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22224514 No.22224514 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that ruined an entire generation

>> No.22224535
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>War is... LE BAD!

>> No.22224537
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>> No.22224643
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Postmodernism was a mistake

>> No.22224664
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picrel ruined boomers
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ruined gen x men
50 shades of grey ruined gen x women
harry potter and hunger games ruined millennial women
fight club ruined millennial men
colleen hoover is ruining zoomer girls
Peterson is ruining zoomer boys

>> No.22224692

Ulysses did it first

>> No.22224699
File: 198 KB, 393x594, Screenshot from 2023-07-04 18-08-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the Bible for current liberal views on race and of course it was written by a fucking Swede

>> No.22224703
File: 974 KB, 578x951, Screenshot from 2023-07-04 18-09-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book created the boomer

>> No.22224715

how so

>> No.22224722

>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ruined gen x men
can you explain this?
or just explain every statement you made but particularly the one about zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

>> No.22224745

John B Watson literally ruined an entire generation with his downright abusive childcare theories and made future generations have shittier lives by inventing modern advertising.

>> No.22224770

It was a massively popular parenting book in the 50's and 60's

>> No.22224811

Why not Ulysses ?

>> No.22224836
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>> No.22224843

so real. what is up with all these memebooks written by brown women?

>> No.22224859

I don't give a shit about who wrote it. The fact that it's just cliche after cliche, with each poem being a weaker version of the previous, with each poem being surface level with no depth, with each poem being mediocre. With the ungrammatical structures, with the lack of meter or poem or rhythm of any kind. The empty, trite, weak slobber that one may call poetry. The problem with it is that this counts for some people. This is the direction poetry will go, it's not avant garde, it's lazy trauma dumping. And though it may be validating to some, it's terribly written and redefines what counts as a best seller.
I fucking hate this book. I fucking hate rupi. And I hate both so deeply that it makes me begin to hate poetry, it makes me want to hate English, it makes me want to hate my fellow man. It makes me SICK.

>> No.22224863

Just books that make their readers think they are enlightened without having to put too much effort in, kind of like self help but masculine and with a philosphical disguise, thats how i picked the books i chose for men.
For women it's just books that make them think they're rebels and not like other girls, and also the books give bad role models for women except for maybe hunger games.

>> No.22224864

Try love anon. Don't worry, it's not organically a best seller. Books by women, specifically brown women get bought up en masse by bookstore owners to put on their shelves as a status signifier, and then other women buy them as a status signifier. Nobody actually reads this goyslop except for unfortunate souls like you and gullible roasties. Nobody actually reads anything that came out in the 21st century

>> No.22224896
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>OMG, heckin childhood! Children are so much better then frickin adults! -JD Salinger

>> No.22224905

Twilight and 50 Shades

>> No.22224906

He rapes his sister, Phoebe. And Allie never died.

>> No.22224910

It's about the innocence that leaves you once you transition from childhood to adulthood

>> No.22224912

Pedophile post