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File: 73 KB, 600x769, Karl_Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22221603 No.22221603 [Reply] [Original]

>Karl Pooper

Looks like The Open Society and It's Enemies has been refuted

>> No.22221606

You wish!
But I remember a NYT article on his son wanting to slow down the Open Society funding. Even if that happens, Omidyar is happy to fund all those libtards.

>> No.22221609


>> No.22221858
File: 2.59 MB, 640x360, juden.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22222731

Why is this place so fucking antisemitic? Your ilk and your meshugaas make me sick, Nazis to the gas chambers

>> No.22222743

they need a shower?

>> No.22222762

>Why is this place so fucking antisemitic?
Jews are annoying. Haven't you noticed that?

>> No.22223054

….by? Its enemies?

Loud obnoxious minority of 16 year olds and their 30+ year old autistic masters

>> No.22223169

Look in the mirror, nudnick

>> No.22223851

It’s a vicious cycle. Whites act antisemitic this scares and angers the jews. Rich powerful Jews fund and promote anti white ideology. Average whites notice the Jews plotting against them become antisemitic repeat cycle.

>> No.22223856

There is no such thing as antisemitic. Semites are not even a thing.

>> No.22223862

Serious answer? Read Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique - it provides very solid evidence that a small minority of Leftist Jews (Wilhelm Reich, Freud, Marx, Lenin, Troksty, and most feminists and otherwise) advocate for ridiculous policies and intellectual movements which are purely means of preventing anti-semitism and have no truth. It's a very very powerful analysis and I think points a way forward for Jewish intellectuals.

>> No.22223879

To get into this. Karl Popper's definition of an Open Society is a society that allows for dissent is so pathetically ridiculous and small minded and historically blind that if you read Erasmus's "Educating a Christian Prince" is harsher towards emperors and he sent it to the sitting emperor than most people can even fathom about Muslims, Jews, or any other group than God's Church (Roman Catholics) who are fair game for any type of slander from the mediocre to professional brigades of Satan's latest slave meat. He says being an emperor based on birth is as legitimate as doing it by height. The point I'm making is that the idea that anti-semitism is saying that Jewish intellectuals on the left suffer from predictability is not anti-semitic but an unfortunate result of the latest pogrom. TL:DR; most Jewish thought is: Here is another framework that isn't religion for understanding the world that you should dogmatically follow.

>> No.22223889

>gas chambers
You know the gas chambers in the third Reich are a myth, right?

>> No.22223900

Last post - this creates really bad political realities and pathetic intellectual trends. Basically, Jewish people value the tribe more than outsiders and then will intellectually obfuscate that fact because it's, obviously, distasteful to do such and others disagree with that framework. The basic point is that Jewish intellectuals can either clarify that chosen means subject to the law and not more valuable or they need to concede they think they are more "valuable" to God in which case the whole enterprise is a lie. There is a way forward but largely it seems like the theological inadequacy of late-stage rabbinical Judaism to cope with persecution (why are Jews in WW2 not martyrs?) lead to embarrassing intellectual, political, and worldly children. The flipside of this coin is that Catholics LOVE fascism because then they can maximize converts and that is equally ridiculous.

>> No.22223905

Lenin was not Jewish

>> No.22223916

He was at the very least a spiritual jew.

>> No.22223983

Your theory of Jew controlling is wrong. Stop being a willing dupe.

>> No.22224346

Yes, the open society pooper advocates for is a failure, unless you're jewish of course.....

>> No.22224448

he's wrong on the specifics but right in general

>> No.22224813

Jews started it by being doing everything they can to ruin white societies. Why shouldn’t I hate people trying to harm me and what I hold dear? Jews even admit it. Read Maurice Samuel and Israel Shahak.

>> No.22225077

dumb fuck karl popper's definition of an "open society" is one run by british intelligence

>> No.22226389

Every time i see an online commie cite "The Paradox of Tolerance" on why you should not engage with mild liberal and right wing positions, i get one step closer to a brain aneurysm

>> No.22226399


the whole purpose of the bourgeois revolution in britain was to kill monarchies and establish republics all over the world in order to merge bureaucracy, entertainment and education so that the entertainment industry has something to feed on for all eternity and the peasants are kept entertained by their own public servants and never ever think of going back to monarchies

atheism= hedonism+ propaganda that christian kings are evil, in order to make a society based on commerce alone, and not on priests and military conquests

>> No.22226410

>>Lenin was not Jewish
he was bourgeois and those people have the jewish psychopathic mind

>> No.22226462

>so close yet so far

>> No.22226471


>> No.22226740

Genuine apologies for my mistake I thought he was (not that that makes him better or worse). Trotsky was at the very least and you will find most pro-porn advocacy groups are also heavily influenced with misled Jewish leftists.

>> No.22226746

>atheism= hedonism+ propaganda that christian kings are evil, in order to make a society based on commerce alone, and not on priests and military conquests
I honestly think this is more correct. All of Europe's inquisitions combined killed 50-60K Europeans. It is worth meditating on the fact that Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin were granted the same power as those monarchs of old but yet the old Catholic guard was miraculously not bad though by no means were they saints.

>> No.22226756

>All of Lenin's writings that proved useful to Stalin were published, but the others remained hidden, and knowledge of both Lenin's non-Russian ancestry and his noble status was suppressed. In particular, knowledge of his Jewish ancestry was suppressed until the 1980s, perhaps out of Soviet antisemitism, and so as not to undermine Stalin's Russification efforts, and perhaps so as not to provide fuel for anti-Soviet sentiment among international antisemites.

>> No.22226766

>Jewish ancestry
I want to be clear. This "one drop" bloodism that slanders the Jewish people is repugnant. The issue is not Jewish blood nor Judaism but a very particular symptom that has grown out of the enlightenment which is the need, or desire, to remove religion from the conversation in order to protect the Jewish faith and people. The corrective action that should be done is a humbling before God that is a theological issue that Jews were chosen and yet they are no longer chosen and the only more powerful covenant is the Catholic Church. This is merely a fact but the most important point is that discriminating against Jewish people is absolutely disgusting and should not be done but rather the clarification of what Judaism can, and often has, done to intellectuals is paramount in moving us forward as the West.

>> No.22226814

Found the kike

>> No.22226825

>we must have an open society
>all people and ideas must be tolerated
>except for intolerant people
>they must not be tolerated
>but our society is still tolerant
>well yes we’re being intolerant of one group of people
>but that doesn’t mean we’re intolerant
>it actually means we’re being MORE tolerant than if we weren’t intolerant of those guys
>you see, intolerance is how we achieve the most open society in the world
>because an open society is a good thing trust me goyim
>also Plato was literally worse than Hitler because fuck you that’s why

>> No.22226841

Catholic church and Jews are two fabrics woven from the same cloth: Catholics should not try to convert Jews, Vatican says (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35061357).).
Jewish propensity to commit evil is in their genes. Read The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald.

>> No.22226852

What an awful get, everything around it was also trash

>> No.22227278

You only say they pushed ridiculous policies because you disagree with them. There is no secret conspiracy. And half of the guys you mentioned fought for a better world for all.

>> No.22227855

Taking away peasants' own bread and letting them starve is fighting for a better world for all? Kidnapping children and mutilating their sexual organs is fighting for a better world for all? Genociding Europeans but silencing any criticism of Jews or Israel is fighting for a better world for all? You are a disgusting filthy kike.

>> No.22228070

I am obsessed with the Jews. I have never actually met one in real life, but after a long time of going on this website I have started using the word as a pejorative so often that it has basically become a curse word in my mouth. Look at that price; those Jews! That Jew just looked at me! Damn it I dropped something: Jews!

Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew.

I say the word so often now it has lost all its meaning.

>> No.22228108

I grew up in Boca surrounded by Jews. They really are fucking obnoxious. I had one literally stop me in the street one evening while walking my dog to monologue for five fucking minutes about how he helped cure AIDS. Once that happens to you a few times you subconsciously begin to sympathize with Hitler.