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22187527 No.22187527 [Reply] [Original]

If I pay money towards a series that both I and the author expect to be finished, then I am entitled to his next work. I am ENTITLED to TWOW.

>> No.22187529

True, the fans basically own the copyright at this point.

>> No.22187530

The books keep getting worse with each release, why bother?

>> No.22187534

Storm > Dance > Feast > Clash > Game
Not entirely anon

>> No.22187549

if he dies are we at least gonna get winds published posthumously? or do we reckon he'll have some estate set up to stop that. either way, him kicking the bucket might be the only way we actually read this shit

>> No.22187567

if he dies it's brando sando time

>> No.22187777

Storm > Dance > Game > Clash >>> Feast

>> No.22187789

I haven't read any of asoiaf because it's not finished. I don't read unfinished series (unless it's just ongoing serial with mostly self contained stories)

>> No.22187953

You got duped. I'll buy the series if and when it's finished.