- specific word counts -- is mindblowing: each word appears a specific number of times in the Bible, in its exact spelling; reading the entire Holy Bible (PCE/KJV) cover-to-cover basically loads a sort of metacomputerprogram into your brain, and the word counts have to be perfect.

For example, several words, titles & names appear certain numbers of times, such as "TWOEDGED" appearing exactly FOUR (4) times throughout the entire scripture.

The program just doesn't run properly if "TWOEDGED" appears only twice (and "TWO-EDGED" also twice).

IIRC, certain *very* important words appear exactly 777 times throughout the entire scripture.

I know this is pretty schizoid-sounding (or trollish), but it's something I've been researching for a while. Of course, I research a lot of different things. Ask me about the theoretical true nature of the DMT Machine Elves.

>according to seasoned psychonauts, these "machine elves" are simply unwilling/unable to answer questions which the "tripper" does not know the actual answers to, indicating that the "machine elves" are merely other parts of the person's DMT-schizoid mind communicating with the person's consciousness

...or maybe they're extradimensional "demons" or something, idk lol.

I honestly hope that everyone in this thread is having a nice day.

>> No.22231456

>tl;dr: a woman's pussy fucked up everything for everyone yet again

>> No.22231461


>> No.22231469

What line of the Bible shows that God is angry when this happens?

>> No.22231479

You can't justify God's actions using human wisdom. If a human were so intelligent that it could figure out God, God would not be God by definition, because by definition God is greater than man and beyond his interpretation.

>> No.22231484

You think God deserves to inflict pointless suffering on you and others. Christianity is pure sadomasochism.

>> No.22231485

>be Christians
>start off as persecuted sect of people
>grow enough power through accomplishments to have control of an empire
>empire adopts your religion to save itself
>continue to protect said empire and branches in name of Christianity
>develop the most advanced and clean nation's
>everyone wants to live there
>Why are Christians imposing their beliefs on us

>> No.22231616
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>I was about to tell him he was wrong to dwell on it, because it really didn't matter. But he cut me off and urged me one last time, drawing himself up to his full height and asking me if I believed in God. I said no. He sat down indignantly. He said it was impossible; all men believed in God, even those who turn their backs on him. That was his belief, and if he were ever to doubt it, his life would become meaningless. "Do you want my life to be meaningless?" he shouted. As far as I could see, it didn't have anything to do with me, and I told him so. But from across the table he had already thrust the crucifix in my face and was screaming irrationally, "I am a Christian. I ask Him to forgive you your sins. How can you not believe that He suffered for you?" I was struck by how sincere he seemed, but I had had enough. It was getting hotter and hotter. As always, whenever I want to get rid of someone I'm not really listening to, I made it appear as if I agreed. To my surprise, he acted triumphant. "You see, you see!" he said. "You do believe, don't you, and you're going to place your trust in Him, aren't you?" Obviously, I again said no. He fell back in his chair.
Quite a number of people here thrusting crucifixes around.

>> No.22231783

It wasn't God, it was YHWH.

>> No.22232621

>If christcucks believed and practiced whatever they wanted by themselves, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. But they simply cannot do that. They NEED to impose themselves on others, out of a false sense of concern.
Part of the practice of Christianity involves spreading the gospel, so your comment doesn't really make sense since they wouldn't be able to practice "whatever they wanted by themselves"

>> No.22232721
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>lol who writes this shit, do religitards even think? The organized nature of reality, mathematics, logic, identity over time, consciousness, the mind, meaning, language, they're all just accidents bro. They just exist okay just move past it idiot. Its cuz its good for the group so its selected for over time. everyone knows what good is so dont even ask and when two groups oppose each others' good then mine is right of course. everything is meaningless idiot, except for this sentence of course and everything I'm saying. we're here because there was nothingness and then stuff decided to happen and then chaotic randomness occurred but if you do it for long enough you end up with perfectly ordered conditions necessary for human flourishing. It's just an accident though because when we die we go back to NOTHINGNESS and our mind and soul just dissappear because they came from nothing remember. lmao do christcucks even think

>> No.22233221
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>> No.22233473

>My anthropomorphic puddle feels like you're wrong

This is what Athiests actually believe

>> No.22233796


>> No.22234470

none of this gay shit matters. this world needs to end and the innocent souls need to be released

>> No.22234510

>I'm sure
NTA but why are you so sure?
The Bible doesn't make a big deal out of it, it's mostly based on Mary responding to angel.
>Angel: you will give birth to the messiah
>Mary: but how can that be? I am X.
If we mistranslated X it can be a number of things, like an unworthy sinner or not of the right family or whatever.