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22190547 No.22190547 [Reply] [Original]

Behold, the ultimate blackpill.

>> No.22190557
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>> No.22190569

>TV = bad, the book
I liked it, but I wish Putnam had the fortitude to just admit that 90% of the breakdown in social cohesion is due to immigration, everything else is just ancillary.

>> No.22190578

It's really not as simple as that.

>> No.22190580

dude the reason the standard of living in america is declining is because young people aren't joining the elks club anymore. it's such a tragedy. maybe the elks should put out some tiktok videos so we can restore the american middle class.

>> No.22190590

Spaniards are the fucking embodiment of community, though.
Went to a feliz coupleanos last night, and kid had like 50 mexican fucks show up. Small band of four musicians. It was awkward being the one gringo who couldn't get shitfaced, but the whole time I just thought about the sad, fat, lazy, and drug-addicted people that raised me, the father that didn't even bother to be in the picture.

Blaming them for why white people are so miserable doesn't seem right to me. Personally, I blame boomers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI-xOAg9EY0

>> No.22190591

Young people don't join any clubs, period. All legacy organizations in America are just the elderly, and even their numbers are dwindling. Even with modern equivalents like Discord groups, nobody talks to each other and it's often just an excuse to gossip.

>> No.22190603 [DELETED] 

well what the fuck are the elks and what do they even do? does anyone under 65 even know what the hell goes on in a moose lodge or elks club? i know knights of columbus like gives out free food on thanksgiving or something, but i mean what else do they do? will i suddenly become middle class if a volunteer at a soup kitchen on holidays?

>> No.22190610

>Examining the views of the postboomers in finer detail only reinforces the picture of accelerating generational decline. By 1998–99 respondents born in the 1970s—who had been less than five years old when this series of surveys started—constituted a rapidly rising 10 percent of the total population, and only 40 percent of them agreed that “most people are honest.” In short, at century’s end, a generation with a trust quotient of nearly 80 percent was being rapidly replaced by one with a trust quotient of barely half that. The inevitable result is steadily declining social trust, even though each individual cohort is almost as trusting as it ever was.

>On the interpretive assumption that expressions of social trust are, in the first instance, reflections of personal experience, weighted perhaps by early impressions, the social distrust among America’s youth should be seen not as a character flaw, but rather as a mirror held up to social mores of recent decades. Our youth are, in effect, telling us that in their experience most people really aren’t trustworthy. Perhaps thick trust—confidence in personal friends—is as strong as ever, as some Gen X’ers believe. However, thin trust—the tenuous bond between you and your nodding acquaintance from the coffee shop, that crucial emollient for large, complex societies like ours—is becoming rarer.

>> No.22190620

mexicans aren't spaniards
and besides that criticizing immigration is not necessarily criticizing the immigrants themselves. if you said you didn't want a stranger moving int your house, would it be reasonable for me to assume that you thought the stranger a bad person?

>> No.22190634

No, but if I'm talking about a type of social behavior becoming rarer, I wouldn't pin it on more exposure to people who do the fucking thing.
The issue isn't the immigrants. The issue is with these universities and corporations, lily fucking white, choke fucking a toxic culture down the throats of other white people.

>> No.22190637

you refuse to accept reality

>> No.22190647

>The issue is with these universities and corporations, lily fucking white

can you elaborate on why "lily white" universities and corporations are more "lily white" now than they were 75 years ago when the country's demographics were 90% "lily white"?

>> No.22190654

Literal retarded fucking muttoid

>> No.22190681

>It really is not as simple as that.
Yes, it really is. Immigrants and especially jews.

>> No.22190687

They're not "more" lily white. They are still, decidedly, lily white, now with some Chinese spies in the mix. All of the white people in those buildings could reverse this crap, but they won't, because it's perfectly in line with their suicidal agenda.

>> No.22190695 [DELETED] 


>> No.22190893

>immigrants are the problem
>not the billionaires and government officials making the policies

>> No.22191872


>> No.22192965

Thanks for the white replacement act of 1965 lbj.

>> No.22193065

Screw off the site you fag.

>> No.22193180

Is there a name for this halo effect libs give brown and black people just because they're not white? This anon reminds me of those french people who say that nigs and arabs having seizures while blasting shitty oogabooga music is le heckin' authentic culture, something whitey is not privy to anymore.

>> No.22193193

anything but technology, huh?

>> No.22193195

What difference does it make? If someone unleashes an elephant in your neighborhood would you say 'actually it's not the elephant crushing people that's the problem but the person who unleashed it.'

>> No.22193206

Yes, I would, if this is the second time the (((elephant))) was unleashed.

>> No.22193225

Behold, my twisted dream come to life.

But not mine alone!

>> No.22193230

You blame both, obviously.

>> No.22193237

I had Putnam come and give a few lectures for some of my classes during college. I am pretty sure he (((knows))). I honestly get it, why sperg out and get your work blacklisted?

>> No.22193244

My friend has a 91 year old Polish grandpa. Lived in a neighborhood with a bunch of polacks.

Now he's surrounded by Mexicans and the neighborhood bar is mostly empty.
Lasch talks about the death of common spaces. When did we get rid of the neighborhood bar so we can all Uber downtown to the same 3 shitty clubs and yuppie bars?

>> No.22193254

>Is there a name for this halo effect libs give brown and black people just because they're not white

>> No.22193263

When liberal cities banned titty bars and dudes from groping strippers.

>> No.22193294

I would prefer if my culture was not under attack.
>the mexicans get together still
Wow and chinatown is a thing, what does that have to do with americans?
No mexicans are not americans, if you were not going to be let in pre 1965 you are not an american.

>> No.22193490

You are correct that it's not that simple, but he did do a massive study on immigration to prove that it helps social cohesion, learned that it does the opposite, and was so depressed about the results that he published them in an obscure Swedish journal and has ever since hunkered down.

>> No.22193617

I'm perfectly fine with myself. I don't owe anyone anything, for their color or mine. The only people telling me otherwise tend to be either other whites or very, VERY, faggy-looking blacks. Less Tupac, more Donald Glover.

>> No.22193665

>My friend has a 91 year old Polish grandpa. Lived in a neighborhood with a bunch of polacks.
>Now he's surrounded by Mexicans and the neighborhood bar is mostly empty.
All I hear is "one ethnic exclave was exchanged for another".

>> No.22193671

Donald is the definition of a self hating coon. Theres a reason all his friemds in college where white theatre nerds and his baby momma is a happa princess whos last name is White.

>> No.22193702

Maybe. I was merely using him as a physical description from the kind of black guy who believes in white privilege.

>> No.22193714

>My friend has a 91 year old Polish grandpa. Lived in a neighborhood with a bunch of polacks.
>Now he's surrounded by Mexicans and the neighborhood bar is mostly empty.
sounds like Pennsylvania

>> No.22193732

It can be both.

>> No.22193743

If whites did this people would think they were organizing a klan meeting lmao

>> No.22193754

The last time White people did this, zog created the HUAC to send them to jail.

>> No.22193784

lol no huac was created by a mick to put jewish soviet assets in Hollywood out of work or in prison. It worked so good the glowniggers had to cancel him before he started on his campaign on the legislature.

>> No.22193803

Or a church meetup....Wait, I think I answered my own quandary.

>> No.22193885

he scared the shit out of those faggots

>> No.22193943

It's because atomized societies are more democratic and incapable of changing the status quo. You might think there's a contradiction there, but democracy actually means when everyone from all over the world is invited to come to developed nations and take out loans, or for developed nations to take out loans on their behalf. It's working fabulously. Corporate manifestations of community endanger democracy because they encourage people to form collectivities with interests that may be economically irrational. You are only allowed to agitate for group interests when you can convince the political and financial elite that all you are asking for is further enfranchisement and accession to a bourgeois state because that might increase the GDP at some point down the line. This is what the ideal rights-bearing individual looks like
>born at age 18, ready to take out loans for education
>has no political interests, besides those that tend towards helping disenfranchised people get access to loans
>saves no money, or puts his savings into the S&P 500
>has no children because children are economically irrational compared to importing more immigrants ready to take out loans immediately
>chooses euthanasia at 65
as you might suspect, technological progress is the other half of the equation in that it brings all of this into the realm of possibility. But the heart of it is really just late-stage usury and late-stage individualism running their course

>> No.22193957

Evola said they were attracted to the barbarism because of their dead lives and culture.

>> No.22193961

This is plainly untrue and you should fact check what you were told in high school next time before you continue to embarrass yourself.

>> No.22193995

>barbarism is what I liked about that thing
Doesn't add up either. Too much familial history with violence.

While whites in America have a lower per capita instance of such barbarism, I wonder how much of it is due to many of them just not being capable of it anymore. Kinda hard to be barbaric, if you're a coward in the first place. I did note that the kid I mentioned was training to be a cop at one point, and he was strapped for his own birthday party. Wasn't sure if he had it in case one of his relatives got too out of hand, or if they were waiting for the white people to go home so they could start grito yelling while they blew holes in the ceiling.

I'm not liberal, by the way. I dislike everything about American liberals. Individuals have a responsibility to not fucking fall for that shit, though, and whites are failing spectacularly in their own due diligence. Can't tell you how many white retards I've seen who were like "uh yeah my wife wants to try polyamory sounds legit,"because tiktok told them it was how they could stick it to the judeochristian man, and are genuinely surprised when they're fucking divorced a year later.

>> No.22194007

High schools teach that McCarthyism was wrong and a smear campaign against innocent jews in Hollywood. So according to you that means there was an actual cabal of jewish rats with Kremlin handlers that were actively trying to subvert the United States. Cool it with the antisemitism anon.

>> No.22194021

This is why I immediately discard anyone's opinions whenever they start talking about immigration policy as though it's enacted in the name of altruism. It's entirely economical. The economy can only stay afloat so long as people keep putting themselves into debt, which obviously becomes a problem when the native population starts to decline. Bring in the immigrants: the dollar lives to see another day, at your nation's expense.

>> No.22194029

Non-whites can get away with a loooot more shit in practically all western legal systems than whites can, though. Non-whites also have the unconditional support of academia and the media as well.

>> No.22194053

It's most of Chicago. Very depressing.

>> No.22194080

During the summer of Floyd it was Mexicans that kept niggers out of Cicero and other non nigger blocks while your coalburning sisters and cousins were inviting them in.

>> No.22194087

>Non-whites can get away with a loooot more shit in practically all western legal systems than whites can,
How do you figure? Sentencing for minorities is higher for similar crimes. Granted, if we're talking about them being more barbaric, there might be a reason for that. There's first degree murder, and then there's first degree murder where you cut the guy up and put him in a casserole to give him to your neighbors.
Regardless, I can't imagine a low profile case where a minority gets off for a crime that a white person would have been convicted for. It's different once CNN gets a hold of it and starts rallying a mob around an issue, but these are small, remote instances that just happen to get beamed into media 24/7 for months at a time.

>> No.22194091

nvm you're retarded lmao

>> No.22194095


>> No.22194101

It figures by having worked in my states judicial system and seeing minorities with lengthy rap sheets getting off with suspended sentences for violent shit that was pleaded down. Youre the type of faggot that cries about private prisons like they are anything in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.22194122

I'm not white you projecting retard.

>> No.22194126

Good post.
Too bad the thread immediately evolved into:
>It's so tough to be white
>Immigrants bad

Ignoring the entire concept of the ever-deepening death of the community and immediately blaming minorities for no one wanting to hand out with your boring and hateful ass, classic 4chan move.
This trend was occurring before the spread of the internet at-large, and would be a good topic of discussion with people who weren't retards.

>> No.22194138

The hispanic population in chicago is dope. They really treated me like family.
With multiple CCW holders around at all times, I felt like a VIP and safer than I have in any other major city.
I'd ride with them anytime.

>> No.22194176

By blaming other races, I can absolve myself of any social responsibility for the decrease in local social cohesion because I didn't choose to import immigrants.

I don't want to feel even remotely guilty for isolating myself and minimizing all forms of regular social contact with other people and not going out of my way to be friendly with people, even those whose political views are incompatible with my own

>> No.22194184

>blaming minorities for no one wanting to hand out with your boring and hateful ass, classic 4chan move.
leave if you dont like it, nigger lover

>> No.22194185

Immigrants are a drain on the economy

>> No.22194188

Are you serious
Look at 9/11. The FBI ignored obvious muslim terrorism because they were instead searching out nonexistent white extremists
Look at the reactions to any organized white violence versus organized brown violence
Look at what happens whenever a white defends himself against a nonwhite
Get this reddit garbage
>How do you figure? Sentencing for minorities is higher for similar crimes.
out of your head

>> No.22194192
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>tfw this century is our 'crisis of the third century'

>> No.22194194

Except the community has objectively deteriorated and it's not just lack of individual effort.

>> No.22194202


>> No.22194211

>Sentencing for minorities is higher for similar crimes.
Now imagine if you added the ones that get multiple free passes to that number. There wouldn't be enough jail to hold every fucking nigger.

>> No.22194390

>Less Tupac
Because he died young, he was a faggy theatre kid AND a carrerist. He played the role of the macho rapper well and he would have played the role of the libtard now (just like Kendrick releasing songs on tansphobia and antivaxers).

>> No.22194431
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>> No.22194440

>twitterfags discovered 'jaks

>> No.22194456

>No mexicans are not americans, if you were not going to be let in pre 1965 you are not an american.
Germans and Scandinavians weren't really considered American at first either, at least not by Franklin. There's some quote by him where he calls them swarthy and talks about the threat of them replacing Anglos. Which is exactly what happened in huge swaths of the country, outside of the South, Utah, and Vermont, you don't see any meaningfully large conglomerations of Anglos in the US anymore. The middle of the country is all Germans, the northwest is Germans and Scandis.

>> No.22194588

My introduction to sociology professor loves this book and always mentions it in his talks.

>> No.22194612

What's funny is that the 2016fags whining about how everything is the result of recent immigrants failing to integrate with the native culture are themselves the thing they blame for literally everything. A mass wave of newfags rendering entire boards unusable, refusing to keep to their containment getto, and generally shitting the place up. Where's Alanis Morisette when you need her?

>> No.22194744

Franklin was right about letting non English speakers in en mass. That's why you have the Pennsylvania Dutch.

>> No.22194829

Immigrants are just acting according to their own economic interest; if Canada had easy jobs that paid ten times what you're used to and government-supplied perfect robot waifus you would see burgers trying to illegally cross into Toronto all the time.

>> No.22195026

>Thinks 9/11 was done by muslims
So do you really think
>The jet fuel and explosion were strong enough to destroy the buildings steel beams
>Despite that, which is already absurd, they found an identifiable saudi passport of one of the hijackers among the pile of stuff
>The american government detained some jewish suspects that were seen dancing and filming the incident as it was happening. They worked for an israeli moving company, the owners of which moved to israel shortly after the incident. Nothing happened to the suspects and they were released
>The jewish owner of the building, Larry Silverstein, didnt go to work that day because he had a dentist appointment
>Larry also had bought the buildings only some months prior, despite the fact the buildings had albestos so he would have to waste a lot of money fixing that, so much so that it would be more economical to torn them down and build anew
>despite that, luckily he signed an insurance for the building which included terrorists attacks, and he managed to convince the court to give him double the money since there were two planes
>building 4, which held a lot of confidential info, despite not being hit by any plane, collapsed hours later due to... smoke damage
Yeah sure it were the muslism that trained with flight simulators in a cave

>> No.22195152

>When did we get rid of the neighborhood bar so we can all Uber downtown to the same 3 shitty clubs and yuppie bars?
the suburb, single family zoning

>> No.22195157

>What's funny is that the 2016fags whining about how everything is the result of recent immigrants failing to integrate with the native culture are themselves the thing they blame for literally everything.
Damn I never realized this. The irony.

>> No.22195359

I'm from 2011 and your whining about 2016fags is way more annoying. Almost every board in most threads there's some tranny like you spazzing out.

>> No.22195436

Is this any good if you don’t like bowling

>> No.22195445

It's literally a how to bowling manual I have no idea why these fuckers are arguing about Mexicans or whatever. So anyway yeah nah

>> No.22195465

Boring af. Now if it was about playing tennis alone I would be interested.

>> No.22195543


>> No.22195581

Yeah, the masses may be unable to exercise impulse control and stop hurting themselves with dopamine spikes from video games, tv, porn, etc. that keep that from obtaining true mental peace. And, yes, these kinetic pleasures are worse than ones we are evolved to find higher satisfaction from like social activities, even if they take more effort.
However, that doesn't mean you as an individual can't recognize this. You can choose to intentionally participate in social activities and communities, even if it's now harder to do so.
Also, not all of it is bright lights keeping people from going outside, some of the social degradation we are seeing is purely cultural or the result of policy. Suburbs actively encourage isolation when potential community centers are a 20 min drive in heavy traffic away. Then, when you get there, it is a massive complex full of people potentially an hour away from you, you'll never see again there on a semi-consistent basis let alone in another context.
Also, surprise surprise, when people stop being religious then don't replace it with any ideology people can socially gather around, that results in people being less social. Additionally, it also lowers social cohesion and makes social encounters more unpredictable and likely to be hostile as people no longer share values. So, people have even less reason to socialize now.
Not to mention, younger people are now more economically squeezed than in the past and often are too busy working and commuting to be social.

>> No.22195614

if you check the archive, /lit/ got much better at philosophy starting around 2018-2019. the old posts don't even get close. it's night and day. the literary discussion, when serious, is also better these days. harking to the ye old days of /lit/ is fucking stupid because it's basically reminiscing of a time when /lit/ was more like Reddit in mind and spirit, feeble and conformist.

>> No.22195901

That’s just not true about the different sentencing outcomes
Give this a read

>> No.22196724

Go make friends, anon. It'll help.

>> No.22196890

Gamer gate in 2014-2015 and the ensuing political shift in 2016 did draw a much larger summer than usual, and the containment of >>>/pol/ by mod raids was only a temporary fix. You couldn't get the jannies to do shit now, even if you were blowing them under their gamer desks.
There are blatant rule-breaking threads proliferating on every board, and they are never trimmed.
You'll never stop the schizos, but now you have to wade through them on your own.
The ate chan exodus around the same time as the shift made for a bit of a schizo-buffer, but with them falling from grace recently, the normies that didn't want to put in effort to following their exile and just want to shitpost their worthless thoughts and interjections trickled back in from that community.

You can't go a day on /sci/ without seeing a "why people dumb", "vaccine bad", "science is woke", "IQ gud", "[insert race here] bad", or a straight up religionposter shilling and reaching 300 replies with nothing but screeching.
You can't go a day on /his/ without much of the same.

It only takes one religionposter and a retard to engage with him to send a decent discussion right past the bump limit and off the board before you even get back home from work.
Jannies and mods actually doing anything anymore is a meme.
There are known offenders that wear their namefag marker with pride.

Hell, I remember when /mlp/ was created and the wonders it did when mods enforced that quarantine.
Adding new boards to separate psychology or religion would do wonders for /sci/, /his/, and /lit/, but even that would be too big an ask for mods.

The site you think this used to be never actually existed like you think it did, but it is now certainly doing worse.
Just keeping boards on-topic would be worlds better, even if you never will see the end of "left vs right" politics seeping into everything.
It's not dying, just immensely sick.
Maybe we'll come back around.
I would very much like to see that.
Every autist his own board.

>> No.22196996

They've known about them since 2019 newfag
I bet you don't even know about s

>> No.22197005

>guys I'm le ebin oldfag btw
>I've been here since like umm 2004
>I know a little something about 4chan culture let me tell (You)

>> No.22197011

shut up phonenigger

>> No.22197290

'itter coal

>> No.22197322

>puts his savings into the S&P 500
That's just a sound thing to do.

>> No.22198515

What's more blackpilling is that he was writing about the world in 1995. The world is WAY worse now.

>> No.22198530

What does this have to do with the book? Please stay on topic.

>> No.22199781


>> No.22200069

>immigrants make it so I can't get pussy

>> No.22200187

In the 90’s people acted less communally than in previous generations and had less connections than ever before and this is due to a variety of factors including mass media and decreased social trust.

>> No.22200491

>social trust collapsing
>bonds between people dissapearing

>> No.22200496

the book has nothing to do with immigrants thoughie

>> No.22200526

Does it not? I heard it was about the consequences of multiculturalism?

>> No.22200548

The more 'diverse' a place the less social cohesion it has.

>> No.22200549

I have a real life friend circle and a GF, I still wouldn't mind braining you with a baseball bat.

>> No.22201265

Yeah, well under the current paradigm it definitely is. The entire thing is about keeping the line going up. I don’t mean to diss stockfags. It’s just a very strong example of the growth ponzi and why it requires population expansion

>> No.22201875

imagine the movie equilibrium but everyone has an IQ of 25. that's the future.

>> No.22201958
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>> No.22202560
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It wasn't supposed to...