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22172539 No.22172539 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought a new book

>> No.22172582

Just shift clicked another frog. Well, about to anyways.

>> No.22172595
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I bought some new books on Saturday, and finished one of them last night

>> No.22172610
File: 66 KB, 479x711, just enjoy the mysteries of life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 20 books this month so far

>> No.22172614

Mogs me

>> No.22172774

I bought nine books from Amazon during their three for the price of two sale.

>> No.22172787

I bought a Bulwer-Lytton first edition from 1834
Very excited and I hope it arrives here safely

>> No.22172819

I got 6. Can’t wait for the next round

>> No.22172822

thread full of queers.

>> No.22172830

>paying for books


>> No.22172833

Why not? They aren’t expensive

>> No.22172838

bees aren’t expensive either but i don’t go around buying bees every day

>> No.22172846

So that I can live in a cave made out of books.

>> No.22172848

Don’t start this sour grapes BS. If you want to pirate your books, fine. Just stay quiet about it

>> No.22172850

If you want to buy your books, fine. Just stay quiet about it.

>> No.22172855

It’s a thread about buying books. You are the intruder. If you want the last word, go ahead. I just think you shouldn’t be concerned about how others spend their money

>> No.22172860

you’re very defensive. it seems very jewish. buying vs pirating books, one is not better or worse than the other so both should be allowed a space in this thread.

>> No.22172868

I'd buy bees if I was frequenting the /beeg/ (bee general)

>> No.22172875

I you want to pirate texts, fine. Just stay quiet about it.

>> No.22172876

What are advantages of owning bees over books?

>> No.22172882

why buy books when you can just be quiet instead?

>> No.22172890

Yeah I could have easily gotten double or triple that amount but... money + didn't want my backlog to get too big.

>> No.22172893
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way more intimidating outfits
that's right jim don't talk about things you do just keep quiet and dont talk shit

>> No.22172899

Aren't bees actually pretty expensive to the point where people actually steal them?
I think it's several hundred dollars to get started beekeeping as well.

>> No.22172912

hundreds of dollars to have infinite honey is a gain not a loss

>> No.22172917

That is true, I don't eat honey so I didn't consider that.

>> No.22172923

>spending a million on a start up business isn’t expensive and is a gain not a loss because you’ll have more money eventually.

>> No.22172931


>> No.22172940

It's not infinite. Some years it's not a lot. And don't get me started on bees dying to pesticides or parasites.

t. my grandfather has bees

>> No.22172964

Issue is the start up cost

>> No.22173103

I begin to understand why this board has so many people asking for basic economics recs

>> No.22173179
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I bought too many books and I'm running out of living space

>> No.22173260
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>tfw literally just have stacks of books all over, but don't want to spend potential book money on shelves

>> No.22173275

i‘ts called not being poor

>> No.22173285

It seems like most anons here don’t have $30 to get a couple books or a pot to shit in. To expect them to invest hundreds into beekeeping, let alone a million dollar business is unrealistic. That is the point I’m making. I agree there are too many poorfags here

>> No.22173287

Easy steps to escape poverty:
1. Be born rich