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/lit/ - Literature

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22186435 No.22186435 [Reply] [Original]

Can manga ever be considered a high form of literature?

Death note is one of the best stories ever told. But it's a comic.

>> No.22186442

yes I don't care for Death Note but I consider Berserk one of the greatest fiction ever written

>> No.22186446

Death note is crime and punishment for 5 year olds

>> No.22186475

Yeah pretty much. Zero anime has he writing in par with High anything. Only people that say that are people who haven’t read good lit. Equivalent of tiktok bitches saying some new genre trash is “greatest story in fiction”

>> No.22186482
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every fucking "smart" anime/manga character act like this

>> No.22186487

It's a problem with smart characters in general. That's why I make all of my characters retarded.

>> No.22186498

Does anything happen after he kills L?

>> No.22186500

retards can't write satisfying endings
meaning they can't write stories
people who can't write stories will never write literature
you are welcome

>> No.22186502

good guys end up winning because they're good guys

>> No.22186503

For the cucking or the BBC rape?

>> No.22186508

>Death note is one of the best stories ever told
You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.22186519

For it being a Thus Spoke Zarathustra adaptation.

>> No.22186523
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only 90s manga

>> No.22186534
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read alice in borderland
It's nothing crazy but it does smart characters right.

>> No.22186542

Can it be? Yes.
Is it? No.
Blame the authors in the medium rather than the medium itself.

>> No.22186613

you idiots haven't read death note if you think it does the magic smart person thing

the great part about death note is that it DOESN'T have magic smart people--- every deduction makes perfect sense, and every character decision is usually the correct one

In death note, the characters are smart characters written smartly. You can get inside their head and think exactly the way they are thinking at each point in the story. There are no magic people with superbrains like a fucking marvel comic. It's actually really good stuff.

Read the manga, retard

>> No.22186661

Most things have the potential to be truly great art. A manga could be a truly great piece of art but the medium is just incredibly saturated by garbage, death note included. Those manga that are currently toted as art, like berserk for example wouldn't even get published if the medium was through a novel. Some elementary Nietzschean philosophy is only groundbreaking in manga.

>> No.22186695
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Of course it can. Think about your question - be considered by whom?
If I consider some manga to be high art then it's high art. Simple as.

>> No.22187230
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i read picrel both yesterday and today and it's an incredible read, only a single volume long so the lack of direction and shitty pacing that comes with serialization isn't an issue at all

>> No.22187237

Except for the ending which is extremely odd as you’d expect Light to have had a handle on his shit.

>> No.22187247


>> No.22187323
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>death note is one of the best stories ever told
If you want the peak of contemporary Japanese writing you should be looking at eroge.

>> No.22187352


>> No.22187458

>Those manga that are currently toted as art, like berserk for example wouldn't even get published if the medium was through a novel
well yeah comics aren't literature, a big part of the appeal is sensuous.

>> No.22187462

comics can't be literature because they are comics
there are great works of manga that touch on the human condition and beauty and blah blah blah but they aren't literature

>> No.22187469

Some writers in the industry are very good, like Tanaka Romeo, Urobuchi Gen, Maeda Jun etc. Most of them are transitioning/have transitioned out of the field and into other mediums however, as eroge is not very profitable.

>> No.22187497


>> No.22187646 [DELETED] 
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>Death note is one of the best stories ever told.

>> No.22187710

>japanese writing
these niggas are stuck in perpetual childhood. thats why theres so much loli/pedo shit in their culture
this is also why their writing is 90% exposition and ALSO why their stories are so fucking creative. double edged sword.
the only way a manga/anime would elevate to high art is if the japanese outsourced all their ideas to a western writer who in turn tied it all into a nice show, dont tell bow.

>> No.22187737

Fire Punch is /lit/ to me, and everything else is mid

>> No.22188433

Just because it makes smart characters correctly (which isn't even true because for Light and L to shine, the rest of the entire cast needs to be completely retarded) doesn't mean it is "one of the best story ever told"
It's still a childish story for teenagers with redditor morality and shallow characters.

>> No.22188499

it's hilarious how obsessed weaboos are with gaining adult validation for their childish hobby, as if they are insecure of indulging in it. It's like a grown man inquiring into the deep mysteries of Dora the Explorer

>> No.22188507
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visual novels have a significantly lower barrier of entry than anime or even manga in that they're significantly easier to make. Manga requires a lot of time and effort as well as drawing skill, and they're not really profitable unless you make stuff that has general appeal. There are a lot of great manga about all kinds of things but they are usually produced by people who are more visually rather than literarily gifted. Anime requires large teams of people.

with visual novels all you need is a couple of sprites and backgrounds as well as a basic level of technical knowhow, to present a story that can be almost infinitely long about anything your autistic isolated japanese mentally twisted mind can conjure up. The sky is the limit when it comes to visual novels and the media is even interactive.

I got out of weeb stuff a while ago because it wasn't good for my view of the world, the right answer/wrong answer, good end/bad end mentality you cultivate from playing eroge is not how the world works and it's an easy way to substitute and pacify your need for romantic relationships and tenderness, but a lot of those games/novels are really engaging and interesting. Especially the more obscure ones, Much moreso than 99.9% of the anime that's coming out.

>> No.22188598

But why eroge? The best visuals novel are not eroge.

>> No.22188620

Berserk is trash and you are a 14 year old edgy retard

>> No.22188650

Kill yourself retarded weeb trash

>> No.22188653

like all of asano, it was shit

>> No.22188657
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maybe, I wouldn't know