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22210903 No.22210903 [Reply] [Original]

THESE are the PEOPLE we let CLAIM if we are MENTALLY UNWELL or PERVERTED?! For GODS SAKE! just L O O K at the N A M E ! ! !

>> No.22210906


>> No.22210917
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Read picrel

>> No.22210918
File: 216 KB, 604x332, Screenshot 2023-07-01 at 8.58.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An analyst and a therapist

>> No.22210947

Psycho anal? Why sis(ter)?

>> No.22210956

You have it backwards, generally people are aware that they're unwell and feel their own desires are perverse. They come in for help seeking relief from suffering. The task of the analyst is generally to help them become more in touch with those things which they feel are inadmissible to consciousness. Generally, this material is comprised of infantile sexual wishes which were frustrated in the patient's childhood. Awareness of the conflict allows the patient to begin working through their desires and choosing consciously a substitute for old longings which cannot be fulfilled except in fantasy. The result is usually patients' greater self-acceptance and resolve, even if their mental structure or erotic desires have not much changed by the end of treatment.

>> No.22211002
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> feeling unwell or frustrated?
> experiencing the fallout of past traumas?
> just lock yourself in a room with THE RAPIST for an hour or something, you'll feel much better! ;)

>> No.22211036

Just blame your mother because she didn' t had le sex with you back when you were a kid.

>> No.22211159

Desu it's not that far out there when you think about how the purpose of every form of life on this planet is to reproduce, and how our sexual organs are the most sensitive and defining parts of us. It's more logical than "no bro these random chemicals in your brain are off, here take these pills that will mentally incapacitate you for as long as you need them (forever if we can help it)."

>> No.22211175

Yes, but reproducing implies maturity, you have to mature before actually feeling like reproducing. That is why so many Europeans don't want children at all, they never actually finished maturing.

>> No.22211276
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I've had a recurring image in my head where a knife is hidden inside a vagina and it splits my penis in half. However, I'm pretty sure this comes from watching the trailer for that vagina dentata movie and seeing a guy with a split in half penis on encyclopedia dramatica when I was a child. Did Freud ever write about what unrestricted access to internet shock sites does to a kid?

>> No.22211309

Also the reason why normies are so scared of showing signs of age is because it definitely tells them that "teenage" years are over. It is time for you to have children and have responsibilities.

>> No.22211338

The Freudian perspective is that the primary characteristic of sexuality is not reproduction, but an orientation towards physical pleasure. Most of our more complex psychological processes and ideals are built upon this tendency. However, the tendency towards hedonism arises in service of another function, the aim of which is to reduce mental excitation towards zero. This "Death Drive" is concerned with movement towards an earlier homeostasis, at the most extreme end of which is a return to an inorganic state. Reproduction occurs as an attempt both for the organism to revert to an earlier, infantile state through its germ cells, and as a means of increasing the quantity of organic material returned to an inert state.

>> No.22211356

Yes, but that is stupid as fucking hell. We all know that this feel good thing is that people bond into couples so that they raise children together. While we are acting on our impulses when we go after a sexual partner that doesn't mean that we are completely clueless about the consequences of it.
What you are actually craving when you go after someone for the first time is control over your life. Instead of not having anything, you will have your "own life" with your partner and children. Your own power domain or whatever.

>> No.22211368

Do you think people mostly want to have sex because they want to take care of babies or because it feels good?

>> No.22211384

>feels good
It feels as good as fucking masturbating. It is mostly about illusions of power. It is literally how it works with monkeys, I have a hard time thinking it would be any different with humans. Social animals want domains of power, sex is a way of forming an "alliance" with an individual of the opposite sex.

>> No.22211401

Isn't the fact that we masturbate at all (and regard the behavior as clearly sexual) evidence that sexuality is not primarily oriented towards reproduction or defined by object choice?