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/lit/ - Literature

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22220576 No.22220576 [Reply] [Original]

Post a hot girl pic and talk about the book you're currently reading

>> No.22220585
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>> No.22220588
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Not into girls. Reading Artaud's Theatre and It's Double.

>> No.22220601
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On nofap so don't have any lewd girl pics saved but you can have a Colby

I'm reading Thoreau's travel essay in Quebec right now
It sounds so comfy. Early 19th century Americas was such a kino time and place

>> No.22220602
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Dubliners. I just started it. I am going to read Portrait and Ulysses (reread) after.

>> No.22220607

Gross faggot

>> No.22220620

Based gay or woman. What's that all about? I've never heard of it

>> No.22220623
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Lots of rereads. Rereading Thus Spoke Zarathustra for like the fifth time, the umpteenth time I’ve read the Tao Te Ching and Chuang Tzu.

Working my way slowly through the I Ching for the first time, and about to start Malone Dies for the first time

>> No.22220630
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Anna Kaven - Ice

>> No.22220640

Respect on reading so much. What do you recommend for a first-timer on chinese classics? Seeing all the chinese threads up lately makes me want to check one out and see if I want to explore it more

>> No.22220670

It’s not as much as you think. TSZ has 1-4 page chapters on average, TTC has like 2-3 sections per page, Chuang Tzu is like 5-15 page chapters. Since I’ve read them before and am familiar with them, I’m just reading a little at a time

Admittedly I’m not well versed in the Chinese classics but I want to get into them more. I’m hoping to check out Confucius, Mencius, or Mo Zi soon. The Tao Te Ching is probably a good place to start but be warned, there are many interpretations. It is a cryptic text and is like water through the fingers when you try to grasp it too firmly. It is a text where a reader will benefit reading many introductions and rereading the text many times to hammer into your brain. Classic Chinese poetry is great too. I’m not too deep into the I Ching yet but I really like it so far. It is known the the book of changes, and change is kinda the basis of life. It has made me take a closer look at my character, actions, and motives. Chuang Tzu is a strange guy and I’d imagine he wouldn’t be appealing to someone who hasn’t read the TTC before. It would probably help to be familiar with Confucius too, but I can’t speak on that

>> No.22220681
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Mein Kampf. It's better than I remember.

>> No.22220686
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in green's jungles
pretty good. luv gene wolfe

>> No.22220687
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>Lots of rereads. Rereading Thus Spoke Zarathustra for like the fifth time
Mental illness.

>> No.22220709

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll do some research before starting Tao Te Ching

>> No.22220729

Don’t get hung up if it seems contradictory or cryptic. It is an elusive text

>> No.22220733 [DELETED] 
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Lolita for the 12th time

>> No.22220745
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The Iliad, Fagles translation.
It's brilliant and deserves every praise it's ever had. The poetic style is like a drum that builds the emotion and primal focus - it gets across the intensity of battle far better than anything else I've read.

The Count of Monte Cristo
Excellent prose but it's really starting to drag on. The story doesn't require more set up 400 pages in.

>> No.22220760

Rubén Darío's complete poetry
she reminds me of my brother, uncanny
Dubliners is great

>> No.22220763 [DELETED] 
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why girl won't post :c

>> No.22220766

The count of Monte Cristo is basically the neverending comic book of its time. It was released serially and written by several people. They just milked that cow until the milk went dry and moved on to the next heifer.

>> No.22220769

Bros, how do I convince my cardio bunny gf she won't get bulky/bulky isn't bad?

>> No.22220775

I'm in a desperate need to read the Illiad again once I'm in my dorm. This time, I'm definitely reading the Fagles edition, I'm not making that mistake of reading the other edition first.

Also, that sucks to hear about the Count of Monte Crisco, I own it, but I'll definitely read it later on since I can't stand time wasting

>> No.22220802

Read On the Genealogy of the Morals and see what he really thought about jews, specifically first essay p.7 and p.8

>> No.22220885

I still don't get how anyone enjoys Fagle's version. I put off reading the Iliad for so long because of it.

>> No.22220893

lucky son of a bitch has a lifetime supply of milk

>> No.22220897

so pure

>> No.22220898
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What don't you like about it?
He won at life, his children will be big and strong and every man will respect him

>> No.22220908

You don't care about the book discussion. You are an attention-seeking masturbation addict, looking for (You)s to feed your stunted dopamine receptors

>> No.22220923
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I am currently reading "the diary of a superfluous man" More of a novella than a novel, but oh well. I recently read "a hero of our time" and became interested in the "superfluous man" archetype that the main character represents. So I decided to read the work that apparently popularized the term.

The Russian classics continue to impress me. In just the first chapter Ivan Turgenev paints more vivid characters than some authors manage to do in a entire book.

>> No.22220935

la abominación de nueva españa...

>> No.22220939

If you haven’t, check out A Sportsman’s Notebook. Not a superfluous man but Turgenev’s best, and some of the stories have really stuck with me.

>> No.22221006

What are you thinking of it? I remember reading some of his poems and not quite being sure what to think. I suck at reading poetry though.

>> No.22221021

He's a lot tougher on anti-Semites

>> No.22221027

chinga tu madre guey

>> No.22221041
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I'll be sure to add it to my reading list
Creo que es guapa

>> No.22221056
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well, i can see why you could have mixed feelings on it. it is definitely complex in vocabulary so that itself poses a small hurdle to get through but that is ok.
the big thing about him is that his poems remind me of beautiful paintings like Monet, where it is in the technical and visual beauty that the worth of the piece relies on, not on any kind of underlying meaning, there are some things that the poems say, mostly about beauty and his artistic spirit, but you aren't going to get mind breaking concepts in it.
it is pretty much formal perfection, it all reads so well and it is a joy to recite, but coming from a more conceptual artist to Darío it was definitely a bit of a change of pace, i think you just have to go into it with the same mindset as going to see a beautiful painting

>> No.22221058
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40000 leagues under the Seas

that's what actually happened to the Oceangate submergible. They are now abroad Nautilus commanded by the Cap. Nemo.

>> No.22221074

>how do I convince
It takes absolute dedication to sculpt a female body like that. It will never just happen by accident.

>> No.22221082
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Point out that it's physically impossible for women to get big without steroids.
Pic related are natural bodybuilders, they work their ass off and they're still only mildly bigger than the average woman.
The body is very reluctant to build muscle and it's not something you could possibly do accidentally. Also you can lose muscle if you want to.

>> No.22221093
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just started Butcher's Crossing so i don't have much to say about it. it looks like it's going to be a landsman's version of Reburn or Two Years Before the Mast in that a member of the literati throws himself into the world of hard physical labor for a long time. i like those stories. before that it was O, Pioneers by willa cather. also good. she has the best prose of any female author by a huve margin. if you're someone who normally doesn't like books by women i highly recommend it. it's quite directionless but having read some of her other work i know she's doing it on purpose. it's SOL so it doesn't need to progress linearly towards one goal.

>> No.22221095
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Mein Kampf (not that one)
I’m enjoying it so far. 200 pages in, and I’m looking forward to the remaining 3,400.
The content makes me want to kill myself. I hate that I grew up in the time and place I did. The knowledge that it could’ve been worse is no comfort to me

>> No.22221116

I'm 99% sure I'm replying the most. Sorry, I chose not to reply to people memeing, the stupid right wingers, and the people who are posting very questionable images you dumbfuck. Also, 99% of humans do shit for dopamine and serotonin whether they know it or not, you angry alien freak

>> No.22221124
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Just reminded me that I still need to start the Book of the New Sun that I've had for 5 years

>> No.22221146

Sounds nice, Nemo would be a better father to that 19 year old than his actual father

>> No.22221191 [DELETED] 

good times. too bad she deleted herself off all platforms

>> No.22221194

I can see that yeah. There's certainly some very pretty verses I can remember. I'm a poetrylet but I can see your point about more conceptual stuff. And I guess I like more somber stuff.
I will say however that I cried when I read Machado's "A la muerte de Ruben Darío"

>> No.22221215

wut happen?

>> No.22221236
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I'm reading two books concurrently;
A Methodology of Possession - James Ellis
The Problem of the Puer Aeternus - Marie Louise von Franz

The first book is a schizophrenic recounting of the author's foray into his own dreamscape, part fiction, part Landian philosophy; it is very much like one of Land's other books, Phyl-Undhu, in which the paper thin plot is more like a driver for the philosophies of the narrator.
The second book delves into the Jungian archetype of the Puer Aeturnus, or of eternal youth; the idea of it is very distinct from the modern iteration, the sort of 'bing bing-wahoo and snoy' amalgamation of pure filth, and more so about the lackadaisicality of these people. Delves a lot into mythic figures, and ties the Aeternus into those charicatures as well. I found it to be a really good companion piece to another book, Therese Raquin, by Emile Zola, though I won't say here as to why.

>> No.22221298

Feeling guilty that I find both of them hot

Can Life Prevail

>> No.22221303

Anon, you simply are attracted to beauty. Who could blame you for that

>> No.22221311 [DELETED] 
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I’m reading Arabia Felix (half way through). Pretty cool book about explorers to Yemen. Way comfier than I thought.

>> No.22221314

nobody really knows
on her instagram there was some vague story about not being truly herself and then she just disappeared

>> No.22221323

power level too high bros. my dick is overloading.

>> No.22221412

A manifesto for Artaud's Theartre of Cruelty. Schizo creative genius.

>> No.22221458 [DELETED] 

Nothing wrong with.

>> No.22221461 [DELETED] 

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.22221489
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Resding 2666. Just resd the part where Fate escapes with Rosa. I'm really liking Fate's part, but the beginning of Amalfitano is my favourite, so far.

>> No.22221656

Good for her. Posting bait for pedos to get attention is not healthy.

>> No.22221666

It'll be a long time from now, but I need to read Butchers Crossing. It'll be the last John Williams book left, which Im very sad about. Stoner is a personal favorite, and Augustus was really good but will probably be more liked with rereads and time passing. If you've read his other books, how does it stack so far compared to them?

>> No.22221679


>> No.22221749
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Reading Papillon.
He just left the Indians after pregnating the two underaged bare titty Indian girls and the mother superior just turned him over to the cops.

>> No.22221761

I would give up one arm to be an Amish and live with a woman like this

>> No.22221768
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I just finished Serotonin. There was a good section in the middle where I completely zoned out and lost interest, but I’m glad I came back because I loved the ending. Now that Corncob is dead I think I have to say Wellbeck is my favorite living author.

>> No.22221832
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I am currently reading The Koran and rereading Winnie-The-Pooh.

>> No.22221851
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good but fake

I'm currently reading Mishima's The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. I think I'll move to Heart of Darkness or Notes from the Underground after. Just finished Mouchette recently.

>> No.22221856

You wouldn't even take the first step and go to one of their services

>> No.22221862

Turgenev is 100% on my list. On my third Dosto book right now and War and Peace comes after but I’m so excited to have more Russian works to read.

>> No.22221879
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What is the name of this beautiful lady?
pic unrelated

>> No.22221880 [DELETED] 

>disgusting brownoid lover is also a mass replying nigger and likes autistic philosophy like Kant
Pure poetry

>> No.22221904
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>his post fell under "bad"
Sorry you have shit taste anon. I love all kinds of women, but the blondes posted in this thread are fucking ugly.

>> No.22221960
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finishing De Beauvoirs memories of a dutiful daughter . After that im thinking of reading the unabridged memoirs of Csanova . The whole 3000 pages of it , would be great for my french

>> No.22221999
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What about her made her so specially attractive? Is the the cute stocky proportions?
Horse, Wheel, and Language.

>> No.22222034
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Going through some Mircea Eliades book I forgot the title of

>> No.22222206

I am uncontrollably biting my lips thinking about how fucking hard I would smack her little ass

>> No.22222261
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Blood Meridian (listen to audiobook but reading actual text), and Sun and Steel

>> No.22222969

the fivehead.....

>> No.22223023

Bad opinions

>> No.22223036

I really liked Fate's part. He's a cool dude.
I actually haven't heard from many people that like Amalfitano. I think I would have liked it better if I were better read in philosophy. Very atmospheric though, there's a constant dread throughout that chapter

>> No.22223094

The beginning, about his wife is what really made me like it. The way it was concluded, and how he's still loving was great. It's a shame to see how Rosa is, in Fate's part so far.

>> No.22223122

i wish i looked like this

>> No.22223129


>> No.22223143
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Explain then, butternigger.

>> No.22223148
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re-reading journey to the end of the night, am enjoying it but feel that im missing so much of what made it ground breaking by reading it in english

>> No.22223159

I never listened to an audiobook but I heard some pieces of Blood Meridian's here and there and it seems cool
Also I hate that gamer girl aesthetic
I actually don't quite remember how it concluded. I remember being kinda mad at Amalfitano and the whole situation in general

>> No.22223165

most of these women are fucking ugly

>> No.22223177

I’m not that guy but that Asian chick (>>22221832) is uglier than >>22221095

Agree with the other judgments for the most part

>> No.22223193
File: 1.11 MB, 1193x1665, 06ACA945-39C7-480D-B028-FB17F93B885F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish I was younger.

Some of the ones that made your chopping block are beautiful. Updog for instance is cute. Stinky smoker, but cute.

>> No.22223203

I might agree. I was being generous with the Asian woman because still frames like that usually look bad, I think she'd be prettier in a video or a pose. I could swap them, it's just that the blonde seemed generic.

>> No.22223209

One of my favorite books, Hitlers original Nazi vision is really appealing

>> No.22223256

>makes me want to run off on some fool quest of slaughter, an actual distraction that leaves millions dead and changes absolutely nothing, excepting the way the rest of the world sees my own race as fundamentally evil
You people are SOOOOOO stupid

>> No.22223385

Not a real thing.

>> No.22223390
File: 990 KB, 965x1669, 3C6752E5-244F-45B5-8972-C6D9F01893DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“The irrationally prejudiced cult that hates jews” better? Understood?
It is a thing, you moronic troll.

>> No.22223391

>t. Thinks the world is better since the nazis lost
Npc alert

>> No.22223414


>> No.22223424


Am I sense. How doesn't the math add up. The UKs population increased tenfold between 1750 and 1950.

>> No.22223435

No. Semite is a language group, applying it uniquely to jews undermines reality which is stereotypically jewish. Also, you can critique the collective of jews who operate in politics, banking, business, etc. without being anti-Jewish. Instead idiots like you will follow your NPC programming and call it "anti-semitism", which is really a made-up nothing word like racism (all are simply forms of prejudice), just used to condition society.

>> No.22223439
File: 649 KB, 1535x1840, 4F92DCFA-2024-436D-99D3-5F15EF976463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally says
> and changes absolutely nothing, excepting the way the rest of the world sees my own race

There are reasons to hate particular people who happen to be jewish, anon. Lmao yourself.

>> No.22223446

Why do you only post women that look like men?

>> No.22223449
File: 89 KB, 750x937, noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Happy Death by Camus

>> No.22223457

Good little dumb slave. The official nazi records say it was just shy of 300k who died. They were definitely wasting massive amounts of energy to incinerate jews when they could barely get enough energy to keep the war going. The "holocaust" (meaning burnt offering) is a lie to keep our system going and to shield jews from criticism as they took over the West. How fucking stupid are you to use this site and not know this? History is written by the victor. There is not a single positive piece of evidence to support the "holocaust". All facts stand against it. Zyklon B is used for lice, not to kill people, you halfwit.

>> No.22223459
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Yesterday, I finished Infinite Jest for the first time, and now I'm flipping back through it. I don't think I'm going to fully re-read it again, yet, but the end made me want to go back to the beginning.
Next, I'll read either some of DFW's essays, or The Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.22223465

Ah yes, the stories history. It does refer to the European jews though. At first it was religious based discrimination, but turned into more of a “progressivist” “science” based hatred and I don’t even care why we named it that, since we all know what it means.
Yeah, you can critique the “collective” in power, but why skip all the others in power for being “pure bloods” of varying types? It’s just nonsense.
Nothing more npc than goose-stepping conformists
>racism doesn’t exist either!!,!,,!,,,,!

>> No.22223467

Based, will do sir.
My mind tend to be uninterested with girls older than 23 anyways

>> No.22223469

>can't recognize that fake narrative of ww2 is a foundation for our current state of civilisation
That just means you're even more retarded. How can you be this clueless and use this website? Try using your brain. My boomer dad is more in-tuned to reality than you are somehow.

>> No.22223470

She does not look like a man, you ass.

>> No.22223475


>> No.22223478

The jews are not running the world. The rich are. You are falling for delusions.

>> No.22223482

>people this stupid and clueless use this website
How does it feel to have the same critical thinking and understanding of the world as a 65 year old dyke who sits in front of cable tv all day? Just kidding you're really smart

>> No.22223483

The pubes, right?

>> No.22223503

How was 8th grade? Lurk /pol/ for 10 minutes you fucking retarded shitskinned tranny. Find me the Nordic equivalent of ADL/B'nai B'rith, who openly partner with every tech platform (all run by jews as well) to censor any speech critical of jews, and to promote blacks and jews artificially, and to denigrate whites. You can't. This is entry-level /pol/ shitany newfag knows.

Racism isn't a thing. It's just prejudice. It's a recent invention to supress the mative white population as their replaced by 3rd world retards, it's just anti-white word games pushed by jews. Prove me wrong, you can't.

>> No.22223505

You dumb brown monkey.

>> No.22223515
File: 461 KB, 726x670, B6F46B4F-A2E1-4E5D-B450-B55C77D21A51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money doesn’t buy power silly. Only religious affiliation.
>people are never basing their irrational hatred on people for their race or general looks. Teehee
Laughable nonsense. Here’s one last You.

>> No.22223523

I’m a pale white girl though.

>> No.22223532

Post feet, and I'll give a book recommendation.

>> No.22223537

For me it’s the wide hips, slutty face, and tanned skin.

>> No.22223540

Stop giving larping gay men attention. It's what he wants.

>> No.22223546

The whole thing is nice, yeah.
*lesbian woman

>> No.22223547

You're a fat dumb hog with a low IQ. Do you have a degree too? Do you think that makes you smart? The political and societal opinions of dumb little girls aren't worth listening to, assuming you aren't a tranny, which is unlikely.

>weak strawman
>can't refute the argument

>> No.22223549

>thread devolves into /pol/ shit

Fuck is wrong with this place?

>> No.22223554
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The social contract by Rosseau and the Outlaws by von Salomon AMA
>inb4 2D

>> No.22223556

>idiot starts simping for jews on 4chan like a redditor
>gets called out
Oh no

>> No.22223568

Stop trying to measure people with the IQ test. Especially if you don’t like schooling

None of that was a strawman. Are you schizophrenic? The oligarchy exists because of money. Prejudice based on racial discrimination is called racism. You are an idiot.

>> No.22223576

>simping for jews
None of that is here anon.

>> No.22223580
File: 31 KB, 333x545, mamacita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuentos de la selva for Spanish practice. Fables for children written by one of the most unhappiest men who ever lived. Father died when he was a baby, his stepfather killed himself and he found the body, his first wife killed herself, he accidentally killed his friend, his second wife left him, he got cancer and killed himself in one of the most painful but brief ways possible: cyanide. But these stories about animals are whimsical!

Normally I read two books at once, one in Spanish and one in English, but yesterday I finished Confessions of a Mask and today I haven't started whatever I'll read in English. I liked Confessions of a Mask although it did get a bit whiny. I've had enough whiny fag books in my life that they start to grate on me.

>> No.22223588


>> No.22223598

Queen Butters is back. It’s simping time.

>> No.22223619

That’s every thread. You can’t even discuss Indian lit without someone bringing up muh Aryans. /pol/ is cancer.

>> No.22223644

Hell yeah Winnie-the-Pooh is the shit, that book and Calvin and Hobbes probably changes my neurochemistry for the better

>> No.22223656

God, I hate people who mass reply, literally just be fucking normal. Nobody gives a shit for your opinion on literally everyones subjective taste in women in a 4chan thread

>> No.22223683

Are you reading the social contact because you're curious about the age of enlightenment, to read a major text on aristocracy, or something else?

>> No.22223693
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I don't do it for you, I do it for me. Don't be so self-obsessed.

>> No.22223704

>curious about the age of enlightenment,
this and I guess as a way to prep for the Republic and Leviathan

>> No.22223707

Made this thread thinking /pol/ shit would be heavily minimized since I posted a brown girl, and the basic requirement is about what a person is reading. Something has to be done with /pol/ shit but I dont know what

>> No.22223710
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>> No.22223729
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Gaunt's Ghosts: Armor of Contempt

>> No.22223734

>jezebel-spamming tranny simp hates /pol/
Kill yourself for real my MAN

>> No.22223743

She looked better before

>> No.22223754

OP is not a man

>> No.22223760

>But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Matthew 5:28
Didn't scroll - repent. Jesus is Lord.

>> No.22223769

Do you have a favorite space marine legion?

>> No.22223774

They have electricity in their kitchen, definitely not Amish. Maybe Mennonites.

>> No.22223784

Not really, they all seem great.

>> No.22223786

>Pic related are natural bodybuilders
they certainly COULD be natural, there's no reason they couldn't obtain those bodies naturally, but that doesn't mean they ARE natural. no reason to think any of those women are above a little var here and there (and there's nothing wrong with that!)

>> No.22223793

Seems like an interesting project you got there, pretty enlightening if I do say. One of these days, I need to get into opposing idealogical concepts so I can fully understand them inside and out, probably best to know this if shit gets even more rough with American and European societies

>> No.22223799

are you a cute, hot, smart, and funny pale white girl tho?

>> No.22223800
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I'm reading The Third Reich and it's enjoyable, not as good as The Savage Detectives.

>> No.22223829
File: 205 KB, 1079x1112, photo_2022-03-31_14-05-36 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Young Hitler I Knew by Kubizek
The Enchanter by Nabokov

>> No.22223844
File: 240 KB, 675x1200, 1688503863217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading a lovely book with lots of social interaction. I can feel myself growing find for many of the characters. As a bonus I am reading it in a context that I've not had for a very long time and pulling it all together makes me feel like a hopeful child, which is something I've been trying to cultivate lately because I feel myself getting hard to the world and avoiding the tender love it offers me. I'm hoping that witnessing this aspect of me will allow me greater strength in my other struggles. The book has nice little turns of phrases that uncover a deep wisdom for social dynamics and mental states. It's just wonderful. I'm so happy bros.

>> No.22223859
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Oops wrong image.

That fables book seems very interesting. I don't speak Spanish though :(

>> No.22223887

Glad its so helpful for you anon, best wishes, care to give the name?

>> No.22223907
File: 151 KB, 600x800, 1636885550330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The confusions of young Torless
The decline of the west

>> No.22223942
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Karamazov brothers

>> No.22223953

The girl? No clue. The book? War n peace.

>> No.22223975
File: 212 KB, 684x1024, 1675012465220791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomy of Criticism | Four Essays.
Meh. abstract and wonky so far. I'm sure it'll clear up, but I'm questioning why I am reading it.

>> No.22223986

Lots of strange taste in women itt

>> No.22223993

Who's your favorite, anon?

>> No.22224000

>No boobs
>No hips
>Short hair
>Man face
>Big shoulders
Sure buddy, it doesn't.

>> No.22224004

She's cute.

It probably will not clear up if you find it abstract, it relies heavily on being well versed in criticism, read the intro. I had much the same reaction on my first read, came back a decade later after getting a good amount of criticism down and I realized he is actually being very straight forward and direct.

>> No.22224005

The ones who don’t look like they have issues or the guys attracted to them don’t have issues

>> No.22224016
File: 142 KB, 608x1080, 1679445257235831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl in the OP and other pics is indeed female. Sex is not determined by your feelings

>> No.22224278

We are men because we are strange, anon

>> No.22224297
File: 96 KB, 600x750, simon-vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hot girl is Simone Weil
i am currently reading "the Simone Weil reader", a compilation of works of Simone Weil

>> No.22224301
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Rate my lists
Agree or disagree?

>> No.22224319
File: 106 KB, 1200x800, ffb7l5ksqi651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading The Kill by Zola right now. It's not a Must Read in neither language nor content but it is a worthy read. A very nicely rendered slice of deranged luxurious 19th c. Parisian life. If you like reading about darker social themes but with tight clean prose instead of modern transgressive touchy feely ooze - it's a nice choice to make.

>> No.22224330

>If you like reading about darker social themes but with tight clean prose instead of modern transgressive touchy feely ooze - it's a nice choice to make.

Sorry meant this re Zola in general not only forLa Curée

>> No.22224359
File: 2.33 MB, 1600x2400, 1660150923158919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Garden of Seven Twilights
Ranges between fantastic and turgid. Overlong and overstaying it's welcome a bit but it's still a great book. If you liked The Magus by John Fowles then I think you'll like this.

>> No.22224406

Seems very interesting, Anon. I'll be putting it on my readimg list

>> No.22224421

Already posted itt but I stopped the book I was starting to reread a couple of my favorites- The Colossus of Maroussi, and The Rainbow

>> No.22224533

i NEED a femcel /lit/ gf. just so fucking depressed and smart. it is my dream

>> No.22224767
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Well, since the thread is about to die.

I've been reading Storm by George R. Stewart, I haven't read a lot of it yet. But so far, the imagery of the titular Storm Maria is amazing. I wanted a change of pace from actual human characters, so I picked this up from my local library. So far, it's some top-tier descriptions of nature. It's like that one section of Master and Magritta describing Jeruslem, but that descriptional skill is used for the Storm and all that surrounds it. Really good read so far. I will probably make a thread once Im done.

>> No.22224804
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Deep into the part about the murders. The descriptions of the cheap and brutal violence have become less impactful, I've formed a callous.

>> No.22224996

What were you mad about?

>> No.22225004

he is bad as hell I agree

>> No.22225015

i kneel

>> No.22225097

That's basically intended, or at least it's one of the expected reactions

>> No.22225142

yeah I know. It's working. At first I was reading and paying attention to all the gruesome details, feeling sick at the thought of the crimes, hoping for some kind of resolution, and then slowly realizing it isnt going to stop and that I still need to pay attention to the details like a detective needs too. Feeling myself skim some of the murder details. Sensing it becoming mechanical. Only the dimmest feelings now reading the autopsies.

>> No.22225175
File: 102 KB, 1080x1080, a certain felonious feline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reading A Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith.

And some short stories. The End of Larry's Wallet by Todd Hasak-Lowy and Jackals and Arabs by Kafka. And So Good by Etgar Keret.

>> No.22225178
File: 310 KB, 1365x2048, FxxKtJzaQAEExMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading the complete Grimm's Fairy Tales. I wanna read the whole thing again as soon as I'm done, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I am.
I had a laugh when reading one tale about a dumbass who gets fooled by pretty much everyone but fools a jew in the end, felt like it was written by some sort of cheeky /pol/fag.

I've also been finding it increasingly more obvious that Hayao Miyazaki loves fairy tales.

>> No.22225179

Is that Amouranth? She does hardcore porn now.

>> No.22225200

They’re tested for it. And not meme tested like the IFBB, actually tested properly to stay in the competition. Even a short cycle of anavar would get you bigger than that

>> No.22225201

Enforcing group think is reddit behaviour. A person that refuses to have the de facto opinion within a given context is more of a channer than freaks like you will ever be. Fuck you.

>> No.22225205

I'm not kidding when I say that the solution to the /pol/ fag problem is to get more tumblr and twitter migrants to flood the fuck out of this website. The OG channer is a dead ideal that'll never come back anyway, and these /pol/ turds are all part of the 2016 flood anyway, there's nothing to lose because there's nothing left.

>> No.22225219

childless women are really pure as aunts and shit
they have no stake in the family drama

>> No.22225221

Apparently it is. I guess I'll delete it then.

>> No.22225227

Issue is that /pol/ has nowhere else to go. They are on their last square foot of ground and they will probably fight for that ground. There is enough ideological bullshit as there is. There is some alternate universe where Reddit didn’t discontinue thedonald and 4chan isn’t flooded with far right anons seething at being disowned by reddit and derailing threads left and right

>> No.22225243

It's going ok anon, it's a fun thread
Oh I heard of this. Something about the pov character being a literal storm? Sounds interesting

>> No.22225276

>I'm not kidding when I say that the solution to the /pol/ fag problem is to get more tumblr and twitter migrants to flood the fuck out of this website
How on earth would that help. Turn every thread into a shitfest?

>> No.22225278

Every thread is a shitfest already, at least it'd generate some discussion because you'd have people with different ideas for once. Every thread nowadays consists of just a /pol/fag derailing and other /pol/fags joining in just to call each other based and accuse everyone else of being jewish or whatever other boogeyman, how is that not a shitfest?

>> No.22225280
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Goddamn, you suck at this.

>> No.22225301

Because the two groups arguing over every thread is a lot worse

>> No.22225304

It really isn't, there's nothing worse than an echo chamber, it's just reddit with playschool namecalling instead of up/downvotes. It sucks ass. I'd rather see deranged twitter leftists and delusional /pol/fags rip each other's throats, it'd be a primitive exchange of ideas, but at least it'd be some sort of exchange of ideas rather than an endless regurgitation.

>> No.22225340

No, nothing would ever get accomplished. The two groups can't agree on anything. It's just namecalling back and forth. Without that there is at least some exchange of information sometimes.

>> No.22225349

This. It got old real quick seeing Jew and troon thrown around in every thread. It would at least be something to see them fight with the other side instead of anons who are more or less neutral and just don’t want lit to become pol

>> No.22225357

We still get the name calling but it’s just an echochamber. /lit/ is at rock bottom right now. Something needs to be tried. If it makes the board worse then it will just be easier to leave

>> No.22225358

impotent peasants stop discussing politics. It isnt for you. you're cattle.

>> No.22225365 [DELETED] 

How many of you niggas would fuck a qt twink? Be honest

>> No.22225375 [DELETED] 
File: 356 KB, 1385x1190, 1663002416485937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would, no hesitation
why aren't more men twinkmaxxing? i need twinks

>> No.22225414

Lol dumb bitch doesn't even know batman probably doesn't even know what a rusty venture is

>> No.22225429

I personally wouldn't, but I wouldn't call a man weak or weird for doing it

>> No.22225686
File: 217 KB, 1080x1079, 1687599923155095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Souls by Gogol
I've read about 1/3 and it's not very insightful so far. Guy just travels around and buys peasants that died but are still alive in documents. I hope it gets better

>> No.22225707
File: 146 KB, 640x800, EF7351B6-AB3D-4072-A09C-AA5D148B8F9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell.

>> No.22225891


You didn't answer my question so I'm gonna ignore everything else. This image indicates it would be impossible for the Jewish population to grow from 1 million to 6 million in 200 years. I'm pointing out that that's false and that it's demonstrably believable that a population could grow 6 fold in 200 years.

>> No.22226202

The girl in the pic cheated on her autistic boyfriend and fucked Matt from supermega, don't ask me how I know, lexupdog is her handle

>> No.22226251

Muh six gorillion kill yourself kike faggot

>> No.22226259

Ruining a perfect body and calling everyone who disagrees insecure. Love from kazakhstan

>> No.22226263

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.22226267

Kill yourselves tranny faggots

>> No.22226291


Still not answering my question.

Also if it wasn't 6 million...how many was it?

>> No.22226315

This picture would’ve been so hot c. 2000 but in 2023 it’s uninspiring.

>> No.22226487
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1F00ADC6-622E-474D-8A73-F4393CE6A58B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say 6 million
I say 600
Either way it was still a bad thing.

>> No.22226507 [DELETED] 
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I have been jerking it for years upon years. I think most people just don't have my same highly refined taste.
This is the reason for many of my "bad" ratings. Low quality, shouldn't be getting shared in year of our Lord 2023.
When I was 15, yes. Now? Maybe under the influence, but I no longer partake.

>> No.22226513
File: 183 KB, 1080x1351, 1660236728392526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a hot boy pic?
I am currently reading various research papers related to artificial intelligence.
Currently this one: