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/lit/ - Literature

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22200121 No.22200121 [Reply] [Original]

You've read more books than her this year, right, /lit/?

>> No.22200128

I'm on book eight. Regardless, impressive, very nice, let's see her stack.

>> No.22200133

>thinks quantity is better that quality

>> No.22200135

I don't keep score.

>> No.22200137

No, I don't count and I'm always picking/dropping books.

>> No.22200142


>> No.22200145


>> No.22200148

I hate women so much guys.

>> No.22200162

I’ve read 21 so far. I only read 15 last year. I think I’m finally over having Covid last year. I was always so tired last year.

>> No.22200163

I hate people so much it is not even funny, but I love how women smell. And it is not even the smell of pussy, it is their sweat. I don't know what the fuck is up with it.

>> No.22200169


>> No.22200171

What is the limit to degeneracy? At some you have to look at yourself and say, yeah, this is not it.

>> No.22200178

do not doubt the great depths of the hole man is willing to dig for himself

>> No.22200197

I just like their natural smell, what is wrong with you? Just like some men love ass or whatever.

>> No.22200214

How does one go about reading 134 books every year?

>> No.22200218

Fuck you for not using how does a man go about reading 134 books a year.

I wanted to make a joke about it taking a woman.

>> No.22200219

It is doable if you are doing a lot of reading. I can read 2 small books a day or maybe even 3. And a doorstopper or two a week

>> No.22200224

If that makes you feel any better, I wasn't never really into my mother or my sister smell.

>> No.22200227

I was.

>> No.22200250

Yes, I was never really into their smell, which makes sense considering that they were my mother and sisters. Even my cousins too.
But I remember doing P.E. and sometimes being near girls would drive me fucking nuts.

>> No.22200264

I almost finished 1 (one) book, it's 350 pages long

>> No.22200312

It’s not one your pokemahn games like you gotta collect them all in a year

>> No.22200320


>> No.22200326

Never need a bitch, I'm what a bitch need.

>> No.22200410

I've read one (1) book this year.

>> No.22200417

I've read 48 this year but some had 1000 or even 2700 pages.

>> No.22200419

You aren’t. No one need abuse themselves with your company.

>> No.22200420
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god damn it

>> No.22200479

its pheromones and everyone gets attracted by them in the sweat

>> No.22200992

This. I always hate seeing at the start of every new year all of these dumb book bitches making videos on how they read 100+ books this year. They’re reading slop and their retention is non existent.
Quality and comprehension >> Quantity

>> No.22200999

I bet her boyfriend doesn't even read.

>> No.22201012

Emmie is not a dumb book bitch, she is not like the others.

>> No.22201109

I just looked at her Goodreads and she counts individual poems as books.

>> No.22201135

That's what's been said about literally every flavor of the month book e-thot shilled here since forever.

>> No.22201143

She is not like the others. Emmie is different, she is legit and does yoga. I like her.

>> No.22201144

Exactly. I’ve never actually seen one of these basic book YouTube bitches that were actually “not like the others”

>> No.22201148

Emmie is legit

>> No.22201159
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>> No.22201166

i have read more (all litrpg)

>> No.22201187

Yeah, zero retention. Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself for a 5/10 because she makes YouTube videos about reading.

>> No.22201203

>zero retention
What the fuck are you talking about? She is just recommending books.
This gal made some actual lectures on books.

>> No.22201208

But it is in French, so non-francophone dudes won't be able to understand.
She does have a video on mishima.

>> No.22201214

Also she is a TERF chudette villaine, whatever that is supposed to mean.

>> No.22201233

I don't know why I even bother with this place. The world is filled with /lit/ qts, why do I give a shit about this place? Can someone refresh my memory?

>> No.22201239

I mean, I could listen to Emy in French talking about literature with her marvelous voice and language vs reading to >>22201187 Mr sick fuck bitter shit posts complaining about everything.

>> No.22201241

Reading is for fags

>> No.22201247

Anons are bitter old hags that have nothing left in life but reading.

>> No.22201287

>I could listen to some dumb 5/10 give surface level takes on books, or I could argue with someone I disagree with on 4chan.
Yeah it looks like you’re doing both, buddy

>> No.22201290

seeing women hit the wall is so sad she was cute library girl now she is whatever this is

>> No.22201297

Yes, why would I take book recommendations from some dumb bitch breezing through 150 books a year and not understanding or remembering any of them a week after finishing?

>> No.22201307

First of all, I'm learning French. Second, Emy isn't dumb and she isn't average or anything, she is beautiful. And last, she does have some pretty good videos.
My point is what am I getting here? I did try to make some effort posts and people were like: meh whatever, then I did manage to post some bait and get answers, but still, worthless answers considering what I really wanted. I'm probably going to abandon humanity and stick to chatGPT.

>> No.22201325

>she is beautiful
Bro she’s a 5/10 max. Already hitting the wall at like 19 years old. >>22201290
Even this anon agrees with me

>> No.22201330

>imagine being this bitter about her
She could probably be a model or some crap if she lost some weight, but she is a beautiful person, that teaches French to kids.

>> No.22201337

kys simp

>> No.22201339

Paperbacks should be outlawed.

>> No.22201352

>that hair
>talking about some random author
>in French

>> No.22201363

>she could be a model
Okay now I know you’re just trolling. Have a good night bro.

>> No.22201370

Bruh, she could easily be one of those instagram girls. They all use photo editing shit and so on.

>> No.22201380

I honestly don't care, more Emy pour moi :D

>> No.22201385
File: 551 KB, 854x1684, Books I've read in 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

51 books this year so far. I read 47 last year

>> No.22201388

Those Instagram girls aren’t models. They’re just bitches on Instagram. Any bitch could be one of those, retard

>> No.22201395

>she’s so beautiful, she could easily become a pretty social media girl if she used editing software on her pictures.
Based retarded White Knight.

>> No.22201398

It's been years since I last read a book from start to finish, I don't have the attention span or maybe I'm an idiot.

>> No.22201402

Fuck this place, I hope you guys never leave here, no hard feelings. And I honestly hope to never meet any of you out there.

>> No.22201434
File: 63 KB, 1017x713, efgertfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite classics
>First published March 19, 1955

>> No.22201493

i'm reading 45th right now. Kerouc and Ginsberg Letters. It's kino

>> No.22201578

that is a man

>> No.22201654

The paperbacks are almost as ugly as her.

>> No.22201681

My attempts at romance have all ended in failure. God I hate women.

>> No.22201714

THIS is who you guys are obsessed with? I missed when the flavor of the month Booktube girls were actually cute.

>> No.22201726


>> No.22201729

drop some I can beat off too then

>> No.22201733
File: 59 KB, 796x647, 262C84DC-AF35-4EDC-A486-DBA47E8E261B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like that ugly bitch from TLOU show

>> No.22201740

I'm trying to finish a book I started reading last year

>> No.22201749

>born a biological woman
>still look like a tranny
good lord this must do irreperable damage to the female psyche

>> No.22201758

She has not read it and got filtered 20 pages in

>> No.22201768

This one has some retarded takes, and the same shit taste as every other book tube girl, but at least she’s cute

>> No.22201826

I like her interests in fae and euro folk, gives her a more wholesome warm vibe, also acts more like a person than some other fem book tubers

>> No.22201882


>> No.22201925

Indian accents are absurd.

>> No.22201936

I've read
The Glorious Cause
The World of the American Revolution
The Dominion of War
Crucible of War
Bayonets and Scimitars
The First American Cookbook
Home Life in Colonial Days
A Woman of Courage on the West Virginia Frontier
Fur, Fortune, and Empire
The Ohio Frontier
The First Frontier
History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations that Once Inhabited Pennsylvania
Traditions of the North American Indians Vol I-III
The Midewiwin or the Grand Medicine Society
Prehistoric Textile art of the Eastern United Staes
The Huron Farmers of the North
Almost a Miracle
The Complete Herbal
I re-read
Moby Dick
Don Quixote
Le Morte d'Arthur
Heart of Darkness
and the Bible

>> No.22202534
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You stupid faggots will see a woman who doesn't look like your favourite cum tribute and immediately call her a man. The absolute state of men kek

>> No.22202556

37, but I work full time and have a kid. And while I'm not always reading more difficult works, I don't read booktube junk food.

>> No.22202578
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>> No.22202611
File: 1.17 MB, 1020x4092, kay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the books
Based or cringe?

>> No.22202626

Not YouTube, and she doesn't only talk about books. But I think she's cute so whatever

>> No.22202631


>> No.22202677

>9 books from a shitty YA series
>bunch of Indian books she read for a class
>a bunch of shit about hotels for some reason

>> No.22202754

Her dislike of philosophy is kind of lame. She's read Beyond Good and Evil but clearly went in with an uninterested mindset from the start. Didn't like Descartes or her philosophy class either. She's a good reminder that, once I go outside the autism circle, students don't really give a shit about learning stuff that doesn't concern their uni studies beyond some casual curiosity and anything basic relating to whatever one's politics are. All that said, she has relaxing vids.

>> No.22203147

Imagine the handjob with that stellar wristwatch.

>> No.22203180


>> No.22203249

you can tell my her facial expression that she's lying

>> No.22203254

>the third policeman