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/lit/ - Literature

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2219345 No.2219345 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what are your criticisms of the Hunger Games trilogy?

I've noticed people say that the first is the best and the next 2 aren't so good, but I found that the second was much more interesting, presenting a more complex and developed plot, more memorable characters, and just having themes and ideas that were quite a bit beyond the first whose main focus was the games more than anything, and not even one that incorporates philosophy or a study of humanity so much as a mildly exciting action story about a teenager surviving in a forest while killing other teenagers (which to be honest, Battle Royale did better).

Of course, this may be because I read all 3 in the span of a couple of days, and so the story is fused together for me rather than being 3 separate chunks. By themselves, perhaps the first is the most self-contained and easiest to process story.

The second half of the third book did kind of fall apart, the author just deciding to kill everyone and cutting the final and most important part of the war into some shortened fairly anti-climactic summary, but before then it was pretty good in my opinion.

What did you guys think?

>> No.2219362

Read them all. The first one was interesting and action-packed. The second one started off boring, but as they got into the arena it got interesting again, and I couldn't let go of it until I had finished it. The third one was good.. But closer to average. Too much drama. Everywhere.

>> No.2219363

The reason I didn't like the second and third as much was I feel like the trope of 'Hunger Games' was forced. The rebellion thing felt very forced to me.
I guess I just felt like she was trying to force the last two books to make a little bit of extra money. Hunger Games is a great standalone book for a fun read but not as a series.

inb4 elitists telling you to stop liking things they don't like

>> No.2219374

It did feel somewhat forced.. It didn't come naturally at all, the rebellion thing. Also, the ending of the third book was so freaking predictable.

>> No.2219377

How did you even manage to get past the first chapter? The writing is atrocious.
I want to know why badly written books are doing so damn well right now.

>> No.2219378

Do elaborate on why it is a bad book

>> No.2219396


>> No.2219398

Keep up the good work guys, this works fantastically as a troll

>> No.2219405 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 320x270, 1296411495415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the first sentences:
>present tense
>first person view
>I'm a super uber-tough bitch

Couldn't stand the prot after the first few pages. Tried to scan through the book to get to the fighting, found none. Does it start in book 2 or 3? Way to go. There could've been merit if it weren't written exactly the way you'd expect, another very teenage fantasy.

>sage for Hunger Games threads every 3 hours

>> No.2219410
File: 12 KB, 320x270, 1296411495415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the first sentences:
>present tense
>first person view
>I'm a super uber-tough bitch

Couldn't stand the prot after the first few pages. Tried to scan through the book to get to the fighting, found none. Does it start in book 2 or 3? Way to go. There could've been merit if it weren't written exactly the way you'd expect, another very teenage fantasy.

>sage for Hunger Games threads every 3 hours

>> No.2219418

The first book is the one with the most fighting.

>> No.2219425


It starts out a little shitty but finds its stride.

Also, what's the problem with a character who's self aware? Bitch is pretty tough. Filled with flaws, and even the toughness is one, but being strong and fearless is one of her character traits.

>> No.2219549

There's nothing wrong, except for the way it was portrayed. The author seems to have a hatred of cats to establish the bad-assedness, like "I only care for my little sis, but I'm gonna drown the cat she found and loves, because even though I'm a great hunter and can even sell meat, a cat is impossible to feed for me" (some bullshit about "another mouth to feed" or some similar worn-out phrase), next page she remembers a wildcat or whatever (lynx?) that was following her during hunting and she had to kill it because it scared off game. See, it doesn't really show much diversity, plus killing off harmless animals may be a necessity, but you can expect to put off a lot of readers if you mention it on the first fucking pages. (And yes, I know she didn't actually drown the little cat, but she wanted to)