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22184567 No.22184567 [Reply] [Original]

i just realized Nietzsche was right about literally everything

>> No.22184579

If he is actually right you won't ever know for sure. What the fuck is wrong with you? Get back to it and read it again.

>> No.22184620

In a sense, yes. I really wish certain people would stop throwing words like entitlement, consent or whatever other horseshit out of their mouths so they can get Reddit updoots too. In this world, if you don’t have power you’re nothing. I don’t like it either but that’s life.

>> No.22184717

Nietzsche is just a lot of words to say "you do you, hun".

>> No.22184749

You realize that if Nietzsche were alive today he would be a leftist, right?

>> No.22184758

No, I am right about literally everything.

>> No.22184767

Well, he did support slavery and importing non-whites to Europe so they could be serfs for the aristocratic upper class, so I suppose you're right.

>> No.22184770
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All philosophy is wrong because every persons life experience is unique and someone thinking up an idea and you reading it won't fix all of your lifes problems. Philosophy is good for enhancing your cognitive ability to understand things and other peoples perspectives but it's absolutely useless if you're trying to look for the answers of life like a weak faggot.

>> No.22184779
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Why will this picture not stop being necessary

>> No.22184790

Which most embodies slave morality, the left or the right? It’s not a hard question.

>> No.22184793

The christian right?

>> No.22184805

The left literally rejected Christianity. It's the right wing that is obsessed with a religion of slave morality.

>> No.22184810

No actually, it’s the side that celebrates victimhood, and is predicated upon resentful hatred of white men and the civilization that they built.

I’ll put it an easier way; which of the following dichotomies is most alike to slave morality:
Colonialism vs. anti-colonialism
White supremacy vs. BLM
Hierarchy vs. equality
Male chauvinism vs. feminism

>> No.22184824

Slave morality is not unique to Christianity. If we recognize that the true moral nucleus of Christianity is slave morality, the Christian Right today is still less so than progressive leftists. The modern left is secularised Christianity.

>> No.22184826

>it’s the side that celebrates victimhood
So christo-fascists it is then. They are the eternal victims of the jews, right?

>> No.22184828

This bait always works kek

>> No.22184903

You're not nothing, you fucking retard.
You're either part of the slave class (be that truthfully or with your own beliefs hidden from others)
Or you actively exhile yourself to exist outside the struggle as best you can.

>> No.22184913

There is no "most slavelike"
Both sides are distinct reactions to the masters' morality.
The title of "longest lasting slaves" can be given to the Christians, though, so if you want to pick a political slant, the right.

>> No.22184955

Remember kids, the internet is serious business

>> No.22184972

I am seething because he is in the throes of apathy with a statement like that, literally the thing Nietzsche was warning against, so he has learned nothing.
I am furious at a person who wallows in nihilism.
Take up your fucking arms and stand on your own beliefs like a man, faggot.
Even direct opposition to those who want to help you is better than
>"Shit sucks, guess this is my life now."

>> No.22185028

Christians are tolerable. Most of them just want to preserve cultural norms that are far less feminine than what leftists want. It’s like they took from Christianity its vices and dropped everything else.

>> No.22185030

You should stop, then. You chose to feel that. Not my problem. Take a deep breath and count backwards from ten.

>> No.22185036

>ITT: fellow slave-class actors argue who is 'more slavelike' and in the end drive themselves further into nihilism through feeling their ideals rejected
>Nietzsche will continue to mog brainlets, he just keeps getting away with this

>> No.22185071

The Ubermensch follows their own meanings, willing to carry the burden that struggle will entail.
Mine is to hope-post, albeit in a very aggressive manner today.

The Ubermensch is one who follows their ideals even through direct conflict against the herd, the pious, and against self-doubt itself.
I will not give you permission to say "if you don’t have power you’re nothing" in my presence without being challenged on it.
You're much stronger than to allow that to fester in you, anon.
Don't encourage that poisonous belief in others.

>> No.22185544
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Rejection of Christianity does not entail the abandonment of it. The liberalised order still acts on the tenets of what Christianity supposed, but they don't act as though there is a God at the nucleus of their struggles. The individual becomes a crusader once more, driven by the pursuit of all that Christianity stood for, without any of the spirituality or nuance. Such an ideal is naked, and permeates all current sociological matters.
It is like the wind, perhaps you don't see it, but it is everywhere, it is simply not in any container of sorts anymore.

>> No.22185560

Everyone has power within themselves. Nietzsche's message is a radically optimistic one, the most hopeful weltanschauung ever devised in fact.

>> No.22185568

Nietzscheans today think "woke" is the new Christianity. Being Christian in a postmodern world is reactionary.

>> No.22185618

realizing nietzsche was right about everything is realizing nietzsche wasn't actually right about everything thoughever

>> No.22186284


>> No.22186294

>Being Christian in a postmodern world is reactionary.
Yet Christianity remains as weakening as it was in Nietzsche's time. That says a lot about the condition of postmodern life where a sickness is viewed as a strength.

>> No.22186506

I mean, they're both at some level part of the slave-class, and they are both basing their moralities on a reaction to the perception that the other is part of the master-class.
I see some truth to that observation.

I don't think he ever mentioned sickness was a strength, but he did make predictions that the slave morality (valuing kindness, empathy, and sympathy), would be the cause of our decline as people who reproduce more are cared for and it causes a shift in who that herd-based slave morality favors.

>> No.22187236

Only because God hates it, not because he believes in it. This is the problem with atheism.

>> No.22187308

Nietzsche didn't write philosophy, he wrote about the future and it came true.

>> No.22187320

He was actually a life-denying pessimist affected deeply by the semitic mind-virus as well. Read Ludwig Klages.

>> No.22187381

Nietzsche is a fatalist cuck. I will never take a man like him seriously.

>> No.22187421

You're right, you should instead worship some Middle Eastern cult leader

>> No.22187424

Your Nietzsche is a philo-semite, kike.

>> No.22187561

without a doubt the right. leftist thought is the application of master morality to the working class as a cohesive entity. it entirely about fulfilling the will to power via the fulfillment of materialist interests at any cost without any concern for slave morality, which marx describes as a "bourgoise prejudice"

>> No.22187643

Then how am I suppose to know what to do with my life? What the fuck is real? Why does anything exist?

>> No.22187658

Are any other races capable of fulfilling his ideals?
Is greatness really an option for anybody except Europeans?

>> No.22187720

You don't know what fatalist means you dumb Jew worshipper.

>> No.22188028
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You realize that leftism hasn’t really been about this for decades right? No major leftist organization cares about the “workers” currently. Today it’s all bioleninism BIPOC, drug users, LGBTQI+ neurodivergent, differently abled, and fat positivity. You can be in just about any major leftist organization today and advocate for compassionate capitalism or public private stakeholder capitalism and be accepted. However if you try pushing back on any progressive narrative about protected groups your ass will thrown out. Modern leftism is all about the resentful loser who want to punish normal people and steal their stuff.

>> No.22188104

Christ is King and nietzsche is dead

>> No.22188123

Jesus is also dead.

>> No.22188860

Then why was he such a fuck-up?

>> No.22189234

All of Nietzsche's philosophy is predicated on nihilism and determinism. It is you who is the low IQ jew.

>> No.22189515

Stop looking to your sides, and look up.

>> No.22189519


>> No.22189522

Free will is incoherent, if you unironically believe in free will you are a pseud

>> No.22190197

Good bait.

>> No.22190462

>Nietzsche (1882): God is dead
>God (1900): Nietzsche is dead

>> No.22190478

"To give birth to a dancing star you need chaos in your soul."

>> No.22190489

Will can only exist in a deterministic system. Free will is nihilism, imagine believing in a universe where everything is random and divorced from cause and effect has meaning. Peak retardation.

>> No.22190677

Both the majority left and right are imperialist and colonialist
>white supremacy
Bad faith hatred based on poor white fear of replacement. “Nooo protect us gentry/elites!”
“All are equal under god, even the unborn!”
>male chauvinism
Manlets deserve pussy too!

You were saying?