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22165703 No.22165703 [Reply] [Original]

This book is right and wrong at the same time. I don't get it. Everyone can see the cracks in our system starting to show but nothing appears to be collapsing or getting replaced. Are we just trapped in purgatory?

>> No.22165714

We live in the fog of the hyperreal. Nothing happens, nothing explodes, yet the world is dying. It's like an eternal decline that never ends.

>> No.22165727

real liberalism was never tried.

>> No.22165736

>Are we just trapped in purgatory?
Basically, Fisher killed himself once he realized that no alternative is coming any time soon

>> No.22165812

society is not prone to failure organically

>> No.22165828

Give it some time, man. There are seeds of new paths, but they are only beginning to sprout. If you study history, you'll know things like this don't just happen overnight. Such a radical shift in society will take place over numerous generations. You need to widen your perspective.

>> No.22165867

It's because everyone knows that our system is broken, but coming to terms with that requires analyzing and coming to conclusions outside of the current overton window. Additionally, undergoing such a fundamental rewrite of our government system makes people really nervous, because it threatens to upend the current totem pole. The current faction in power, a team up between capital and everyone who isn't a straight white male, sees that the current status quo is on their side, so that have no reason to risk a fundamental shift, even if they know the system itself has become broken.

>> No.22165876

/pol/ is the raid that truly won’t end on /lit/

>> No.22165877

USSR knew communism was utter bullshit after Stalin died and yet they kept going at it for almost another fifty years

>> No.22165913

This, it's a process that moves in super slow motion. We could are like 2+ generations away from seeing any substantive change.

>> No.22166100
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>> No.22166167


>> No.22166192

It took 250 years for Rome to collapse. Entire generations were born and died in the process. You won't see the collapse happen in real time.

>> No.22166453

Technology accelerates the process.
Many have seen that themselves in real-time for the past 30 years.