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22203612 No.22203612 [Reply] [Original]

Sufism is the most natural and logical esoteric path for Westerns.
People only turn to Buddhist and Hindu paths due prejudice against Islam because of recent history.

Other candidates:
Broken initiatic chain.
Highjacked and subverted by Freemasonry. See Freemasonry.
See Hermeticism.
>Eastern Orthodox Hesychasm
Exoteric. See Guenon's criticism of mysticism.
>Anything Catholic
Come on.

Sufism is a more natural path for Westerners because
>Islam and Christianity stem from the same Abrahamic branch
>it comes more easily to the Western mind to conceive of the Absolute as God rather than emptiness or Brahman
>Goethe, Napoleon, Nietzsche and Hitler among others recognized that Islam was a great religion and Muhammad a great man

>> No.22203658

>People only turn to Buddhist and Hindu paths due prejudice against Islam because of recent history.
I don’t want to have to circumcise my future male children, if it wasn’t for that I might as well have been muslim already. It was a mistake to just adopt Jewish tribal practices willy-nilly, especially when the Quran doesnt even say to do it (but basically all schools of Islamic thought say it’s necessary and not having it can even get you killed in certain dicey situations)

>> No.22203661

I agree with you totally, but there will be plenty who will disagree with you purely because they're either atheists or Catholics (two sides of the same coin).

>> No.22203669

Where in the Quran does it say 'thou shalt circumsise your babies'? What people are criticising when people 'criticise Islam' is their condition of being second and third world countries, not the doctrines of the religion itself.

>> No.22203675

>natural and logical


>> No.22203680

Arab culture is too big a step down for whites. It feels weird and limited, it's a culture only suited to desert primitives. There's a reason Iranians just feel more capacious and expansive when you talk to them, they are honorary whites. Arabs have that Latin American vibe, slightly retarded and weird, more limited even when you can't put your finger on anything exactly. Plus they wear dresses.

>> No.22203684

Hesychasm makes a lot more sense for Westerners. It was their tradition also at one point. Western monasticism has been deeply influenced by the Eastern one at one point. St John Cassian is a great example of Eastern monasticism that was established in the West.

>> No.22203689

>Where in the Quran does it say 'thou shalt circumsise your babies'?
It doesn't, I was criticizing Islam for making it mandatory despite it not being in the Quran
>What people are criticising when people 'criticise Islam' is their condition of being second and third world countries, not the doctrines of the religion itself.
STFU you dumb retard, the most reliable hadith collections say that its mandatory and all the major schools of Islamic thought agree and say its mandatory, you cannot reject the hadith without being considered a Quranist which is hardly above being a kuffar, in the middle of genocides and civil conflicts before in history where groups are killing each-other, people who were uncircumcized were sometimes killed on the spot by groups of Muslims, the Bangladesh Liberation War being a recent example, nobody in the raging crowds stopped and said "but wait, its not in the Quran"

>> No.22203745

That’s great but Traditionalism is wrong.

>> No.22203820

Like accepting chains

>> No.22203837

>Immediately assuming eastern beliefs are esoteric

>> No.22203923

Any religion that denies Christ is either false or/and incomplete

>> No.22203940
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What about chechen sufism ? Can't find much sources about it

>> No.22203974

not even other muslims like those "sing and dance till you fall into a trance" faggots

>> No.22203994
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I like how your entire argument for how "Sufism is the most natural and logical esoteric path" just relies on a bunch of exoteric shit (it's le easy, it's le simple, a bunch of popular guys said it is le good).
Go back to Iraq retard.

>> No.22204130

I like this dude's videos

>> No.22204278

I'm sorry but I just don't think Islam should exist at all. I hope you don't mind but if I ever get the power I will reconvert every Muslim into something else just to be present for the religion's extinction. It's simply disgusting.

>> No.22204286

refuted by Evola

>> No.22204365

>refuted by a larper who never praticed any tradition but still called himself traditional.
Evola is new-age tier.

>> No.22204453

He did produce a tradition, though.

>> No.22204459

Muslims worship a pedophile.

>> No.22204470

The tradition of larpers, “you just dont understand”, the neckbeard wrote on his phone “I’m a virile Aryvn hero, not like those stodgy Christians at mum’s church”

>> No.22204473

Cope and seethe, tranny.

>> No.22204481

Counter-traditional. You don't produce a tradition.

>> No.22204535

Then how did we get our current traditions?
>"t-t-that's different because uhh uhhhh uhhhhh"
Yeah that's how Evola did it too.

>> No.22204540
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was never alive to begin with, complete Larp
>Eastern Orthodox Hesychasm
It's esotericism, not mysticism (read Anthony Bloom's book on hesychasm, showing it's teachings on subtle centers and techniques to attain Oneness, very similar to patanjali's Yoga)
but it's very inaccessible, don't if it's dead or alive
>Anything Catholic
not only it's esotericism has been dead for almost a millenia, but it's exoterism is dead too
losing it's strengh, thanks to it's decaying exotericism, muslims themselves and the inherent limitations of abrahamism
what buddhism? it's a total mess, it goes from cambojans worshiping buddhist deities to tibetans reciting secret mantras to chinese and japanese practicing hwatous and koans. At least it's alive
If you want to wander the streets of India (naked), and eventually fasting to death. At least it's alive

my suggestion: orthodox Shakta and Tantric paths like Shri Vidya

>> No.22204550

Divine revelation.

>> No.22204720
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>> No.22204731

You are the dead one

>> No.22204765

Sufism is pro-LGBT, so Western elite likes it


>> No.22204775

Picrel is a Shia Muslim. His 'Sufism' isn't mainstream Guenon-Schuon-Chittick stuff.

>> No.22204793

You have a problem with an article of clothing that's been the norm for the majority of human history just because of an aspect of your culture that only arose a few hundred years ago?

>> No.22204816

> orthodox Shakta and Tantric paths

Well I like my modern life after all, thank you.
The length people go just to "embrace traditionalism", I kid you not

>> No.22204878

I'd slaughter all of the Abrahamists. I'd ship the heads of the Christcucks to the Vatican, Mudslimes to Mecca, and J*ws to Jerusalem, and then I would nuke them all. I wouldn't even spare the women or children.

The Holy Spirit is a daemonical force of pure destruction. Jesus was an idiot.

Allah is an angry, jealous, and merciless god, and I put superior idols before him. Muhammad and Ali were idiots.

Moses and the Torah are shit, and I curse YHVH/Elohim/Jehova..

Every single Abrahamist deserves a slow and agonizing death. Eat shit and die, icchantika.

>> No.22204900

Whatever happened to Zoroastrianism?

>> No.22204932

Now now. Don't get too worked up Rakeesh

>> No.22204973

IDGAF what your little interpretation of the religion is, it's FALSE. The Quran itself denounced the hadith.

>> No.22204979

Is it you, icchantika anon?

>> No.22204984

Nvm it is, I spedread. Crazy to meet you again. How have you been doing lately? Any breakthroughs with meditation practice?

>> No.22204990

On top of that, the hadith are for the people in the circumstance of an Islamic country. It's hardly necessary to 'shave your moustache but keep the rest of the beard as to differentiate yourself from the pagans' if you're a white living in europe or america. Same applies to circumsising your baby. If Christianity was a continuation of the monotheistic tradition started amongst Jews, then Christians would necessarily have to circumcise their babies too. Again, people who blame things on Islam are fools who prove nothing but their religious illiteracy.

>> No.22204996

Prove it.

>> No.22204997

Shiva tongues my anus

>> No.22205002

That's completely illogical, because the same applies to every religion, just replace 'Christ' with something else.

>> No.22205008

Even music is haram in Islam, it's a souless religion

>> No.22205037

People making shit up about Islam left right and centre.

>> No.22205090

>Even music is haram
tell this to indian muslims
>Well I like my modern life after all, thank you.
the two are not mutually exclusive

>> No.22205102

The Iranian revolution happened

>> No.22205260
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, Shah-of-Iran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever HAPPENED? I'll tell you what fucking happened!

>> No.22205341

>Sufism is the most natural and logical esoteric path for Westerns.
>is brown
What do brown people have against their shitholes so much that never never just stay there and must infest everywhere else? Is it just the complete lack of self-awareness?

>> No.22205349

Why not Ismailism instead?

>> No.22205394

You don't have to do it, though it's recommended. Also, even if you don't do it, none is going to check you dumbo

>> No.22205413

>What do brown people have against their shitholes so much that never never just stay there and must infest everywhere else?
Replace brown with white, and you described 500 years of history until today

>> No.22205461

> b-but every religion is the same!!
Cope. Christ is king. Period

>> No.22205481

I'm sorry you have to eat with a fork, Rajeesh. Enjoy your street pooping session with the boys.

>> No.22205499


>> No.22205508

>hesychasm, showing it's teachings on subtle centers and techniques to attain Oneness,
In his Ecclesiastical History written between 323 and 324, Eusebius of Caesarea mentions a group of Christian ascetics from Palestine and Egypt engaged in intense austerities, one of which reminds us of the posture on the head. practiced by yogis:

>There is also another sect, called the Prodics, who claim that salvation consists of standing on your head with your feet in the air and continually repeating certain prayers.
Ecclesiastical History 5, 18, Patrologiae cursus completus J.P Migne

These "prodics" from the Greek πρόδιγος, which in this context means "excessive", were probably linked to the "encratic" communities, founded by Tatian the Syrian, practicing vegetarianism, celibacy, intense fasting and bodily mortifications in order to purify the soul of his worldly tendencies. Their theology was a priori borrowed from the "gnostics", for whom the soul, immortal, was imprisoned in the illusion of matter. These intense ascetic practices were intended to free her from it, so that she could unite with the Holy Spirit and regain her original purity. They were considered according to the comments of Hippolyte of Rome as "mysteries", that is to say secret practices revealed to initiates. The practice of inverted postures was accompanied or followed by prayers. Eusebius uses the analogy of a metal purified by fire to describe them:

>They turn their feet up, thus holding a drill like gold or silver set on fire, until, their soul being inflamed with this vigor, they rest for a moment in the position of rest, reciting the litanies of prayer, and immediately get up to continue this same exercise, day and night, without interruption.
Ecclesiastical History 5, 18

Although encratism was condemned as heresy, it actually had a certain posterity among the monks of the desert.
The description of this inverted posture technique recalls the teachings of Hatha-yoga and the techniques of viparītakaraṇī. According to tantric physiology, the nectar of immortality flows naturally from the head, lunar center, to the belly, solar center, where it is consumed. This postural inversion leads to a physiological, physical and subtle inversion, allowing to stimulate the internal fire and to prolong longevity until "overcoming death". It was also considered "esoteric" and taught by a master to his disciples. The Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā states: “For the person whose navel is above and whose palate is below, the sun is above and the moon below. This position called inverted posture (viparīta karaṇī), is understood thanks to the directions of a guru. (Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā 3, 79, trans. Tara Michaël).
Such a discovery shows that the ascetic tradition and its techniques know neither religious nor cultural borders.


>> No.22205524

I cant take any twelver shia who claims sufism as legitimate. Medieval twelvers used sufis to perform taqiya and tossed it aside once it was no longer needes

>> No.22205526
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>> No.22205702

>Sufism is a more natural path for Westerners because
>Islam and Christianity stem from the same non-Western branch
Based retard

>> No.22205864

It got heavily repressed and now a minority religion in throughout Central and South Asia. It's still around, you can join it, the trouble is just finding a group of them because there's so few.

The Hadith are quite clear on the necessity of male and female genital mutilation in order to achieve proper emulation of Muhammad (he was born without a foreskin, which is a sign of him being a Prophet, like all Prophets before him)

>> No.22205877

>(he was born without a foreskin, which is a sign of him being a Prophet, like all Prophets before him)
what a fucking joke of a religion lmfao

>> No.22205912

Yeah, except the most is made up by the muslims themselves.

>> No.22205958

>Goethe, Napoleon, Nietzsche and Hitler
a bunch of termimal failures liked a loser religion? shocker.

>> No.22206042

Islam and Jewry is gay

>> No.22206102

ur just assmad that he refuted your claim that sufism was still an authentic initiatory path

it's over. you're a fraud and a LARPer.

>> No.22206145
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>Islam and Christianity stem from the same Abrahamic branch

If you can't parse them, the blinds served their purpose.

>> No.22206326

>though it's recommended.
name one non-heretical/fringe school of Islam where its only recommended and not mandatory and provide a citation that shows its true please

>> No.22206395

>Atheists and Catholics are two sides of the same coin
How do you reach this level of delusion?

>> No.22206756

It seems Guenon was right about most things. It's an interesting contrast, the replies in this thread.

>> No.22206764

Ezoteric means information disclosed only to a select group, natural is a vague concept and logical means that the conclusions are leading from the premises, now please explain how these three are mutually exlusive.

>> No.22207010
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Thoughts on Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad (Timothy Winter)?
He's read the Traditionalist School probably in totality and is very conscious of its influence. I'm not sure exactly what tariqa he is initiated into, nor of which Shaykh he made bayah to. Anyone know more about him here?


The one thing that is regrettable in these Islamic circles in the West is that in the exoteric dimension you are basically a kind of quisling for non-white immigrant groups who all hate the West and white people. At least that's how it seems. They have all the 'nafs' in the world about their status as immigrants in opposition to the natives, and as a white convert you're expected to be like a white uncle tom.

Besides that I'd agree that Islam in its ideal, pure dimension - esoteric and exoteric - is the perfect religion and remains alive in both domains. Buddhism is absurd nominalism and rejection of essential reality, Hinduism is in actuality beside whatever claims some make, is limited to Indians, and Christianity is completely dead in all domains.

>> No.22207015

>and Christianity is completely dead in all domains
not Orthodoxy

>> No.22207026

Yes it is, it's a bunch of political football churches who are in constant schism with each other over geopolitical conflicts. Both Greek and Russian Orthodox churches have been hijacked and manipulated by bad actors, domestic and foreign, to advance whatever temporal end is in mind. E.g, the church in Constantinople being at the mercy of the Ottoman Sultans, to their subversion by Western imperial power players in the 19th century, and of course not to mention the Russian Orthodox Church's manipulation and total domination by both the Tsars and the Stalinist regime. Now FSB regime.

I can imagine in Mt. Athos it's as close to the real deal as Orthodoxy can be, but even then it is just simple mysticism and the Orthodox metaphysic is lacking. Theosis is incomplete Henosis and half of Orthodox theology is ripped from Platonism/Neoplatonism while denying its provenance to begin with.

>> No.22207091

Nta. But calling something dead is more telling on the person making that claim inability to see it's living qualities. It withstood the assault by western materialism much better that Catholicism and Protestantism

>> No.22207109

Timothy Winter to Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

Form Jew name to Arab name
White people have no spiritual culture.

>> No.22207173

I think the likes of Timothy Winter and Hasan Spiker will facilitate an Islamic revival within the west, grounded in Tradition and Philosophy proper. I don't see much understanding, erudition nor competence from other individuals, except for Nizamuddin posted above. He is a treasure.

>> No.22207176

>Worships two different entities and ascribes partners to God
Sounds a bit polytheistic to me.
>muh trinity

>> No.22207246

>Yes it is, it's a bunch of political football churches who are in constant schism with each other over geopolitical conflicts. Both Greek and Russian Orthodox churches have been hijacked and manipulated by bad actors, domestic and foreign, to advance whatever temporal end is in mind. E.g, the church in Constantinople being at the mercy of the Ottoman Sultans, to their subversion by Western imperial power players in the 19th century, and of course not to mention the Russian Orthodox Church's manipulation and total domination by both the Tsars and the Stalinist regime. Now FSB regime.
The idea that the Orthodox Church has been shaped by politics is false and the accusation is always made in bad faith. There have been heretical emperors who tried to change the church doctrine since Byzantium and they didn't succeed. Even if doctrinal schisms will happen, as long as there remains a doctrinally correct church, Orthodoxy is not refuted according to its own biblical doctrine that "the gates of hell shall not prevail". If you take a look at the history of Christianity, from its first centuries and pre-schism period until now, you will see that nothing changed and the same threads happen again and again, the crisis of the church has been prophesied by the saints, what will most likely happen is a return to the state of the earlier days of Christianity of heresies and persecutions but the "gates of hell shall not prevail" principle is not dependent on numbers.

>I can imagine in Mt. Athos it's as close to the real deal as Orthodoxy can be, but even then it is just simple mysticism and the Orthodox metaphysic is lacking. Theosis is incomplete Henosis and half of Orthodox theology is ripped from Platonism/Neoplatonism while denying its provenance to begin with.
Alright, so here guénonianism intervenes. I won't debate on these topics, I am not a perennialist and I have no obligation to take non-dualism as a point of reference for truth. If anyone is interested in our doctrine, they should look at it from our own perspective.

>> No.22207256

Don't like it. Simple as.

>> No.22207292

> Hinduism is in actuality beside whatever claims some make limited to Indians
That is demonstrably untrue, but you will just stick out more, I dont know why people lie about this

>> No.22207411

> Calls him the Word and Spirit of Allah.
> Has not died, like all others prophets
> Will come back to judge humanity at the end times

BuT heS JuSt a proPHeT!!
> Sounds a bit polytheistic to me
Because you are a retarded inbred Ahmed

>> No.22207428
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad(pbuh).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's sunni so he's sus

>> No.22207599

>The Iranian revolution happened
how does one make a post idiotic as this?

>> No.22207601

>, is limited to Indians,
wrong, wrong

why are guenonian muslims so retarded? This 'impossibility' of getting integrated into hinduism is something completely made up, an imagination of their own minds.

It not only goes against the declarations of the highest dharmic authorities but also against the historical facts. Hinduism is not found only in India, but it naturally expanded to Shri Lanka, Nepal, going through all southeast asia till Indonesia,
And in it's initiatic domain (tantrik, shakta, etc), it was never closed. The only tradition which is exclusive to indian brahmins is purvamimamsa, but I don't think anyone here is interested in going to Kerala recite the Vedas and perform fire rituals.

Another misconception of theirs is thinking that the distinction exoterism-esoterism is applied to hinduism in the same way as in abrahamic cults. For example, the dependence of the initiate to exoteric rituals is something exclusive of semitism, in hinduism the initiate has by no means an obligation to abide by the magistrate of some exoteric authority. Those two domains are by no means mutually dependent (it is actually exoterism which is dependent on esotericism, but not the other way around)

>> No.22207686

Ok so what strain of Sanathana Dharma are you a member of, as a white westerner? Have you been initiated? You can blame Muslims for seeing Hinduism as impenetrable but that is definitely the common view thanks to 'Hinduism's insularity and absence of need to proselytize. Hell, Buddhists are more approachable and they actively attempt to gather a western audience/'convert' community.

>> No.22207704

Since most European Traditionalists have, or will have, Asian wives and GFs it makes more sense for them to get initiated into Taoism (always overlooked in these discussions) or Buddhism.
I simply can not imagine the psychological volatility of being a hapa raised by a white Muslim father.

>> No.22207728

>The only tradition which is exclusive to indian brahmins is purvamimamsa
That's not true, studying the Vedas, which by extension includes Vedanta, is supposed to be limited to the twice-born castes, undergoing the ceremony of investiture with sacred thread qualifies one to study the Sruti. That's why every Vedanta theologian in their commentary on the Brahma Sutras all affirm that it's off-bounds for Shudras. For purposes of eligibility, people outside the caste system lack the proper qualifications just like shudras.

>Members of the lowest Hindu varna, the Shudras (artisans and labourers), and people below the four-varna system altogether are regarded as theoretically ineligible to study or even to listen to the Vedas, a collection of hymns in archaic Sanskrit.

However, there is no restriction on women, shudras or foreigners studying the three main branches of Agama texts (Shaiva, Vaishnava, and Shakta) and from being initiated into the sects and teachings based on those texts, which includes a lot of Shaivism and Shaktism and some Vaishnava devotionalistic sects. And people in these sects typically don't look down on you for being outside the caste system but you will more likely be treated as a guest of honor.

>> No.22207824

>it comes more easily to the Western mind to conceive of the Absolute as God
how is Neoplatonism a countertradition to this?

>> No.22208052

If Iran were still Zoroastrian, it would be even more anti-Western than it is now.

>> No.22208522

I'm just clearing out a misunderstanding that has been spread out.
i'm basing my claims on what I have been informed by people who have been initiated and also on the declarations of traditional Authorities

If it's easy and accessible or not or its the "common view" it doesn't matter. That is very different from saying that it's "limited to Indians". All this bullshit about the (allmost)impossibility of being initiated in hinduism has discouraged many people who've read Guénon and have led many to islam and a pseudo-sufism (thats the truth in the majority of cases) for pure sectarian reasons, guenoninism is nothing but a cult, Guénon himself would be ashamed if he could see that he basically became a Schuon
thank god they are not infected by this virus

And I'll go further, not only are the paths of sanatana dharma available but also those of the far east (yes, Taoism) and buddhism has always been open
the only impediment is the ignorance of Guenonians regarding sanskrit /chinese and their own unsurmountable mental scheme into which they're trapped

Well, if you can be initiated into a Shakta or Tantric path, I don't think you'll be considered only as a guest.

Another point, as you mentioned Vedanta. It's advaita doctrine is not found only in the Śruti, but also on Smrti and Itihasa. In fact, the culmination of the Shri Vidya path is nothing but advaita. One of their most respected texts, the Tripura Rahasya, teachs nothing but Advaita (it says at the beginning: "Now I will tell you the knowledge section (Jñāna Kāṇḍa). Listen!").

And you cannot deny the fact that you could be accepted as a disciple of a traditional sannyasin of vedanta and attain self-realization under his guidance. This is not my guess, this actually happens. And those are not 'californian sannyasins'.

tldr; No, westerns are NOT forced to go to Islam as the only alternative remaining

>> No.22208549

>It was a mistake to just adopt Jewish tribal practices willy-nilly,
You moron. Circumcision goes way beyond Judaism. It's been done all over the world, with great emphasis in Africa, which is how the Jews got it.