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22183185 No.22183185 [Reply] [Original]

What book talks about this?

The word 'Holocaust' originates in the concept of sacrifice.

Was it some sort of Germanic/Celtic religious ritual to fuel the war? The wicker man burned victims for spiritual reasons. The Nazis studied the esoteric.

>> No.22183189

I don't think they were into that, more like killing people for the sake of getting their shit.

>> No.22183200

It also noted that animals as well as humans chosen for sacrifice are the best specimen of their kind. It's a sort of democratizing action to appease the people and give respite to societal resentment.

>> No.22183207

Yes, they usually pick a decent animal for a sacrifice, but the thing is that they enslaved them and made them work and ruined their bodies before that. It was purely pragmatical and economical thinking. Evil in its purest form, this is what happens when you dehumanize people. Dangerous shit.

>> No.22183218

But how is it essentially different from druid sacrifice? Or Scandinavian sacrifice? Or Aztec?

Were the Jews not the elite hated for their excellence? Nietzsche notes that they were at the head of all decadent movements. It is in a way a sacrifice of the best.

>> No.22183252

wasn't this Agamben's take?

>> No.22183260

They were put in labor camps or whatever. I think it is a disrespectful way to treat an enemy. I wouldn't like that, I would be ok with being killed and eaten like indigenous tribes would do with mighty warriors.
They do it out of respect, because they want to absorb their strength. So they wouldn't do that with women or whatever.

>> No.22183282

the term "holocaust" was intentionally adopted after the war by Jews in order to generate a new narrative where the Jews supplant Christ as the sacrificial lamb. It's an intentional travesty of Christianity.

>> No.22183288

There definitely is a biological element to sacrifice in that it's democratizing. I don't know if Agamben views it that way.

Jesus is also a story of human sacrifice and the sacrifice of the best. It's definitely deep within human biology.

>> No.22183294

But Jesus is Jewish anyway. What difference does it make?

>> No.22183302

I don't know who that is, I think it is disrespectful. It is not about democracy, if it is about war rituals or whatever, then warriors are the noblest class during said rituals and they deserve respect, ally or foe. Being treated the same as other people is humiliating. I don't like it. Also, regular people don't have much to do with it, you shouldn't really mess with them. And Jesus arguably didn't even exist.

>> No.22183308

No, those books do not exist. Anyone that would be willing to look at the holocaust in the objective fashion required for such a study would just realize it never happened.

>> No.22183339
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>> No.22183347

Odin demanded human sacrifice. It was within the religion. So did the wicker man and the Aztec god. It comes from the pre Indo-Europeans.

>> No.22183358

I don't know, a lot of cultures have those things in different ways. I'm just speaking my mind. I think that is disrespectful.

>> No.22183363

And it is evil for that exact reason, it dehumanizes people and turn them into plagues that have to be exterminated. This is what too much technology brings to warfare. Enemies are faceless and voiceless.

>> No.22183374

The difference is that Jesus's sacrifice is the centerpiece of human history that purchased something of infinite value for all people: eternal life. The deaths of the Jews killed during WWII, while unjust and tragic, is not comparable.

But Jews have succeeded in replacing the Cross with the Holocaust as the central event of human history in public school curricula and in the mind of modern man.

>> No.22183376

The Romans didn't do human sacrifice. The Nazis and modernism as a whole returned to a pre-Roman state of barbarism.

>> No.22183382

It wasn't human sacrifice, that shit was methodical and practical. They made an entire logistic to move people around and put whoever was able to work on labor camps and just got rid of whoever wasn't

>> No.22183393

Bullshit. They weren't work camps they were sacrificial burning grounds.

The question is; if that's what post-modern society is built on what are we standing on exactly?

>> No.22183397

A lot of shit. Governments do a lot of shit, while maybe they were/are necessary it doesn't make them cleaner or anything.

>> No.22183408

It was the zionist's sacrifice of non-zionist jews to create israel.

>> No.22183422

The effect is not the cause.

>> No.22183527
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Hegelian dialectic?
They literally create the cause to achieve the desired effect.
That being said the Costly Hall never happened.

>> No.22183540

God created the world so he could send his son to die for it? That Hegelian dialectic?

It's bullshit to create the illusion of control in a world where anything cam happen. We could have WW3 tomorrow and all die. God is dead.

>> No.22183554

sabbatean frankists run the world, the jews are being framed

no serious person could look at the advice in the old testament (don't kill, be faithful to your wife, stealing is wrong) and think it is objectionable

>> No.22183558

My apologies, I didn't realize I was speaking with a midwit.
Carry on.

>> No.22183562

Holocaust or Showa means “burnt offering”, one of them means that I forget which. The burnt offering was Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In return for destroying Europe, Japan and the European people and cultur the Jews were able to win WWII and regain control of Jerusalem. The Jewish Mafia fled Germany to the US and Israel. The West has been run by this Mafia ever since, who’s ultimate goal is total enslavement.

>> No.22183576

I exaggerated for effect but you get the point. Human sacrifice at that scale is not planned. it's the work of nature.

You are truly stupid if you think you can plan that.

>> No.22183583

You fucking morons are not seeing the underlying cause. Human sacrifice happens because it's built in human nature. It's not controllable through dialectic, it's something that happens like a stampede.

>> No.22183606

>build death camp in another country
>transport jews to death camp
>set up hospitals in death camp
>feed jews in death camp
>have midwife for delivering jewish babies in death camp
>pay jews money for working in death camp
>have brothel in death camp
>have swimming pool
>have orchestras and children's plays
>death camp

>> No.22183607

Holocaustianity is the new Abrahamic religion.

>> No.22183620

Why don't you fags read a few history books instead of frivolously speculating on a Vietnamese rice farmer basket hat weaving forum?

>> No.22183625

> Every single jew who survived it or has family that survived it are lying. each one of them
> You have to trust the nazis guys, they just wanted to keep them in a nice little resort! they did NOT hate jews

>> No.22183627

Progressivism & Holocaustianity are the two new acceptable Semitic religions for the goyim. I mean this seriously.

>> No.22183633

You’re an idiot. You live in a world dominated by jewish lies and gaslighting. Winners right the history books. The “good guys” have won 100% of the time, amirite? Seriously are you fucken retarded?

>> No.22183656

>surviving a death camp

>> No.22183658

They're both equally unassailable. Denying a tranny is almost on par with denying the Holocaust.

>> No.22183694

The condition of Fuhrer and Duce required war and human sacrifice to maintain. They were unstable positions like the pre-Romam barbarian societies.

Augustus gave birth to auctoritas because Rome had something the barbarians didn't.

The Germans and Italians became barbarians - they couldn't reproduce the magic of Rome.

>> No.22183967

I wrote an article in reference to Adorno regarding poetry and its place in the post-holocaust narrative. I don't think people here will like it (there are many of you who believe wholeheartedly in critical theory so it might upset a lot of you). one of the things i strive to do is create some kind of template on how to live and one of the main precepts is that if a jew does it, do the opposite. that means a shellfish and pork heavy diet and things in the larger sphere of severely punishing women who abort their children.

>> No.22184035

Both are lying.

>> No.22184125

The final redpill.

>> No.22184490

You say 6 million
I say 600
Either way it was a bad thing

>> No.22185529

I See Satan Fall Like Lightning is adjacent to this take, author opposes classic civilization to judeo-christian civilization and argues that da jooz and then the christians liberated humanity from to satan and his reliance on a communal strife -> lynching mechanism to maintain power. Gets schizo in the end saying that Neetch and Egghider were conscious neo-pagans trying to overthrow judeo-christianity and that the holocaust was the germans trying to retvrn to the old gods or satan worship. A very fun read albeit there's some crazy reaches and a lack of much evidence for a lot of the central claims. If you're a christian you'll probably appreciate it though

>> No.22185592

The story is literally Jesus dies so that you don't have to be a Jew anymore.

>> No.22185608
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The real question is, why was the holocaust needed in the first place? Begin looking in to that and things become clear. From the many, many financial scandals, the repeated Jewish-Communists trying to take over parts of their country, the repeated attacks by Jewish-Anarchists on the family structure. All of this and more from the country that was amongst the most education, prosperous, successful and artistic in the world.

>> No.22185630

Holocaust also come from a place of resentment. A folkish movement, nota bene.

>> No.22185642
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No, it did not. That was a reaction to the constant presence and repeated attacks by jews against the folkish character. Read it, it's all there in black and white. From subverting the family, value systems, power structures, economic stability and more.

Much like today, there is firm reasoning why jews have been ejected from every single nation they have been a part of. Further these nations have been separated by vast distances and by thousands of years, yet each one arrived at the same conclusion, get rid of them. Why? Either every single nation, country and polis has been in error or one specific group of people behaved so abhorrently that violence became the only recourse.

>> No.22185654

>Winners right the history books.
I don't know, am I retarded?

>> No.22185753

But they remained and they died. Again and again and again and again. They die on the cross like Jesus every time there needs to be a sacrifice.

>> No.22185761

It wasn't needed or wanted by anyone but Zionists. Germany offered to let all the Jews leave.

>> No.22185769
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Every nation has encouraged them to leave and yet they refuse until it is too late. Almost all pogroms were predicated on prior actions by the jew, it makes no sense that a peaceful people, living quietly and harmlessly would be the recipient of so much anger and violence without at least first causes. If this was true it would be the same for almost all obscure Christian sects who report almost no violence, beyond the occasional nigger gang harassing them. Same with many Oriental groups, they too suffer little animosity.

Fun fact, those same oriental groups were mentioned by Hitler in Mein Kampf.

>> No.22185787

They're the sacrificial lamb. Every time Jesus' word proves to be false yet again they're killed.

>> No.22185792

>le Bible
People have to start owning their shit, it wasn't God's intent. And if it were, God is evil as fuck and must be destroyed. That is basically how it works.

>> No.22185800
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Funny how people preach Christian ethics but they lasted less than three generations when confronted with a melting pot culture. The only culture that was an embrace of the natural world (National Socialist Germany) had to be surrounded and destroyed, and have its cultural heart (Prussia) ripped out and obliterated.

>> No.22185807

The Abrahamic God was an invention by the Jews. So they suffer every time he proves to be false.

>> No.22185811

>le shit is le shit
>what about some of le crap?

>> No.22185818

Jews are the backbone of western civilization. Their lie holds everything together.

>> No.22185822

Held everything together. WAT NOU?

>> No.22185821
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Are you capable of expressing anything worthwhile?

Terrible metaphor, but the Holocaust is the foundational myth of the current West. It ought to be broken and shattered, along with those who propagate it.

>> No.22185832

They still do.

>> No.22186535

the Abrahamic god is consciousness you dumb nigger Moses was listening to his internal monologue

>> No.22186546

Many more Aryans, ie Europeans, died in the world than jews, even as a % of total. The jews were relatively well taken care of in the camps away from the action. Only disease and the bombing of the supply lies afflicted them eventually.

>> No.22186570


>> No.22186589

I yawn at the 6 million jews killed by bug spray story

>> No.22186910

Where do you people come from?

>> No.22187111
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>> No.22187574

I always found the word strange, even before I read Judges, when I read Judges alarm bells started ringing and the whole thing just sounds bizarre, it must mean something. For the Jews to call it the holocaust it sounds like some anti-semitic jab, yet they endorse it wholeheartedly.
Orthodox Jews also believe they deserved the Holocaust (on the same grounds of the exiles and the Temple)

>> No.22187578


>> No.22187589

Yet you are as impotent as ever. You're not the aristocrat you feel you are. You're not the warrior general. Your actual elite is in cahoots with those Jews and you can only share redpills while you near extinction.

>> No.22187630

it was a big lie or a holohoax

>> No.22187741
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>Every single jew who survived it or has family that survived it are lying
Have you asked each one personally?
Those stories that allowed by the media are lies, yes.


>> No.22187743

Have you proven each one false?

>> No.22187761
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Burden of proof is on the accuser

>> No.22187764
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Holohoax is the dumbest shit ever

>> No.22187848

I haven't fully put it together but you're on the right track and you get to this conclusion via mainstream sources.

First thing is to read about the Sabbateans and then the Frankists. There's a lot of legit academic material out there on them and some lectures by serious historians. You'll find that it's admitted that the Frankist movement continued into the late 19th century but that these academics avoid the question of whether it could still be around today (and rabbis get incredibly angry if you ask them, I've tried).

Then look into the 19th century Zionist movement (Theodor Herzl was a fan of Sabbatai Zevi, you'll also see a lot of overlap with 19th century Zionism in what Frank was doing - Frankists had a military obsession and Gershom Scholem even says they wanted to carve off a piece of Ottoman territory so they could have a state).

Then look into Reform Judaism, which was the movement that originated the idea that Jews don't need to wait until their "messiah" comes to have a state and which was closely linked to the Rothschilds (who also were closely linked to the Zionist movement ofc). Also in Gershom Scholem's Messianic Idea in Judaism you'll find that 18th century Frankists were using the "star of David" and in any mainstream history of Judaism or 19th century Zionism you'll find that that was not some universal symbol of Judaism until the World Zionist Congress adopted it as their symbol. You can keep going into the 20th century with less well-sourced stuff like the Israeli Supreme Court building (Masonic symbolism all over, Frankists infiltrated continental Masonry in the 18th century per academic sources, look into the Asiatic Brothers for that) or the Moloch reenactment at the 1933 Worlds Fair (it's real according to Jewish sources). And of course into the Israel/Jewish lobby and Israeli intelligence operations to get an understanding of how this all ties into today's situation.

Stay away from a simplistic good Jews vs bad Jews paradigm, even the Orthodox Jews who hate this stuff think you have the soul of an animal. But also stay away from lazy /pol/ sources, monomaniacal narratives that make any group out to be omnipotent, and make a mental note of when you've got proof or when you're speculating. Or even literally keep a chart mapping that out, that's what I do.

>> No.22187853

cyanide turns people's skin cherry red, show me one description of bodies having cherry red skin.

>> No.22187857

Forgot to say, here's a few starting points to connect it back to the Holocaust.
That second one is speculative obviously, we don't know for sure.

There's also another track in addition to the Sabbateanism->Frankism->Zionism track, which is Sabbateanism->Donmeh crypto-Jewry in the Ottoman Empire, which ties heavily into the subversion and destruction of that empire if it's a topic you're interested in. There's less out there in English about that but there's at least one academic book just called The Donmeh and there's a variety of stuff on Jewry in the Islamic world and on the Young Turks and Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" that touches on it indirectly.

And of course those -> "tracks" are massive oversimplifications and there's a lot of overlap between them.

>> No.22188037
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>Jews were human sacrifice in WW2
and that's a good thing

>> No.22189248

What kind of Jews were killed during the Holocaust? Vast majority were Orthodox Jews, in other words the embodiment of old world traditional values. The Orthodox Yids were the last large community in Europe standing in the way of secular industrial technocracy, this is why they were eliminated. If the Nazis didn't do it the French or the Soviets would have, although they might have opted for forced secularization or state atheism instead of gassing. The Holocaust represents the total victory of modern nihilism, of the degenerate modern man that Heidegger warned us all of. In that sense it was a human sacrifice, not to some ancient Norse diety, but to industry and modernity.

>> No.22189505

>fattening the pig