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/lit/ - Literature

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22205254 No.22205254 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you read? Be honest.

>> No.22205265

trying to read more 19th century Russians

>> No.22205266

begone thot

>> No.22205271

I like books about vapid self-important whores who take pictures of themselves doing mundane everyday things and post them on online to get attention from strangers. Can you recommend any novels like that?

>> No.22205278

Because I was tired of movies, video games, manga and anime

>> No.22205279

This but unironically. Women are goddesses.

>> No.22205281

no gf
also to learn

>> No.22205292

I had a parent read to me when I was younger which just led to an almost lifelong love of books. I feel bad for those who never got an interest at a young age due to a lack of this.

>> No.22205294

"You're breaking up with me because of something you read on the fucking internet? On 4chan?" There was an undertone of explosive anger in her voice, just barely held back by sheer disbelief. I explained to her that I hadn't come to the conclusion lightly. She knew I have difficulties with race-mixing. We'd talked about it many times. "I thought you were joking. I thought you said it was 'ironic'?" She emphasized the word as if to mock me. I explained that just because something is ironic, doesn't mean it isn't true. "So you're, what, you're a white supremacist, now? I thought you said that was 'Reddit'? You read some incel bullshit on the internet, and suddenly you don't find me attractive?" I confirmed that white nationalism was, in fact, fairly Reddit, but stated that mild ethnonationalism had become geopolitically necessary even if it meant associating with Redditors. I also denied finding her unattractive. "So if you still like me, why are you breaking up with me?" Of course I still like her, I said. She's very attractive, I said. "Then why are you doing this?" I explained to her that her racial ambiguity was attractive to a part of me that I had become resolved to slough off, a second skin forced upon me by my upbringing in a deracinated multicultural megalopolis. I explained that I found her attractive in the way that my brain found cotton candy delicious, despite the fact that it's fibreglass installation laced with Jewish corn syrup. I told her that when I kiss her now, I feel like I'm kissing a changeling, something sent to deceive me. Something artificially sweet, with an aftertaste of plastic BPAs, or overheated teflon. "Do you know how out of your league I am? I'm taller than you for fuck's sake. I literally can't believe this is happening right now. I can't believe I thought I should settle." I agreed that she was out of my league, but told her that I had been reading Hamsun's "Growth of the Soil," and that I wouldn't mind a harelip wife, provided we could start a farm together, far away from 5G radiation towers. I told her we could still be friends, and asked if she wanted to read Hamsun with me. After a few seconds she closed her Macbook and she left.

>> No.22205299

With ancient philosophy, to try better myself and understand the world, when i read fiction, i read it to enjoy myself and escape for a while.

>> No.22205312

Beta cuck

>> No.22205317

Entertainment. To those of you who honestly read to surpass the average human and become a greater being or something, kill yourself.

>> No.22205320

>you read?
I do not. I only come to /lit/ to interject in ongoing discussions about works I have never read. It is fun to try and guess what the correct argument is purely based on context from other posts on /lit/.

>> No.22205325

>read to surpass the average human and become a greater being or something
How does that even work? Reading won't improve your bench, 5k time, social skills or concentration. Only anabolic steroids do that

>> No.22205328

There are more interesting ideas, topics and perspectives in books than there are in other media. I have a degree in English Literature but only truly started reading as a hobby just over a year ago. It sort of feels like the key to myself that I neglected to pick up back then.

>> No.22205343

>I have a degree in English Literature
If I had a degree in English Literature I would keep it a secret to my grave.

What an absolute faggot.

>> No.22205367

Calm down.

>> No.22205393

Because I’m heartbroken indefinitely and it soothes my loneliness and gives me something to love. If it weren’t for alcohol and literature I’d have an hero’d years ago.

>> No.22205467

Because I have eyes and words are everywhere

>> No.22205510
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That's bluekatie right? She is so fcking hot, I jerked off to her twice this week

>> No.22205678

It's fun

>> No.22205680

I’m using french novels to improve my french. I read stuff in english too if I think it’ll be fun.

>> No.22205739

I just love it; my apartment is essentially bookshelves, an array reading nooks, an office, and six glass domed converted oil lamps.

>> No.22205761

It's literally me

>> No.22205763

Pronoun in bio freak. I hope she loses her legs in a car accident.

>> No.22205773

Same but it was 4 years ago

>> No.22205778


>> No.22205845

because theres lil niggas whose thoughts and feelings you can experience that existed thousands of years before you

>> No.22206212

I'm not really good at anything else besides cooking.

>> No.22206258
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Listening to her stuff right now. She posted a video recently with lots of feet shots, they're nicely colored (I prefer when they have some tasty orange/brown to them instead of just a clean pale white) and she shows off the soles a lot. Unfortunately I don't think she has anything showing off her pits. I really like the style she was doing for a bit with the pink hearts on her cheeks. I think her singing videos are the best but I like the follow my instructions too since it makes me feel like I'm serving her, but unfortunately most are in Japanese. I would do absolutely atrocious things.

I read because I give off an air to other people that I read a lot and so I feel the need to live up to their expectations of being well-read. I'm like 25% sure that the only reason I enjoy things other than video games and jerking off are because I psyop myself into liking things that make me come off as intelligent as an instinctual response to the anti-intellectual and abusive environment I grew up in. As a kid I wanted to do nothing but read, it was my favorite thing. Then I found the God damned game and went NEET mode to escape my family. Now I read half because I enjoy it, and half because I feel like I betrayed my younger self by stopping for so long.

>> No.22206262

an autistic pursuit to understand the ties between various pieces of media, which requires consumption of all pieces of media, including books
also its fun

>> No.22206275

Looks like a praying mantis with down syndrome

>> No.22206290

Improve my attention span and beat anhedonia. It's a tough battle.

>> No.22206291

If she did I hope she'd let me keep them. I'd sleep with them foot to face and wake up every day to a nice slow thigh fuck. I would nibble on the toe meat too when I'm bored.
That's a bad picture.

>> No.22206373

pretty much this

>> No.22206412

I read because I want to see what our jewish overlords are hiding from us. Turns out there's more to entertainment than globohomo bullshit. Turns out medieval fiction is wildly more fantastic and thrilling than whatever gay Dungeons and Dragons or Harry Potter slop we're being fed.

>> No.22206453

I hated these books when I was in Russian school. I only like Dostoevsky, because he describes very well the Russian soul of a man who finds himself in a terrible place in an ugly country.

>> No.22206466

to become the next marcel proust

>> No.22206467

I like ideas/experiences explained thoroughly. Vidja is close but most media avoids being too interior or cerebral because it distracts. I think literature has an advantage with limits like that. You can describe things vague/intricate, you can list things, you can monologue.

>> No.22206474

god damn this board has been complete shit all year

>> No.22206524

my ex gf read a ton of fantasy books and I ended up reading them too. I wasn't a big fan of the genre so I started looking for book recommendations and now I'm here

>> No.22206565
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to be able to converse with sexy /lit/ women

>> No.22206566
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The idea of people incapable of composing themselves opining on literature offends me, as does canon worthy entries yet unread. If there are contemporary Moby Dicks out there, we ought to be finding them and getting them into higher circulation in a more timely fashion.

>> No.22206610

I consider myself a pervert, and even I have to say, what the fuck dude.

>> No.22206611

The Circle

>> No.22206615

it upsets me that this is better than anything I've ever written.

>> No.22206625

I only read books in Japanese to improve and maintain my Japanese skills.
But now I wanna read more stuff on religion and politics (preferably in English or Romanian) because it interests me.
Should I read

>> No.22206647

That was my first post in awhile. This board has been shit for much, much longer than a year.
You can't tell me you wouldn't
Romanian is a beautiful language, written at least, but unfortunately I've nothing but hate for every single Romanian person I've ever met.

>> No.22206670

>I've nothing but hate for every single Romanian person I've ever met
Online or irl?
If irl in a western country I can understand why

>> No.22206681

Only online, but the interactions were significantly worse than any other I've had online.

>> No.22206732

A mixture of a desire to temporarily escape from reality and find truth

>> No.22206744

To pass the time. I get more satisfaction by that than other methods to pass the time as reading is not like just passively watching something.
I don't even retain most shit I read except a 1 line condensation of the plot

>> No.22206793

Besides simply enjoying reading, and all the positives I think it has on my life - at worst it's a cheap hobby that keeps me away from the expenses of things like off roading, guns, that sort. Not that I quit them, but it's a way to keep me away from the constant need to make my free time a more exciting (expensive) time. I can can read every day for at most a few hundreds of dollars a year. Other than that, the only other cope I might have is that reading is an act of vanity. Everybody close-ish to me knows me as a reader and sort of intellectual whether they respect it or not. I certainly don't, but it's impossible to admit it doesn't feel good if somebody is impressed by the knowledge I might have. Really I just always read a lot, I never really gave it up since childhood.

>> No.22206804


Hey if it's what gets you off.
I usually prefer to just jack off and be done with it for awhile, it's the obsession/cathexis extending beyond post nut clarity that I don't understand, think of all the books you could be reading instead of looking at this ugly whores feet.

>> No.22207504

For you, it was the best writing of your life.
For anon, it's was just a chill Sunday's shitpost.

>> No.22207537

If you think our online presence is terrible you haven't seen the other balkaners lmao

>> No.22207885

I want to help the people around me. Sometimes I feel very trapped in this horrible nightmare place.
Its like im a constant emotional torture chamber.
I try and escape and create some way out.

>> No.22207901

cool you a channer yet bro

>> No.22207908


>> No.22207913

you gotta go nofap.
Focus VRIL.
escape on the nazi UFOS

>> No.22207915

Fuck you

>> No.22207933

Partially interest, but predominantly guilt. I feel like it is way too easy for me to just zone out to some shit on youtube instead of actively engaginy my brain, and my linguistic acumen is suffering for it.

>> No.22207947

If you really loved her you wouldn’t want to share your pictures and your fantasies about her with anyone else. It’s all fake. You don’t care about her, you just want the onlooker, you want to be seen as a criminal and given a stage, thus fundamentally you are a homosexual. You should’ve never been given the right to individuality. You should have never been given free access to your emotions. Through all your efforts you only advance the humiliation of the individual and his absolute slavery against everything outside of himself. Just that thought alone excites you and makes you pleased. People should only read to gain the power to humiliate what they should know to hate

>> No.22207956

Abomination of a "human." Dysgenic yellowfevercels are truly losers

>> No.22207960

i like it, but more than that i like to like reading.

>> No.22208095
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Because it's fun

>> No.22208702
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because i'm lonely, incapable and my life is boring. Nothing happens in my small existence so I read to live in a world where there are stakes, meaning and excitement. I am weird and completely sex and romance averse, have no talent, skill or natural ability for anything and am too old to acquire it I'm also a pretty stupid person so there really aren't a lot of options for me to experience anything good or meaningful in life. Yet life really isn't anything without this stuff. So, when i'm not just zoning out in front of a computer or drinking, I read. I know this isn't how you are supposed to read before one of you fags comes here and tells me "it's not just escapism, le filtered", I go to book clubs. I hear the way people learn from and talk about books and it's something I cannot do. I honestly don't even like reading that much, I would rather do anything but read. If I could dance or make music or paint or make anything or have any real experiences or a girlfriend I would do that instead of reading. I would even write if I could (though this is only one wrung up from reading) but I can't. So I read and I forget what I read and it changes nothing and I learn nothing. the wait for death a little shorter.

>> No.22208760


>> No.22208782


>> No.22208784

Misha Ling

>> No.22208809

I've spent a long time watching documentaries and recently I've realized that everything documentaries show are actually pretty meaningless like representations of some of the things talked about be it by dramatizations or reenactments that are supposed to make you interested but it is just useless things that doesn't actually make it more important. I've started to just put random things on recently because I'm bored but I have seen now that reading something is more detailed and useful than other types of media.

>> No.22208910

for me it's intellectual masturbation + escapism

>> No.22208913

Yeah this. After getting into books I have come to realise that only about 3-4 animes I have ever watched out of probably 80 ish contain anything at all of value beyond entertainment.

Manga has presented some interesting ideas but every single one of those has already been explored deeper in some book.

As for video games I cant think of a single one with any value. video game stories are shit maybe some older games where its all text based like final fantasy or something contains a few good ones but I have not played those.

Very rarely have I read a book and extracted nothing from it. (SANDERSON)

>> No.22208961

Honestly? I wanna be smarter. And I've found that meditating on the thoughts of those who have come before me, even when I don't fully agree with them, is good for my soul

>> No.22208971
