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2222076 No.2222076 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody here experienced a very deep/bad trip on salvia? I find that during these experiences I can understand some of the things that H.P. Lovecraft mentions about chaos and seeing the face of the old gods. Like a sense of an infinite chasm just behind the back of my mind, ready to suck me into it and completely envelop me. Just interesting because before I tripped on Salvia I thought Lovecraft was kind of a tool, but now I think he might have been on to something.

>> No.2222092

Really? Salvia is shit man. It gives you a very mild buzz for about 10 mins. Try some DMT for a real 'short' trip or some Shrooms, HBW, LSD, 2CB... for a longer one.

>> No.2222103


Read up on trip reports. Taking salvia can result in mind shattering experiences. You just didn't get enough into your system.

>> No.2222108

my trip on salvia is the only time in my life i have seriously wanted to fucking blow my brains out. it was horrifying.

>mild buzz
you didn't "break through"/do it right. you have no idea what salvia can do. it's WAY more intense than acid, shrooms or any RCs i've tried. i've never done DMT which is supposed to be the most intense psychedelic but after my experience with salvia i don't even want to

>> No.2222111

three years ago I tried salvia 30X( this is a measure of potency, they go from 10X to 100X i think)
I went deaf for a good 2 minutes and felt completely retarded. I had horrible tunnel vision and I started to sweat profusely. I also had this needle pricking quasi painful sensation all over my back. After I regained hearing I heard my friend repeatedly telling me that I was a chair, at which point i became very angry and stormed out the room, stumbling through the corridor, and sat on the stairway..the "trip" lasted about 7 minutes.
pretty disappointing.

>> No.2222113


>> No.2222121

Like a very short K-hole?
I bonged a few hits of 20x stuff but it didn't do much so we gave up on it, I may try it again.

Is salvia legal in the states too? Most bong shops here in the UK sell it.

Doug Stanhope described DMT best, - "Imagine you are a rat who is suddenly given the consciousness of a human for 10 mins"

>> No.2222125

i don't know if it's legal here in the US anymore, i haven't done it since 2004

my horrifying experience referenced upthread was from 20x

>> No.2222134

I'll give it another shot then. I quite like short acting drugs. It gets a bit much when you took 40 HBW seeds 24 hours ago and the carpet is still breathing. And I get a really speedy lingering after effect with acid, meaning I cant sleep for a long time after the discernible effects wear off.

Have you tried Ketamine? Its not very good for a mystical trip, but its quite fun.
Also if you ever come across it in the US try TMA-2 (best psychedelic I have ever experienced), any of the 2C family, and of course DMT.

>> No.2222139

I dont think my experiences have been anywhere near the level of yours. I've tripped twice on salvia, both times were mildly enjoyable solely because of how strange it was. my friend has 60x so i might hit him up.

and i dont know about scheduling, but it is still legal here in california.

>> No.2222143

I know what you mean OP. After my first psychedelic experience it was like I finally understood all those books and songs I didn't full get before. Like a switch flicked, casting a light on a whole area I hadn't seen before.

>> No.2222147

ha. you have to smoke salvia the right way. you take three huge hits back to back to actually trip off of it. like the earlier post said, you have to break through (get the concentration in your blood high enough). dmt is the same way. to really get off on it you have to reach that threshold concentration. to me salvia can best be described as an evil carnival ride. space radiated out in every direction along new vectors, everything turned orange, it felt like the couch was doing a barrel roll. who the hell could get addicted to salvia? dmt just lays a veneer of fractals over everthing and when you close your eyes you can travel to distant places. a much better drug.

>> No.2222160

My friend says he was turned into a log and chased by cheeseburgers on a high dose.

My experience sucked. I tried smoking it out of a makeshift bottle-bong with only 10x strength my freshmen year. I was reading The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch at the time and curious about psychedelics.

I felt tingly all over my body like when your foot falls asleep with the pins and needles. Not painful, just awkward. I broke out into a cold sweat as well. I was staring at the floor and suddenly everything was black. I saw orange beams of light fall in the darkness like neon rain and then beams shot from the side and intersected to create a kind of weave. Then the orange started to form an abstract spiral and it was over. Probably lasted about 30 seconds. For about two minutes afterward I laughed uncontrollably at a shitty family guy joke on the tv. All my friends suck and I live with my parents so I have no means of further experimentation :-\ Feels bad man.

>> No.2222171

> before I tripped on Salvia I thought Lovecraft was kind of a tool

So fucking true, Lovecraft was tripping on some fine shit when he wrote his stuff. It's sad when I meet someone who says they won't do drugs because I know they have no imagination.

>> No.2222174


Citation very much needed. Lovecraft's imagination stemmed from a bleak perspective of scientific knowledge regarding our place in the universe, racism, loneliness, and his nightmares. He didn't NEED drugs to imagine even of his mythos. That's the remarkable thing about him.

>> No.2222180

I've tried it. Hell of tunnel vision and crazy feeling of being pushed back and forward at the same time. Kinda felt like a tard for the ten or so minutes. Didn't really trip.

Now my friend was tripping pretty good. He turned into a basket ball an was rolling down the courts and getting dribbled and passed around by Kobe. I think. Anyway, he was spouting of shit about winning the game and getting dunked.

>> No.2222204

Yeah. Lovecraft's prose may be mediocre and his fanbase a bunch of neckbeards jacking off over anything mildly fantastic, but I think he's a real man of the 20th century, a product of the times. He couldn't have existed at any other previous point in time without seeming dissonant or out of place.

>> No.2222203

The closest thing I can relate salvia to is a really strong evo trip, (yes I know what you're thinking already). When I was still in secondary school (about 14) we discovered this solvent based ink correction fluid that got you high as fuck. (nasty eh?) It was like a mild version of the body load you get with poppers but with pretty strong visuals.

We started tipping it on the cuffs of our school blazers, then sat in class inhaling deeply with our sleeves over our mouths. It was fucking awesome, you looked around the class at any point and there would be at least 5 people spacked out in their chairs.

The teachers were naturally confused at first. They knew we were doing something, but the evo only lasted a minute or two, so by the time the teacher had decided to come over to one of the star-fished pupils, we were almost coherent again.

They soon clicked a few weeks later, after we had inhaled the whole schools supply of fluid, and decided it needed to be banned immediately. I think thats when i started smoking weed.

>> No.2222214
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salvia is dumb shit
it tastes nasty and the "trip," if you can even call it that...
is very underwhelming and unmeaningful

if you want a real introspective experience do a real psy.
ex: mushrooms, mescaline, lsd, dmt, or one of the 2c chems

you will not be dissapoint

ps. fuck slavia

>> No.2222217

>It's sad when I meet someone who says they won't do drugs because I know they have no imagination.

*Sigh* your contradiction has loosened my constipation. Ever heard of Salvador Dali? I would debate that people with no imagination are inclined to take drugs.myself included

>> No.2222218

>did salvia incorrectly
>thinks it's shit

ah, kids these days.

>> No.2222222

Except it is. Shit, that is.
2nd shrooms.

>> No.2222229



>> No.2222228

truth get

>> No.2222235

I once had shrooms that kicked in right at the peak of an LSD wave. Best afternoon ever!

Most of the time I avoid mushrooms coz all I want to do is drink wine when they kick in. I have spewed too many times, too many

blatant excuse to reference get

>> No.2222242

a good psychedelic experience is not about being so fucked up that youre incoherent and out of your mind unable to function. anyone who prefers salvia to real psys are either just out to get fucked up or intellectually shallow

salvia is a joke. its very nearly a worthless drug. which is probably why its one of the few psys uncle sam allows to be legal

>> No.2222248

I once got a sugar high, does that count?

>> No.2222255

Sure. You are altered the chemical release in your brain to such an extent you got a noticeable shift in perception. Very entry level though but you are ready to graduate to cannabis or coffee.

>> No.2222256

Ohohoho, I suppose I am all full of truth today.

I've never done acid, but I want to.
How would you say they compare?
And how combined?

>> No.2222273


not op but in my experience, acid is much more
introspective, like about yourself rather than
everything around you, and you feel more in
control of yourself than a high dose mushroom
trip. the visuals are more colorful than mushrooms
in my experience.

mushrooms are more euphoric and spiritual I
think, and I prefer them. I tend to get a lot more
"bigger picture" philosophical thoughts on them.
Visuals tend to be more chaotic and less uniform
than acid

Ive taken 3 blotters with 3grams of shrooms once.
It was a very energetic fast paced and colorful
trip. I camped out and the wispy clouds at night
were incredible to watch

>> No.2222276 [DELETED] 
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>mfw when fuck off

>> No.2222278

aww little pussy scared of hurting his fragile mind.

>> No.2222307


>> No.2222312

I personally love LSD.
I've never taken any 2C drug. What're they like/how do they compare to acid?

>> No.2222318


I've taken 2cp and 2ce. Theyr'e pretty similar and
both extremely intense at anything higher than a
threshold (20-25mg) dose. I wouldnt recommend
them to beginners. the visualls I got were dark
and menacing, and honestly pretty scary. things
like gore and demons. the whites of my friend's
eyes would turn black and his eye creases
curled. Both times ive taken higher than 25mg I
had scary shit like that. I still learned a lot about
myself. it's definitely more akin to acid, just a
darker more sinister feel and crazier more
realistic visuals. colors are insane as well.
Hardest I've ever tripped was on 30mg of 2ce.

>> No.2222327

Salvia 80X raped my mind sideways, I sort of know what OP is talking about. Never taking that shit again and thats about the only drug I'd ever say that about.

>> No.2222329

could have been the really shitty and paranoid
situation I was in though. in fact im pretty sure it was

>> No.2222333

no seriously, get the fuck out

>> No.2222336
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i think its nap time little anon
would you like some tao lin before bedtime?

>> No.2222468

Thank you, friendly anon. Would you recommend them to a fairly experienced user of psychedelics?

>> No.2222482

Not that guy, but I find with 2c's that a little bit of alcohol can really take the edge of the trip, reduce all that black spidery shadow shit. while having a joint will really exaggerate the effects. I find this with acid too.

>> No.2222484

If you can get your hands on it, it's worth it.

>> No.2223384

i broke through on salvia.

never again.

ok maybe one more time.

>> No.2223759

Fucking amazing story.

>> No.2223771

that's a lot of 2s

>> No.2223807

How do you guys feel about psychedelics for writing? Not as the only source of inspiration, but to compliment ideas and experience a different viewpoint.

Also, what would you recommend someone with fuck all drug experience. I'd like to try salvia I guess ...

>> No.2223827

>what would you recommend someone with fuck all drug experience

It depends on your current age. If you're young enough and naturally a 'day-dreamer' type you can dive right into anything(in fairly low doses). If you're over 25 a strong psychedelic trip without experienced friends with you, or any previous drug experiences could potentially do some damage to your perspective on things.

I'd recommend your first drug be a light downer - valium, codeine, barbs etc, just to experience a mild altered perception with no visuals and a comforting warm glow. Or cannabis i guess. Cannabis is very mild but can sometimes seem overwhelming to a first time user who rips a few too many bongs.

Once you are comfortable being under the influence of something, try ecstasy with friends and lots of music playing. There is virtually no nasty side effects, and you will just feel love for everyone and everything.

You are now ready to try DMT, Peyote, LSD, 2c's and a whole range of other psys. Try to keep away from/ or moderate your intake of the drugs that don't really offer you anything but a high. Smack, meth, alcohol, crack.. and make sure when taking any strong psychedelic you try to enter the trip with an open mind and no powerful negative thoughts lingering.

Imo, Salvia is a pretty pointless drug for kids, akin to huffing glue. - you get a strong high but don't bring that much away from the trip.

>> No.2223835

20 year old college student, I've been smoking week for quite a while and tried e once or twice. DMT, Peyote and LSD you say? 'll have to give it a go.

>> No.2223838

meant to say smoking weed ...

>> No.2223861
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In that case you're good to go.

Like somebody else in this thread pointed out, alcohol can be used to counteract the intensity of a lot of psy's. (I'ts not like the interaction with weed - Like when you come home pretty drunk from a club at 4am, smoke a joint and find yourself laying on your back with the room spinning.) It just dulls the trip, filters out any inner monologue, and can prevent a bad trip. Weed will only intensify it.

I'd definitely start with DMT if you can get it, as it's the shortest but most powerful trip.

If you're struggling to get hold of anything you can try Hawaiian baby woodrose (pic related). They are legal and easy to find in most countries and give you nice visuals with the introspection you are looking for, without any of the darker thoughts that can occasionally come with a bad acid trip. The dose is about 10-20+ seeds, and may cause a bit of nausia if you don't remove the husks properly. But would be a great place to start your experimentation.

Have fun.

>> No.2223868


You're a good man, my friend. I thank you.

>> No.2223947

You guys are fucking pussies. Try datura and then get back to me.

>> No.2223956

On any other board this would be a huge deal.
I love you /lit/

>> No.2224039

Op, you're a faggot and a pussy. Go fucking kill yourself.

>> No.2224052


I tried my first psy, mushrooms, when I was 18
I'd recommend them to someone who wants to
get into psys. Eat 2 or 3 grams and trip with a
friend if you can.

The most annoying myth about psys is that you'll
turn into a glass of water or something. you wont.
your perception is changed, youre aware that the
drugs you took are what is effecting you. and it
doesnt fucking store in your spine.

>> No.2224095

>The most annoying myth about psys is that you'll turn into a glass of water or something

No, obviously on a low dose of mushrooms you won't. Have you stayed up for a few days on whiskey and acid, before snorting a crushed TMA followed by an agonizing line of line of 2CB? If you have then you'll now turning into glass or water is way down on the list of concerns.

Hell, even in a k-hole you wont actually now what water is.

We don't even need to start on the effects of datura, or high levels of pharmaceutical antihistamines.

>> No.2224299

dem digits

>> No.2224320


youre right but no one (mentally stable) goes that far thinking theyll have controll of themselves
thats like saying oh you can kill yourself if drink enough water.
its easily avoidable as long as you arent completely retarded.

I'm talking about someone who wants something worth experiencing
like the poster i was responding to that was interested in trying a psy
not a junky that wants to escape reality permanently and completely

>> No.2224413

Hey, i resent the implication that I'm a junkie/mentally unstable.

That 2 day binge was following my first gig in front of 300 people. I was celebrating with my band, drinking the free beer and naturally we all dropped some acid. (This took place during the summer hols so I had no commitments to think about for a few weeks).

A few people joined us and we all went to Stephs house and continued the heavy drinking until all the booze was gone, not really noticing the alcohol due to the stimulating effects of the acid. Things died down a bit after that, we just sat watching the walls breathing, redosing a few times with blotters, and tryna play songs until the shops opened again.

About 7am, all still tripping, we stocked up on our drink supplies and went pretty hard until some time after sunset. More college mates had joined us by then and I still wasn't suffering from lack of sleep. Steph, the girl who's house it was, offered me what I thought was an orange MDMA pill. I Crushed it and snorted and followed it with it with some 2CB, actually snorting that for the first time(a pain I never want to experience again). This is a combo I have tried and liked before so i thought it would be OK.

>> No.2224415

Half an hour late I was in fucking Narnia, the orange pill had turned out to be TMA - a psy quite a lot stronger than acid. And I was gone. Completely gone. I had no concept of time and space or even who I was. Looking back on it I realize that I was aware that there were 'people' with me but they had manifested into symbolic entities. For example one girl was 'Ireland', another guy was 'Taekwondo'. I was swimming through some kind of multi-dimensional abyss not understanding anything.

I don't know how many hours passed before I came down. My consciousness hit me. It was like I just clicked back into being. I was still very much fucked, but at least I could 'sense' again. The visions during this point were horrific. Thick black tar was dripping down the walls, every object had smoke billowing out of it and there was an overwhelming sense of death.

I realized I was in somebodys bed and looked up at Steph who just said "Sorry dude, I had no idea you had already dropped acid". Apparently everybody had gone home hours ago. I have been very careful with drugs since.

>> No.2224500

wow. did that permanently fuck you up? had you tried tma before that?

>> No.2224660

Well do whatever the fuck you want, but i personally recommend a less hedonistic approach to tripping than the previous poster. There's things to be learned about the universe and yourself if you trip for introspective reasons.

>> No.2224691

When I take saliva I gain powers. Does anyone has this? Every time I take it I can look in to people's eyes and see in to their own little world. Its fucking creepy. I thought I almost was going to be stuck in one of my friends worlds. Thankfully I came back to my own head. The other power I gain is I can talk to plants. Let me tell you, they don't talk in words.

>> No.2224713

>I'm a new-age granola cruncher faggot who looks down on those that do drugs because they feel good.

I hate you and everyone like you.

>There's things to be learned about the universe

How does it feel to be a giant fucking cliche?

>> No.2224715

I had a similar thing on acorus calamus - a magical shaman plant. Or was it mescaline?

Anyway, my friend had a huge eye appear on his forehead which winked at me then started playing past conversations we had backward, like a mini oval tv screen. I just gazed into this eye until he said "Why the fuck are you staring at my head". Then i snapped out of it realizing i had moved in to about a foot away from him.

>> No.2225035


>> No.2225393

More drug stories. Don't be coy.

>> No.2225399

One time I took LSD and my friend's girlfriend made us fishsticks at 5 in the morning it was really nice of her.

>> No.2225423

>took shrooms at a friend's house.
>it was at night and there were three of us
>it was one guy's first trip
>the friend whose house it was threw up right away
>tried to clean bathroom as drugs were setting on
>doesn't have cleaning supplies
>parents come downstairs to see about all the ruckus
>his dad's a doctor, and should see that something is up with us
>felt bad for the 1st-tripper, though, he was sort of on-edge the rest of the time

>> No.2225424

You're a gay fish

>> No.2225429
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>> No.2225431

Im honestly surprised how many of you guys trip.
Happily surprised, because I don't know many people in my area that do.
It really stirs up your mind and gets you thinking.

>> No.2225439

There's actually quite a few good posts ITT

>> No.2225446

Let me start of by saying that I have used LSD and mushrooms at least a dozen times in the past (not so much anymore) and back when salvia was legal, it was very common for any number of my friends to have the extracts on them. I had smoked so many of them, the 10x, 20x, even 60x as well as the dried leaves... I only ever got that "stupid little buzz" that people so frequently talk about when knocking salvia. Let me tell you, this shit is no joke. I can not remember which strength of extract it was that finally "worked", but I remember it seemed so unlikely that it would do anything at the time because I had smoked "60x" and this was only like 10 or 15x. Anyway, I was probably like 16 at the time (at least 5 years ago) and I was with a bunch of my friends at their apartment. My friend who has always been a proponent of how strong salvia talked me into hitting a bong filled with the extract. I remember how jaded and cocky I was as I took it from him. "This isn't going to do shit, salvia fucking sucks." I was mocking it even as I was hitting the bong. What a fool! I had no idea what was in store for me. I was on the cusp of the most unnerving experience of my life, drug-induced or not.

>> No.2225447

i dont want to talk about my bad salvia trip... i went to hell and back

my worst shroom trip: my brain projecting itself on my living room walls and showing me all my different neural patterns/pathways and other intricacies. this was good. i then tried to delve too far into my mind and filled some incorporeal entity with rage and it sent me into a 7 hour psychosis where i thought i was going to be insane for the rest of my life.

by far the most terrifying things i've ever experienced.

i've probably done LSD 100 times

>> No.2225463

That's called a panic attack, but neither salvia nor a panic attack would last that long.

>> No.2225460


How do I even put the ineffable into words? I guess I can try. I remember hitting the bong and immediately feeling...different than any of the other times. The best way I can describe it was I moved my head and it simultaneously felt as if my face was in the same spot it was in and in the spot I had just moved it to. It was as if my face had multiplied but my brain was linked up to both copies. It was unlike anything I have felt before or since. It was immediately unpleasant and scary. The last thing I remember doing/experiencing "outside of my mind" (for lack of better words) was saying "you know...I actually feel kinda....funny...funny" I remember hearing that statement echo back a million times as everything was going "black". I don't mean I fell asleep or lost consciousness, but I mean it was if my eyes had been disconnected from the real world temporarily. I guess you could even say it was blindness, but I was so affected by the drug I no longer remembered I had even taken anything. For that matter, I had lost all concept of "I" or even the ability to comprehend what blindness was anyway. It was weird, but this stage on lasted a few moments (although my perception of time was so fucked I don't really know how long it was). I had lost all contact with external perception; I was transitioning into a completely internal reality. It was only going to get much more surreal and intense.

>> No.2225466

I can never do this stuff that much, maybe once every few months. It's fucking exhausting being insane for 8-12 hours.

>> No.2225475

Don't think this sounds like a panic attack. I've seen people react this way to salvia on a couple of occasions. Usually weird (i.e. schizotypal?) people.

>> No.2225480


read the post, it was a shroom trip

>> No.2225486

How's fucking while tripping? Good? Bad? Ugly?

>> No.2225488

Fucking is always ugly. Sex smells like stale cheese and the wet stuff you find behind your fridge when you move out.

>> No.2225492


don't listen to


i had sex the other night on acid and it was fucking incredible. i fucked non stop for 6 hours and it was heavenly, and i was hard the whole time. only bad thing was that i didn't come.

>> No.2225495

i could see this going either direction
youll be able to identify any fakeness
and the whole animilistic nature of sex could throw you off
it definitely has potential to be amazing though
I have heard good and bad things

>> No.2225509

I tried salvia a few times in college, only ever getting kind of a weird 10-minute buzz after power-smoking the herb for like 90 straight seconds.

Then a few years later, I got my hands onto a powerful extract. I sat on this for a few months, until one night when I was drinking, I put a little extract into my one-hitter and took a puff.

Next thing I know, I'm on my floor, having lost all connection with reality. All around me were theater rows of Minnie Mouse like figures laughing at me. Clearly I was not to attain enlightenment that evening. The whole episode lasted for a terrifying 90 seconds, during which period I slowly regained footing with reality: "I am in my bedroom. I have just smoked a powerful salvia extract, and this is a hallucination. I seem to have fallen out of my chair and am lying on the floor beneath my desk." Etc.

I don't think I would try it again, but it would be funny to give it someone else and observe them as they experience this.

There is a funny YouTube series titled "______ On Salvia", where a guy pretends like he's going to make an instructional video, takes a really huge bong rip of salvia, then kind of loses consciousness for about 90 seconds. I am pretty sure that he's actually smoking salvia, but I could be wrong.

>> No.2225662

I once took too much LSD and began to think I wasn't actually real or was dying. This created some sort of positive feedback loop in my brain which led me to actually begin BELIEVING I wasn't real which led to a panic attack.

It was fucking terrifying. For a few days afterwards I thought I was going to be insane for the rest of my life and suffered small flashbacks for about 6 months afterwards. Been fine for over a year now though, thank god. Never again.

>> No.2225695

I did mushrooms for the first time a few weeks ago.

It was absolutely nothing like anyone ever described to me.

First, reality became widescreen and full HD - everything became so clearly defined it was almost painful to look at, and my peripheral vision stretched beyond what I thought possible.

Next I took a walk, and I kept seeing repeating patterns everywhere I looked -the ground, the clouds, you name it. A friend who had done it with me was walking beside me and we were talking, and at a certain point I looked at him and thought, "wait, isn't that me over there"?

From then on I broke down completely. I didn't know what words meant. Hell, most of the time I couldn't even conceptualize anything. I didn't know who I was, or who my friends were. Scariest of all - at a certain point, after I asked one of my friends who had done it before if we hadn't taken too much, I was taken by this notion - and it seemed completely plausible to me just then - that I had imagined that we had taken anything at all, that it had always been that way, and that I had simply imagined all my life until then.

In short, I believe what I experienced was a way too close for comfort brush with craziness. And I don't mean "hahaha, man, I was sooo wasted", I mean "put you in a straitjacket and throw you into a padded cell" craziness.

It's in fact kinda frustrating how people talk about their experiences being all spiritual and insightful, when all I actually got from it was losing my mind - literally.

>> No.2225715

when i smoked a large hit of 30x salvia i was transported into a totally different reality for a few minutes. i woke up on a hospital bed in an old-style hospital with yellow tiled walls. a doctor was at my bedside, asking me if i remembered who i was. i didn't remember. i came to and the "nurse" was someone who i was with that i didn't know well. i told him about the vision and found out he is a nursing major. this was in the middle of the forest at night.

>> No.2225716

"So man's insanity is heaven's sense; and wandering from all mortal reason, man comes at last to the celestial thought, which, to reason, is absurd and frantic"

>> No.2225732

Sounds like you had a similar kind of experience I did (>>2225662 by the way). I also had the horrible thought that all my life and all my friendships and everything up until the middle of the trip had been a dream I had imagined to keep myself from going crazy.

I don't believe there's anything spiritual about hallucinogenics and they just let you see into your subconscious. I feel that my experience was due to how insecure I was about myself, and a general fear of death and claustrophobia, which I didn't realise I had until that point. And now I know these things about myself I can work on them and would say I've become a happier person overall.

I still wouldn't touch the damn stuff again.

>> No.2225733

i've had several very profound experiences on mushrooms, and they have had a lasting effect on me in a very positive way. however, the one bad trip i had on shrooms was very difficult (although parts of even that trip were really good), and it has a different kind of lingering effect. it's not like a good experience that left a lasting impression, it's like my mind literally hasn't felt quite the same since that time, and not in a good way. it comes and goes, but sometimes when the feeling is stronger it's almost like the mental equivalent of that sensation just before you get sick - you don't actually feel sick, but you feel like something is different with your body. you may feel very sluggish, food tastes slightly different, etc. the mental equivalent of that, for which there are not adequate words, is what i have been left with, and this was almost a year ago. it is a raw exposed part of the soul.

>> No.2225738


I don't know. I can only speak for myself, of course, but for me, it didn't feel like it had anything to do with, well, anything. I didn't get any insights into anything psychological, spiritual or what have you, not when I was tripping, and not later either. It just felt like for a few hours I went insane. Clinically insane, I mean.

And it felt really fucking bad.


Sure it sounds very pretty, but let me tell you, the actual experience of losing your mind is not pleasant. At all.

>> No.2225739

becoming aware of your subconscious is no small thing. as you have suggested. experiencing consciousness outside of the ego is a basis of spiritual experience. every space we find ourselves in is ultimately a mental space. seeing into our inner vastness and seeing into the vastness that surrounds us are akin to one another.

>> No.2225740

sorry had to throw that in i'm writing a paper on moby dick. that is a quote about someone who has permanently lost his mind.

>> No.2225745

Well that sort of realisation came about 4 months later for me, once I allowed myself to think critically about the experience without just going NOOOOOPE IM NOT GOING FUCKING MENTAL AGAIN every time I thought about it. Oh yeah, also I realised I'm attracted to feminine men as well as women which I was in denial about, though I still have no desired to fuck a dude.

Nope, sorry, I don't think there was anything spiritual at all and still think that hallucinogens, for better or worse, are just a tool for digging around in the recesses of your own brain.

>> No.2225747

i agree entirely. but where do you think the "spiritual experience" happens if not in your brain? spiritual experience is just a term. it's just a different mode of perception. the reason it feels like this reality can be transcended is that most of us who are sane, our entire perception of what "reality" is is based on the small part of our mind through which we experience waking consciousness, the ego. when this falls away, but we are still conscious, we feel as though we have transcended something. but we have really just transcended our own perception, and are noticing new things both within our minds and without, potentially.

>> No.2225756

Ah I see. Sorry, I didn't quite understand what you were saying and wrote you off as one of those nutters who inhabit 420chan's /psy/. Yes, I definitely felt something like that towards the end of the trip after the horribleness and panic attacks, I experienced an entirely new way of looking at things and it was really quite beautiful. Like my consciousness had been stripped away and there was nothing but pure energy. I know that's a pretty vague and flowery way to put it but that was what it felt like.

There was also some weird shit where I thought I was god or something like god and was experiencing the heat death of this universe and the beginning of the next. And that was when my flatmate made me take the valium and I finally came down.

>> No.2225760
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>91 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
/lit/ confirmed for shit on a stick

>> No.2225770

I smoked crack for the first time when I was 19. I was at the time, desperate to sample the effects of every form of altered consciousness. So with the help of an experienced friend I slowly freebased two grams of coke in a teaspoon with baking soda, picking out little liquid rocks of crack with a paperclip and blowing on them till they solidified.

I placed thick tobacco ash on top of the gauze in the pipe and placed the crack on top of that. Holding a lighter over the top I inhaled slowly until the small rock had gone, experiencing a new strange smell. I held the smoke inside for about 30 seconds not feeling anything yet but nervous anticipation.

As soon as I blew out it hit me. I fell back on the bed and gave in to a wave of a thousand orgasms. I remember thinking if God does exist this is exactly what he must feel like as my eyes rolled back to look at the inside of my head. The whole thing only lasted about 5 to 10 mins at which point you come down to a sort of coke high that lasts an hour or so. Obviously we smoked through the whole 2 grams over the night, our 300 mile an hour conversations being interrupted briefly with 10 minutes of heavenly consciousness-gasms.

I have only tried it once since then, to introduce someone else longing to try it, and I don't think I will do it again. The feeling is just too nice, I know I don't have the power to experience that on a semi-regular basis without it consuming every waking second of my life so I'll give it the respect it deserves and leave it alone.

>> No.2225782



>> No.2225783

I ask this in every drug thread that I ever encounter, so maybe it's just a proverbially white whale, but is there any light psychedelic drug that at most just makes a couple of slight hallucinations while still being completely aware of one's self and environment? I smoke weed all the time but I'm afraid of doing anything like LSD or DMT because I know I'd freak out.

>> No.2225796


Mild doses of shrooms or truffles do this to me. You should have some knowledge of what type you get though.

>> No.2225807

-Most psy's are a lot milder than everybody makes out. with the exception of something like >>2224415 you are nearly always in full control of your actions. Half a tab 'normal strength' acid isn't going to make you think you are on a space ship. It will just give you slight visuals with introspection.

-DMT while very strong, only lasts ten mins and wont leave you freaking out for days. It will just wear off leaving you saying "wow".

-Ecstasy is prob your best bet, you can get minor visuals without side effects as >>2223827 suggested. Although not technically a 'psy trip' it will let you know what its like to be under the influence of something stronger than weed.

-Keep in mind that every drug feels totally different, but starting doses are generally fine for everybody. Don't fall into the trap of thinking "well I get quite stoned when I have a joint so obviously I can't handle something stronger". It's not like that.

>> No.2225811
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Shrooms are good but only liberty caps (psilocybin), do not take pic related. Not sure if anybody else has tried fly agaric, but I found it horrible. The whole trip was an 8 hour festival of nausea and stomach cramps.

>> No.2225870 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I come to /lit/ and don't see a drug thread on page 1.

>> No.2225979

I've seen varied trip reports on the interwebs about amanitas. I tried a few dried ones a few times, but never picked up any discernible effects. Of course, it's smart to be a LOT more careful with these than psilocybin mushrooms, because accurate dosage information is nonexistent, and the difference in intake amounts between inducing a trip and poisoning yourself isn't sharply defined.

Psilocybin mushrooms can range extremely powerful, but somehow it's virtually impossible to poison yourself on them, apart from maybe giving yourself vomit and diahrea (not death or permanent organ damage). You'll just lose all contact with reality for about 8 hours, then peacefully transition back, with zero hangover effects. I've had some pretty bad trips on shrooms, though. They also render me almost completely incapable of articulating any thought longer than a sentence, and extremely indecisive. I've seriously sat around for hours with friends with both of us on shrooms, just giggling and debating whether to go on a walk or just stay in. For some reason, they always make me terrified that I'll encounter police.

>> No.2225993

LSD is the best for tripping, and are hands down the best bang for your buck of any kind of drug anyway. Biological stuff like shrooms or mescaline are so hit or miss by comparison, I don't know why anyone would bother with them at all.

>> No.2226008

Best thread /lit/ has had in a while.

Have there ben any good 'fear and loathing-esque' drug fueled books written in the past year or two?

>> No.2226351

Le Bump.

>> No.2226413

This thread is fucking awesome. Keep it up guys.

>> No.2226416
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>> No.2226417

Judging by the varied posts in this thread we could easily start a TAR(drugs) - a rival e-zine just full of drug stories.

>> No.2226418

Fuck of reddit faggot

>> No.2226426


20, October 2011: As I had rose from my bed, the sun was neither rising nor falling, just pasted onto the surface of a sky whose gradients fell into streams of silver and bronze. To justify myself for reasons left unsaid, I had thought it proper to drop into my eyes (through an eyedropper) one splash of liquid LSD, than falling into sleep; allusioning toward the causes of unconciounse hallucinatiosn as related to ones unnatural self. From what I can recall of the time, it had been somwhere around 5:00 AM when I had began to feel the effects of the substance I had thrown myself under. Recognizing the surface of my bedroom floor shifting from its usual gray toward an unusual pink color, I came to the conclusion the effects were setting in...

>> No.2226430

By this time, I had no longer been in my bedroom, as I am still unsure if this was a hallucination or an awakening of some spiritual guise that had been wearing my SELF as a mask for all of time. I found myself at the base of a large tree, examining it not through an hallucinatory imagery or unconscience elements, but just acknowledging its placement alongside my shadows pose. I had became tired with this stage, and proceeded to sit onto the ground, soaking into the ground as a melted orb, masquerading beneath a tangle of leaves that had decided to wrap themselves around me, just as much as I had decided to wrap myself around them. This was our mutual choice. I had accepted all of this while still, all the while, fully conscience that I had ingested a drug and that indeed I was allowing an illusion to occur. This is a very important thought to digest.

Moons had grew out of themselves, and the sun had shed a breathe that expelled aromas from the ground that rose to a climax that contested the worthy odor of any perfume I have ever since encountered. For it was the smell of every experience that had ever been, and ever would be. My eyes were shot blind with the severity of my cause, and my appendages were granted leave to roam about the terrain scattering their subliminal seeds of excess from hither to thither, appointing themselves back onto my form out of choice. I had become tired and ventured back to wherever it was that I came, where I proceeded to sleep between a day of revolution. I woke with a need to relay my experience through words.

>> No.2226434

I didn't post
>le bump
Thus I am confused.
I don't visit #reddit
I'm above that.

#Retweet if you think I should post nudes Tao Lin.

>> No.2226444

Post a drug story... Your own drug story not one of tro lins.

>> No.2226456

>Post a drug story... Your own drug story not one of tro lins.
About ten minutes has passed since I stuffed a good chunk of raw heroin up my nosehole. Since then, I have been overcome by a beautiful rush of euphoria. Warmth encompasses my body, spreading throughout my limbs, but more importantly, my mind. No, the warmth hasnt entered my mind...somthing else has. Numbness perhaps? This night represents the culmination of my hopes and dreams of the last few days. No dope has entered my being for quite awhile, maybe two weeks at most. Two caps were insufflated 3 nights ago, but my noseholes were clogged and ruined the experience. A few oxycontins also went up a week or so ago, but this is the real deal. No cut dope in caps, no pharmecutical substitute. This is raw heroin, digging deep into the core of my being, causing raw pleasure.

Heroin has always given me a sense of wonderful feelings over my body, but a sense of dark, mysterious nothingness in my mind. Its not that I stop thinking, I simply reach a deeper level within myself. LSD and most hallucinogens broaden your mind and thoughts to cosmic levels beyond yourself, but it seems that heroin opens a door to places deeper in yourself. I feel at peace with myself and everything around me. I've had a long hard week at work, but it doesnt matter now. Nothing matters now, except the very concept of 'now'. 'Now' is the only thing I can prove...my memories fade, my future is foggy and could happen any number of ways, or not at all. All my conciousness percieves is this moment I am in, which is always gone as soon as it is there.

>> No.2226476

So, was Lovecraft on drugs?

>> No.2226486

Unfortunately not, he didn't even drink. It would have probably sent him over the edge as he suffered from psychotic paranoia and had had frequent panic attacks.

I must say Dr. S that is actually quite impressive, credit where credits due. You trailed off a bit at the end though.

>> No.2226638

Hallucinogens scare me. Even weed. No matter how many times I try them, or what I mix them with, I just can't understand why any one would wanna feel like that. I'll stick to my extremely dangerous drugs that actually make me happy.

>> No.2226651
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Ive often described my life before slavia and after salvia. like others say Id advise against taking it as it can change your outlook on life that drastically and with very little fun/satisfying results unlike other drugs.

When I did it I was on a couch and didnt move for a good 7 minutes, during this time I truly felt like I was in my long dead grandparents house and I was one of those expandable gates you set up to keep children out of certain areas of the house..

It was the oddest experience of my life and a bit terrifying as I was expanded and contracted by some invisible hand, I couldn't talk although I was shouting inside my head (for some reason the words "Im sorry, Im sorry" over and over again) I felt like I was completely and utterly made of plastic and could not move if I wanted while at the same time my body felt completely and utterly a part of the couch I was sitting on. While the whole ordeal lasted only 7 minutes I felt like I was one of those god damn gates for a life time.

and by the time I woke back into my apartment I was forever scarred by that feeling of being an inanimate object. Ive done mushrooms over 8 times and every time has been amazing, but ive done salvia only that one time and the experience often haunts my thoughts from time to time.

>> No.2226663

Only mostly true. He suffered 3 accidental medical overdoses resulting in prolonged tripping. He was also very, VERY neurotic.

>> No.2226907

psys aren't for everyone.
It sounds pretentious but the experience is often too much for some to handle
I only wish those people would be patient with it because
the things psys can offer are greater than any medicine drug or therapist.

>> No.2226931

>fuck my face when I've never tripped

>> No.2226952

Would've been so good if you'd've gotten trips.
Alas, irony is a harsh mistress.

>> No.2226998

I've never done Salvia, and judging it from these comments, I doubt it has much to offer. Just seems to be dibilatating. I have however done LSD numerous times, each time being less insightful then the last. The first time I dosed was amazing to say the least, was in a comfortable environment with great friends. Had a blasting feeling colors and patterns serenade my body. I could feel my mind opening, relaxing, accepting and understanding concepts my ego would previously deny.

>> No.2227743

bumping for more stories.

were particularly good

>> No.2227757

A typical morning while I was addicted to brown rocks. I woke up around 7am just starting to feel the sickness. I knew I had at least an hour and 15 minutes before the dealers would arrive. My roommates (4 of us) were all still asleep on the floor of my tiny studio apartment. I lay there on the only couch for about 30 minutes until the sickness became intolerable. My legs and stomach cramping, my body feverish, anxiety levels at maximum. I HAD to have it right then. At that point I generally frantically began crawling around the floor looking for dropped rocks, used cotton balls or misplaced cookers. On this particular morning I happened to still have a tiny amount dried in my cooker forgotten from the previous night. I quickly cooked it, squeezing every last bit out of the used cotton filter, and shot it up. Then immediately began looking for more, as the amount I had done did nothing to sate my craving.

As my roommates began to wake up, I planted myself back on the couch. These people were a lot better at handling themselves with dope sickness. I knew that if they saw me acting like the dope fiend I was I might not get my fix that morning. We gathered together our assets and made the call shortly after 8am. An hour went by. By this time I would be in the bathroom kicking the wall and dousing my head with cold water as the sickness began to magnify in intensity. I knew I had things to do. My apartment was a filthy shithole. No one had done the dishes in weeks. The floor was crusted over, piles of cloths and dirty dishes were everywhere. In my state of mind I believed all of these things would get done as soon as I had my morning fix. The only thing I could do was feel sick and put all my energy into waiting.

>> No.2227759

Another hour went by and we called them back for the fourth time. This time getting the answer we had been waiting for, only ten more minutes. I became elated. In a fit of joyous triumph I gathered together my equipment. The whole time the sickness was still there but seemed to back off me a little bit. I could practically smell the heroin. The last ten minutes were always the longest ten minutes of my life. I sat there and got everything ready, found a sharp syringe and cleaned it out, methodically preparing for my fix. By the time I had everything perfect and ready to go the heroin had usually arrived. If it hadn’t I would become exceptionally irritable.

Today we had gunpowder. I got myself a ½ gram, split it into my morning and night piles, and began the process. Once I had it in the syringe it was easy going. The sicker I was the more likely I was to be impatient and pop a vein. But usually I was pretty good. I can remember the feeling. You can taste the heroin in your throat as it rushes up your neck into your brain. Instant satisfying cure. Instant sedated euphoria. Everything I had to do that day went out the window at this point. Fuck Dishes, Fuck the vacuum, I'd rather sit there and stare at the back of my eyelids, or at the wall when my roommates would slap me awake and demand I blink once and awhile. Sweet opiod bliss. Talking would generally piss me off, for the first hour or so I’d prefer to sit in silence, devoting all of my energy to feeling the high.

>> No.2227762


With heroin everyone I’ve ever met always seems to know they are addicted, but they don’t care. It’s like the sore on the top of your mouth you keep tounging so that it never heals. I'm not saying everyone who does heroin is going to be an addict. But I know that ninety-nine percent of people who try injecting heroin more then once will be an addict at some point. Methadone (as a treatment) is something of a copout, because anyone I’ve ever seen who takes methadone will always switch back and forth between methadone and heroin for the rest of their lives until they overdose.

I may not have a lot of experience; after all I had only been injecting heroin twice a day every day for about 8 months at 19 years of age. But in that time I saw and did enough crazy shit to make me never want to do it again. Two of my roommates 26 and 30 years of age had been doing it for 5 and 10 years respectively.

>> No.2227763

>that feel when want to try psychedelics to have a cool experience but the more you worry about having a bad trip, the more likely that it will be that if you ever tried a psy that it would be a bad trip from psyching yourself out.

Fucking sucks that I'm such a pussy

>> No.2227771

Not really. I'm nervous before taking any drug for the first time, but as soon as it kicks in im fine. The problems arise from really negative thoughts, if you go into a trip with a relatively happy outlook you won't have a bad trip.

>> No.2228102

Wow, is that actually true or 'creative writing'? Anybody got any more to share?

>> No.2228128


I doubt it's true. I've read a few stories from heroin addicts & they're usually a lot more bitter sweet. This reads like someone attempting to create an addict.

>> No.2228172


Also dat Fight Club metaphor.

>> No.2228888

I'm sorry to disappoint you but I made that story up. Even though I do have experience with smack I'm not a junkie. I'm really glad you liked it though.