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22190892 No.22190892 [Reply] [Original]

Good schizo / conspiracy books?

>> No.22190994


>> No.22191002
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>> No.22191006
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their other book as well

>> No.22191415
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>> No.22191585

The Holographic Universe - Talbot
Stalking the Wild Pendulum - Bentov
A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness - Bentov

Read quite a few but these were the ones that I enjoyed the most.

>> No.22191586

That would be literally me.

>> No.22191589
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>> No.22191758

If you search "ufology" on the Internet Archive you'll find various zines written throughout the 80s/90s with similar material. Also be sure to look up the names the author thanks in the first few pages, most of them are also writers or people with their own rabbit holes.

As for non-alien writing, I'd recommend looking up the name "Alla Erawa Viacid," you'll be able to tell you got the right guy when you see his website(s). Interesting guy with little to no posts about him anywhere.

>> No.22192170

I just downloaded stalking the wild pendulum yesterday after reading the analysis and assessment of the gateway project. From your reading, was bentov actually on to something or is it just 200 pages of schizo nonesense?

>> No.22192174
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S K Bain - The Most Dangerous Book In The World (9/11 As Mass Ritual)

>> No.22192179
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Juri Lina has two good ones

>> No.22192182
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>> No.22192186

This. Not only is he onto something but McGowan is unironically an astoundingly good nonfiction prose writer on an aesthetic level and probably would be remembered as literarily important had he chosen another genre imo. Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon is supposed to be great too but I haven't read that one yet.

>> No.22192191

>Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon is supposed to be great too but I haven't read that one yet.
It is great but as a full blown consiratard schizo, even I can't bring myself to believe this. I think even McGowan himself knew that he had something, but not everything, because the book never comes close to a conclusion in the same way that P2K does.

>> No.22192205

>McGowan himself knew that he had something, but not everything, because the book never comes close to a conclusion in the same way that P2K does
Idk, PTK gave me that same vibe. Maybe it's more pronounced in Weird Scenes but even in PTK you don't ever get a concrete theory, just a ton of dot connecting. Like what did he think was the precise connection between MK and the stuff he described? How did he think the MIC/spies, the occult and organized crime were connected exactly? What purpose does it all serve? He never really says and the conclusion about Sade, de Rais and Mobutu doesn't make it any clearer, if anything it's much more confusing to trace it all the way back to Gilles de Rais.

That's part of what I really loved (or "loved" ig, PTK is pretty brutal) about the book though, that it's not some ready made narrative, more a connection of overlapping inconsistencies that can be a starting point for your own research.

>> No.22192217

What are "schizo / conspiracy books"?

>> No.22192218
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Posting a couple more that I think have aesthetic value.

This one (both editions) is a must read on the Manson case if you want to get into the parapolitical side of that case. Whether it's accurate is another story, like literally everything on Manson, but it's a very good read. The author was a member of The Fuggs and writes in this very hip (in the early 70s) hippie prose that I imagine is completely unique in true crime/conspiracy writing.

>> No.22192219

Pandora's Box by Alex Christopher

>> No.22192229
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And this one is the conspiracy touchstone on Son of Sam and also a crucial book for the Manson case. Terry had some weird connections, some of his research seems really sloppy to me, and recently there have been Son of Sam fanatics revising a lot of his ideas. Aesthetically it's a lot more bland and popcorny too but it's very very interesting because Terry was closely personally involved in the investigation and was basically a normal guy who got sucked into an absolute obsession with this case that took up the rest of his life. And it's not bland in a bad way I wouldn't say. Also historically important for helping kick off the Satanic Panic.

>> No.22192240

collection even

>> No.22192317

lmao in the intro he calls national socialism, islam, judaism, and communism, amongst others, evil and need to use violence to assert themselves. did you write this shite?

>> No.22192323

It's amazing that the guy wrote an entire book denouncing masons but doesn't list christians (the religion most masons subscribe to) or capitalism (the political system masons subscribe to) as evil, prefering to list all those clearly not-masonic things as evil.
The name Juri Luna doesn't strike me as particularly WASP but this is peak american ideology anyway.

>> No.22192329

he even quotes marx a few sentences later as some intelligent bloke denouncing governemnt. not gonna read anymore.

>> No.22192331

does he call them evil, or does he call them weak?

>> No.22192341

he says weak and insecure indiviuals and ideaologies whilst talking about the evils of freemasons and the fact they have forced these isms onto us..

>> No.22192343

Say what you will about schizos, they have interesting aesthetics

>> No.22192357

But the only ism forced on us by freemasons was capitalism.

>> No.22192360

the common ground between Lina and Freemasonry would be that ignorance serves evil

>> No.22192362

im a retard with adhd in my later years. sorry

>> No.22192393
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The Magickal Revival
Forge and Crucible
Hermetic Tradition
Psychology and Alchemy
Jung, Buddhism, and Sophia
VALIS trilogy
"Greenpill" shit
Eros and Magic in Renaissance
Hound of Actaeon
Mana and Mass Society
Search for a Perfect Language
Modern Occult Rhetoric
Occult Mind
Occult Traditions
Alchemical Traditions
Alchemy Reader
Gnostix Gospel
Breakdown of Bicameral Mind
Ever Present Origin
The Bible
ur Von Balthasaar
Homo Abyssus

>> No.22192502

>ackshaully, the staunchly liberal media isn't liberal enough!
low iq kikeshit

>> No.22192787

Fucking retarded american

>> No.22192930
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i've read Val, cooper, RAW, the essentials -- im curious to know if theres any corner of conspiracy that treats it rigorously and intelligently. val is a bit of a simpleton-savant compiler. Topper/MT's writings in the Val books is utterly genius and seems to reveal that the depths of Conspiracy as such is the removal of fear circuits and essentially steinerian/theosophical/neoplatonic theologizing. still wish there was a work that treated conspiracy as a proper field or mythos. schizophrenia is definitely an epistemological cartoon, but the canonization and mapping of the whole thing still needs to be done, the whole ecological niche of spontaneously generated new age mythos' is fascinating. kantbot is unironically doing good work on this front on the historical conspiracy stuff. Library Science, the discovery of the punchcard, the metahistory of computation and the Computer etc, all very fascinating.

>> No.22192971

I laughed at the Chomsky lecture when he said "even the left can be wrong sometimes". Presumptuous faggots.

>> No.22193210

who are cooper and RAW?

>> No.22193264
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milton william cooper and robert anton wilson -- cooper the 'classical conspiracist', RAW moreso playing with 'guerilla ontologies' (attacking the reader with disparate materials) -- theres a blurred line when it comes to conspiracy (revealing a conspiring) and talking after the conspiring is revealed (spirituality, guerilla ontologies, poetic terrorism, the circuits of consciousness etc)

>> No.22193326

I'll give you 2 books about real shit, one longer one shorter:

The Last Circle by Cheri Seymour
The Manufacturing of a President by Wayne Madsen

>> No.22193328

I still like VALIS by Philip K Dick

>> No.22193352

Terrifying book

>> No.22193416

Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft
Programmed to Kill
Eros and Magic in Renaissance
Freemasonry and Catholicism

>> No.22193425

Weird Scenes is both much worse and much better than PTK. It's much more readable, as each character gets their own twisting narrative without the endless court details like in PTK, but worse in that Dave repeats the same point like 20 times and a lot of the writing is rife with childish quips. Would still recommend you read it though, I blazed through it in a couple days.

>> No.22193429
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>> No.22193525

>In 1995, a Philippine colonel named Rodolfo Mendoza informed American authorities that he'd obtained a confession from Abdul Murad, a close associate of Yousef's, who revealed then that Yousef - in addition to assassination plots against the Pope and President Bill Clinton - was working on plans to send a hijacked airliner crashing into one or more of six possible targets in the United States. These included the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, a nuclear power plant, the Sears Tower in Chicago, and the Transworld Building in San Francisco. No date was set. In addition, Mendoza said Murad told him that Yousef had enrolled his accomplices in flight-training schools. Lance claims Mendoza's warning clearly establishes the official beginning of the 9/11 plot in 1995, not 1998 as outlined in the 9/11 Commission's report.
>Lance remains incredulous that when Ramzi Yousef, whom Lance dubs "The Mozart of Terror," was finally arrested for spearheading that bombing, FBI agents failed to canvass the other rooms in the same guest house where Yousef was staying. Had they done so, they would have found Shaikh Mohammed, the key conspirator behind the 9/11 attack. As it was, a reporter for Time managed to find Mohammed with little difficulty, who, using his own name, provided that magazine's readers a description of Yousef's arrest.
>But few screw-ups rankle Lance as much as the decision by federal prosecutors to dismiss as a "hoax and a scam," the testimony of mobster Greg Scarpa Jr. Scarpa testified that he relayed messages from Ramzi Yousef - who in 1996 and '97 was housed in a cell next to Scarpa in the New York Metropolitan Correction Center - to another Al Qaeda operative next door. Cooperating with authorities in hopes of obtaining a lighter sentence on racketeering charges, Scarpa befriended Yousef and copied his notes. In those missives, Yousef - then on trial - discussed blowing a plane up as part of a strategy to obtain a mistrial. He also passed detailed schematics of the bombs to be used and how they could be smuggled past airport security. Working with the FBI, Scarpa set up an outside phone line from which Yousef could patch phone calls from jail to anywhere in the world. But when Yousef made such calls, the FBI agents found themselves stymied because he spoke dialects of Urdu or Baluci.
>And when the TWA Flight 800 blew up, investigators found trace explosives
favored by Yousef on the plane, but rejected sabotage as a cause in favor of mechanical failure. Lance suggests that decision was based solely on political considerations rather than the forensic evidence, as Scarpa Jr. was already slated to provide key testimony in several high-profile mob trials. Lance contends that high-ranking officials, like Jamie Gorelick - now the FBI's chief counsel - shut down the criminal investigation into the crash of TWA Flight 800 for fear that their outstanding cases against various mobsters would unravel.

>> No.22193553

On to something for sure. The man was brilliant and ahead of his time.

>> No.22193573

>kantbot is unironically doing good work on this front on the historical conspiracy stuff.
is that the "trump will complete the system of german idealism" guy? watever happened to that guy?

>> No.22193606
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>> No.22193629
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>> No.22193634
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>> No.22193636
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he changed his name on twitter, essentially sloughing off the meme brand and meme followers, and just goes down conspiracy rabbit holes semi-ironically but heavily literately. library science, john dee, the construction of the world-system as we know it today and how it all precedes and anticipates the computer and intelligence agencies. it's some of the most solid conspiracy work which makes me long for a more rigorous Conspiracy Theorization, whatever that may be.

>> No.22193640
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>> No.22193639

Knuckledragging shitskin

>> No.22193679

Pretty much any "channeled" material.

The Law of One
Seth Speaks

>> No.22193774

Damn, I'll have to read his book next then. Shame he died in that plane crash.

>> No.22193877

I've heard good things about Urantia.

>> No.22193906

mcgowan was a fluent and funny writer but he was also a schizo retard

>> No.22193910

dude trust me: the book

>> No.22193914
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This one is pretty good. The author is kind of coy about his conclusions, but it seems like he's saying that the House of Este (the Renaissance rulers of the Italian city state of Ferrara) engaged in some sort of ritual invoking the demiurge so that they could reincarnate their souls back into their own bloodline, and later into other powerful lineages in other parts of the world. And the author extrapolates all this from the design of the Sola Busca tarot deck that was owned by the Este family. It's pretty schizo and full of insane leaps in logic, but it's still interesting and well written.

>> No.22194079


>> No.22194251

Bicameral mind

>> No.22194290

He tries to convince the world that dinosaurs are a psyop.

>> No.22194299


>> No.22194417

good fucking tip thanks

>> No.22194480

Dana Horochowski

>> No.22194831
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Bashar and theosophical materials aswell.Topper does a good job of exposing the contrarieties in the channeled material (with lots of puns and meta-jokes on the matter -- the Medium has a Message, etc). its fun and he relates it all back to the strict hierarchies of densities and planes of consciousness, aswell as staunch affirmation of how Intelligent Evil truly does exist, something the channeled sources would want you to believe simply doesn't exist, parroting as it does bland new-age monisms of the 70s. also, arming yourself with layers of operative awareness as real protection against negative forces just as one would buy a gun for the aim of self-defense.

here's a review of Matrix III I wrote down -- excellent book


>> No.22194848

have you read this yet? been thinking about copping since it dropped worth it or should i just wait for a pdf?

>> No.22194851

have you watched/read mirage men? i hae only watched the doc not read the book but pretty fucking crazy if ur into UFO stuff. very good doc and i imagine the book is as well

>> No.22194868

where can you find it?

>> No.22194869

is he doing that stuff on twitter or on the patreon or ?? i dont see that stuff on the TL but could have missed it

>> No.22194873

think i torrented the movie and the book should be on anna's archive

>> No.22194874
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bit far down since hes gone on his latest rabbit hole, maybe before march, but his Patreon is where the work is concentrated, yes. he did go on a 1-2 week long rabbit hole about the detailed corporate politics of who owned what archaeology departments in attempt to prove dinosaurs fake. just search his handle and put in keywords: "john dee", "libraray science", "citation", "dinosaurs" etc

>> No.22194875

nice thank you he does seem much more interesting now. have you heard the interview he did with nick land and richard spencer on ethno-states lol? and the sam hyde interview. so funny the paths all these 2016 chuds have taken since

any book recs on john dee? or pre/early modern british occultism in general?

>> No.22194898
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havent heard the nick land one but the sam hyde one really disappointed me with how timid he came off and wouldn't namedrop any philosopher or idea to him.

per early british occultism, not entirely sure: what seems to be best is just reading Francis Yates' book on the Rosucrucian Enlightenment then following every footnote to get the atmosphere of the whole thing down.

of note:
The Arch-Conjuror of England: John Dee by Glyn Parry
Restoring the Temple of Vision: Cabalistic Freemasonry and Stuart Culture by Schuchard
White Magic, Black Magic in the European Renaissance: From Ficino, Pico, Della Porta to Trithemius, Agrippa, Bruno by Zambelli
Rose Cross over the Baltic: The Spread of Rosicrucianism in Northern Europe by Akerman

>> No.22195073
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A review/analysis here

>> No.22195085

this looks overwhelmingly interesting

>> No.22195125
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>Good schizo / conspiracy books?
Depends what you mean by this but all esoteric literature could qualify as that.

>> No.22195142
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thank you, these all look very good. have read a bit of yates but can see that that is the obvious starting place.
yh i just remember how funny hydes hulking figure looked ripping huge clouds of vape over kb's tiny frame. the nick land interview isnt great (its not 2017 anymore) but its on youtube tho if yr interested
thanks. looks like im going to have to get this.

>the opposition between human law and divine law is now irreversibly set, and is no longer dialecticizable. On the one hand, there are the citizens who abide by the prescriptions supplied by the lawmakers, that is, by the written laws, assumed to be turned towards the universal, but which happen to enable the fabrication in each subject of a soul adjusted to the ongoing mutations of the world of capital. On the other side are all those who remain attached to the unwritten divine law, which doesn’t need to be formulated and demonstrated. On one hand, the law promulgated by the governing authorities and more generally the masters of the
economy-world; and on the other, the underground law, which, as in the case of Antigone, continues to bind one to the Earth and the living beings of the past.

>> No.22195200
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This stuff is pretty compelling schizo-core that doesn’t get hung up too much on the occult. Found it to be an interesting read.



>> No.22195208
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A briefer review here

>> No.22195218


>> No.22195237

fuck off tranny

>> No.22196326
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>> No.22197683
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>> No.22198050

how's the boot taste? they gonna let you wear it soon?:tm: i'm sure any day now

>> No.22199008


>> No.22199129

bro put the parenti book down its not 1993 anymore, babies first 'media lies american police state' book isn't good schizo core - i'm sorry

>> No.22199167
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The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple
Prometheus and Atlas - Jorjani (lmfao)
My Big Toe - Thomas Campbell (fun)
The Montauk Project books - Nichols (good pulp, know boomers IRL who corroborate)
The Hunt for Zero Point - Nick Cook
Radio Free Albemuth - PKD (more sane valis)
In Pursuit of Valis/Exegeis - PKD
The Doors of Perception - Huxley
The Gospel of Thomas
Antichrist -Nietzsche

and if anything in this post I implore true schizo students to become familiar with the writings of Tom Montalk
Fringe Knowledge for Beginners - Montalk
Transcending the Matrix Control System (1 &2) - Montalk
Also the 'notes' section on his website

have fun :)

>> No.22199177

I picked this mega up from x a few years ago. It's full of all things esoteric. Enjoy.
