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22193368 No.22193368 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22193387

Masturbatory assertion in the absence of any development. A thread died for this.

>> No.22193408

He’s right

>> No.22193415

I don't understand how in 2023, you can still be an e-tradcath unless you are below the age of 18 and/or brown. And if that's the case, I'm sorry.

>> No.22193420
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Yeah, time to move on and explore Italian Idealism.

>> No.22193517

In the lack of an authentic tradition such as rc or eo they were forced into gnostic speculation...

>> No.22193551

>I much prefer idiots idealism.
>all hail the infallible Pope!

>> No.22193570
File: 153 KB, 964x1388, 70E8DA9E-1E9E-4F5E-B29B-F065927903D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refutes natural theology
Heh, nothing personal kid.

>> No.22193588

he was only a minor setback. you forgot to watch Metaphysics Wars Episode V: The Metaphysicians Strike Back

>> No.22193662


Hegel is the only one from amongst those knuckleheads who is worth reading —for, both: edification, and leisure; his works are Catholically oriented, not Protestantistic.

>> No.22193969

*Kant, sorry typo

>> No.22193998

I don’t know, Bulgakov and a lot of early 20th century Russian theology was very influenced by German idealism.

>> No.22194019
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>*Kant, sorry typo

>> No.22194023

I don't know what that means because i'm retarded, but I don't like protestants so yes you are right

>> No.22194030


>> No.22194110

Who's the best of them?

>> No.22194139

You need to go further back. Christianity is one giant Roman slave cope.

>> No.22194263

Schelling was Catholic tho, Fichte (at least up to 1800) was pretty much a deist, Kant was areligious and never went to church (although he had a preference for protestantism, but only on practical grounds, not theological ones). Of the 4 Hegel was the only genuinely protestant thinker

>> No.22194283

Fascism and fascistic liberalism(elitism) are the true heirs of german idealism. Including Kant.

>> No.22194294

how so?

>> No.22194295

Pseud detected
>The movements that destroyed Europe were good actually

>> No.22194608

I want to read Rosmini so bad bros

>> No.22194805

Gramsci is the highest expression of Italian idealism

>> No.22194979

Smart guy take to be honest senpai

>> No.22194980

Schelling because he isn't a turbo autist and actually wants to respect the natural world, though it doesn't quite work

>> No.22194984

Romanticism is strictly superior to idealism and any abstracted 'logical' model of the world

>> No.22194985


>> No.22194988

You're right. Too bad that Romanticism was basically the artistic counterpart of philosophical Idealism.

>> No.22194999

Why is he an idealist? Ive never read him, but ive heard this claim many times
Shelling was way more autistic (in a bad way) than Kant and Hegel, Fichte tops them all.

>> No.22195135

>Why is he an idealist? Ive never read him, but ive heard this claim many times
Because he built his philosophy entirely upon Gentile

>> No.22195184


>> No.22195191

Schelling is schizo. Fitche is autistic. Hegel is normie. Kant is onions. Novalis is king.

>> No.22195210

>his works are Catholically oriented, not Protestantistic.
What? How?

>> No.22195213

Evola mogs Gentile

>> No.22195259

I have yet to read Evola's Absolute Individual because it is untranslated tho title and contents certainly intrigue however I find that Gentile was much more occult while actually occulting that occultism and furthermore has a much better grasp on Hegel and Idealism generally rather than possessing some sort of childish Nietzschean rebelliousness as per the Baron tho a lovable lil esotericist he is indeed.

>> No.22195286

Incredibly based posts all around. God bless this thread.

>> No.22195963

And that’s why it’s great

>> No.22197675


>> No.22197712

>Why is he an idealist? Ive never read him, but ive heard this claim many times
He modified the pure materialism of Marx where base economic forces determine everything to introduce ideology and culture into an account of how history and class struggle develops.

>> No.22197744

Heidegger mogs Evola. Evola is just an Italian German Idealist with a penchant for right-wing beliefs and a love of the occult

>> No.22197746

>Evola is just an Italian German Idealist
is this true?

>> No.22197779

>Heidegger mogs Evola
Heidegger is a fraud

>> No.22197893

who are you replying to, crazy person.

>> No.22198078

There is LEGITIMATELY nothing wrong with fascism in a vacuum and I am tired of pretending there is. Franco, Salazar, and Pinochet were all net-benefits for their countries, and even Mussolini was booting Italy in a decent direction before he had the bad fortune of falling in with Hitler.

Nazism is a deficient and decrepit mutation of fascism that was, correctly, stomped out of existence. But fascism in and of itself has yet to be properly refuted and has a perfectly respectable win/loss column as far as governments go. It's got at least as good of a track record as democratic republicanism.

>> No.22198085

Franco was an opportunist juntaist and Pinochet was a puppet. The real heroes of South America were Peron and Allende:

National Socialism was just Germany's way. Evola's short book or essay, Notes on the Third Reich, is a good unbiased overview of it. Evola is overall critical of volkisch philosophy without a metaphysical basis because it tends to lapse into materialism etc., but even he can't deny the wonders achieved by the NSDAP regime. It basically achieved Marx's dream of a communist society within Germany in 10 years.

>> No.22198443

Gramsci >>>>>>>>>>>>> Marx

>> No.22198457

That's pretty boring, I hoped idealism here wasn't meant in the marxian sense (as in, as the pre-eminence of the structure over the base). I hoped you were going to tell me that Gramsci was a fullblown idealist in the Berleleyan/Fichtian/Hegelian sense.

>> No.22198465

Gramsci is a Marxian who removed all the retarded dirt from Marx. Absolutely based if you really think about it.

Also, read the Prison Notebooks.

>> No.22198479

No, I want to read metaphysics, atm I don't really care about this stuff

>> No.22198496

>I hoped you were going to tell me that Gramsci was a fullblown idealist in the Berleleyan/Fichtian/Hegelian sense.
Oh he absolutely was not. He was still a thoroughgoing Marxist, just one who moderated it with some influence from Croce.

>> No.22198804

Could have been true. Because before going very much into his early pagan stage, he wanted to write a book on his own system called Magical Idealism.

>> No.22198963
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Then read Heidegger and Severino. Idealists are not metaphysicians.