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22198293 No.22198293 [Reply] [Original]

What was the Malacandrians tax policy

>> No.22198326

>C.S. Lewis

>> No.22198333

>>C.S. Lewis

>> No.22198335

God damnit, is there an Iron Maiden song that's not about a book?

>> No.22198493

Link to song?

They didn't have taxes because they didn't have a society that functioned around scarcity
It seemed like everyone's needs were taken care of because of the abundance of food and water in the valleys they are not bent, like we are, so taxation is not even a concept they would ever need to come up with

>> No.22198502

There's no such thing as a society that doesn't use money.

>> No.22198528
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Then the Malacandran's didn't have a society by your definition
They all just lived as they were meant to and did what they wanted
Otterfolk lived and made poetry and fished and hunted big spooky river monsters
Tall spindlybros lived and looked up at the stars and tired to do science and stuff
Frogcrickets pepe guys lived and built things cause they liked building things
They "traded" among eachother probably but it was more like them all letting eachother do what they were best at so they could all be happy
Shame about the birdpeople that all died when the planet got attacked by the bent one or whatever. They were probably cool

>> No.22199731

I still dont agree with the concept that scarcity is the cause of violence

>> No.22199746


>> No.22199753

I think their peace was because they lived in perfect virtue, given them directly by a representative of God

>> No.22199769

Sorry for multiposting but it really seemed like Lewis was developing an Anti Nietzschean narrative, almost explicitly. Weston's speech at the end was Nietzschean to the extreme

>> No.22199836

It is not the only cause, but surely it is large factor which was absent
The violence that happened there due to weston and devine was not because of scarcity, but a deeper problem
I haven't read philosophy

>> No.22199839

If you like CS Lewis you should read The Abolition of Man.

>> No.22199986

I have
I've read alot of his philosophical/theological works, but I don't count that as reading philosophy because I haven't read other philosophers and was kinda lost the whole time
I'm starting with the greeks soon and will work my way through the chronology ubtil I eventually come back to Abolition of Man
I understand much of what he was saying, and think it's probably the most important book ever written, but there were still some parts I couldnt grasp
Still to big brain for me at the moment
The cosmic trilogy basically shows his philosophy in narrative form tho

>> No.22200029

Yeah all his narratives are great expositions on his philosophy. Maybe even better than his actual philosophy works

>> No.22200788

there aren't any taxes because it's another "if everyone simply acted le good, there would be no need for such things" episode

>> No.22201222

I dont get it. Cant you have everyone be le good and still have need for social services

>> No.22202494
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On such a small scale there wouldn't be a need because they would just help eachother with what was necessary personally
The Malacandrans seemed to live in a tribal state, if you want to compare them to Thulcandra. We only meet a small group of them and are told there are others around in different valleys, but from what we saw in the book they don't seem to have a population large enough to from even ancient human level cities or anything
Also taxes are bent and malacandra is not under the influence of a bent lightboi
Does anyone happen to have any art of this series? It's a relatively unknown trilogy compared to everything else in the genre and I've never seen any fan art done of mars or venus but it would be really nice
I wish it was 30 years ago so a lotr-esque trilogy of movies could be made about it
(OBVIOUSLY i wouldnt want to see a modern day adaption)