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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1022 KB, 600x1050, Tales1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22214841 No.22214841 [Reply] [Original]

Hi everyone! With the great success of Tales Volume 1, we have decided to continue on and go for Tales Volume 2. This thread serves as our official call for submissions.

>What is Tales?
Tales of the Unreal is a periodically published book series taking inspiration from pulp magazines such as Weird Tales. We pick 12 to 15 of the best subs, put them into a book, and publish it with a book cover and style that emulates the pulp magazines of old.

>What we want
The horrible, the unknowable, the weird! We want your horror or weird fiction short story. Somewhere in the realm of 2 - 5000 words, but if you need a little more room, if the story is exceptional it will still be considered!

>When do we want it?
Submissions are open YEAR ROUND. This is just a dedicated call for Tales 2, with a close date of August 1ST AT 11:59pm EST.

>Where do I submit?
Please email your submission to unrealpressandpodcast@proton.me in any format of your choosing. We do light editing for formatting and spelling only, and otherwise keep the entire intent of the author.
Please include with your submission the name you would wish to be published under.
You can also query that email for any questions you may have.

>Where can I find Tales 1?
FOR FREE: https://unrealpress.com/tales-of-the-unreal/
IN PRINT: Just search the name and it'll come up on Amazon

>> No.22214889

kewl. Good job, guys.

>> No.22214909

Fuck off back to Trannycord.

>> No.22214931

inshallah all the troon tourists making/posting in these threads will hang themselves soon

>> No.22214942

Remember when Unreal Press doxxed and harrassed multiple Unreal and &amp contributors over some petty Discord drama? Don’t trust them. Send your work elsewhere.

>> No.22214968

We're probably all aware at this point, but it never hurts to have a quick reminder: it is not necessary to respond to anons who are clearly just looking to stir up drama unrelated to content and quality of Tales of the Unreal, or &amp, or Frank Gardner, or Miles or Zulu or Ogden. It's incredibly obvious to everyone that the drama is all being manufactured by one anon for his own amusement, so you don't need to point it out to anyone. It's pathetic e-drama, no one is genuinely curious about what might be happening, so if anyone asks for more information you can be positive they're just hoping you'll say something that will trigger a response from someone else. Multiple anons have come forward to say they have no idea what any of this shit is about, they just know they can type of a combination of "dox" "unreal" "drama" "ari" and/or "discord" and they will get guaranteed responses.

You don't need to respond to this post, either. If you'd like to see a day wherein anons can come together and try to entertain other anons without a bunch of petty name/samefagging e-drama, then you need only stop giving them attention. Any attempt to defend your motivations, set the record straight, or clear the air will be met with willful ignorance and bold unfounded accusations.

>> No.22214999

>there’s documented proof of Unreal doxxing and harassing people for months, destroying every &amp thread, and causing a fuckton of drama
>Unreal: anyone who criticizes us or brings up our bad behavior just wants to make us look bad so everyone should just ignore them! we did nothing wrong, just stop talking about it guys!

Fuck off tranny scum. This whole board should know to steer well clear of you and your ilk.

>> No.22215028

>australian satan

>> No.22215062

The last Tales wasn’t worth reading. Twin Candles was some of the worst shit I’ve ever read in my life. Traffic Stop was laughably bad too. KGB Agents read like it was written by a special-ed teenager.

>> No.22215076

Maybe you shouldn't use trannycord then.

>> No.22215088

Stop these shit threads fuck off

>> No.22215112
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>> No.22215134

But where else would they create their secret DM groups to plan their future gay-ops?

>> No.22215157

Nowhere, that’s the point.

>> No.22215165
File: 13 KB, 262x263, IMG_6904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> With the great success of Tales Volume 1

>> No.22215215

Translation: they sold about fifteen copies, most of which were bought by the losers “published” in the anthology.

>> No.22215320

Stop hating and get a life. Unreal can’t be stopped.

>> No.22215553


>> No.22215743

sure it can if its reported for "advertising or begging"

>> No.22215745

I don't. Tell us the tale, please. Where can I read up on it?

>> No.22215749

That’s all the threads were for months. Petty bickering and drama

>> No.22215767

I'm rarely online, so I missed it. I might search the archives for a few keywords.
I'm allergic to doxxing, so I probably won't bother with a submission.

>> No.22215802

Look at any of the &amp or tales of the unreal threads for like the last 3-4 months

>> No.22215886

Y'all need illustrators?

>> No.22215920

Nope, they proudly boasted that all the art was AI generated.

>> No.22215928

I'd love to support the zine but half the stories being written by child slaves instead of /lit/ writers really turns me off

>> No.22216133

You could ask in their Discord


>> No.22216284


>> No.22216351

It's amazing how you guys can just hand wave away spamming a guys face and school around here for 2 months straight with a post this whiny.
If you wanna make a come back just own up to it. Be a fucking chad about it. This is 4chan you faggot, not discord. Don't be such a bitch about it. You don't need this narrative about how one guy is bullying you for fun so no one else should bully you and how bullying you includes bringing up how much of a spiteful discord tranny you are. Own it faggot. Dox everyone who looks at you funny.

>> No.22216361

Not gunna support or read anything by troons. Sorry!

>> No.22216460

Why did they doxx the guy?

>> No.22216473

Fighting over who gets the discord kitten (male).

>> No.22216614
File: 285 KB, 828x958, 606BCB46-7A0A-41BD-9418-06CBA4206400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the other unrealcucks hate twin candles

>> No.22216895

twin candles is the story of two children that are driven to madness due their parents unreasonable demands for perfection. they are the green monster and kill their parents then themselves

>> No.22216926

I don’t think this whole writing thing is going to work out for you.

>> No.22217967


>> No.22218150
File: 48 KB, 400x293, truckin01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mighty Unreal Press volleys with another incredible killshot straight to the brain. Very cool my dudes. I've already submitted my work; keep on trucking

>> No.22218172

>bump from page 10 after eleven hours of no interest
If you're going to organize a Discord raid you can at least assign a couple people to the night shift. This is some amateur hour shit. Apply yourselves.

>> No.22218538


>> No.22218546

Stop bumping this piece of shit you dumb faggot nobody is submitting to your shit book. Mods.

>> No.22218564

Bros, come on. We're making a book here. Don't you wanna be a part of it? Anyone can submit a story. We're not picky. You could be part of 4chan history. Just give us your story. Come on.

>> No.22218615


>> No.22218648

was volume 1 all posters from lit?

>> No.22218649


>> No.22218660

lit and discord. Though we're probably going to have to reach outside of lit to fill vol2 if we want to hit our deadline.

>> No.22218720

The doxxing thing makes me a little anxious. I was thinking about submitting until I’d heard that.

>> No.22218726

>reach outside of lit to fill vol2
What? Like going to reddit?

>> No.22218729

There’s no concern. Everything is great. They have a great team and they’re doing great work still.

>> No.22218746

Everyone that we lost because of the doxxing drama was worthless anyway. It may as well have been a scheme to cut the fat from Unreal. We're stronger than ever.

I know it's not cool to publish reddit stories but we're going to do what we need to do to hit our deadline. We've already pushed it back once. It's that or AI stories as filler.

>> No.22218768

False. At least Rhyme had some amount of editorial skill and charisma. He was carrying Unreal. Now that the talentless hack MacNaughton is leading Tales 2, I shudder to think about how poor the story selection, editing, and formatting will be. Not to mention that the cover will undoubtedly be AI generated garbage.

>> No.22218771

Don’t submit. They’ll doxx you if you look at them the wrong way.

>> No.22218776

At least Krake is gone. That makes up for losing Rhyme.

>> No.22219116

Now if they can get rid of Woolston they have a chance

>> No.22219175
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1000, 1A9B76FF-9473-44A7-974F-1A4F1E1E5E79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woolswine needs to abandon his aspirations of making it as a writer and stick to wagecucking at KFC.

>> No.22219489


>> No.22219791


>> No.22220116
File: 44 KB, 500x765, Tales Penguin res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm today i will submit a story

>> No.22220123

Every time I see this image it's kino. Especially considering the bird. Ones who read the story will know

>> No.22220295

How could these fuckers doxx me if I use a tempmail + pseudonym?

>> No.22220333

I mean they've only doxxed two people so far. You're unlikely to get doxxed I'd imagine. My issue is more that I don't want to associate with people who dox contributors for petty reasons when I'm trying to build a name for myself, especially when all those people have to offer me is a spot in a crappy anthology that no one actually reads. I have more to gain by actively disassociating from these people.

>> No.22220360

They’ve doxxed at least three. Two &amp contributors and another guy whose name they pulled from a submission email. They posted his name and photos of his apartment building.

>> No.22220363

If you join their Discord they regularly post links that are secret IP grabbers

>> No.22220365

Still, only three. You probably won't be next. Not what I'm worried about. I just don't want my name anywhere near people this scummy.

>> No.22220372

>AI stories
Holy fuck. I might have been willing to ignore all of the doxing drama but come the fuck on. Are you that desperate?

>> No.22220445

>he doesn’t know that Ogden Nesmer is a CIA Novelbot used to disorient and divide our movement.

>> No.22220706

Wait, the people who publish this doxxed their contributors?

>> No.22220708

Nesmerniggers…it’s over

>> No.22220714

yep. that's why nobody wants to contribute.

>> No.22220721
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, Cillian-Murphy-Oppenheimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the discord users... doxxed?

>> No.22220872

The people who got doxxed deserved it. We regret nothing.

>> No.22221070


>> No.22221624

that is a sick ass cover ngl

>> No.22222107

>no actual interest

>> No.22222283


>> No.22222540
File: 96 KB, 647x1000, 71t4A6TIj1L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no trip
Thank you, you may also enjoy this one we put out around Christmas

>> No.22222547

This thread is so pathetic that I almost want to write you guys a story out of pity.

>> No.22222597

It’s AI art schlock, you have no taste

>> No.22222985


>> No.22222993

Only will submit if there can be multiple James Krake stories. KGB Agents was the only worthwhile thing in Tales 1

>> No.22222994

James Krake is wonderful and my hero. Ship of Fuls is one of my favorites and Faceless is amazing

>> No.22222999

Infinite Money Glitch and Five to Four are two of my favourites

>> No.22223010

James Krake is the only good 4chan writer. F Gardner is the worst. Krake is so fucking good,

>> No.22223031

James Krake is the best

>> No.22223039

More James Krake please

>> No.22223058

Fuck off spammer

>> No.22223063

I want more James Krake books thats the only way your shit book will see. You idiots need a brilliant man like that on your squad. A shame you fucked him over.

>> No.22223069

This magazine seems haunted

>> No.22223076

Stop trying to deflect from the fact your audience wants more krake and we're up in arms to have it.

>> No.22223080

I think thats the point
its a spooky story zine

>> No.22223081

More Krake

>> No.22223087

Samefag nobody is bying this without krake in it. fuck off I mean it.

>> No.22223255

KYS pathetic retarded shill

>> No.22223266

coping because krake has a more organic fan base than your shit book

>> No.22223327

Luv Krake and luv the Unreal bros. I'll be buying the next releases of both.

Until then have yourself a nice BUMP

>> No.22223334

only krake is good stop latching on to someone who is actually successful

>> No.22223411
File: 154 KB, 485x302, 8a0d0a7d2157d89ec7c18fe9508fd681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when it responds in under 2 minutes

>> No.22223699

It’s an unemployed tranny with too much time on its hands

>> No.22223757 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder that Unreal doxxed and harassed two &akp contributors for months. Don’t support them.

>> No.22223794


fuck off unrealie

>> No.22223836

Unreal Press doxx contributors, stay away

>> No.22223924

James Krake is one of the authors of all time

>> No.22224477

More James Krake in tales 2 please

>> No.22224621

Krake is a respectable citizen and a just father figure to his wife’s kids but he is not a good writer nor even a decent sculptor of lime or marble.

>> No.22224637

Please drop your details in the thread for a seperate project that may need illustrators :)

>> No.22224672

Gardner gods... I kneel.

>> No.22225249


>> No.22225348

Literally post that proof right now. Post it.

>> No.22225366

James Krake is the greatest 4chan writer stop steering the conversation away from him out of jealousy

>> No.22225370

Fuck off unrealie unreal is nothing compared to James Krake when James Krake starts Krake press in September it will put Unreal out of business.

>> No.22225374

James Krake could easily have multiple children with multiple women if he wanted to but he is a respectable kind man and I will not tolerate the slander

>> No.22225419

It's amazing jame krake is a successful scientist and writer and is still so handsome. he really has it all

>> No.22225480

Krake i love you fucka I’m
Drunk man guck I drank too Mitch happy forth bitches yeah I’m fixing it tonight yeah yeah

>> No.22225491
File: 13 KB, 492x262, Screenshot from 2023-07-05 15-46-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22226575


>> No.22227608

40 posters ain't bad for a self-shilled shitty /lit/ rag. I was expecting 10 tops.

>> No.22227831

To be fair, 30 of those IPs are people shitting on them.

>> No.22228121

As they should.

>> No.22228730


>> No.22228738

Hopefully the entire book is just James Krake stories. Nothing else is worthwhile. James Krake is handsome and makes me feel happy. James Krake is high IQ and has a big cock.

>> No.22228745

James Krake

>> No.22229095

James Krake

>> No.22230065


>> No.22230550

I got an old story that is too shitty for &amp but would be perfect for you guys

>> No.22231161

>too shitty for &amp


>> No.22231338


>> No.22232344
