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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.41 MB, 2300x4000, femaleauthors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2218900 No.2218900 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some of your favorite female authors, /lit/?

>> No.2218907

Woolf is the very apex of female writers.

>> No.2218908

elfriede jelinek <3333333333
kathy acker
carson mc goddamn cullers
aimee bender
gertrude stein (though i've only read tender buttons and if anybody has recs i'd be mad appreciative)

>> No.2218910


GEORGE ELIOT????????????

Trolling aside, I'm surprised at how internationally expansive this collage is.

>> No.2218918

This is barely related but Kathy Acker is giving Jimmy Wales a really evil look:


Well actually she's giving Wikipedia programmer Brandon Harris an evil look today.

>> No.2218923

Do you mean those are guy's names or they're crap authors? They're definitely female.

>> No.2218928

It lacks Božena Němcová, which is weird since it has Daniela Fisherová.

>> No.2218929


maybe if brandon harris would stop looking like the guy who stocks dragonforce's dressing room with 5 hour energy shots people would stop staring

also read blood and guts in high school if you haven't

>> No.2218931

It lacks Evelyn Waugh.

>> No.2218935

Probably because The Grandmother isn't exactly cheap to buy in English translation, being out of print.

>> No.2218947

Pauline Kael

>> No.2218955
File: 29 KB, 319x475, 0805067272.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age / The child is grown, and puts away childish things. / Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies. / Nobody that matters, that is.”

Well if Ebert can have a thread...

Also forgot Joan Didion, Isabel Allende, and Amy Tan, but I thank you nonetheless OP and whoever compiled.

>> No.2218953

Mainstream as fuck, but I love Margaret Atwood

>> No.2218973
File: 319 KB, 1600x1200, 1206844007150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination
Margaret Atwood

Great fiction writers are usually better at showing than at telling. Sometimes, though, the job of explaining their creative choices is thrust on them by critics and others contributing to the daily cultural chatter. Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood rises to the challenge in her new book, "In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination," in which she describes her lifelong relationship with the writerly worlds of fantasy and science fiction.


>> No.2219937


>> No.2219983

Contemporary-wise, Aimee Bender

>> No.2220020

>looks through OP picture
>no Jane Austen

It's like you specifically chose to exclude her (I'd guess because a lot of the less intelligent here can't appreciate her and for some reason you don't want to alienate them)

Of course, if you were including authors based on actual quality, Stowe and Plath wouldn't be in the pic

>> No.2220028

J.K. Rowling. That's about it for female authors for me.

I tried reading The Bell Jar once but I found it to be like taking three or four Xanax at once.

>> No.2220031

That list could use some Karen Blixen

I like Karen Blixen.

>> No.2220039

most of those authors are just there to be PC. some of them are miserable even, hurston for example.

Ursula LeGuin is my favorite female author that comes to mind.

>> No.2220045


How is she, and what should I read by her?

>> No.2220051


you've def asked about her before but she's kind of magical realism esque and yes you should read her and what you should read is the girl in the flammable skirt

>> No.2220054


Are her novels bad, or is this just her best entry-level novel, for people new to her? I'm so confused right now.

>> No.2220056


it's short stories and it's good, just read it

>> No.2220060


I shall buy it on January 2nd, when I resume my reading. I take December and some of November off, so I don't have a literary meltdown.

I thought /lit/ hated women writers with a passion?

>> No.2220065

>Sor juana Inez de la cruz
I didn't even get to half the list, but that shit is borderline retarded. List is bullshit.

>> No.2220067

Why, Yourcenar of course.

>> No.2220069



also, not the part of /lit/ with good taste

>> No.2220075

Angela Carter, Jeanette Winterson, and Virginia Woolf.

>> No.2220092


>> No.2220097

Cecelia Holland

>> No.2220144

why jelinek?

>> No.2220145

Emma Goldmann <3

>> No.2220155

lydia davis, it's lydia davis, lydia davis forever

>> No.2220151


she's just got a really cool ass narrative voice i think

like, harsh and stern and analytical and not on its face very sympathetic at all but somehow the characters and situations still get rendered in a way that the reader actually gives a shit about, if that makes any sense

plus she's marxist as hell

>> No.2220152
File: 65 KB, 542x273, young-wizards-1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite female author is Diane Duane, most famous for her work on the Young Wizards series. The books are targeted at the young adult demographic, but they're very enjoyable, regardless of age. Starting in the '80's, the series has a long tenure with wonderful blending of relevant, generally accurate scientific information, a grand, epic adventure in each book, and a unique approach to "magic" that is less "wave the stick and use badly mangled Latin" and more "Going through the proper channels of logic, science, and reason by way of speech and geometry to tell the universe what to do."

Aside from that, she has an extensive bibliography, has penned many official Star Trek books and a few Doctor Who books, as well as dozens of other novels. I would check her out; she's great.

>> No.2220160

for female ya authors, definitely diane duane, also diana wynne jones, and susan cooper

for female fantasy authors, patricia mckillip, lois mcmaster bujold. also for science fiction james tiptree and uklg.

>> No.2220163
File: 72 KB, 288x362, rand3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, the GOAT of course

>> No.2220167


re: Stein, "3 Lives" is good. Also, "Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas" is obviously a big one, but I've never read it.

Love Stein (and Woolf), as well as many others ITT. Speaking of those two, I've been digging some more contemporary avant-garde females lately. Lyn Hejinian's "My Life" is awesome, as is pretty much anything by Rae Armantrout. This is pretty weird, experimental stuff, so it's definitely not for everyone. But it can be lots 'n' lots of fun once you get in the right mindset.

>> No.2220237

Have you never read her poetry or something?