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File: 84 KB, 1050x839, Bible photo May 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22173218 No.22173218 [Reply] [Original]

>a fucking talking snake
People died for this shit lol

>> No.22173223

KEK don't get me started

>> No.22173226

>tfw people probably died over the Jungle Book too

>> No.22173227

Jesus was a skitzo piece of shit who wanted to reign over man and build a literal hierarchy like a dictator. He wasn’t kind and loving he was a skitzo piece of shit.

>> No.22173230

Kill yourselves

>> No.22173232

that's not very Christian of you

>> No.22173235

> t. Hasn’t read the New Testament.

>> No.22173239

how many times do we have to teach you a lesson Satan?

>> No.22173254

American education

>> No.22173283



>> No.22173293

I have read Camus and therefore cannot kill myself

>> No.22173300

Satan's dumb ass minions can't help but say the name of their master every time they open their mouth. It is you who will die for the sake of a talking snake. Absolute retard. Well, you aren't running out of time, just patience. Yeah, you may go on a three month vacation in July and He will just be waiting for you on the other side, 'dying' from boredom and a broken heart. Boo fucking hoo. I know you are trapped on a sinking ship and you have a worm in your gut. Hey, wait a minute. Don't start bitching that God's enemy is trolling you for now. You have people out there chanting your name, rooting for you, so don't give up, we will make it happen. He never misses a beat. In other words, are you really sure you want to have a go at Him and end up in a fiery pit for eternity? Yeah, He could have waited a couple of more years for you to grow up, but noooo, he decided to risk your life for someone else's entertainment. He hates you and you can hate him too, but don't you dare give up on life and think you have nothing to live for. We are all worth the effort. God is not looking for people who are too weak to fight, or too busy living in sin to care about God. You can stand on your own two feet or you can hang your poor little head and wail about it. Better yet, find someplace to laugh and smile, and stop letting Satan have the last word. This life is worth living and fighting for.

>> No.22173301

Bitter slave moralist

>> No.22173315


>> No.22173320

Being violent towards evil is actually a very Christian thing to do

>> No.22173327

Nah most of us a god lovers here

>> No.22173329

that's very black of you

>> No.22173370

Who is Satan? I read the whole Bible but his name never appeared

>> No.22173384

people in 100 years may say
>a talking computer
people died for this shit lol

>> No.22173388
File: 389 KB, 1258x1600, G.K.-Chesterton-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an unemployed autist who has never seen a vagina
A woman went through nine months of pregnancy for this lol

>> No.22173475

No. I read it and Jesus was a weirdo who walked around and telling everyone to put his faith into him to gain salvation while he did nothing except cure a couple of blind people but not all of them. He was not a loving peaceful dude. You can get kicked out of the kingdom of heaven. The dude casted out Peter for snitching not snitching on him in court which if Peter did tell the truth, the king of the Jews would’ve been killed earlier by the Roman’s. Jesus wanted to reign over man. Yes. Like in a Khan way, not a peaceful loving way.

>> No.22173480

he literally tempts christ in the gospels you dweeb

>> No.22173485

Wait let me say, I like Jesus, but people act like he is all forgiving and loving. You have to make him proud by working hard and be genuinely gracious. Not like your larping fucking Christian ass. Jesus wouldn’t want a bunch of internet niggers or soccer moms going to church and feeling good for believing in him. Jesus wants you to struggle and gain salvation through your effort and hard work and sacrifices so you can eat the fruit of your labor and be obedient to those who stand triumphantly in the shoulders of giants. Jesus hates you if you sit around acting for forgiveness while doing nothing.

>> No.22173493

Very cringe you’re like 17 and watched a Freidrich Btchshe video essay.

>> No.22173526

I understand the subversive reddit atheist perspective but how the hell do you miss the point that much? At that point its not even a matter of theology, its more of just a matter of reading comprehension.

>> No.22173563

You get that your bitch ass is no different from a redditor? You can’t be that fucking retarded. 4chan and Reddit is no different and you’re not special for talking on an incredibly popular website. I am not an atheist, Jesus wanted to have complete power over man. Not in a loving way. That’s if. And I like Jesus. No disrespect. But he wanted to reign over man and that is fine.

>> No.22173565

Not in the latin version

>> No.22173573

Fun Fact:
The Serpent staff that Moses carried around is because Jews (and Christians) are worshiping the Serpent of Eden

>> No.22173589

You didn’t read it. Fucking loser. Lol. He beats the devil in under ten pages into the New Testament when the devil temps him to turn a stone into bread after his 40 day fast. The devil takes Jesus to the top of Jerusalem and offers him all of it and Jesus tells him to fuck off and then the devil is gone. Fucking faggot.

>> No.22173590

It's not a serpent staff retard, it's a staff that can turn into a snake under some circumstances. The Egyptian magicians could do the same thing.

>> No.22173599

>I am not an atheist, Jesus wanted to have complete power over man. Not in a loving way.
>Not in a loving way
This is just flat out wrong. You'd need to actively cherry pick moments out of the Bible to characterize Jesus as someone who cared more about ruling man through power rather than saving man with love as well as ignoring pretty much the entirety of his crucifixion.
How do you reconcile a Jesus defined by power painfully dying in one of the most humiliating ways possible while begging forgiveness for his murderers?

>> No.22173601

the Serpent of Eden :)
you've been worshiping a demon that goes by different names. A demon that enjoys seeing his worshipers (whether egyptian, canaanite or jewish) kill each other

>> No.22173607
File: 641 KB, 1920x2885, moses_brass_serpent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22173608

He absolutely wanted to reign man. I don’t blame him.

>> No.22173611

Your delusions are not supported by the text.

>> No.22173618

I’m not cherry picking. There are lots of parts in the Bible when I like and and lots I don’t. Everyone cherry picks it. Lol

>> No.22173625

>there's Serpent worship and then there's Serpent worship
>totally different things.
even the fact that the Jews worshiped the Bethel Stone is the same as the Canaanite worship of the Baetyl Stone

everyone back then was worshiping the Serpent of Eden, just calling it different names. He's a demon of war that requires blood sacrifices, often depicted as a storm god (like YHWH, who was described as a storm cloud).
You've been worshiping a literal demon for thousands of years.

>> No.22173629

>I'm not cherry picking
>Everyone cherry picks it
Forked tongue retard

>> No.22173630

I think I’m your head you think “oh this is some amazing atheist faggot” or something. I don’t blame you, I would think the same. I wasn’t reading the Bible thinking “come on Jesus do something bad”. I just read it and Jesus was very flawed. Not what I expected. Again, I like Jesus and believe in the Holy Spirit but the dude absolutely wanted to reign hard like his dad.

>> No.22173654

Jesus rejected your nobodaddy's offer to rule the world. You are a delusional retard making things up.

>> No.22173661

This website is for users 18 and up. Go back to whatever you were doing / continue lurking. Truly embarrassing posting if not being ironic

>> No.22173664

He is never mentioned with the name of "Satan"

>> No.22173677
File: 471 KB, 500x361, retard alert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22173705

>point out how silly these jewish fairy tales are
>christcucks seethe

>> No.22173712

>post retarded disinfo
>get called a retard and seethe about it

>> No.22173715

>find out you've been worshiping a demon
>keep worshiping because at this point it's too late to change your ways

>> No.22173720

keep projecting retard

>> No.22173725

>no you're the one worshiping a demon
i don't worship any religion, idiot :) you're the one worshiping bronze age war demons that require blood

>> No.22173735

Show me a talking snake and I will

>> No.22173841

greek math textbook

>> No.22173859
File: 193 KB, 404x416, MUAHAHAHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the time when God sent two bears to maul and kill children because they were mocking an old bald geezer of being bald?
>2 Kings 2:23-25
>23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!”
>24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number.
God is very based.

>> No.22173874

What was suppose to be ghe effect of cursing the serpent? Snakes are a thriving species and are not disadvantaged or crippled whatsoever by not having legs. It seems like just the ignorant prejudice of jews who considered slithering a loathesome trait..

>> No.22173883

Well in the defence of dying for it the plebs weren't able to read it.

>> No.22173967

And they still can't if this thread is anything to go by.

>> No.22173989

My goodness do I hate fucktards on here who use exactly this book to fake sincere beliefs. Christlarpers and pessimists, these two are the worst groups when it comes to faking authentic beliefs.

With both of these, you just know that they just latched onto the first beliefsystem they could find, and they so obviously don't sincerely believe a word of it. What I would really love to see is a genuine world crisis, like a giant war, where their beliefs force them to play a sacrificial role, and they try everything they can to prove how they never believed in anything they so boldly virtue signalled. I hope that their fakery is exposed in the single most embarrassing manner humanly possible, just as an example for future generations, that you should never ever fake your strongest convinctions for clout. That would be so damn great

>> No.22174018

I thought about sine waves as serpentine. If a sine wave could talk it would be a talking snake. Big brained. Visualize it.

>> No.22174080

they won't even sacrifice themselves "to save their country from the pedophile satan worshipers" that they claim exist in the US.
>pizzagate is real! that's why i'm doing jack shit to save the children!
they're a bunch of pharisees who just want to pretend to be holier than others because it's a form of bullying

>> No.22174084

IRL action is a fed psyop.

>> No.22174086

>pizzagate is real
>but don't do anything, the children can take care of themselves

>> No.22174093

I didn't watch The Nigger Mermaid. The jews are on suicide watch.

>> No.22174105

>i'm a REAL christian
>just don't ask me to make any sacrifices. The most i'll do is pray really loudly in public and condemn gays

>> No.22174110

American gays kind of deserve it though, ngl.

Especially trannies. Those are basically the christtards of buttfucking

>> No.22174124

>you're right, i'm complete scum and a pharisee. I don't actually care about the children being raped and eaten by the pizzagate satanic elite, i just like to pretend to be holy in public when in reality i'm a complete coward

>> No.22174139

btw girls should be wed once they have their first period. Age of consent is a jewish plot to corrupt women into feminist roasties.

>> No.22174147

>yes, i'm a christian pedophile and a pharisee. I don't actualyl care about children i just want to rape them.

>> No.22174213

>critiquing a system of thought is evil
The absolute state of christcuck morality

>> No.22174266

Pathetic false flag operation

>> No.22174299

Wrong staff
He later has a serpent staff that helps while wandering the desert post exodus.

>> No.22174759

Satan doesn’t exist. God didn’t create an evil doer to do the opposite of Him. Humans create evil through ignorance of Him and become Lucifer, that bright light that entices people but is still dim compared to the Light of Him.

>> No.22174794

least mentally ill christcuck

>> No.22174811

It wasnt "a talking snake".

>> No.22174820

Israel is only a plane ride away.

>> No.22174822

>that bright light that entices people but is still dim compared to the Light of Him
What is it about Christianity that turns people into such hilariously dour, self-serious goobers?

>> No.22174835

Being aware that your actions without Him lead to the suffering of others isn’t dour. It’s not saying, “You cannot listen to heavy metal.” The hardest part of all of this is the understanding that you must be conscious of your actions 100% of the time. Most are simply incapable — they don’t even understand that they are mean when they haven’t eaten recently.

>> No.22174836

Old Testament is very hard to understand. To put it in lit terms, it easily "filters" people. It wasn't a normal snake. It was the devil or something devil related. Maybe read some commentaries on it. At first, when I read the Creation, I was like, "How is it that water is there, st first, and then the earth... it doesn't alugn with geology and physics. (Genesis 1:6)" Earth doesn't refer to planet earth at all, but to the whole universe we reside in, and the water is some 'other water,' not H2O, more like space-time water but I am not sure. And that's just one line from creation from Genesis. Every line of it is profound and needs way more effort to be truly understood. You need commentaries by experienced Orthodox priests to get it cleared out.

>> No.22174843

Lighten up a little, goober! Not everything is about you and your god.

>> No.22174845

I want to give you guys a couple of big hints. The story of the Garden is very allegorical. The forbidden trees are both literal and allegorical. The trees represent both ancestral trees, where the fruits are individual people who have been born, and a chain of logic which bears fruit intellectually.
The snake Eve is tempted by is the fruit of the tree. The snake is literally male reproduction tempting Eve to create a child with this forbidden fruit. This is why this story appears in Genesis and why the entire book of Genesis is about the generations of people (ancestral trees).

>> No.22174850

When you nut inside your wife, do you immediately give thanks to God for such a prodigious orgasm? Do you leap up from the sheets and shout a "Praises Be!" to the most high and almighty for allowing you to cum? Every time I nut, is that God who let me cum? Are my cock and balls inside a metaphysical chastity cage up until the precise moment I'm jerking my shit and blowing loads?

>> No.22174860

You mock me, but you’ve never even experienced constant awareness. Yes, when I am fucking my wife I do so with 100% of my attention. Me and her become one and I command her. It is very erotic and we are open. I got over the fear of fucking through Him — it sounds ridiculous unless you admit you haven’t really fucked the woman you’re fucking, and that you’ve held yourself back in the moment.

>> No.22174862

>Okay honey, now it's time for prayer

>> No.22174867

Exactly, and prayer in the bedroom requires here to undress herself for me. She knows this because I taught her.

>> No.22174873

That's some weird shit, fren. But whatever's clever. Whatever gets your rocks off, I guess.

>> No.22174944
File: 65 KB, 526x695, 1681044543508184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro Satan literally offered all the kingdoms of the world and gigachad Jesus told him to fuck off.

>> No.22174963

Would appreciate any help. I'm looking for a version of the KJV Bible available in the UK that has readable text. A decent size and style for actually sitting and reading the whole thing. If it is a seperate Old and New Testament, that would be a bonus too. Thanks!