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22214364 No.22214364 [Reply] [Original]

>For, if force creates right, the effect changes with the cause: every force that is greater than the first succeeds to its right. As soon as it is possible to disobey with impunity, disobedience is legitimate; and, the strongest being always in the right, the only thing that matters is to act so as to become the strongest.

>> No.22215283

It’s not that it’s ridiculous or wrong, it is what appears to be happening (then to him and now to many people) and not gods will or some abstraction of justice prevailing.
The forceful, the “might” are almost exclusively the weakest most fearful bastards looking to put everyone to work for their comforts. Their generations get so pampered, yet they’ve learned to harness social machinations to fool everyone into believing this is all fine and normal. The majority of people would do much better without these pampered weaklings, but they’re divided along funny little sports teams based on color, language or hats. So the strongest people are in fact subjugated by a weakling class of elites