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/lit/ - Literature

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22196620 No.22196620 [Reply] [Original]

He’s above the Nobel prize and he knows it. May as well award Shakespeare a Nobel prize posthumously as well

>> No.22196626

Don't know who this is and I don't care.

>> No.22196630


all these other writers are doomed to obscurity, nobel or not

>> No.22196640

Literally who?

>> No.22196642

He knew he did not deserve it and was just being used.

>> No.22196660

This, I’m afraid.

>> No.22196759

>didn’t deserve a prize 50+ talentless hacks have been given
>the greatest artist of the past 80 years

>> No.22196765

Wiggle Wiggle.

>> No.22196772

Can you name a writer which is a superior artist to Bob Dylan from 1941 onward? Serious question

>> No.22196776
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Easily. Next question.

>> No.22196780

Off the top of my head TS Eliot and James Joyce both have nonsensical little things they wrote for their kid relatives. I’m sure the total list for that is massive.

>> No.22196788

I’d expect you to list a good writer like Gass or Marquez lol. Pynchon is literally nobody. Not even literary critics or writers take him seriously, outside of maybe Bloom — who was an awful critic and also believed Dylan’s nobel was justified.

>> No.22196810

Most all the Nobel laureates of literature who were born after 41.
Perhaps but Joyce and Eliot had the sense to not make those writings a part of their work. Imagine Wiggle Wiggle as the first chapter of Ulysses or first stanza of The Wasteland.

>> No.22196950

Imagine if Old Possum’s Book of Cats were the start of Blood on the Tracks or Blonde on Blonde.

>most Nobel laureates after 41
Name some.

>> No.22196955

How do I into Dylan?

>> No.22196964
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Will Taytay get a Nobel?

>> No.22196973
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Literally plagiarist from the beginning his career to now. His music. His books. His Nobel speech. All plagiarism. He is a hack. Leonard Cohen is a real poet. Better lyrics and never stole

>> No.22196981

>Imagine if Old Possum’s Book of Cats were the start of Blood on the Tracks or Blonde on Blonde.
Did you miss the point or ignore it?
>Name some.
Going from memory and best guess on age, Handke, Llosa, Muller, Coetzee, Pamuk. I am guessing you have not actually read many (if any) Nobel Laureates.

>> No.22196984

Do you know entire stanzas of Hamlet are lifted straight from Shakespeare’s source play? Not to mention Chaucer, Dante, Eliot, and so many others.

Plagiarism is not something which exists in art. Plagiarism is a concept which only exists in academic research and (Western) corporate law.
>Leonard Cohen is better
Great songwriter but only charlatans think this

>> No.22196990

I’ve read and studied actual great writers, some of them Nobel laureates, certainly not the nobodies you just named. Couldn’t give you a single fucking thought as to anything they’ve done. They weren’t great enough. And like that they’ll be forgotten. Nobodies

>> No.22197000

You're trying to justify literally ripping out entire passages from numerous books and calling them your own words. Chronicles has almost word for word plagiarism from at least 11 confirmed books. He is a hack. Literally copy paste hack. Even with his plagiarism Leonard Cohen's lyrics have much more soul. Dylan's protest folk period is gay. The surrealist madlibs BOB period is cringe. His only good writing is BOTT and later albums when he was writing more sincere like Cohen lol

>> No.22197001

Oh wait! Coetzee, yeah the guy that wrote Disgrace. One of the worst books I’ve ever read. Sincerely. Good to know your taste sucks with total affirmation

>> No.22197006

I don’t have to justify artistic license. You crying about it is hilarious. Since you’re crying, can you now tear down Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Dante? Since they did the exact same thing in their greatest works, please do it now so I can screenshot. Thank you

>> No.22197007

>i have never read them but I know they are not as good because they do not exist in my bubble
If you don't even know Handke then you should not be on /lit/.

>> No.22197009

Lol, you are a literally retard and not because of your opinion of Disgrace.

>> No.22197013

I know who he is, never read anything by him. Sure it’s good. Maybe not if he’s being placed alongside that pretentious graffiti artist Coetzee lmao

>> No.22197026

I need you to understand most writers are awful. Most artists are awful. Every now and then you’ll get one like Whitman or Dylan. For the most part it’s academic chumps working in English departments and writing about their bitter confused outlooks on the world, and they inspire absolutely nothing in anyone outside of people who are inspired by miserable moping. Of course, even in that category you have some brilliant people like Gass and John Edward Williams.

>> No.22197033

Disgusting physiognomy. Only a retard would pay attentipn to this fag.

>> No.22197036

It's cringe when anyone does it but they weren't lifting all their words from multiples sources like Dylan. Any one who copy pastes other peoples work in every page of their book is a hack. His words aren't original. I don't care about unoriginal writers. Leonard Cohen never lifted a line. Dylan lifts passages every single page! It's not his words. You enjoy Dylan you're actually enjoying 30 other writers

>> No.22197046

I understand perfectly, you have no self awareness or awareness of the world beyond the bubble you created for yourself.
>For the most part it’s academic chumps working in English departments and writing about their bitter confused outlooks on the world, and they inspire absolutely nothing in anyone outside of people who are inspired by miserable moping.
That is just about the best description of Gass (whose writing I love) I have read.

>> No.22197065

The problem with giving him the prize is that it opens a can of worms now that every lyricist is now a contender for literature. Might as well award Tupac Shakur then. Nobel prize outside of natural sciences is a joke anyway

>> No.22197100


Does her body of work justify it?

>> No.22197220

when will /lit/ move past this absolute hack. it's been more than a decade

>> No.22197558

Taylor Swift. Dylan is only acclaimed for being part of the chosen tribe.

>> No.22197570

>Leonard Cohen's

He wrote some good songs but the number of his good songs is much smaller than the number of good Dylan songs, or for that matter, David Bowie.

>> No.22197572

>finds disgrace shit
>thinks dylan is good

>> No.22197582

Gass is fucking trash. He can't write fiction to save his life and you wabt to award him a nobel? Fuck off.

>> No.22198193

Only Americans and high school girls think Marquez is good.

>> No.22198208





>> No.22198221

1. Dylan is a mumbling, wheezing hack and the musical equivalent of Thierry Guetta
2. The Nobel prize for anything other than STEM fields is deeply compromised. I'm sure anons familiar with science will confirm than even those Nobels are politically motivated in some way

>> No.22198449

Bait post.

>> No.22199643

No. But It justifies all the men she had sex with