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/lit/ - Literature

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22208044 No.22208044 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any OTHER books about whales?

>> No.22208046

this makes rich people piss and shit themselves with laughter

>> No.22208072

Laterally seething, rent free (and thus poor).

>> No.22208147

His observation was funnier. That comic is not so much about humor as it is patting yourself on the back because you know Moby Dick exists.

>> No.22208206

It’s a cute joke that just gets a smile out of me

>> No.22208209
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>> No.22208212

they should engage in small talk about wtf is up with that autistic weirdo ishmael who won't fucking shut up about how cool he thinks everything is and daydreaming in the crows nest

>> No.22208223

bitter evil people

>> No.22208226

I wonder if had the characters been Mario and King Koopa instead you'd still be bitching about the joke. Not to mention Moby Dick is iconic enough in the Anglosphere that nobody is patting themselves on the back for getting a reference that has nothing to do with the actual story and only requires you to recognize the roles (which, again, everyone can do).

>> No.22208230

Banal normie midwits.

>> No.22208257

This is how new yorker readers really think

>> No.22208265

>acknowledges the joke is basic by admitting characters can be substituted
>engages in mental gymnastics to argue the New Yorker doesn't put on airs
Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

>> No.22208266


>> No.22208267

>make joke about how shit rich peoples humor is
>am now branded as evil
Sorry didn't mean to make you cry

>> No.22208269


>> No.22208272

You just learned the valuable lesson of never making your image more interesting than your question

>> No.22208279

I purposefully chose this comic because it was so uninteresting.

>> No.22208283

And how did that work out for your thread?

>> No.22208284
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>(and thus poor)

>> No.22208285

It’s easy to criticize something after the fact.

>> No.22208289
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>novels about whales
This was based on the novel Push by Sapphire.

>> No.22208291

leviathan by philip hoare was ok. it helps to have read moby-dick first but it's not just about the book, it's kind of about whales and whaling in history in general with a bunch about moby-dick

it's obviously not as good as moby-dick but might scratch more of the same itch if that's what you're after

>> No.22208292

The White South

>> No.22208293

Sorry that unlike you I don't have any cynical, witty zinger or comeback. But if you get your laughs laughing at other people's joy, eventually you'll be afraid to feel joy yourself. And you'll alienate everyone around you. Just my two cents.

>> No.22208295

>confirmed: New Yorker is for midwits
Are we supposed to make fun of it before you posted it?

>> No.22208296

You're trying to bait replies by acting stupid.

>> No.22208303

>turning a few people riffing on a New Yorker comic into a life event
At least you'll have something to discuss with your "analyst" now.

>> No.22208325
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But I'm just a puppy.

>> No.22208346
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>> No.22208378
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I enter every New Yorker caption contest and I have no shame in admitting that.

>> No.22208386

>>acknowledges the joke is basic by admitting characters can be substituted
Yes, no one claimed the joke was intellectual or anything, and no referencing a book doesn't count as intellectual and it isn't pseud or pretentious either retard.
>>engages in mental gymnastics to argue the New Yorker doesn't put on airs
>Referencing a well known book in the canon that high schoolers read = putting on airs.
Just admit that your an idiot and get insecure when people reference intellectual things like fucking fiction (even though it's just another form of media like video games and not obscure at all). You're the one doing mental gymnastics here not me.

>> No.22208409

>no referencing a book doesn't count as intellectual
>Just admit that your an idiot and get insecure when people reference intellectual things like fucking fiction
Again, cognitive dissonance at its finest.

>> No.22208415

>Rich people
>Reading The New Yorker
Impoverishedfag detected

>> No.22208449

looking at the current one and i'm at a complete loss for a caption. and looking back at previous winners, they ALL suck

>> No.22208503

Your mom's biography

>> No.22208591

The second quote is meant to be sarcastic, retard. Holy shit. Referencing media isn't intellectual or pseud or putting on airs. How is this so hard to grasp?

>> No.22208640
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>> No.22208775

Ok these are shit.
This one misses the mark

A lot of jokes are banal observations, but the White Whale in the Grocery store with Ishmael is fun come on

>> No.22208788

what a misunderstanding

>> No.22208790

>no furrowed brow or lodged harpoon
secondary cartoonist that didn't read the book

>> No.22208816

>A lot of jokes are banal observations, but the White Whale in the Grocery store with Ishmael is fun come on
That's Ahab and the joke is how hardcore he is at work versus turning it off during private time, retard.

>> No.22208881

>Moby Dick is Call of Duty
You're a cognitively dissonant retard getting worked up because some people made fun of the New Yorker. Touch grass.

>> No.22209068
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How about the book of Jonah in the Bible?

>> No.22209101

Literally a Family Guy tier joke: https://youtu.be/axxtJjd9uWk

>> No.22209117

lol form of family have kids so a pedo can rape them in school. Jesus what retards

>> No.22209120

I don't comprehend your ESL babble even slightly.

>> No.22209812

> Media is media.
Yes faggot. You're the one getting worked up because you put literature in a pedestal and expect that anytime somebody brings it up or references it it should be to say something serious and intellectual about it and if they don't they bringing it up just to put on airs. Evidently not only can one not read casually but they can't speak about books casually either. What a faggot you are.

>> No.22209855

>Just admit that your an idiot and get insecure when people reference intellectual things like fucking fiction
>You're the one getting worked up because you put literature in a pedestal and expect that anytime somebody brings it up or references it it should be to say something serious
Once again and say it with me this time: cognitive dissonance at its finest.
Is that you said to mall security when they asked you to turn off your cuck tranny fetish porn in Starbucks?

>> No.22209874

It's a vastly different "joke," and this garbage pail tier from Family Guy doesn't actually have anything whatsoever to do with Moby Dick. It could have been any "celebrity." I think you're bad at thinking because you watch utter crap like Family Guy.

>> No.22209883
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Again, intellectual was used sarcastically there retard. There is nothing intellectual about *just* reading Moby Dick or knowing that it exists and who the main protagonist and antagonist are. High schoolers do it. It's fucking fiction.
Any retard can listen to the Brandenburg Concertos or stare at the Pieta. They may even get more out of COD. It doesn't mean anything about the work but it's true nonetheless. How this is difficult for you to grasp is truly astonishing.

>> No.22209887

People who've never read a fucking word of Moby Dick know it exists and get this joke. I don't know why this conversation took this turn, but it's not like it's some obscure reference to a Rimbaud poem that's out of print.

>> No.22209892


Pretty much every book, anon cause when you read, you'll have a whale of a time.

>> No.22209895

>Goyslop makes moronic, insipid reference to literature: Comic
>Goyslop makes moronic, insipid reference to literature: Television

>> No.22209906

Again, bad at thinking. They both make reference to Moby Dick, that's beyond dispute.
But, the New Yorker's joke is at least more clever than whining about Raisin Bran, because it refers directly to the whale's appearance and makes the joke that Ahab, despite obsessing over the whale, didn't recognize him outside of the whaling context. It's not near as "insipid" as you would like it to be.
The Family Guy shit has literally no connection to Moby Dick and could have been Derek Jeter or some fucking body, for all intents and purposes. It would be the same lame joke.

>> No.22209908

>and this garbage pail tier from Family Guy doesn't actually have anything whatsoever to do with Moby Dick.
The Family Guy joke works better because its dadaist while the joke in the OP doesn't even merit being called "humor" beyond placing a whale in a convenience store shopping for goods.

>> No.22209913

The Family Guy joke isn't dadaist. It's 4 a.m. bong resin writing for the teenaged boys who watch the fucking show.

>> No.22209915

Family guy is actually funny and makes people laugh, thus autistic retards get angry. Many such cases

>> No.22209916

>But, the New Yorker's joke is at least more clever than whining about Raisin Bran, because it refers directly to the whale's appearance and makes the joke that Ahab, despite obsessing over the whale, didn't recognize him outside of the whaling context.
That's neither funny or clever. The set up of the joke is literally
>Depict protagonist and antagonist in extremely mundane situation
Stop smelling your own farts, you highfalutin trash.

>> No.22209928

Anti-humor is dadaist.

>> No.22209941

I didn't think the New Yorker comic was funny, and I only said it is "more clever" than the Family Guy bit, which it is. Why don't you stop tilting at windows and talk about things like a human being rather than a turbo autist 4channer who pretends it has no concept of subtlety.

>> No.22210014

>intellectual was used sarcastically there
Doesn't matter because you projected two opposite things yet again, retard. Cognitive dissonance.
>There is nothing intellectual about *just* reading Moby Dick or knowing that it exists
Never said there was but it's considered a classic and frequented gets the "great American novel" nod. Cool strawman, retard.
>Any retard can listen to the Brandenburg Concertos or stare at the Pieta
Oh, I get it now. I touched a nerve and that's what lead to all this projection and nonsense, kek.
>I don't know why this conversation took this turn
Anon got mad I pointed out that a lot of New Yorker cartoons exist for their readers to pat themselves on the back.
>it's not like it's some obscure reference to a Rimbaud poem
That would make midwit libtards feel stupid which is the opposite intent. Also, this anon didn't get the joke: >>22208775.

>> No.22211198

>Doesn't matter because you projected two opposite things yet again, retard. Cognitive dissonance.
You don't know what cog itive dissonance means. I have to hold those two beliefs at the same time, faggot. I don't, I'm simply sarcastically mocking you. It's hilarious that you are desperately hanging on to this insult because you have nothing on me so you have to pretend like sarcastically entertaining a belief is the same as holding it sincerely. Or you're just retarded, who knows?
>Never said there was but it's considered a classic and frequented gets the "great American novel" nod. Cool strawman, retard.
Yes, cunt. Classic novels get referenced all the time. I only wonder what references to what novels would trigger you like this one did.
Tom Sawyer? Rip Van Winkle? Telltale Heart? Romeo and Juliet? The Count of Monte Cristo?
>Oh, I get it now. I touched a nerve and that's what lead to all this projection and nonsense, kek.
I haven't the faintest clue what you could possibly mean by this but I'm going to guess that the reason you are being so vague is because you *still* have nothing on me.
You are exactly right. Nice to see there are still competent people in this board.

>> No.22211334
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>> No.22211336

There is a whole chapter in Moby Dick talking avout other literary works about the whale

>> No.22211481

> [...] should we give them a sh—
A what? Genuinely trying to figure out what he was about to say.

>> No.22211493

Give them a shot, maybe.

>> No.22211826

That's got to be it! Thanks :)

>> No.22211871

crumb was a one man 4chan years before moot was squirted into his mother

>> No.22211882

Short story by Roger Zelazny: 'The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth'. Not strictly about a whale, per se, but if it's aquatic megafauna in general that you'd be interested in, then it might be up your alley.

>> No.22212139

>You don't know what cog itive dissonance means.
You exemplify it. Simple as. Not reading the rest of your sperg because it's probably just more examples.