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/lit/ - Literature

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22170972 No.22170972 [Reply] [Original]


>About a year ago, a literary salon sprang to life in a run-down townhouse in the West Village of Manhattan. Dozens of young writers, critics, artists, theater actors and filmmakers started going there almost nightly to drink, smoke, talk, dance and argue, much like their bohemian predecessors in the days before sky-high rents priced poets out of the neighborhood.

>The venue had the clandestine air of a speakeasy. Notice of its existence was passed along by word of mouth. Guests stuffed cash into a cardboard box marked “donations” to receive canned Modelo from a fridge. There were readings, screenings and music shows in the grand, loft-like ground-floor space. Neighbors complained constantly about the noise. The police barged in once during a play.

>“This place has given us a taste of an older New York we never saw,” said Christian Cail, a jazz guitarist who visited the space. “This isn’t meant to exist.”

>The host was Beckett Rosset, a 53-year-old writer with a rocky past who lives in a book-cluttered apartment upstairs with his 18-year-old tabby cat, Micio. Mr. Rosset was named after Samuel Beckett, the 20th-century literary giant who worked closely with his father, the publishing maverick Barney Rosset. Gradually, his salon became known as Beckett’s, and its happenings included a debate about Shakespeare’s identity, a showing of the 1972 pornography classic “Deep Throat” and issue release parties for Dirty Magazine and the Mars Review of Books.

>> No.22170975
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>Late in the fall, as rumors swirled that the building was about to be sold, word went out that there would be one last gathering. On a November night, some 100 devotees shoved past the townhouse door to attend a rowdy wake inside. Poets in scarves sipped Fernet and writers in denim jackets drank cheap red wine. Others hung out on tattered sofas, flipping through the works of Henry James.

>In the rear, a hushed crowd sat on the floor of a dark theater space equipped with a piano and a disco ball, waiting for the evening’s entertainment to begin. Acts included the blind soprano Nafset Chenib, who sang Verdi, and the literary critic Christian Lorentzen, who read his old humor columns from The New York Observer. A woman in the audience wearing Converse sneakers kept coughing as she smoked a cigarette.

>Mr. Rosset, nervy and thin, wearing a dark suit, stood up and faced the crowd. “It wasn’t so long ago I was sitting here by myself and I didn’t even know any of you yet,” he said. “Now the building is getting sold, but I’m just thankful to so many of you for what this place became.” Some of the regulars started sobbing and hugging each other.

>To its adherents, Beckett’s had become a downtown sanctuary for the city’s creative underclass. It started last spring, when the playwright Matthew Gasda, who is known for staging his works in lofts and apartments, was looking for a place to mount his satire “Dimes Square.” So an actor in his play, Fernanda Amis (the daughter of the novelist Martin Amis), approached her cousin, Pablo Marvel, who lives in the townhouse and is related to the family that bought the building decades ago, to ask about renting the ground floor. Mr. Rosset soon started managing things. During the run of “Dimes Square” performances, a scene was born.

>> No.22170980
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>After Mr. Rosset thanked the crowd on that November night, the gathering turned into a drunken send-off to Beckett’s. Guests danced to Oasis beneath the disco ball while others chain-smoked beside space heaters in the host’s bedroom.

>Among the mourners was a writer named Jonah Howell. “I’m from a swamp town near New Orleans and haven’t been in New York long,” he said, “but I’ve already learned the bar to entry to literary scenes is high here. You got to know the right people to get anywhere. But here, you just come and you’re in.”

>“To read at those places like KGB Bar or the Franklin Park series it’s like you need a National Book Award or something,” Mr. Howell added. “There’s no segregated class here.”

>> No.22170981
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>Mr. Cail, the jazz guitarist, was standing near the bathroom line. “Where are we supposed to go now?” he said. As things shook out, Beckett’s wasn’t over quite yet.

>Because the sale of a debt-ridden building in New York can be sluggish, the salon survived a few more months, resulting in a series of farewell parties with names like “Afterlife” and “Resurrection.” Amid the cigarette smoke haze at these bashes, the conversation often turned to Mr. Rosset and what would become of him once the townhouse was sold.

>“I think this place will come to signify its era,” said Anika Jade Levy, a co-editor of the indie literary publication Forever Magazine. “Now that it’s ending, I hope Beckett knows he’s more to us than just a man with a cool loft.”

>Cassidy Grady, an actor and playwright, whose “Fire Wars” was staged in the townhouse, shared the sentiment. “Beckett has never lived an ordinary life,” Ms. Grady said. “He’s been trying to figure out who he is through all this, but I think he thought he’d have more time.”

>Mr. Rosset had become a subject of fascination to his acolytes, some of whom accosted him for selfies. They had heard whispers of a troubled life — that he was a scion of literary royalty who had been in and out of jail. And they wondered about the framed Richard Avedon photograph hanging in his bedroom, a 1979 portrait that shows him, at age 10, standing next to Samuel Beckett.

>Late on a recent night, as yet another party emptied out downstairs, Mr. Rosset stood in his room, looking at the boy in the picture. “I still remember that day,” he said. “I flew to Paris with my father, and we all met at a cafe. I remember Beckett didn’t seem to like Avedon much. He said he’d only do the portrait if I was in it.”

>“When I look at this picture,” he continued, “I feel sad for that kid. That’s not a happy child. He looks in pain. It’s like he’s looking at his future and it ain’t pretty.”

>> No.22170987
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>Mr. Rosset had a privileged Manhattan childhood. His father, the founder of Grove Press, was a towering figure who published writers like Jean Genet and William S. Burroughs. He changed the course of American letters with his crusade against censorship by publishing works including D.H. Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” and Henry Miller’s “Tropic of Cancer.” His legal slugfests resulted in landmark First Amendment cases.

>The younger Mr. Rosset grew up in a townhouse not far from the one where he lives now. As a boy, he sat on the staircase to get a view of the cocktail parties attended by the likes of Norman Mailer and John Lennon. He spent weekends at a house in East Hampton, where the novelist Kenzaburo Oe stopped by for visits, and he sometimes encountered his father’s first wife, the painter Joan Mitchell.

>“She overheard me learning how to say curse words,” he recalled. “She called me over and told me, ‘Your language, it’s beautiful.’”

>Mr. Rosset’s struggles began in his teens. He said that he was expelled from two private boarding schools, Rumsey Hall and Blair Academy, and started experimenting with hard drugs at night in Central Park. He described his father, who married five times, as an absent parent, but said that, as his drug use worsened, so did their rift, resulting in a strained relationship that lasted until his death in 2012.

>“It was easy to tell I was going down a bad road,” he said. “I always felt abandoned by my father, and that feeling came to define my life. But in fairness to him and my family, I was unmanageable.” By his 20s, Mr. Rosset was using heroin and living in Bowery flophouses like the Providence and the Whitehouse Hotel. In the mid-1990s, he was charged with selling narcotics and petit larceny, putting him in Rikers repeatedly. Inmates nicknamed him “the Brain,” he said, after he taught a cellmate how to read.

>“At the Rikers library, I found a rare first-edition Beckett book,” he said. “I shoved it down my pants and stole it. I sent it to my father to try and make amends. He mailed me some cigarettes after that.”

>> No.22170992
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>In his 30s, Mr. Rosset worked as a bartender, a proofreader and an assistant at a small record label. He befriended a West Village eccentric, Mary Kaplan, who took an interest in him. “She told me: ‘I feel sorry for your cats. Why don’t you all come stay at my home for a week?’” he said. “Well, I’m still here today. Mary saved me.”

>He moved into her townhouse, the same building that would become the site of his underground salon. As his stay expanded from weeks to years, he realized he had been taken in by a den mother of sorts. Ms. Kaplan’s father ran the Welch Grape Juice Company, and she used her largess to provide shelter for artists. Mr. Rosset helped take care of her until her death at 85.

>One of her great-nephews, Mr. Marvel, lives on the fourth floor, helping manage the building for his family. “I think what’s happened here with Beckett was guided by Mary’s bohemian spirit,” he said. In March, the building was put up for auction, and Beckett’s shut down indefinitely. Whatever happens next, Mr. Rosset said he was grateful for the ride, although he won’t exactly miss cleaning up after a bunch of hormonally charged poets and artists.

>> No.22170996
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>new york faggot hipsters gather in a building with just enough code violations and grime to be "authentic"
>new york faggot hipster writes about it
>"the COPS even came in once... VINYL! old porno!"
>nepotistic six degrees of separation namedropping bullshit just to remind you it's jew york (in case you forgot)
I can smell the jews and their trust fund hapa art hoe gfs, nobody cares about this sewage

>> No.22170997
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>“Lots of them are privileged, highly educated, bored kids, but I’m not knocking them,” he said. “They’ve desired to become part of something, and that touches me, because I’ve felt like an outsider my whole life. For the first time, I feel like I belong.”

>Mr. Rosset declined to discuss the specifics of the Beckett’s business model, but said the money that guests kicked in had allowed him to make “enough to feed me and my cat.” The downtown scene that sprouted up around him, he added, also helped him make sense of his life. He’s even starting a publication, Tense, citing as its inspiration his father’s literary journal, Evergreen Review.

>“There’s an irony that I’m now channeling my father with this space and this magazine,” he said. “I’ve tried to be a lot of things in my life, but doing this finally feels right, because it’s in my blood, and that’s because of him.”

The Last Last Party

>Mr. Rosset threw one last bash, billed in his email blasts as “The Rear End.” On the night of the party, March 18, the townhouse was packed. A group of women in fur coats stepped out of a black S.U.V. and tried to talk their way inside, only to be told by the volunteers at the door that Beckett’s was over capacity.
“But I know someone reading tonight,” one of the latecomers said.

>Some of the guests were wondering where the scene would go now. “People are already trying to make new places a thing,” said Meg Spectre, an artist who had a Tamagotchi tied to her purse. “I heard at Manero’s in Little Italy people tried staging a play, but the restaurant got too loud. A scene has to happen organically, like it did here. You can’t force it.”

>> No.22170999
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>The variety show that evening featured a reading by the novelist Nico Walker, a solo ballet performance by Ellen Frances and a pole dancing routine by Ella Wasserman-Smith. Mr. Rosset took part in a staging of a short Samuel Beckett play, “Catastrophe.”

>Around midnight, Ray Laurél, a musician from London, left the party and approached Mr. Rosset on the sidewalk, saying, “I just want to thank you, Mr. Beckett. I’m a theater kid from London and I was trying to find the scene here. Someone told me to come here because it might be closing. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.”

>Mr. Rosset gave a smile. Then he went back to picking cigarette butts off the sidewalk. Two days later, Mr. Rosset was awakened by a call informing him that the movers had arrived. He rushed downstairs to watch them take away the piano, the chandeliers and the rows of antique chairs. Then the moving truck drove off, hauling a scene away with it.

>> No.22171015

Surprised I haven't heard more about the dimes square stuff on /lit/. They don't really produce good work but some of them are "anti-woke" or whatever. Moldbug was going to this stuff for a minute. Back when alt-lit was in full swing people here would not shut up about it. Now we have alt-lit 2 and not a peep. Have we really become so ossified that most here are missing the only literary scene that gets press coverage these days? I was at least expecting a few hate threads

>> No.22171041

yeah. surprised they don't post about themselves more frequently. affiliated people I know have all been on /lit/ at some point

>> No.22171044

It's a completely inorganic phenomenon and even the feds backing and funding elements of it are out of touch. It shows how sterile the Twitter milieu is that it can't spread beyond Twitter. "Alt lit" ca. 2010 was the product of the swan song of '90s (and earlier) literary culture, in which people still instinctively respected and followed what "The Leading Magazines" told them to respect and follow, overlapping with the rise of Internet culture, in which everybody was willing to give everything a chance. Now the swan song of the former is over and it is completely dead, zoomers can't even remember gen-X punk zine culture or whatever the fuck, and the latter, Internet era "openness," has become completely stochastic, in a way that is only modelable and shapeable at the lower levels, like getting pathetic lonely millennials hooked on faggy video essays via the Youtube algorithm. The latter is not enough to sustain a cult of personality around random heebs and fags and Instagram pouting women in New York.

The same factors underlie the inability of LA insiders to get any traction with today's youth. Nobody wants to watch the latest "brat pack" movie with the latest SNL protege being forced onto the public because nobody trusts any boomer authority function, like what gets on TV or in movies or on the covers of magazines, to tell them what is worth talking about anymore. Nobody is reading VICE or Medium or any other homo shit like that anymore, so there is no way to astro-turf an alt anything movement and get the flyover plebs to wish they lived in NY so they could experience going to "Beckett's," to see the heeb whores and their Instagram pouts. The very name "Dimes Square" has a faggy ring to it, it's boomer shit, it stinks of trying too hard to make something a thing. It's like a sock hop, it's fag shit. You can just smell all the 30something childless daughters of financial consultants and C-list celebrities trying to re-live being 20somethings and not realizing they have become sad pathetic boomers.

Twitter is the ultimate cope space for these people, it's a retirement home for millennials. They want to read a "blog" called something like "Dirty Magazine" and see a bunch of non-flyover sounding names like Beckett Rossett, spiced with non-flyover ethnic exotic names like Nafset Chenib, advertising the latest hot place to go, and then they want to take Addison and Kit and Chana and go there. They don't realize they're BOOMERS and Twitter is their RETIREMENT HOME. DIE in your home, millennial. Watch the TV with the young people doing weird things on it (TikTok) and comment on it and how things were better ca. 2010 when you were young, as you DIE.

>> No.22171052

seethe harder

>> No.22171055

>uh, I know affiliated people, just saying

>> No.22171057

>'literary scene'

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.22171059

probably because they're not smart enough for this board

>> No.22171067

I was briefly enrolled in a MY MASTERS program at NYU

>> No.22171079

The only reason anyone read this schlock is that they thought it was about Samuel Beckett initially

>> No.22171117

>A woman in the audience wearing Converse sneakers kept coughing as she smoked a cigarette.
imagine slamming her head on the bartop in the middle of a play

>> No.22171180

I agree that the hype is fake but you are unbelievably bitter about something you pretend doesn't matter at all

>> No.22171212

I’ve actually been to his place several times. Was thinking of doing a /lit/ meet up there. Would anyone be down?

For context, I personally believe the rageposter above is completely right.

>> No.22171219

>showing of the 1972 pornography classic “Deep Throat”
glad it died. Rest in piss coomers

>> No.22171224

I don't see any coloreds in these photos. That's nice at least.

>> No.22171226


>> No.22171239

The namedropping in this jew york times article shows how middlebrow everyone involved ITT truly is

>> No.22171249

>Was thinking of doing a /lit/ meet up there
It closed numbnuts

>> No.22171257

These people are imitating an imitation of an imitation

>> No.22171260

I meant ITA

>> No.22171261

>Born and raised in Chicago to a well-to-do Jewish father, also named Barney, who owned a bank, and an Irish Catholic mother, Mary (née Tansey),[5] Rosset attended the progressive Francis Parker School,[11] where he was best friends with Haskell Wexler who went on to become a renowned cinematographer.
You don't even need early life, but here it is. Once your power level is high enough, this entire JYT article is actually good practice. Try to count all the instances of nepotism and name-dropping. This is how they colonize countries. For the native people, the country is made up of regions and large diffuse cultures. For the invasive species, there are two or three urban centers, and all members of the species know eachother in all these urban centers and can always relocate or expand their own business interests there as needed, and any other places are seen as hinterlands of these metropoles. They are especially good at colonizing and creating "literary movements" and "establishments," by tricking the native population into thinking this is high culture, when in fact what they have done is displace and destroy the native high culture and replace it with their neurotic urban metropolitan pseudo-culture, invariably obsessed with perverted sex and psycho-sexual familial relations, resentment and other ugly neurotic feelings, etc.

>> No.22171331

You can't make this shit up.
Cant believe counter culture is now just trying not to make your writing utterly disgusting.

>> No.22171366

Why is everything so lame?
>Le smoky atmosphere
>spontaneous conversation!! (isnt that what conversations is?)
I could go on but its just rich, well established people larping. Sad, really.

>> No.22171396


It’s not closed. I was there like 3 weeks ago. Not for an event, just visiting.

>> No.22171409
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>desperately larping as not pic related
>get this write-up in the nyt
lol. lmao even.

>“I’ll tell you a secret about smart ass New Yorkers, 90% of them are former [noun] who landed here utterly clueless after being the least popular kids in their high schools. The popular ones stayed back home where they were wanted.”

>> No.22171459

I think the funniest thing to me besides what others have mentioned is this bizarre relation they have to non-bourgeois lifestyles. I mean it's like they feel obligated to live in a "bohemian" fashion to come off as authentic but deep down they don't really want that lifestyle to get too real because it's not something they could ever get used to after their upper-middle class urbanite childhoods. So they perform this unwitting satire of bohemianism where everything comes off like it's straight out of a movie set, like they're mimicking what they saw in a movie or read about in a Henry Miller novel rather than actually living the lifestyle.

Only rich people can genuinely believe that poor people are more authentic than the bourgeoisie just because they're poor, that poverty is this thing that ennobles a man's soul.

>> No.22171498
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Reminder that the entelechy of New Sincerity is third positionism.

>> No.22171553

All great countercultural anglowriting was single-handedly propped up by Mssrs. Girodias and Rosset. It's dead now though: there's no alternative to old Grove.

>> No.22171857

>counterculture literature

>> No.22171859


>> No.22171862

This sounds like satire. Kinda sad that this is apparently real

>> No.22171892

Yep, they got me

>> No.22171948


>> No.22171974


>> No.22171990
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Fernanda Amis, Martin’s daughter mentioned in the article

>> No.22171992

>Guests danced to Oasis beneath the disco ball
Oh God are Oasis faux cool amongst the Instagram literati now?

>> No.22172009
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Say what you want about are Liam, at least he's sincere.

>> No.22172089

Doubt it. Just something everyone knows the words to

>> No.22172105
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Unironically less cringe than this ugly lad

>> No.22172505

>god save the scene

>> No.22172547

this may be the most pretentious thing I've read

>> No.22172631

Looks like a female Chris Chan, right down to the illustrations.

>> No.22172738

>instagram pout
it was foretold

>> No.22173021
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How come so many of these people went to non-selective, formerly all-girls schools? Barnard, Vassar, Bennington types. It's quite rare to see a Princeton graduate or someone from one of those schools for beautiful, rich dumbasses like Rollins, CofC, Trinity, etc., at one of these things. Guess the former are hard at work in banks and law firms and the latter don't need an elaborate shell game to warrant a fragile, resentful and defensive snobbery toward smart and beautiful people (a feeling, incidentally, something like the one some of the posters in this thread seem to have toward them).

>> No.22173462


>> No.22173503

>Twitter is the ultimate cope space for these people, it's a retirement home for millennials. They want to read a "blog" called something like "Dirty Magazine" and see a bunch of non-flyover sounding names like Beckett Rossett, spiced with non-flyover ethnic exotic names like Nafset Chenib, advertising the latest hot place to go, and then they want to take Addison and Kit and Chana and go there. They don't realize they're BOOMERS and Twitter is their RETIREMENT HOME. DIE in your home, millennial. Watch the TV with the young people doing weird things on it (TikTok) and comment on it and how things were better ca. 2010 when you were young, as you DIE.

>> No.22174382

Rich people filling the role of patrons is good and necessary, the problem comes when the cost of living in a city cuts off those patrons from meeting any up and coming artist who isn't a rich kid himself. And of course it goes without saying that these people are larping faggots anyway and any serious artist would most likely avoid them even if he did have access to the "scene" - the more interesting question is that of the history of this sort of larping, of exactly how/when/where it first came to be and whether or not there is anything new or different about this particular manifestation of it.

>> No.22174718

Kek thread

>> No.22174732

what an awful, meandering, pointless article. This is why I don't read the New York Times.

>> No.22175011

agreed, terrible

>> No.22175566

you mean everyone has always been larping?

>> No.22175574

larp is all there is. it's larps all the way down, buddy boy.

>> No.22176295

No, this sort of thing did not happen before the French Revolution. It's a product of individuals needing to define their own identities which didn't happen when there was a strong social order. Same thing with the phenomenon of counterculture, since it is all about puncturing bourgeois manners which are themselves weakly defined substitutes for a true social order. I'm just wondering about the details of when this particular type of larper first recognizably took form - I suppose you can probably locate it in Romanticism, with things like the Werther copycat suicides, or the faux-melancholy Tolstoy satirizes in Boris Drubetskoy.

>> No.22176789

>old porno!"
why would anyone want to watch porn in a crowd, it baffles me the lengths these people go to seem "authentic"

>> No.22176809

A true artist would pull out his dick and start waking it mid-film, chaffing the wheat from the rest, so to speak.

>> No.22176822

Based. Millennials are the gayest generation.

>> No.22177920
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>oh my science, cigarettes and old pornography?!

>> No.22178026

ok /lit/izens, if that's not authentic /lit/ lifestyle, then what is? Genuinely curious. These NYC people may be larping cunts, but where to go then to share thoughts and ideas?
inb4 /lit/ and reddit

>> No.22178284

Old Cairo

>> No.22178582

cigarettes are transgressive these days in NY

>> No.22178592
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I read both Moldbug and Delicious Tacos. They're pretty good. One issue is that the jannies ban Moldbug threads.

>> No.22178728

Playing chess in one of Eritrea's many art deco cafes

>> No.22179507


Uruguay. Urbit. Riverdale.

>> No.22179530
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I don't know what is supposed to be so bad about that place aside from the LARPing. Go there, woo some cute 7/10 hapa/jewess, listen to some jazz, smoke a cigarette, maybe even talk about some books.

God forbid that you have some fun.

>> No.22179678

>God forbid that you have some fun.
He explicitly did, yes. You are living in Babylon. "Wrong life cannot be lived rightly." Start calling down whirlwinds or you're part of the problem.

>> No.22179693

why contradict yourself?

>> No.22179725

Being sad and pretentious while standing near sad and pretentious rich kids is your idea of fun? Go hiking, or maybe go to parties or something.

>> No.22179741

it's called the literary lifestyle

>> No.22179807

>[blows out cigarette smoke]
>so Anon, have you read The Garden of Seven Twilights yet?
>ah, not y
>yeah it's a brilliant piece of work. Like if Borges fucked a Matryoshka doll. No idea what it was trying to say but that's why I think you'll like it
>[Listen Up by Oasis comes on via the 4th generation iPod connected to a laptop connected to a Bluetooth speaker]
>this song is awful, but in like a really sincere way, you know?
>Did you go to that Beckett retrospective at the IFC last night? When they got to Not I my cutting scars started itching like crazy it was super freaky
>[Bartender walks by wearing an oversized sweater with Belle Delphine's face printed on it]
>so like, want to come back to my place? I don't do blowjobs but I have that underage picture of Brooke Shields framed on my wall and I don't mind if you look at it while we're fucking

>> No.22179826
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>this song is awful

>> No.22180603


>> No.22180644
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Look up first person mentioned to see if their writing is any good. Literally a former prostitute who writes a lifestyle blog. Now let's check out her cuck husband and see if he has any poems we can laugh at...

>> No.22180649
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>Nico Walker
Wrote an autobiographical book called "Cherry" about how he dropped out of university to fight in Iraq (says he has "seven medals and commendations" on his wiki but the sources it links to don't back it up) and ended up addicted to opioids. He went to prison for a bank robbery.

An ex prostitute turned e-celeb and a heroin addict/felon. I wonder what their shelf-life is going to be.

>> No.22180690

tiny brain:
>discussing the board/thread topic

normal brain:
>commenting on the attractiveness of a random woman to the anonymous male who mentions her or posts her picture, but doing so in a way that aligns with how the average person might assess her looks

giant brain:
>insulting the woman with no regard to how attractive she actually is in order to gain an imagined victory over someone who will never even know that the conversation occurred

galaxy brain:
>insulting an abstract rating that has a literal objective meaning that can be visually demonstrated on a normal distribution

You are just bragging about how few women you're attracted to. But I've got you beat, because I'm gay!

>> No.22180722

Hmm, this one is a little too real, I'm sorry anon.

>> No.22180782

This song was written by people like this for people like this in order to pretend they're not LARPing. Being aware of that, how grating does it become?

>> No.22180824

I don't get it, you're just saying they're making fun of it while doing the same thing themselves? Cute twink tho. I liked the Pulp song that was in that Venture Bros. season finale.

>> No.22181437

all I'm saying is that 7/10 is by definition too low to be cute. 7/10 is average for normal people. Humans never really rate anyone below 5/10 if they're not disfigured. Really, the x/10 rating system is fundamentally flawed from a number of angles and doesn't reflect what beauty is or even how human beings express attraction.

That being said, all I'm saying is 7/10 just isn't cute.

>> No.22181629

>An ex prostitute turned e-celeb and a heroin addict/felon.

Idk why youre seething, those are among the most stimulating lifestyles for the prospective writers. Certainly better than being a part-time bookstore employee with bachelor degrees in classics

>> No.22181672

>a showing of the 1972 pornography classic
Could've ended sooner.

>> No.22181833

You're at Beckett's dancing to Oasis and smoking Dunhills when this bad hombre sidles up and slaps your they/them non-practicing Jewess gf's becorduroyed ass. What do?

>> No.22181840
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>> No.22182422

That's actually pretty /lit/ desu. Not nearly as big of posers as I had originally thought

>> No.22182608

>said Meg Spectre, an artist who had a Tamagotchi tied to her purse.
Fucking hell

>> No.22182813

You say, "Friendo, pass me the benzo."

>> No.22182828

They would be if she were a real prostitute and he a real addict. She's a "sex worker," which means she has a rich dad but she was "estranged" him from and failed at being an Onlyafns whore for a while because she takes 2006 webcam pictures occasionally when she feels like it and feels rejected when one of her 7 subscribers unsubscribes, and also she "tried to be a model" (made an account on an indie model website) for one year when she was well past her prime and had no chance of breaking into any modeling industry and she ended up doing two softcore fetish shoots with some guy. He is simply a faggot and nothing he says is true. Being a heroin addict for street cred in 2015+ is like being getting your dad to hire a murderous negro rapper to play at your bar mitzvah.

>> No.22183001

>7/10 is the average
I know this is a literary board but come on, you're one dumb nigger

>> No.22183003
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You need to learn to recognize when its style over substance, anons.

>> No.22183011

>>this song is awful, but in like a really sincere way, you know?

>> No.22183440

when you discount everyone below 5/10 for the reason that nobody ever used them except for the horribly disfigured, 7/10 is average, like I said. Ask the average person how attractive he is, he'll say "oh, I don't know 7/10." I don't care how it's possible to correctly and reasonably define the normal distribution from 0 to 10, I care about what people actually mean when they say something. Retard fuckhead pseud.

>> No.22183743

NTA but I think of 7/10 as average. I think it's only ugly people that insist it's 5/10 because even on our scale they're still a 4.

>> No.22184477

That's not how I see it. 7 is above average even within the range of attractive people.

>1-3 is fuckugly/deformed
>4 is below average, something is actively wrong with your face
>5 is not fuckugly, but plain, doesn't have that "cute" sparkle that makes you want to look at a girl's face
>6 has the "cute" face actively alluring/nice to just look at, but still normal enough/still has plain or suboptimal features otherwise
>7 is usually a "cute" sparkle face PLUS either multiple cute traits going on at once (genetic lottery) OR just really good genetics in addition to the main cuteness "hook" (symmetry, objectively nice features)
>8-10 are personal preference tier, although basically all men would agree they're "somewhere in the 8-10 range," they just disagree over exact details (one man's 8 is another man's 10 and vice versa)

Most regular men just want a 6 who isn't fat, minimum

>> No.22184555

What's cool then faggot?

>> No.22184728

sucking a shotgun is pretty cool. Try that

>> No.22185375

>Heather Simington and Kitty St. Remy
These both sound like the names of people who own slaves.

>> No.22185387

This thread has really had legs. Think we need to get gossip-ier /lit/

>> No.22185390

They do, the slavery is just distributed now. Slaves in various countries make their clothing and toys, a non-union rickshaw slave with a gas-powered carriage carts them to and fro, non-union immigrants from the same countries as those who made their clothing and toys make their food, a non-union rickshaw slave carts their food to them, they throw their food into plastic bags made by other slaves in various countries, and then an elderly black man they never see and never think about comes and takes their their trash away every few days for a fraction of the amount of money they spent on the food and conveyance that evening, just enough to feed and clothe himself so he can continue removing their trash another day.

>> No.22185415

Every time I see Rachel Rabbit White my brain instantly conjures the word "Skeletor". Truly a haunted visage.
>dropped out of university to fight in Iraq
sucker lol

A man with a fork in a world of soup can only be sincere.

Deep Throat has been making the rounds bc it got a new restoration for its 50th anniversary.

>It's quite rare to see a Princeton graduate
Those people go on to make money. The schools you're talking about are intellectual loss-leaders for the U.S. higher education system.

dayumn lol

>> No.22185422

>sanctuary for the city’s creative underclass
>then proceeds to list a bunch of nepo babies and trustfund kids
nyc fucking sucks

>> No.22185439

You first

>> No.22185444

>t. hasn't left his room in a month

>> No.22185446 [DELETED] 

whenever i feel annoyed about working at a crappy school that is majority minority and like all the student qualify for federal financial aid, i will think of this thread and remember how god awful rich white, and white-adjacent, "creatives" are.

>> No.22185449

This is New York. Where did you see white people?

>In brief, the great migration from the countryside to the towns began. The age of mechanized man was approaching. The new plutocracy and those of the old Whigs who were naturally perverse began their final and terrible offensive against the old country gentlemen. It was all the more terrible because the old “county families” were not just uprooted and annihilated. They were subjected to numerous mercantile blood transfusions until they had to undergo the final humiliation of accepting Jewish sons-in-law to save the ground to which they pathetically clung.
William Joyce

>> No.22185453 [DELETED] 

>Where did you see white people?
look at ops pic dumb ass. you see any pocs in there? i see two asians and a bunch of white people. maybe a couple are hispanic whites. there is not one black guy.

>> No.22185459
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>> No.22185491

Go back to lolcow, dyke.

>> No.22185508

A man lives his whole life wanting to be John Lennon could never be called sincere.

>> No.22185546

>tfw sad but not pretentious enough to be a writer

>> No.22185548

>xhe deleted xis post after getting BTFO

>> No.22185770
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Going to start compiling things posted on here I think are genius and maybe create a list starting with

>a non-union rickshaw slave with a gas-powered carriage carts them to and fro

>> No.22185795 [DELETED] 

that sounds good but it's not entirely true through because i work at a college where those rickshaw delivery guys go to school during the day. i've seen them zipping around the city on their ebikes with the big grubhub bag and the back and are like "ayy!" and wave when driving by. eventually they will finish their engineering and nursing degrees and make more than the people who spend all day posting on /lit. god bless america.

>> No.22186421

It is literally /lit/ and reddit. The only authentic cultural expression that is left to humanity are ecstatic prophecies about the upcoming AI/robot uprising and destruction of the human race. Online communication serves as a preliminary stage in which organic conciousness melds with computer logic. It's fucking over for us, bros.

>> No.22186801

>eventually they will finish their engineering and nursing degrees
just in time to be replaced by AI and still be a hundred thousand dollars in debt. Hate to break it to you Pablo, but everyone smart (and their hamsters) already got rich off crypto while your destiny as a non-asset owner is to become a brain slave.

>> No.22187019

cope it up dude. suny bachelors degrees are literally free for ny residents.


>> No.22187118

suny is a shitty school

>> No.22187450

>yuppies' LARP center closes in the cultural sphincter of the world with a flatulent whimper

>twitter = Gen Y content hospice
On target, it's the people that didn't see the Myspace v. Facebook thing as fake and took the wagontrain Astroturf bait.

The carpetbagging hive cities entrain spiritual toxoplasmosis. Prestige publishing will not survive any more than the other legacy Boomer media columns.

>90% of them are former [noun] who landed here utterly clueless after being the least popular kids in their high schools. The popular ones stayed back home where they were wanted.”
Chris Kattan vs. Norm Macdonald.

>And of course it goes without saying that these people are larping faggots anyway and any serious artist would most likely avoid them even if he did have access to the "scene"
Entryists clout chasers will always exist. Ultimately this is downstream of funny money and overproduction of 'elites'.

Whitey's lack of sunlight and Vitamin D between the Industrial Revolution and fashion conventions on top of urbanism has created quite the psychosomatic mess.

Tchotchke's don't need to be made, but if there's no other way to capitalize the wildly overgrown biomass of cheap carb fueled writhing lumpenprole humanity in order to make the leap to space, so be it.

>. I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries; as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe. -- Jefferson to Madison, December 1787

The Beauty of Twin Peaks: The Return was felting just these sorts of carpetbaggers out of their tokenistic nostalgia cooms.

>> No.22187774


>> No.22188285

you lost me with the twin peaks thing